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The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji Left_bar_bleue1570/100[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji Empty [Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji

Fri Jan 06, 2023 3:15 pm
[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji J_AppHeader_470x250_s6mTeWPcYrvZoJ7QKm7XPz

I. Basic Information

» Name: J. Saionji
» Alias: Head of the Saionji Family
» Age: 322
» Appears: ~25-30
» Birthday: August 1, 1802
» Gender: Male
» Height: 6’4”
» Weight: ~190

» Appearance Written: As a man who holds himself with pride, J presents himself as such to the world, keeping great posture and often seeming rigid to others. He has the typical demeanor of a nobleman, even if that changes once he opens his mouth. J notably takes fantastic care of his hair, so the temptation to touch is high, but it is safer if you do not. J has multiple scars, some faded, others new, but his most prominent scar is about eight inches long and located across his upper back. The second most prominent is about an inch long, but thick, noticeable, and on his chest, just above his heart.

» Alignment: Lawful Good
» Association: The Saionji Family
Gotei United, Sixth Division
Shinigami Men’s Association
» Rank/Position: Head of the Saionji Family
4th Seat of the Sixth Division
» Specialty: Zanjutsu, Kido, and Hoho

» Sexual Orientation: Straight
» Relationship Status: Single
» Attraction: Feminine, petite, modest, clean.

Text Color: 660099

Synopsis: J is a man who keeps up a stoic demeanor until someone pisses him off and his foul mouth makes an appearance. Luckily, it’s extremely difficult to provoke him this way, and his determination to keep the Saionji name untarnished only helps that. He is a high ranking member of the Sixth Division, with the desire, capability, and resolve to make Captain one day. J is a masterful zanjutsu practitioner and is also highly skilled in both kido and hoho techniques.

I. Personality

» Personality: J is a man who exudes an air of unapproachability and stoicism. As a nobleman, he maintains perfect posture, rarely shows any strong emotion, and carries himself with an undeniable sense of pride, but he also does his best not to come off as arrogant. His personal code is strict, so he holds himself to the highest standards in all aspects of his life. This is why his hair, clothes, hygiene, and training sessions are always handled by him. He does not trust anyone else to get it right, since he has not found anyone that can truly live up to his standards.

J’s dedication to being the Head of his Family and maintaining the strong legacy that his grandfather left creates a deep-seated fear of tarnishing the Saionji name. This mindset creates a rift between him and his sister, Kei Saionji, who repeatedly disregards family values and traditions for her own desires, leaving him disappointed in her choices. Despite J’s calm demeanor, he struggles with a temper that, when provoked, results in bursts of rage where he punches walls and obtains an obscene vocabulary. Luckily for him, this is rarely provoked.

Professionally, J finds fulfillment and pride in his role within the Sixth Division of the Gotei United, where is able to uphold the law of the Soul Society with unwavering commitment. J treats his job very seriously, and his strong desire to protect the weak inspires him to push himself to solve problems that others may have already given up on. J has even taken it upon his family to direct resources to the Rukongai in order to make life better and rebuild what has been left to rot for so long. J has proven sharp, ambitious, a decent leader with keen observational skills.

Socially, J has shown little success in his life. He has very few friends and only one close friend: Tsubine Shirazumi. With friends, like Tsubine, J shows a more competitive side of himself, quite often issuing challenges of physical might whenever they get together. It gets worse when they’re drinking, since J’s mask falls and his aggression is freed. J is also over protective of a little girl named Mayumi, who he cares for on behalf of Tsubine, her real father. Mayumi’s presence in J’s life inspires him to want to start his own family, one of the few traits the man holds to hint at a more gentle nature than he wishes people to see.

Although he enjoys the luxuries of being a noble, like money and good food, J actually shuns being pampered and prefers to handle certain tasks personally. He turns his servants away from doing his hair, preparing his bath, and even cleaning his bedroom or office. The only things they are allowed to do is take care of the rest of the house, his sister, and maintain his mother’s quarters. They also do his laundry; he hates trying to do that shit himself. Another thing he wants to do himself is find a marriageable woman and start a family. He rejects any possible suitors that are sent his way, no matter how angry it makes the Saionji advisers.

» Likes: His work, swordsmanship, training, doing his own hair, dark colors, warm tea, sake, painting, slasher films from the early 2000s, spicy food, chicken yakisoba.

» Dislikes: Criminals, people who give up, someone touching his hair, pastel colors, soda, slap-stick comedy, people that are too loud, being dirty or smelling bad.

