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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:12 am

I. Basic Information

» Name: Shura Kurata
» Alias: Fire Princess, First of the Kurata
» Age: 304
» Gender: Female

» Association: The Gotei, The Gotei United
» Former Association: Kurata Noble Family

» Appearance Written: Shura has long, midnight blue hair that cascades down her back in loose waves. Her hair is tied back into a high ponytail with a white ribbon. Her eyes are sharp and piercing, the same color as her hair. Her skin is pale and unblemished, with a slight bluish tint to it.

She wears a black and white hakama, similar to those worn by Shinigami, with a white obi tied around her waist. Over her hakama, she wears a black and white haori, which is shorter than a traditional shinigami's haori and has a more fitted, modern design.

» Appearance Image: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata ST19d71

I. Personality

» Personality: Merciless and Psychopathic would be an understatement to say the least with Shura, willing and ready to take anything and everything she wants regardless of who stands in her way. Raised to be a ruthless enforcer, to say she has anything resembling nice or kindness would be a grave disservice to those that actually were when compared to Shura.

It isn’t that she’s quick to anger, or that she has no qualms with killing… Rather she enjoys the latter, and the former is a simple state of being for her. Emotions are like a parasite, leading to weakness to an individual who will hesitate when it matters the most and thus she refuses to care for such pathetic things like feelings or emotions.

» Likes: Killing, Taking what she says belongs to her, Family

» Dislikes: Weaklings, Emotions, Feelings

I. History

» History: Unlike her Brother, Hitoshi, who was born into a family with a silver spoon, Shura had no such pleasantries. Her Father wanted a son, someone to be his heir, and she wasn’t that. As a result, he was particularly harsh with her, pushing her at every chance he got from the moment she could hold a weapon, and as a result she grew to have a very hardened and gruff exterior with a fiery determination that matched it all in an effort to please her father.

Each mistake, every fumble was like a permanent scar that her father saw on her, with high expectations and even higher requirements for the family business she understood from a very young age what she was to become and what would happen should she ever fail such a task. Any interest she had was swiftly struck down by her father, replaced instead with what he thought she should be doing. As the first-born child in a family where her father wanted a son, her formative years were marked by her father's expectations and his constant disappointment in her. For the first twenty years of her life, her father attempted to mold her into the son he never had, causing her to feel like she could never live up to his standards.

During her early childhood, her father would constantly criticize her for not being good enough, reminding her that if she had been a boy, she would have been the perfect heir. When she was six, her father brought her to the family business and showed her around, introducing her to the various workers and explaining how everything worked. He expected her to be interested in the family business, but instead, she found it boring and uninteresting. Her father was disappointed and angry that she wasn't more invested in the business, further exacerbating their strained relationship.

As she got older, her father's expectations became more intense. When she was ten, her father began to teach her about traditional business tactics. He was hoping that these would inspire her to become more interested in the family business. However, it had the opposite effect on her, and she became even more determined to forge her own path. Despite her father's disappointment in her, she continued to excel in fighting and other activities. She had a talent for strategic thinking and found herself drawn to taking what others had for herself. Her father was initially dismissive of this, but as she grew older and her skills became more apparent, he began to take notice.

At the age of twelve, she decided to join a kendo club. She enjoyed the sport and found that she was actually quite good at it. Her father, who had previously been dismissive of her interests, saw her potential and began to take a more active interest in her training.

Over the next few years, her father became more involved in her life, pushing her to excel in kendo and other traditional fighting pursuits. He also began to teach her about the family business and the world of politics. While she still felt like she could never live up to his expectations, she began to realize that he did care about her in his own way.

By the time she was sixteen, she had developed a complex relationship with her father. While she still resented the fact that he had wanted a son instead of her, she had also come to appreciate the things he had taught her and the opportunities he had given her. Despite their rocky relationship, she knew that her father loved her in his own way, and that realization allowed her to begin to move past the hurt and anger she had felt for so long.

