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God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:31 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Br4i4Og

"Martial arts, eh? Yeah, I tried learning once. Someone real important tried to teach me."

Talking about Ulv, even now, left a bitter taste in Alex's mouth. She'd thrown away everything, but he couldn't help but miss her. The mom he'd never had, and all that. Wasn't easy to just accept that she'd been so willing to fight him over her decisions, but it was what it was. If nothing else, thinking about it had certainly gotten him a bit more irritated, and that meant he was only heating up even more. The ground under his feet had begun to crack, and as the cero and the stone flew toward him, Alex engulfed his own head in flame for the briefest of moments, slamming his head into the attack with a reinforced strike.

Damn, that'd hurt. But it could have been a lot worse, and he chuckled to himself as blood dripped down his face.

"Sorry. Don't think martial arts are really my style. I've always preferred to go with the flow, get me? Ain't a chance anyone can read what I'll do if even I don't know."

All at once, every muscle in Alex's body tensed, and the heat that had built up within his core began to fully radiate out now, the air shimmering and distorting from just how intense it was. Raising one foot, he then slammed it into the ground, shooting up both flame and stone in an impressive visual display.

Then, naturally, he lept toward her, fully intent on grabbing her and slamming her to the floor if he could. He knew arrancar were plenty good at sensing things spiritually, but it'd help at least a bit if he filled the air with his own heat, his own flame. Did he have any better plan than that? Nah, not really. Never did.

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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:58 am
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Hisana paused, her brows raising for just a moment as she listened to his retort. Oh? So someone HAD attempted to teach him? She could certainly see how ..... some work had been put in. He wasn't full of defensive holes, there was competence there. But that was about it. "Ah, I see." She paused. The way he worded that.....did he mean that they weren't around? No, he might just mean that they were someone ..famous perhaps? Or just someone dear to him. Family? She couldn't be sure. Well... Not without taking something very precious from him. She had no intention of doing that though.

That said, his solution did seem .... to give her pause. Her head canting a bit to the side before she gave a rueful smile. gently drawing her scythe blade against her own cheek. "Ah. I'm afraid that's not as true as one might like." She noted quietly, and watched as he unleashed that sudden vertical plume of burning flames. Her eyes watching him calmly before he suddenly launched himself through the flames and debris. As he emerged from it, he'd find a scythe flying towards him to meet him head- on. Intent on cleaving into his chest mid-leap. Not exactly a very effective hit, but once it made contact with his chest, she flicked her wrist. And that thin line of spirit energy that connected her to all of her scythes.

And the hint of blood on the edge of the blade suddenly flickered into it's own powerful black and violet flames. Even as the heat coming off of him started to melt the scythe, that sudden eruption of energy was still viciously sharp, and that flick caused the scythe to slash diagonally, from shoulder to hip in a sudden monstrous gush of a TRUE Gran Rey Cero blade, aiming to not only rip across his chest, but send him plowing straight back into the debris he'd created. Or at the very least, diverting his trajectory away from her and into the ground. A sudden flurry of steel shining as a flurry of scythes promptly sank into the ground between them. Offering a sort of barrier as she took a moment to speak.

"You're half right. I will admit. Against someone who is used to fighting people. Other humans. Shinigami. Perhaps even some younger hollows. That certainly might throw them off. But if you've been successful in the past. I'm afraid that is more your own sheer merit than your philosophy. If someone is expecting you to fight like a human. They will be caught off guard. But I have lived in Hueco Mundo for a very long time. These whimsical.... sudden.... instinctive attacks of yours? I've seen the like of which so many times it makes me nostalgic. What may throw off a master martial artist, is just obvious to me. Against any powerful Arrancar or Menos. Yours are the easiest kind of attack to respond to. It's the style they themselves are most familiar with." She pointed out calmly enough. It was a lesson that she hammered into her students. Those who felt that things such as ... Kido... or Hakuda weren't necessary.

She brushed a thumb along her bleeding cheek, the wound already slowly closing up, as another Gran Rey Cero ROARED to life in her hands, warping the space around her before the air peeled open, and she gently sent it into the dark void. Closing the garganta after it. But this time, the energy of that Gran Rey cero mixing with the vallye of screams could be FELT. The air tingled and shimmered from the destructive energy that was bubbling around them.