I. History

» History:

Early Childhood: (1802)
Born the first child of Ei’Ichiro and Hanako Saionji, J’s childhood was filled with the love and patience any child needs. According to his mother, J’s father was loving and excited to have children. Things changed when he was told to take his position as the leader of the family. The stress of heading the family affected him more easily than expected. He became obsessed with the idea of increasing his status in the Soul Society, and only saw one way to do it: become part of the Great Four. Once J could walk and talk, his education began. His childhood was stolen by books, combat training, and meetings he didn’t understand. He very quickly became an unhappy child, filled with rage and a desire to rebel against the overbearing rules his father placed on him. These rebellions were short-lived, however, halted by terrifying shouts and the threat of violence toward his mother. J’s father did not verbally threaten it, but when J misbehaved, it was his mother who was blamed for his disappointing behavior. When J realized what was going on, he fell in line.

He Got a Sister: (1833)
Once J grew to resemble some of what his father wanted, his mother asked for something unexpected: another child. It was family that brought his mother joy. During times of celebration, such as holidays and birthdays, even J’s father would behave enough for them to seem happy. There were even moments where J recognized love between his parents. When his mother asked for another child, his father was surprisingly ecstatic. For the next couple of months, J was given freedoms he had once lost. He rested instead of trained, enjoyed snacks, wandered the Seireitei with his guards, and refused to go to any meetings. It wasn’t long after that J’s parents let him know he was going to be a big brother. J prayed for a little brother to train with, but when the baby came, it was a little girl they named Kei. It was hard to bond with a newborn, so J did not care as much. However, as Kei grew and shaped into a wide-eyed squeak toy, J found himself enamored with her. She swiftly took a spot in his heart that no one has been able to claim since.

The Overprotective Brother:
Wanting to be a good older brother, J became very protective of Kei. Their father was not patient with her at all and expected her to learn things at a completely unrealistic pace. When she made mistakes, J would cover for her. He’d take the blame, honing his skill as a liar and becoming more resilient to his father’s harsh lectures and physical abuse. J wore his bruises proudly, knowing each stood for a moment he protected his sister from the worst bully of all. However, their father wasn’t the only bully. One day, while their father was out, Kei was taking care of her section of the flower garden. No one ever accused Kei of having a green thumb, but she took pride in whatever she created. So, when a few other noble brats from lesser branches of the family wandered into the Saionji’s main garden and decided it was okay to crush her work beneath their arrogant feet, J paid them a visit. It had been a long time since he got into a fight, but he crushed each of the boys into the stone path and then dragged the girl by her collar, throwing them shamefully out of the Saionji gate. Within the hour, each of their parents had arrived at the main gate to apologize to Kei and help her fix what they broke.

His Father’s Dream (Early teenager, ~14-15)
The entire point of J’s study was to make sure that he was up to the standards of a Great Noble house. The aristocratic way that certain houses behaved was what his father strove for. It came to J easily; you just needed a stiff back and little emotion. He had that down before Kei was born. On the other hand, his sister hated the strict rules. She had a free spirit and wanted to live life her way. This got her into trouble over the years. She was yelled at, lectured, scolded, and forbidden to leave the mansion grounds for a duration after getting in trouble. This is when J had to pay more attention. He noticed the signs rising to the surface. His father would get a little too close, stand over Kei to intimidate her, or clench his fist. The first time his father raised his hand, a simple, firm, “Don’t” stopped him from swinging it. The second time it happened, his father swung, but J grabbed his wrist to prevent it. When his father decided to force the issue, J stood like a shield between his father and Kei. Soon, his father was given a show of how strong J had become.

They had a small brawl. While his father yelled and demanded his sister be punished, J kept blocking his path. His father threw the first punch, and J let it strike his face. “Don’t do that again,” J said. His father did not like being ordered around and tried again, but was countered and struck in the jaw and then the stomach. With is father down, he removed Kei from the situation and warned him not to try and hit her again. That warning was heeded for years to come. During these years, J’s training led him to officially enrolling at Shin’o Academy, specifically upon his father’s request. J’s studies took him away from home a lot of the time, which caused him to worry about his family, but when he was able to check in, everything was okay. J spent his time honing his skill, finding he had much more interest in the Gotei’s mission than his father’s. However, when his father noticed J relaxing, he began pushing him again, forcing him into more classes outside of Shin’o Academy, making him return home after his studied, alienating him from friends he made, and going so far as to threaten his sister if J ever stepped out of line again. J existed to help raise the status of the Saionji, and that is it.