By the time she was twenty her expertise in fighting had truly shown itself, and she learned that she wasn’t just good at it… she truly enjoyed it, perhaps too much in some respects. But for the family business? It was perfect. She was ruthless, often breaking the training swords they had over the heads and bodies of those she practiced around. She had an unnatural level of strength and brutality to her, willing to go past even when the others gave up until they understood who was truly on top. It was at this point that her Father knew how she could help the business, as its muscle, and muscle she provided in droves. Those that decided to be uncooperative soon found themselves on the wrong end of Shura’s attacks, enforcing the demands of her Father with glee and enthusiasm.

This was the position she took with great strides for the next several decades, eventually getting herself a large two-handed battle axe as her weapon of choice. However to aid the business further, she began to lead the enforcers of the business to the farther out districts of the Rukongai, beginning what would soon become their protection services… for a fee. If they refused to pay, she’d destroy houses and kill their family or friends to ‘encourage’ them to pay up, and it usually worked wonders as most weren’t fighters and of those that were, very few could stand toe-to-toe with her.

While she wasn’t one for business talk or running a business, enforcing protection services was something she was perfectly suited for and those that were under their protection learned quickly that even if it meant their district suffered financially… it was still beneficial to have her on their side rather than against them. One such day, the Kurata family received a threat from a rival gang that they would raid one of their shipments. Shura, who was the head of the protection services at this point, took it upon herself to deal with the matter personally.

She gathered a small team of highly skilled fighters and went to the area where the rival gang was operating. They found the gang members and engaged them in a brutal fight. Shura fought with precision and efficiency, taking down multiple opponents at once.

From that day on, the Kurata family was never again threatened by that rival gang. Word quickly spread throughout the Rukongai of the Kurata family's power and the ruthlessness of their head of protection services. No one dared to cross them again, for fear of facing the consequences at the hands of Hitoshi.

Her father ensured to tell her that the… tactics she employed needed to be honed and refined, though this was more a clever way of telling her they weren’t exactly well suited for the life there and encouraged her to join the Shin’o Academy.

At first she resisted, refusing to take on the role and wanting to be allowed to roam free. However, she knew that her Father wouldn’t say these things unless they were truly necessary for the family and against what she thought was better judgement, she applied for the academy and found she was accepted… mostly on her fighting skills than anything else.

She spent a total of ten years inside of the academy, mostly on account of her refusal to conform to traditional Shinigami authority. She got into trouble a lot while at the Academy, her first year alone nearly got her expelled for overly brutal tactics during simple training. The match was meant to be a simple sparring session, but Shura had something to prove. She had been practicing a new technique and was determined to show off her skills. As the match progressed, Shura became more and more aggressive, ignoring the rules of the game and relentlessly attacking her opponent.

The other student, a young man named Ryo, was clearly outmatched. He was smaller and less experienced than Shura, and as she continued to attack him with increasing ferocity, it became clear that he was in danger of serious injury.

She began to employ overly aggressive tactics, using excessive force and not holding back. She landed blows that were too hard and aimed for areas that could potentially cause serious injury. Her opponent tried to keep up, but it was clear that they were outmatched and unable to keep up with Shura's intensity.

The other instructors watching the match quickly intervened, stopping the fight and reprimanding Shura for her overly brutal tactics. They warned her that if she continued to behave in such a manner, she would be expelled from the Academy.

Shura was shaken by the incident. She had always known that her aggression was a problem, but this was the first time she had been confronted with the consequences of her actions. She began to realize that her desire to prove herself and her ruthless nature could be a liability, not an asset. From that day on, Shura made a conscious effort to control her impulses and temper her aggression. She learned to fight with discipline, and as she continued to train, she began to develop a reputation as a skilled, if somewhat dangerous, warrior.

While she excelled in fighting such as Kendo and Hakuda, it was very apparent that her desire to learn Kido was minimal at best and non-existent at worse. While she would feign attempts to use Kido in the academy, anyone who knew how to actually use kido, such as her instructors, could see she was never actually making an earnest attempt to learn any of them.

Any free time she had was spent training with her Asauchi and rarely ever inside of a book, and to say she quickly developed the relationship with her Zanpakuto would be an understatement. The first time she heard its voice was during her fourth year, and it was then that the true nature of a Zanpakuto actually made sense to her and clicked in her head, the only one she could truly count on… Was her Zanpakuto. It explained in no uncertain terms that failure to continue training their bond and reinforcing their bond would lead to a very swift exit by her Zanpakuto Spirit.

