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God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Sat Nov 26, 2022 8:09 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex YhqcVE0

This is a no-holds-barred match to knock out, concession, or disqualification. The arena is assumed to be sufficiently sized for combat, a 25m square raised pavilion inside of a larger 100m square field. Outside of this 100m square field is a 10m buffer zone for the purposes of ring-out. Beyond this buffer zone is a barrier erected by the Gotei Captains Kuchiki and Urahara, so assume it can withstand all but the most absolutely extreme destruction. Combatants will begin the match each on one corner of the raised pavilion.

A reminder that breaking any of these rules is grounds for immediate disqualification:
1. Anyone who leaves the boundaries of the ring is disqualified.
2. Injuring or involving spectators in the match is grounds for immediate disqualification.
3. Killing blows are strictly forbidden.

Breaking these rules will result in a combatant being immediately rendered unconscious by way of Binding Contract with Albedochiffren Director Kishar.

In the left corner: Professor of Hollow Studies at Shino Academy, Hisana.

In the right corner: Vandenreich Tutor and Neighborhood Watch, Alexander Vaugrenard.

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Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:37 pm
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex HEADER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872

It was rare that such a situation would arise that she had the chance to take part in combat since she'd become a part of the Shino academy. It seemed like only yesterday that fighting was just about the only thing that she could do. But now, it was ....special. She had offered to participate in this little event really not expecting much of anything. And yet as she walked out into the arena, and glanced around to the crowds lining the stadium, she couldn't help but feel a bit of energy course through her. She'd never really experienced something like this before, but memories that weren't hers stirred inside of her. And she felt a slow, building thrill start to saturate her nerves as she heard her name being announced. She still wasn't used to being called a professor. And it was interesting that it seemed she would be facing off against another educator.

Approaching the center of the arena, Hisana stepped up onto the pavilion and offered a warm smile and a bow at the waist to the large red-haired fellow opposite of her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alex. I look forward to seeing what you can do." She noted, that calm, warm voice she'd gotten so used to using in clear evidence. Though a small edge of energy laced her words. Some small part of her was amped up. Wondering if, perhaps, her sister was watching her. Her students? Ah....

Somehow, knowing that people were watching, hoping for her victory. It brought a gentle smile to her features, and a bit more vigor into her limbs. She would not disappoint them.
God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:16 pm
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Br4i4Og

'Professor,' huh? Well, Alex had assumed he'd be up against someone pretty advanced, but that made it sound like they wanted him to get absolutely thrashed out here. Shit, they even called him a 'tutor,' was that supposed to be throwing him a bone or a subtle jab? Either way, it didn't matter. Wasn't like he was mad at the idea of a tough fight. If anything, he welcomed it. He'd need to get stronger, and he sure as fuck wasn't doing that throwing down with shitters.

"Same here, Hisana. Hope to see some neat tricks up your sleeve, I'm sure my kids'll go nuts if you do something cool."

Alex certainly wasn't the sort with any sense that he desperately needed to win this match for it to matter. Did he want to lose? No, obviously not. Nobody wanted to lose, unless it was some real weird circumstance. But he was here to give the people a nice show, put on a display of diplomacy or whatever. Better to make it a real exciting match and all that. Cracking his neck, Alex stood up more straight, raising his hands as he got into what was, ultimately, still a fairly casual stance.

"Ladies first."

He felt like something was definitely off about her, but he didn't actually know what it was. His spiritual sense was hardly the best, and it wasn't like he'd done any research on who he'd be fighting. Alex was the sorta guy who liked to figure things out as he went.


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Sat Nov 26, 2022 2:38 pm
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex HEADER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872

Hisana smiled, pleased with the introduction. Though her eyes widened for a moment as she found herself a vaught a bit off guard. Before a hppy smile broke out across her face. "You have children! Oh congratulations! I'll absolutely be sure to show something cool!" She promptly assured him, the very thought of little ones cheering on their father was enough to brighten Hisana's smile, swamped, briefly, in thousands of memories of parenthood. Pride. Joy. Love. It was something she hoped to enjoy one day. But for the time being, there was a match to be had!