The Family Fallout (~Early 1900s)
When J reached the human equivalent of his late teens, his capability of leading the family to greatness was still not enough for his father. The idea of becoming a great house consumed his father and was starting to weigh on J in ways he had not expected. He began isolating himself, talking very little to anyone but his father. He trained, he studied, and he slept. His life was enveloped by this ritual, and he behaved like a robot to see his father’s dream happen. This was the time J began attending noble events, using his status and resources to fund movements throughout the Rukongai, and joined the Gotei to gain access to a different type of fame, a fame that certain other houses were able to utilize the way his father wanted him to. He took time to introduce himself to as many famous nobles he could, building a rapport with them. Some of their behavior shocked him. While some were getting drunk, others were uncommonly kind. Where J expected arrogance, pride, and selfishness, he found good, decent men and women.

The problem was his father. While this overbearing man continuously raised the bar for his family, his mother did her best to pick up his slack and provide some semblance of life for everyone. Occasionally, his father was forced to join in. During one of these family gatherings, his parents got into a fight over Kei’s marriage situation. Since J was busy becoming the head, Kei needed to “pull her own weight” and be sold off to marriage to bring up the family status. They talked about pushing her at one of the great houses. There were three issues J had with this: Kei did not want to marry, Kei was to young to marry, and Kei did not like men. This little detail was kept out of their father’s knowledge base. In fact, J wasn’t sure that anyone but him knew, and was not sure Kei knew he knew. J knew how to keep his mouth shut, so that secret was safe with him until Kei gave him permission to speak on it. Though Kei is currently unaware of this, the push for her marriage ceased because J was insistent on allowing her to join Shin’o Academy instead.

J was able to convince his family to let her try for the entrance exam. One of his free days, J was heading home and heard a terrified scream from inside. He rushed in and found his father standing over his unconscious and bleeding sister with a weapon in hand. J saw red. The following battle was very illegal, very dangerous, and completely called for. J used his recently obtained shikai to end his father’s life, therefore ending the obsessed man’s tyranny over him, his sister, and his mother. Ei’Ichiro Saionji did not go easily, however. In the battle, J took on multiple small wounds, but one major wound as his father attempted to stab him in the heart, missing by an inch and forever providing him with a small scar. By the time anyone showed up, his father was dead, he was arrested for using shikai, and his sister was taken to the hospital. Since this was a noble matter, however, the Gotei Thirteen would not be the one to handle any sentencing. With Kei’s testimony against their father, J’s actions were deemed necessary and he was released.

The Effect of World War III:
When World War III came, J realized his focus on his family’s status kept him stagnant. His inability to truly aid the world of the living in this war filled him with shame. As the demons came, he could only deal with what he considered small fry, while others did their best to defeat the true threats. Though he was successful in his battles, seeing the power levels of demons wholly outclassing his only did one thing: inspired a deep desire to increase his power. When the end of the war finally came, his physical ability had increased immensely, but he had not gained the one thing he felt would give him the power he needed: his bankai. With things settling, J immediately began training to obtain his bankai. Every week, J would take time away from his family to train with his zanpakuto and earning his zanpakuto spirits respect as its master. Eight years, countless missions, and numerous injuries later, J was finally able to subjugate his zanpakuto spirit and gain his bankai. Finally, J reached the level of a captain and his shame was finally diminished.

A Broken System:
It came as a shock to everyone that demons were being allowed to inhabit the Soul Society by Captain Commander Iriko. With this being allowed, many shinigami of all ranks could not bear to stay in the Gotei. Even captains and lieutenants were vacating their positions. There were thoughts in J’s mind about taking this chance to obtain the position he wanted. He had every ability, since he had obtained bankai, to apply for an open captain position. He almost took that step. However, when he was ready to put in his application, he couldn’t do it. Everything was wrong. Everything he thought was honorable and worth it about the Gotei Thirteen had vanished with the leniency shown to the demons. Instead of falling into that trap and lessening his sense of honor, J turned back and decided not to raise his position when the Gotei was vulnerable. Unlike many others though, he did not completely leave the Gotei though. Instead, he followed orders, took care of his family, and did his job as a shinigami. Luckily another came into the picture, a new Head Captain. Under Ibiki Suika’s leadership, the Gotei was reformed into the Gotei United and things began to settle down. During this time, J decided to take time to see which direction the Gotei would go and stayed as a seated officer.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:

Swordsmanship: J Saionji is an expert swordsman who focuses on two handed styles, like kendo most of the time. He prefers methods that use his strength over speed and utilizes physical power to overwhelm his opponent. However, J has also practices his own unnamed one-handed style that focuses on defensive postures for when he’s in a difficult fight. This style focuses on quick parrying, dodging, and quick footwork. This style also allows him to rapidly move in and out of two-handed and one-handed stances in order to confuse and overwhelm his opponent.