She became very closed off to others at this point, rarely interacting with anyone unless it was absolutely necessary for her training in the Shin’o Academy. Over the last six years her training intensified, with her sparring matches focused on training speed, power, and precision above all else. To take her opponent down in as few swings as possible, and by the seventh year there were few students who could match her physical power or speed with her Zanpakuto.

Shura spent countless hours everyday training in swordsmanship and footwork. She would wake up before dawn and practice her forms and techniques until the sun went down. She pushed herself to her limits, always striving to be faster, stronger, and more precise. Shura worked with various mentors and trainers throughout her training, seeking out the best instructors in the Shinigami Academy to help her reach her goals. She was known as a fierce and dedicated student, willing to do whatever it took to improve her skills.

As she progressed in her training, Shura began to develop a unique style of swordsmanship that combined her brute strength with lightning-fast footwork. She would dart around her opponents, striking from unexpected angles and overwhelming them with a flurry of blows. By the time she graduated from the academy, her skill with Kido was next to non-existent, her skill with Hakuda was serviceable but primarily due to her immense physical strength, and her skill in Zanjutsu and Hoho was almost unparalleled within the Academy.

Due to her… nature, it wasn’t too surprising when she was placed within the 11th division of the Gotei, she was a perfect fit with her lack of kido and ruthless nature. After her graduation her interest in the family business grew even less, in fact even the previous role she had for security was something that would bore her. She knew that she was extremely good at fighting, and the 11th division gave her exactly that and in spades. Everyone encouraged constant training and fighting, and she began to learn that her more boorish fighting style wasn’t so much discouraged like in the academy, and rather was not only wanted but heavily encouraged by her Captain Zaraki Kenpachi.

Of all the Captain’s in the Gotei, Zaraki was the only one who truly captured her admiration, he didn’t care for fancy tricks or anything like that… He wanted to fight and he hated weaklings and he hated those that hid behind cheap tricks. While in the former Gotei she did little but train and fight as was the way of the 11th division. However for all the strength and power she’d gained, there was one thing she never bothered trying to attain before… A Bankai. This changed with the birth of her brother, she couldn’t explain why but when she saw the little turd within her Mother’s arms she couldn’t help but feel a desire as powerful if not more powerful than her desire to fight, as a desire to protect… She felt a true reason to fight, a true reason to have all the power and strength she did, but if she was to protect him from any and all harm, her current strength wouldn’t be enough… She needed her Bankai.

After the birth of her Brother her training went solely to attaining her Bankai, putting aside all other training and duties that weren’t required of her in favor of all out training for her Bankai. A few days before her Brothers 11th birthday, she finally achieved it, and to celebrate her Brother’s birthday was where she first revealed it, and reaffirmed to not just her Parents and herself, but to her Brother that her power would be used first and foremost for his protection, and that nobody and nothing would harm him if she had anything to do with it.

While she never left the Gotei and is currently within the employ of the Gotei United in the Combat Division, she has no desire or care for ranks and cares only for what others can do within combat itself.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:
Raijin no Tsuyosa to Hayasa (Thunder God’s Might and Speed) – Due to her sole focus on Zanjtusu and Hoho during her time at the academy when she left she was considered to have no equal within the academy.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:
Raijin no Tsume (Thunder God’s Claw) – Shura channels her Reiatsu directly into her Zanpakuto, causing it to ignore air resistance and swing with significantly greater speed and force, able to cut through things that she would normally be unable to even damage. When she uses this technique, a loud roar can be heard emanating from her Zanpakuto, causing shockwaves to reverberate outwards that can sometimes knock lesser opponents within ten meters to the ground.

Raijin no Senko (Thunder God’s Flash Step) – A variation of Shunpo that she created during her time at the academy and has since mastered, using this technique Shura employs high speed strikes from constantly differing angles to a total of 5 strikes that happen in extremely rapid succession, and the moment after her blade makes impact she has already vanished to strike at a different angle.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Hakaishin (Destruction God)

» Zanpakutō Spirit: Hakaishin takes on the appearance of a towering, muscular humanoid figure with deep crimson skin and piercing yellow eyes. Its hair is a mass of writhing flames, and its hands and feet end in sharp, jagged claws. Its body is adorned with intricate, metallic armor that seems to shift and warp with each movement, as if made of liquid metal. Hakaishin's overall presence is imposing and intimidating, radiating an aura of pure destructive power.

