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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5979
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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[Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr Left_bar_bleue398349/999999[Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

[Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr Empty [Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr

Sat May 13, 2023 6:03 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: Calypso Gandr
» Alias: None (yet)
» Age: 21
» Gender: Female

» Association: Gandr Clan

» Appearance Written: Calypso is an average European woman. She stands 6'1, has a well toned body but nothing overt and exceptional, and sports long ginger hair and the colour of her eyes behind her glasses are a softer but similar shade to her hair. Her face sports cute freckles, and her chest is of manageable and average size. Few can point out anything about her that is special or points her out in a crowd.

For a short while, she sported awesome golden eyes as a result of playing host to a friend, but that has since gone, so she is back to her normal eye colour.

» Appearance Image: [Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr 6918e9b74e6b75bf48b5a000323fcdda

I. Personality

» Personality: Calypso is a somewhat gentle soul. She has the persona of Wulin, to honour elders and respect youngers. To treat all humans as your brother and to seek perfection for one’s own self. As most, she believes one's Face can be restored with martial prowess if it is ever lost. But to strike out again mere word and rumor is to confirm them and to show yourself as mentally weak and easily manipulated. Never overpower an inferior opponent for your own ego, never strike against the harmless or the unready, and never provoke a fight that you will obviously win, for the sake of winning it. But should a fight be started with you, put forward all your force to claim victory, so that others think before starting a fight. Wulin has a strange culture of encouraging conflict so you might grow to a point you may prevent conflict.

While self-serving like most Cultivators - a strong emphasis on her own progression and well-being first and foremost - Calypso can still be seen performing entirely selfless acts seemingly for the act's own sake. This comes from the Golden Age, where even the greatest of heroes would seek to improve themselves before anything else, so that they may help a greater number of people with their strength, and has survived to this day. While such concepts are hard to comprehend for the modern person, Calypso lives passionately by them and is entirely unaware that some might see it hypocritical or oxymoronical. A selfish selflessness embodies all the more profound concepts and principles of Wulin.

While principled to a T, Calypso is still a human in her late teens, so there are times when she acts reactively, responses inappropriately, and asks questions that put people in a terrible position. She will most certainly apologise for the problems that stem from this, but that does not stop it from happening in the first place. While not knowing her parents much, she knew of them, and is driven to become worthy of their attention, to stand at the apex of Wulin and ensure that she can be something, someone that is able to command their interest and presence with her very own.

I. History

» History: Calypso was born in spectacular fashion. Her mother, Reana Gandr, was exploring way off the beaten path in search of Golden Age relics. Instead she found a hidden village filled with strange, out-of-touch Cultivators. Her presence was not appreciated, and a fight started. Though, Reana's style caught the man off guard and she took victory from that, waving her right to his life in exchange for a child.

Turns out, these Cultivators are distant blood relatives of Ao Kuang, Dragon King Of The West Sea. This came to light Calypso was four years old and started exhibiting properties of dominant dragon blood in her veins. This put her on a pedistal, and encouraged her to grow into a mighty warrior for Wulin and the Gandr clan. It also meant she had been wearing glasses since she was four as the Eyes of a Dragon are the most potent part of their body. A Dragon can not die until it's eyes are destroyed, and as such, they overwhelm the biology of an inheritor and cause all kinds of screwy issues until brought under control.

This didn't get in the way, however, and Calypso practiced, practiced, and then practiced some more. When she first learned to read, she read about the great Gandr Clansmen before her and techniques to aid her. When she first learned to walk, she walked all across the Gandr estate, every day. And finally, when she was a young child, she began to practice Wudang-An-Han with fervor.

This, along with her Dragon's Blood, ensured that she developed rapidly, becoming a strong Cultivator by the time she was 16, with a firm grasp on Blood Fists and the family art - Taiju Snake Style. And by the time she was 16, she had decided to strike out into the world to find her father. Of course, World War 4 put a hamper on that plan nearly as soon as it began, and she sheltered away from the chaos in a Wulin-owned temple in Tibet.