"Thank you, Alex. Please brace yourself." She noted warmly, as she promptly unleashed her spiritual pressure. Her own guise promptly dissolved. That sleek dark hair slowly turning violet. Her eyes going from a warm brown to a sudden slitted purple. And all at once, her throat opened up, showing off her hollow hole as her mask, a choker of thorns wound around her neck, no longer hidden as her spiritual energy exploded outward, cratering the ground beneath her before twisting back inward. The yawning roar of a cero forming at her fingertips. Making it seem as if Alex was about to have a full force cero shot his way. Only for the air to peel open and swallow it up. A flicker that was quick enough that it might be missed if he wasn't paying attention, as the energy simply vanished, spilling into the garganta. A Feint.

As in the very next moment, Hisana launched herself at the man and a vine crept up from her sleeve up to her wrist, a scythe springing into hand as she executed a deft vertical slash. Hisana's small frame twisting gracefully in a sudden blinding strike. It was a fairly shallow one, after all she had no idea how strong her opponent actually WAS. If the man was caught off guard and well...not particularly curable, he would receive a shallow cut straight up his left shoulder. A graze to gauge the capabilities of her opponent.

God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:05 pm
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Br4i4Og

Her cheerful response was a little surprising to Alex, but then again, it probably shouldn't have been. All things considered, despite how the world had gone, he wasn't exactly the kind of guy to expect the worst from people. Sure, he wasn't near as cheerful as Nel or anything, but he was hardly some bitter old man, either.

While Hisana's change in spiritual pressure was obvious, Alex's hardly seemed to change at all. His eyes stayed squarelyon his opponent, her attacks hardly seeming to faze him. He'd actually been fully prepared to just eat the cero as it flew toward him, so the fact that it went nowhere only gave him a little bit of pause. It might come back later, but Alex didn't tend to think too far ahead other than "keep that in mind."

But damn, she was fast. Shouldn't have really been that surprising, though. Alex knew he was actually just pretty fuckin slow compared to a lot of these other folks, especially in his weight class. As she slashed toward him with that scythe, Alex simply responded with a sudden turn and a kick aimed straight for her midsection. He hadn't avoided the strike in the slightest, but it didn't seem like it'd really been all that strong in the first place, and it glanced off him without a scratch.

In a real fight, he might've made fun of her, but this was a show. Didn't wanna look like an idiot if she pulled out something wild here in a second, did he?

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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:46 pm
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex HEADER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872

She noticed the difference in speed quickly enough. Her pesquisa picking up the timing of his motions well enough, though even for his lacking speed he certainly wasn't lacking in awareness. Even despite that blinding attack, she perked up as that weapon of hers simply glanced up his frame and that kick fired out toward her side. In the very same flowing motion of the slash, the Scythe continued to spin, and the pointed handle of that weapon swept upward, intent on knocking the kick off course. But he was rather strong! She felt her OWN frame shifting rather than his own, and she twisted her body enough to avoid the full frontal force of that kick. But even a glancing blow from the man had her skidding back and away from him! Her hierro took the brunt of the blow, but even so, she couldn't help but pause as she finished skidding back, rather than going right back into it.

"You have excellent reflexes! And not even a scratch." She eyed the spot her scythe had cleaved through, but noted that really only his clothing had taken any sort of damage. Well, seems it would be sooner rather than later when it came to pulling out all the stops. It had been meant as a shallow hit, but she'd still put a fair bit of force into the strike. This man was VERY durable. She brought back her scythe, holding the blade behind her as she narrowed her eyes slightly. Should she kick it up? Not too much, she didn't want to overshoot. Besides, his was a display, not a contest. A show for all present, it wasn't about winning.