As for his personality, Hakaishin is a ruthless and aggressive Zanpakuto Spirit, reflecting the nature of its wielder. It is obsessed with destruction and revels in chaos and violence. Hakaishin takes pleasure in the destruction it causes and is quick to anger, often urging its wielder to act with brutal force in any situation. It has little patience for anything it deems weak or unworthy and pushes its wielder to constantly strive for greater power and destruction. Despite its violent tendencies, Hakaishin is fiercely loyal to its wielder and will stop at nothing to protect them.

» Inner World: The inner world of the Hakaishin's spirit is a desolate wasteland, with nothing but barren rocks and dust stretching out to the horizon. The sky is a deep red, with dark clouds swirling overhead, and the air is thick with the scent of smoke and ash.

In the center of this bleak world stands a towering fortress, black and imposing against the crimson sky. The walls are thick and jagged, as if hewn from the very earth itself, and the gates are wide enough to admit a legion of warriors. Inside the fortress, the air crackles with electricity, and the walls pulse with a dark energy. The halls are long and narrow, with torches flickering along the walls, casting eerie shadows in every direction. Hakaishin stands at the center of the fortress, a towering figure wreathed in black robes, with a fierce and cruel expression on his face.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Shura's Zanpakuto sealed form takes on the appearance of a sleek and elegant katana with a black and silver hilt. The blade is about three feet long, and the edge is sharp enough to cut through almost anything. The scabbard of Shura's Zanpakuto is made of dark obsidian, with jagged edges that resemble broken glass. Engraved into the surface of the scabbard are ancient runes that seem to pulse with dark energy. The end of the scabbard is shaped like a fierce dragon's head, with piercing red eyes that glow with an inner fire.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Minna o Horobosu (Annihilate them all)

» Shikai Release Action: Shura raises her Zanpakuto above her head before calling its release phrase, after which she is consumed by a surge of Reiatsu and slices through it with her Zanpakuto which has transformed into a large 2 handed battle axe.

» Shikai Appearance: Shura’s Shikai takes on a fearsome appearance. The blade of the axe is a metallic black color, as if it's been forged from the darkness itself. The edge of the blade is serrated, giving it a vicious appearance, and it glows with a faint purple aura that seems to pulse with power.

The handle of the axe is made from a sturdy, dark wood, and it has a jagged, almost volcanic texture to it. The hilt of the axe is wrapped in a deep red cloth that looks as though it's been stained with blood, further emphasizing the weapon's deadly nature.

» Shikai Abilities:
Girochin (Guillotine) – Shura raises her axe above her head and begins to rapidly spin it, causing her Reiatsu to begin to gather within the blade of her axe massively increasing its cutting potency before it’s brought down in an overhead swing in a similar manner to an executioner.

Sekai no Hametsu (Worldly Destruction) – Shura brings her axe down hard into the ground, sending out a massive shockwave through the ground before torrents of Reiatsu begin to erupt from the ground in various areas. The exact spots they erupt from is not within her control but are contained to a 100 meters, and using this ability expends a large amount of her Reiatsu and thus can only be used two times before she becomes completely exhausted.

Jouki (Overpower) – Considered her most powerful Shikai technique, Jouki causes her Reiatsu to erupt from within her, infusing her attacks with massively increased strength. Because of the nature of this technique, it can only be used once in a fight and expends any and all remaining Reiatsu within 2 posts.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: Shinmetsu Tei (Divine Destruction Emperor)

» Bankai Release Action: Shura slams one foot into the ground, generating a large shockwave before calling out “Fumitsukete Funsai Seyo, Bankai: Shinmetsu Tei”, or “Crush them underfoot, Divine Destruction Emperor”

» Bankai Appearance: Shura's Bankai weapon, "Divine Destruction Emperor," takes the form of two massive, jagged-edged battle axes with black and crimson blades. The axes are thicker than her Shikai, and are connected by a thick chain that allows her to swing them with tremendous force and precision. The blades of the axes are covered in jagged teeth that seem to shimmer with a dark energy, and the handles are adorned with sharp spikes that jut out in all directions, adding to their brutal appearance. The axes themselves seem to pulse with a dark aura, radiating a sense of overwhelming power and destruction.