But, all things come to an end, and she was free once more to seek out her father. She took to Martial Art Contests for money and fame, announcing her desires to find those "Affiliated with Ao Kuang" every time she was interviewed. Crossing the countries and fighting in fight after fight, she gave the same message, which developed her somewhat of a reptuation.

But, tradegy struck. Fighting in a contest, she brought low all contenders then asked for those affiliated with Ao Kuang as always, but one of those she had brought low was a man connected with a very cruel, violent creature. So, while taking in the sights of Karakura and learning some grasp of the language, she was asailed from behind by a man. The blade cut her spinal cord, but more viciously, enacted a Profane Technique: Toppling the Throne. The blade not only cut her spine, but destroyed her meridians and shattered her body.

After being rushed to the hospital, the doctors fixed her spine, but were stumped as to how her muscles had atrophied to such a state in such a short amount of time. Her upper body was like it had been in a coma for a decade, and her lower body had no muscles left at all. A specialist was brought in, who told them her soul was pefectly healthy, but there was something wrong with her 'Morphogenic Field'. Whatever the hell that was....So, it seemed Calypso's journey was over, before it had had a chance to begin.

But there was a life-line after a week in the hospital. A woman appeared, beautiful beyond possibility and with a desire to help people out. She appeared while Calypso was meeting with the very half-brother she had been looking for, and bonded with Calypso to help her recover from her wound. It was an attempt that went pretty well, and after Calypso's power grew enough to rebuild her meridians and recover her ability to move independently, Hvit left to find the next person. Which was fine, while she was fun to have around, she was also wildly overwhelming in power and personality. It was better, that Calypso was to live her life by herself.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Cultivator: A Cultivator of Wulin, Calypso originated from the Gandr Clan, and thus learned Blood Fists. Violent, forthright and powerful, it is a strong and straight forward fighting style that Calypso has a firm grasp of. Additionally she learned Taiju Snake Style and a few noneaffiliated martial art styles to round out her capabilities. This has led her to have a firm body and skilled capabilities in physical arts, acrobatic and martial.

Well-read: Calypso has read numerous grimores, tomes, and esoterica abound. She has a passable grasp of several languages, and is currently debating which Cultivation Technique is right for her.

Dragon-Blooded: Inheriting the blood of Ao Kuang, Calypso is a physical powerhouse despite her young age. Even the most wise and gentle of Dracara could shake the very foundations of the Earth when roused to fury, and so the blood inside Calypso feeds her strength to excellence.

I. High-Spec Powers

» Powers:

Blood Fists: The power-set of the European Cultivators, Blood Fist is a very forthright and basic use of Power Control and Physical Augmentation, enhancing strength and durability through spiritual means. The Cultivators work through ritual and martial forms to ease the body and slide physical and spiritual together, allowing them to not only strengthen themselves, but do so in a precise manner, and to most easily link their martial talents to their spiritual talents.

Taiju Snake Style: The power-set of the Gandr Clan, it is considered a sub-set of Blood Fists, and focuses on precision-based nerve attacks. Pushing hostile spiritual energy into the foe to cause crippling pain and muscular/organ spasms with very little actual injury.

Lightfoot: Literally just Flash Step for Humans. Scales off Power Augmentation.

First Release - Halfblood State: Exciting and accelerating the Dragonblood in her veins, Calypso undergoes a startling change. Her skin turns bright red from the blood, her sclera are coloured with the immense load of her blood and she grows a pair of small antlers on her head. This is not a very flashy release, merely empowering her physical capabilities by a large margin as her body throbs with new energy to feed it.

[Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr Mnnvxyeiaaaa

I. Equipment

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: Adept
» Speed: Adept
» Strength: Advanced
» Martial Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Adept

Human Skills
» Power Control: Advanced
» Physical Augmentation: Advanced
» Spiritual Adaptation: Adept
» Mediumship: Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]


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Age : 25

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[Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr Empty Re: [Spirit Class 8] Calypso Gandr

Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:11 pm
Dragon dradgon dagonad

Spirit Class: 8

Hazard Ratings
Power: E
Influence: E
Resources: E
Overall: E
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