Hisana smiled, before darting forward as a sudden burst of black smoke enveloped her, and she seemed to have simply vanished. Alex had noted her speed before, but now, she was intending to lose him completely as she used her own special Soniodo. La Tragano Saliva. A snarl of black reiryoku as she disappeared, and then in a similar burst of black reiryoku, appeared directly in front of and above Alex with a sudden vicious SWING of her weapon, seemingly having teleported the distance as the air glowed along the edge of her scythe.

"Lluvia de Ceros Espina."

As she swung, another cero collected, this time along the edge of her scythe before ROARING into a large violet wash of energy, kicking up the cutting power and slashing speed of her swing. Hisana's body blurring as in that split second, two more scythes suddenly bloomed into existence from her sleeve, each of them budding with a glowing cero along it's edge as the air suddenly ignited with a flurry of bright glowing slashes, no less than nine arcs of bright Cero Energy raining down on Alex as Hisana executed a flourishing downward spin. Bracing the two extra scythes with the positioning of her body alone before unleashing that torrent of slashes down on his body, the act giving the illusion of a bright violet downpour cascading down onto Alex and ripping outward along the ground, peeling open the arena as if thorns of cero energy were erupting from the ground beneath them. A full display of energy and high speed martial skill as Hisana seemingly wielded all three scythes with perfect coordination.
God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:25 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Br4i4Og

Oh, Christ. Seemed like she was really getting right on into this, huh? Well, Alex knew he definitely ought to actually defend rather than just letting this hit him. He got the feeling nothing this intense would just bounce off so easy, and even if it would, he didn't think just eating it would look near as cool. Couldn't exactly keep track of her with everything she was doing, but maybe he didn't actually need to. He wasn't quite as skilled as her, maybe, and he definitely wasn't as quick, but he could at least match her in one respect.

"What can I say? I'm a pretty tough guy."

Flexing his right arm as he filled it with Maiden Masher's purple flame, Alex swung for the floor of the arena, the fire quickly exploding outward and striking the scythes that were flying toward him. Unlike Hisana, however, Alex didn't have any refined technique in his effort, and it showed as the attacks still broke through his defense, striking him even if with lessened force now. He winced a bit, thankful for his own natural toughness, though he could tell that he was taking a little more injury now that he'd started to heat up. Before she simply continued her offense, he quickly followed up that explosive release of flame with a leap toward her, empowering his body with heat to really explode forward with his fist rocketing toward her.

It'd take a bit to get heated up, but that was just how things went for him. He'd gotten used to taking a bit of a beating in the meantime.

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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:54 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex HEADER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872

She was intrigued as he unleashed that sudden upsurge of hot energy. The flames were.....purple? Even as those Bladed ceros cleaved through them and lanced across the man's body, scoring scratched at the very least, she couldn't help but be intrigued as her pesquisa probed the strange flames. Curious as to just what they were. She had a moment of contemplation before Alex promptly unleashed a follow-up attack in an attempt to interrupt any of her own combinations. Launching himself at her, she narrowed her eyes. Briefly considering attempting to block. But no..... she could already feel the growing heat of those flames. Instinctively, she didn't want to go tanking the heat of them if they happened to just flood past an attempt to block them. Alex was indeed quite the tanky individual, but all she had to that effect was her hierro, and the energy coming off of this man felt strong enough to bore through it.

And so as Alex launched himself at Hisana, she promptly vanished in another black flicker, slipping into a garganta in that fraction of a second and reappearing beside him as he flew through the air, Three scythes cleaving through not him, but the air each in sequence, leaving a mark like claaws in the air as she tore open a garganta into that valley of screams she'd sent her cero into. And promptly the air exploded with the sudden violent surge of energy that came with the follow-up. That cero, plus a significant portion of energy from the valley of screams exploded in a violent black and purple blade of energy. Similar to aGran Rey Cero in sudden explosive power as she sought to send the man flying across the arena. Or at least skidding, given how durably and sturdy he had proven.All the same, the REST of that dark attack would blast out and wash against the inside of the barrier, ripping into the powerful wall before spreading out and washing like a wave along the inside of the arena, shredding the outter ring and turning the out of bounds into a trench. Certainly an attack she definitely wouldn't have used were it not for the expertise that she knew had gone into the barrier.