» Bankai Abilities:
Shi no Kiba (Fangs of Death) – Shura gathers Reiatsu into the edges of her axe before carving them in front of her in an X and releasing that energy as two waves of energy.

Karitorisha (Reaper) – Shura flings one of her axes towards her opponent, though this is a feint as when they move to block or dodge that one she utilizes her Shunpo to execute the actual attack, which is a powerful Reiatsu infused downward swing usually from behind her opponent to give them little time to react to the actual attack.

Tenbatsu (Divine Retribution) – Shura’s penultimate technique, infusing her Axe blades directly with her Reiatsu to give them an explosive increase in cutting potency, allowing them to cut through even the most durable of objects like a heated knife through melted butter. This consumes a large amount of her Reiatsu and as a result can only be used once and lasts for 3 posts

I. Equipment

» Equipment: [If your shinigami has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
» Durability: C
» Speed: D
» Strength: B
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Adept
» Zanjutsu: Advanced
» Hakuda: Beginner

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: For the longest time she was the only child, expected to carry much yet never was she to carry on the actual family name in the way her Father desired. Today however was a very special day for the family, another child was to be born into the family legacy and from all reports this baby was to be a boy… The thing her father always wanted.

Truth be told she wasn’t sure how she should react, she knew this was coming if not for the fact her Mother was about to give birth then by the fact her Father had changed quite drastically in terms of what he focused on ever since they heard the news it would be a boy. She wasn’t worried about how her Mother would treat her, but what of her Father? He’d always wanted a boy… Sure their relationship was a complex one and filled with what some might call abuse but now that he had what he always wanted her to be… would this change their relationship or would it stay how it currently was?

While lost in thought she heard a knock on her door “Enter.” Was all she said, and the door slid open to reveal her Father who simply motioned with his head for her to follow which she did without hesitation. She was led down the hall and into another room where her Mother lay in bed holding a small cloth bundle in her arms. When the two entered the room, her Mother looked up at her and smiled. They approached the bed and as they did her Mother spoke “Look Shura, a little brother.”

Previously she’d been so conflicted… But as Shura stared at the tiny baby she felt something… Unrestrained Love. He was so small, so fragile, in need of protection but in a way she’d never considered before. Truth be told she felt very confused by what she felt right now, she’d expected herself to resent this little turd yet the exact opposite happened and she felt not just the need to be his protector… But a desire to be his protector, a desire as strong if not stronger than her desire to fight.

“I’ll protect him… No matter what I’ll be sure he’s safe.” Shura found herself saying, reaching out to gently brush the back of her fingers against his cheek. “Good, because you’re in charge of his protection, Shura.” Her father said in a gruff and somewhat harsh tone. Shura paid it little mind outside of simply nodding in acknowledgement. She finally had a reason to have her strength, a reason to gain more strength… A reason to fight.


Last edited by Kanji Man on Sun Oct 06, 2024 4:05 pm; edited 13 times in total (Reason for editing : association update)
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:58 am
Raijin no Tsuyosa to Hayasa

What does this mean? Why would training at the Academy mean that she has no equals?

Raijin no Senko

Twenty rapid strikes would be an impressive feat for a master in Hoho and Speed. At Adept in both, this is simply infeasible and should be drastically reduced.

Mugen no Gokui

An increase of this potential magnitude would be hard to justify as a Bankai, let alone a sealed ability. Even one rank would be a substantial improvement.

Sekai no Hametsu

The concept of this is fine, but those limitations do need to be defined not just alluded to. What is the range of this ability? How many times exactly could it be used in a thread before she is exhausted? etc.


If this is her penultimate technique, is there meant to be a final technique?

Six posts is also a long time.


There isn't all that much here to justify Elite Zanjutsu, so that should be taken down to Advanced

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:50 am
Raijin no Tsuyosa to Hayasa

What does this mean? Why would training at the Academy mean that she has no equals?

Ah, I see my mistake. This was meant to mean she has no equal *in the academy* specifically, rather than as a general, overall statement. Additionally my intention was that this applied when she first graduated, rather than a constant standard. I've changed the wording to be more clear about this. If this still needs further alteration, please let me know.