"The very reason that I use such elegant techniques. Is because in all of my time in Hueco Mundo. It is the best way to kill a mindless beast. Embrace." She informed him, before reiryoku suddenly boiled up from her body, and slowly wrapped around her. Her shihakusho slowly bleaching white, as it slowly began to grow tattered, growing into a flower-like dress as that thin vine he may have glimpsed now and then suddenly peeled it's way out from her sleeve and flew up into the air, suddenly shining as her energy bled out, and that vine suddenly exploded outward. MASSIVE thorny vines spreading out across the skies overhead. Darkening the stadium as they crept over the arena, enveloping it in that massive thorny cage.

"La Llorona."
God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Fri Dec 09, 2022 3:16 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Br4i4Og

Something about that dug deeper than he might've liked. Alex was perfectly willing to fight on sheer instinct. Acting like a wild dog had always been his way of doing things, and it'd served him well. But it didn't sit right with him to think of the fact that the way he did things was so similar to the savagery of Hueco Mundo. If there was one thing he knew, it was that Nel hated the way things were there. Maybe he oughta start working on that. Cracking his neck after he'd straightened himself out again, Alex thought about what she'd said for a moment, almost unconcerned with what she was setting up here.

It wasn't that he thought it was a non-issue or anything like that. Rather, Alex was just fully aware there was only so much he could do. Unlike this lady, he wasn't exactly tossing out crazy shit like this. Simple guy and all that. But simplicity had its own benefits in a fight like this.

"Mindless? Now that's just cold, lady. But sure, you wanna play ball, we can play ball for a bit."

All of the heat exuding from Alex seemed to recede at once, the air returning to its typical nature, and at the same time he took up an orthodox, well-mannered boxing stance. Far from his usual, but it was something he knew all too well. He'd trained it under Ulv, after all, and he'd sure put Elyss through the ringer more than a few times with this. Up to now, he'd barely even been scratching the surface of what he could do. But Alex didn't like insults.

His eyes simply watched her, and waited carefully. Was this like him? Yeah, actually. But most people didn't need to know that.

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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:05 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 HEADER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872

She couldn't help but smile fondly as her words seemed to reach the man. So many simply ignored her words, at least in situations such as this, that it warmed her heart to see him taking what she had to say seriously. And to see that heat suddenly vanish, and watching the man take up that fighter's scance, she smiled openly, a warm, adoring expression in contrast to the rest of her appearance. "Ah, I'm sorry. I'm normally not so mean spirited. But we have an audience." She admitted sheepishly, that serious, menacing teacher act practically falling apart on the spot as she gave him a sheepish look. Ah,... er... She blinked a few times. Wait, the crowd was still listening. Shit! "I mean..... ohohohohho! Did that sting, human?" She declared, covering her mouth with a hand as she promptly attempted to get back into that villainous mindset. Sneering as he took up that stance. "As a teacher, it makes me happy to see someone learning new tricks. So I'll reward you with another one of mine." She chimed, slowly winding her weapon back, as energy crackled in the air around her. And in a flash, she suddenly SHOT towards him! Suddenly vannishing, but this time, that burst of black energy was MASSIVE. Bliterating the spot she'd been standing a moment before.

Under normal circumstances, those high speed sonidos using the valley of screams caused little bursts of smoke. Just ambient energy from the valley of screams that hid what she was actually doing. But there was a Gran Rey Cero mixing with that energy, and so when she shot into the garganta to close the distance, even just that brief, split second run off GASHED the landscape around her, and Alex would feel a similar explosion of energy as Hisana appeared a few feet infront of him, dragging a massive scythe of energy behind her. Having absorbed that attack into her scythe before emerging, but even congealed onto her weapon, the cero was RAGING, ripping up the surrounding area, the blade seeming to have grown tremendously, enough power that the air around them tore and warped.

But she didn't swing. For just a fraction of a second, she stood there. Feigning a slash, the blade of the scythe behind her as she slid toward him. After all. She expected a counter from the man. An attack. A strike. Something meant to interrupt or strike her down. But if he DID launch an attack his strike would simply slip right through her body. An afterimage charged with her spiritual energy, but seemingly holding the ACTUAL scythe containing that attack. The Real Hisana slipping in beside Alex, wielding one of her other scythes, aiming to hook the blade around his shoulder and ten SLAM him into the ground, attempting to hold him there as even without a REAL hisana holding it, that scythe would still slash, bringing down that attack on the man. The blade swelling, growing as if some massive fanged beast, a monstrous blade which opened its maw and dived down on Alex, cleaving the entirety of the arena clean in two, the excess splashing into the barrier which isolated them from the crowd outside. An attack she normally would have NEVER unleashed in a place like this.