Even so, she'd shoot back and give a little distance between herself and Alex, those scythesstill at the ready as she let out a nervous 'Whew'. "I don't think I've seen flames like that before. Is it really flame?" She ventured, curiosity clear in her voice. It certainly had felt strange, she wouldn't have been surprised if it turned out to be not flames at all. Despite appearances. Hmm. She paused and her brows raised. Looking down at herself she was shocked when she noticed that a portion of her hakama had burned away. She'd gotten closer to him than she'd intended, and a bit of scuffing was clear along the bared leg, showing the slightest beginning of her thigh. She wasn't burned, but she could definitely feel where the heat had met her hierro. She'd been right to try and avoid those flames. Little did she know they would be getting much hotter.
God of Love
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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:07 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Br4i4Og

Her speed was bad enough, but now she was slipping through space and time or whatever the fuck it was. Alex knew he probably oughta ask Nel about all this Hollow stuff, but it'd never really crossed his mind, and besides, she didn't really seem to enjoy the conversation anyway. Last thing he'd do was bother his wife.

Ah, fuck. As the tremendous explosion slammed into him, Alex couldn't do much else but defend, focusing on the metallic aspect of his flame and filling his arms with it as he crossed them over his chest. It definitely wasn't much, and he was pretty pissed that this was all he was working with, but it was better than nothing. Cracking his neck as he thought about her question, Alex simply shrugged, a genuine gesture rather than anything dismissive.

"Dunno. Never really asked when I was learning it. I probably oughta take a trip back to meet the guy who tought me, though, feels like it's not quite as good as it was back when I was just some schmuck."

Wasn't that the truth? These days, Alex felt like he only ever used Maiden Masher as a means to get hot, rather than really seeing it do much itself. That was pretty gay, and he wasn't a fan of keeping himself so limited. Ah well. He could already feel his bones starting to strain under the heat that was being funneled into them, and while that was definitely not a good thing, it wasn't a bad thing, either. Had its ups and downs. If she wanted to stay on the defensive, then Alex would simply hunker down right where he was, focused entirely on defense. He was certainly getting hotter, so all he needed was one good hit.

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hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex

Fri Dec 02, 2022 4:29 am
hisana - Seaside Fight Night: Hisana vs. Alex HEADER_sample-5e035e426dccb4da7a5ad685a7a3e872

Hisana blinked for a moment, startled for just an instant before she let out a soft chuckle, lowering her hands as those scythes slithered around her, suddenly moving of their own accord as they simply hovered in the air around her, connected by slim invisible tendrils of reiryoku as she considered such a thing. "I can understand the feeling. Ever since I came to Soul Society and started teaching, I feel as if I'm not quite the same. When I was just on my own, I guess I was a bit more vicious. But .... well. then again, I guess hollows aren't usually built for friendly matches. I don't really have much reason to go stealing the memories of the people I fight these days." She paused and then tilted her head at Alex as he seemed not to want to follow up.

She smiled. And then promptly raised her hands, taking up a martial stance that seemed to mirror his own. Countless memories from people she'd killed or eaten seeping in. Slowly filling in the blanks. Making it seem as if she were simply emulating his fighting style all on her own. "It seems like it's connected to your movements. Have you tried learning martial arts?" She ventured as she took a slow, steady breath and that sudden surging violet energy crackled along one of her fists, locking along her knuckles like flame before she promptly STOMPED, those scythes flourishing in the same instant, cleaving the ground so that she could flip a car-sized chunk of stone up between them, and then promptly execute a full-bodied uppercut to the material, firing a cero through it and causing a sudden wave of energy to barrel toward Alex. A freight train of cero energy, chunks of rock, and the sheer force afforded by her much lesser, but still decent strength honed by her own martial expertise.

Even so, following that forceful attack, she'd offer a gentle smile to the man. "I'd be happy to try and teach you sometime if you were interested."
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