Raijin no Senko

Twenty rapid strikes would be an impressive feat for a master in Hoho and Speed. At Adept in both, this is simply infeasible and should be drastically reduced.

Understood, it has been reduced.


Mugen no Gokui

An increase of this potential magnitude would be hard to justify as a Bankai, let alone a sealed ability. Even one rank would be a substantial improvement.

Understood, I was going to rework it, but truth be told I can't think of a good one to put here so I'll simply remove it.

Sekai no Hametsu

The concept of this is fine, but those limitations do need to be defined not just alluded to. What is the range of this ability? How many times exactly could it be used in a thread before she is exhausted? etc.

Understood, clarification has been added.
Clarification: It is contained to 100 meters around her, and can only be used twice before she is completely exhausted.

If this is her penultimate technique, is there meant to be a final technique?

Six posts is also a long time.

This is indeed meant to be her final technique for her bankai.

There isn't all that much here to justify Elite Zanjutsu, so that should be taken down to Advanced

Zanjutsu reduced to Advanced.
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:18 pm
Tenbatsu (Divine Retribution)

To clarify, this will still scale with Zanjutsu against a target's Durability or other defensive skill. Though the potency will be increased, as she is in Bankai.

Also, after consideration, the duration of this ability should be reduced to three posts. Though could increase were her Zanjutsu skill to increase later down the line.

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:29 pm
Tenbatsu (Divine Retribution)

To clarify, this will still scale with Zanjutsu against a target's Durability or other defensive skill. Though the potency will be increased, as she is in Bankai.

Also, after consideration, the duration of this ability should be reduced to three posts. Though could increase were her Zanjutsu skill to increase later down the line.
I had assumed as much, but thank you for the clarification. Additionally, the duration has been reduced to 3 posts.
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:43 pm
Hazard Ranks
Power: C
Influence: D
Resources: D

Comments/Notes: She's a real people person

Spirit Class: 5
Hazard Rating: D
Application Approved

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Wed May 10, 2023 3:52 pm
Edited the application to change her appearance picture from Azula -> Olivier Marie Armstrong
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Sun May 14, 2023 2:07 pm
Upgrading Kido to Advanced from Burst Points
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Thu Aug 17, 2023 8:16 am
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Location : Good Question.

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[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Shura Kurata

Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:16 pm
[adm]Yo, this grading was a little awkward due to the application being the one that she was approved with despite the fact she's gone through in-character threads and a grading will normally consider what is on the application rather than threads.

These skills were allocated based on our knowledge of her in-character feats but they may not be perfect or completely informed. If you feel these do not represent Shura I encourage you to submit a new application which represents her present form on the site; or submit an upgrade to contest the allocated skills with justification so that it can be evaluated with better clarity.

Reasonings will be provided.

Spirit Class: 5.

General Skills
» Durability: Advanced
» Speed: Adept
» Strength: Advanced -> Adept
» Martial Skill: Adept

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept -> Beginner
» Focus: Advanced -> Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Adept
» Kidō: Advanced -> Adept
» Zanjutsu: Advanced
» Hakuda: Beginner

Strength: To the extent of my knowledge, many of Shura's feats are against people weaker than her. This would require less effort on her part and hinder development on top of her release being focused on augmenting her strength which reduces reliance on the physical attributes themselves to the point I struggle to see her exerting the force of this skill without any kind of additional buffer.

Deduction: This skill is one we expect to see many drops in during the skill evaluation, she is briefly touched on in her application as being strategic but her threads don't display this being superhuman to any extent. Deduction-focused characters are a niche and Shura's focuses don't seem to extend to an academic-level, branch into many subjects, or display a nuanced approach to problem solving we'd expect at this level.

Focus: It is not mentioned or expanded in the application at all. There was no particular instances that came to mind in trying to evaluate this skill beyond the thread with Hitoshi and mindbreak which made me inclined to feel it justified a drop.

Kido: This being a burst point upgrade aside, to my knowledge she has never shown any "advanced applications" such as barriers, seals, modifications of kido. She utilises kido at the adept level and so this skill was dropped.[/adm]

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