But Alex was sturdy. Hisana could not have asked for a better opponent to let loose against.
God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:34 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Br4i4Og

When you fought like Alex did, facing down every attack knowing perfectly well that it was gonna hurt like a bitch, you got real good at waiting for the right hit to connect. He didn't throw out a punch when she dashed in front of him, and frankly, it had nothing to do with noticing it was just an illusion. He didn't have a fucking clue. But she was fast, so hitting her when she was still further off was too stupid of a plan. In a situation like this, he only had one option.

Fucking take it like a man.

It didn't matter if this colossal nightmare was coming down on him now. He'd live. Hell, he'd been through worse than this. It wasn't until the real her came beside him, went to bring him down and hold him in place, that Alex twisted himself around and struck.

He didn't have time for anything more than one hit, but he'd never cared about crazy bullshit anyway. Clenching his fist tight, as all the heat he'd created condensed into it, he simply turned and swung with his full strength, easily enough force to crater the arena they were in if Hisana hadn't already decimated it so thoroughly. But even beyond the sheer physical strength, the heat he'd poured into that blow was nothing short of immense, easily enough to turn sand to glass. It was hot enough that even his own obscenely durable hand practically exploded, flesh scorched and bones shattered from the impact.

The rest of him was hardly faring particularly well either, of course. He'd let her set up for a whole lot, and he'd have to figure out a way to handle that in real fights. Blood trickled to the ground from the wounds, but he was still standing, a serious expression on his face that seemed removed from his previous casual attitude.

After all, he still had another hand, and he was all too willing to use it.

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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:41 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex - Page 2 HEADER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872

The teacher's eyes narrowed as Alex suddenly twisted in the execution of that sudden hooking strike. A grimace tracing across her features as that fist slammed into her. Before....

Sliding clean through. Noting past that first initial sliver of resistance as his fist would then slide clean through the afterimage and then unleash that pent up heat in a sudden and violent eruption of molten stone at the afterimage's feet whilst Alex's hand seemed to practically explode from that initial impact. And just before that attack rained down on him, he'd hear the woman's voice from behind him, as another scythe slid around his neck to hold him as the scythe holding all of that energy came down.

"So many times it makes me nostalgic." She repeated herself. BEfore the dull roar of energy cascaded down on him. The two other scythes holding him in place as it promptly cleaved the arena in two, and sought to drive a clean cleave through the man's body. At least as much as such an attack COULD from the woman. And as the dust and backwash of excess energy finally settled, leaving Alex battered, but still standing, Hisana herself panted lightly, and dealt with her own injury. Her right arm completely fucked. Even having read the man's attack, and used her scythe t try and slow his fist while she didged the attack and left behind an afterimage. That first instant of resistance had been an actual hit. And her shoulder as well as a length of impact down her side was riddled with burns. A wry, pained smile gently crept across Hisana's face as smoke curled along her frame. The burnt flesh resisting her body's attempt to regenerate. And well, she was not really very capable with her regeneration. There was no getting her arm back to working order before this bout was over.

All the same, she watched Alex, injured as he was, incredibly carefully as she looked his way and gave a nervous smile. "You're very strong. Even seeing through your attack, I wasn't much able to redirect your strike enough to avoid a glancing hit. But as I said before. I imagine that your victories have been by the merit of your strength and power." She glanced at what was left of her arm, missing a sizeable chunk, and the rest was a burning, charred husk. All of this just from a glancing blow?

"Ahah.... I suppose I'm not as strong as I thought." She murmured, her scythes clattering to the ground, the thin strands of reiryoku that controlled them having been burned away, and the other simply fell from her grasp as the arrancar collapsed to one knee. She was more than capable of continuing if she had ... something on the line to fight for. If she truly thought he was after her life, or if she had someone to protect, well.... as best she could in this state. However, she'd noticed the sheer might behind that attack. If she hadn't managed to avoid the brunt of that attack, she would have been dead. She simply wasn't strong enough to take his best, and she had nothing to push her toward continuing.

"I concede." She managed to rasp out,

before collapsing to the ground.
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