Impressive Strength: J’s strength is his focus when he’s training his physical attributes. While he does train his speed, it is his strength that he most values in a battle. Therefore, through years of intense training, J has reached a pinnacle of strength that allows him to complete feats weaker beings believe impossible. A strike from J has the ability to do a massive amount of damage. His sword striking an opponent can easily cut through them, especially those with lesser durability.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:

Zanjutsu: When it comes to the shinigami specific style, J has found quite the love for it. J strongly focuses trying his ability to use his spiritual energy to increase the power of his sword attacks. He is most excited when being able to utilize zanjutsu techniques, and he focuses on honing these capabilities more than anything other ability. Though most would be happy with this level of zanjutsu, J is not. Stagnation is something he hates, so he attempts to increase his skill further. At this level, he can materialize his zanpakuto spirit, has grown his bankai to a deadly ability, and can be considered a reliable and powerful ally when he has a sword in his hand.

Hohō : J has risen to great levels in hohō and has begun his dive into more impressive techniques. These techniques, such as the speed clones, are in their infancy stages, but he is getting there. For speed clones, he is able to make up to four successfully. Any more and the illusion fails. His mastery of shunpo is impressive. He has reached a point where he can cover great distances using it. He can also use shunpo a few dozen times without becoming exhausted.

Kidō: Though kidō has never been J’s focus in battle, he recognizes it’s capability as a weapon. His current ability allows him to comfortably cast kido up to level sixty. He has been able to utilize incantation abandonment, but does notice the decrease in power, so his training in kido has begun focusing on preventing that. However, to a lot of people’s surprise, J doesn’t focus mostly on Hadō and bakudo. Instead, he focuses on kaido in order to increase his healing ability.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Zuijin. [随刃, Attending Blade]

» Zanpakutō Spirit:
[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji J_Zan_Spirit

In many ways, Zuijin’s temperament mirrors J’s. He is a level headed man with very little to say. He holds to a strong moral code that he shares with J, most easily described as “protect the weak, but you are not one of them.” In most cases, the two of them get along. However, where the two differ is that this is definitely a master-servant relationship. Zuijin holds a deep respect for his master and will obey him, but only if J does not compromise what they work towards. If J ever falters, he will have to earn that respect back or Zuijin won’t comply.

» Inner World: J’s inner world is a perfected version of his family home. It looks like a traditional Japanese manor with a flowered courtyard and a large surrounding wall. The wall has no exit, though he can see buildings outside of it. This inner world represents J’s rigid focus about his family’s status. If there ever comes a time that he changes this focus, the gate may appear and open. Right now, his zanpakuto spirit is also confined to this area, which helps Zuijin keep to his beloved routines and avoid the chaos outside of the gates.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: J’s zanpakuto is a normal sized katana with a black sheath, dark purple handle wrappings, and an ornate silver guard. The sheath is plain, but the guard is decorated with small carved leaves.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Cut Them Down

» Shikai Appearance:
[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji J_Shikai_Small

» Shikai Abilities: The core of Zuijin’s power is to penalize those who oppose its master: J. Saionji. Each time Zuijin’s blade touches an opponent that J has designated as an enemy, the physical weight of every weapon they wield increases by 2x. The maximum that Zuijin’s blade can increase the weight of a weapon is 20x. The effect of J’s shikai ends when he has re-sheathed his zanpakuto.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Name: Jouju Zuijin. [成就随刃, Realized Attending Blade]

» Bankai Appearance: See his shikai image. No change.

» Bankai Abilities: All abilities from Zuijin’s shikai carry over to bankai, but with this change: the weight increaser extends to 3x and the maximum increase extends to 30x. Zuijin also gains the additional ability of applying stacks of the weight increase at a range equal to his Spirit Classes maximum range, at a rate of one stack every two posts. Upon release, a single stack I automatically applied to those in range. These effects can be ended by exiting the range of Zuijin’s bankai or through the sealing of it. J can only reset the area of effect range after bankai has been sealed.

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: C
» Speed: B
» Strength: B
» Soul: C

Will Skills
» Willpower: Adept
» Deduction: Adept
» Focus: Advanced

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Advanced
» Kidō: Advanced
» Zanjutsu: Elite
» Hakuda: Adept


Last edited by Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫ on Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:21 pm; edited 12 times in total
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[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji

Tue Jan 17, 2023 8:41 am
[adm]Guess who. It's me, Gamma.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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[Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4] J. Saionji

Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:49 pm

This post will be updated each time J, Saionji gets one...

2023 New Years Burst Approval
Speed: Adept > Advanced [30 points]
Kidō: Adept > Advanced [30 points]

New more fitting Zanpakuto

New Stat System: August 19th, 2024

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