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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:17 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

As calm and focused Tentō looked on the outside. He was beat up a bit. He could feel his blood pumping with excitement, but his back was sore. A big mark likely from being crashed into the ground. The appearance of a calm warrior only allowed from the rhythmic deep breaths he took, if fighting in long tournaments when he was alive and training with his Vice Captain taught him anything, was endurance. How to endure such sudden tough blows and how to pace one's recovery. Although, that was still always easier said than done. And Tentō still had much to learn and improve. In truth, Edelo's response was a bit tamer than what Tentō thought it would be. Less shock and unbelievable. But, that was a good thing to be honest. It made Tentō feel more....okay with this frustration in all reality. A raised eyebrow and sheepish chuckle was more than fine with him. In fact, Edelo's proposition just made Tentō let out a friendly laugh at the thought. A bit slow and drain though, showing that the Shinigami indeed get hurt and tired slightly from that blow. "Yes, it is a lot. So much that I am still learning in my first year. Its daunting really".

Tentō said with a smile before raining his own eyebrow this time seeing Edelo close his eyes, as brief as it was it was a strange thing to see in....well in the middle of a fight. Even as friendly and lacking of sever consequences. When Tentō heard the idea, well, he had to let out a cheesy smile at the man's gusto. "As stubborn and silent as my dear Zanpaku'to is, I wonder if that would be enough for them to even decide to", Tentō said closing his eyes himself now. Feeling the tip of Edelo's energy begin to stir. Tentō's energy was still calm though, as if it was just a still pond.


Until he spoke, his eyes flying open with a roaring fire burning the metal of his soul. "But even if they don't like the idea. I wouldn't be me if I turned such a thing down!", he cried out, his brown eyes flowing with a bright light as his still spiritual pressure erupted and cried out like a geyser. His brown colored Reiatsu moving away from its skin coat to an overflowing wave flowing and dancing around him. His spiritual pressure intense and clashing with Edelo's in the atmosphere. Edelo was very correct that feeling his energy wouldn't be too intimidating. It was exciting. It was something that made Tentō focus. This was why he came here. To face people who were at his skill level and beyond. To feel higher spiritual pressure press onto him during combat, and to use that as a chamber to go beyond his limits. Even if from the quick feel that Tentō was slightly stronger, the man using full bringer before him was just as skilled if not more than him. He was a warrior worthy of respect.

And Tentō would use his strength to represent that to the fullest.

His gown flowed, the pieces of fabric not yet torn ripping off as it flowed in the wind around him. His breath letting out an intense cool sigh as he felt his muscles and energy tighten and focus. "Maybe another could. But, I think I have to try something else here this time...". Tentō said in full honesty at the taunt, the lowered stance of Edelo being matched by Tento placing his feet firming to the ground, small cracks forming from the steps. As Tentō said this the air immediately around him begin to thin and become heavy. The concentration of his energy to the fullest as he began to store it for its next use, the sparks of energy flowing in his arms. He began to speak, his voice booming, the gentle exposition in it that was present for the fight vanishing into a deep monotone warrior's shout. "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws...", Tentō moved, shifting his free left arm out towards Edelo who had shot up into the air like a rocket, flipping in the and hovering for a moment of serene stillness before placing his foot on self made platform, foot cocked back and loaded; air twisting and spiraling around his heal shimmering. In Tento's opened outstretched palm, blue flames began to swirl and charge in a twisting rotation of his energy and determination.

"Orochi Guillotine."

"Hadō #33...Sōkatsui!!!!", a beam shot out immediately to meet the boom of Edelo's foot snapping. The sound of fire sizzling and erupting matching the explosive force. The torrent of vibrant blue energy flew in a direct line, shaking and sliding through the air as it grew and grew in size to form into a large wave. Tento concentrated in the completion of this kido, altering the components of the kido spell to push out more energy than normal using his kido knowledge and prowess. The air would grow heavy and become humid. And when their two attacks clash, Tento could feel the man's might. And the twisting wave of air lash out in another quaking boom that made Tento know that win or lose, he was glad he came today.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Ottozeo on Tue Nov 15, 2022 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:13 pm
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Huh. What a guy.

That's what ran through Edelo's mind as he watched Tento. He had to admit, the man wasn't....well for ONE, he wasn't like any other shinigami he'd frankly met. But at that, the man really wasn't like ANYONE he'd ever met. That earnest.... intensity. The man was fierce and proud, but not quite overbearing or some kinda blowhard. As the two of them prepated for their next clash. Edelo couldn't help but believe the man in his ...earnest enthusiasm.

He'd seen many shinigami in the locker rooms, the waiting areas between the various fights. He'd heard, and just kinda gleaned their motivations as they went about. Pride. Honor. Duty. Some just flat out here to bust some heads. And yet the man before him, seemed to be here simply for the SPIRIT of it. He wasn't here to dominate. He wasn't here just to fuck around. Tentō truly seemed to be invested in the spirit of this event. He was just having a great time. Testing himself. And Edelo would have been lying if he said he wasn't getting fired up because of it. An extra little BURST of energy going into his attack as he watched the man preparing something.

Those special eyes of Edelo's could see it. The twist of reiryoku in the air. Even before the spell formed. It looked different from that defensive spell entirely. And when he saw the crackle of blue flames just beginning to form, a grin spread across his face. He wasn't ging to block at all. The man was going to attack! And Edelo was HERE for it. Launching that spinning spear of supercompressed air as the shinigami fired that blue fire cannon right into it.

The two attacks blared out and fired straight into eachother. And for just an instant, there was a moment where the attacks collided. The sheer concussive force of that blue fire wave ramming into that refined, concentrated spear of air. Both attacks mingling for just an instant before the heat of those blue flames ignited the compressed gas. Suddenly a brilliant light shined between both attacks before promptly that spear planted partially into the incoming flames, before it ignited and a shockwave tore outward across the field in a visible shell. Slamming into the powerful barriers around the stadium. Keeping the audience entirely safe as both attacks collided, and then detonated spectacularly, a bright orange and blue fireball b bulging along the very center of that spiral air spear, before ballooning into a superheated bubble before finally bursting. spitting a spiral fan of flame outward between the two of them and ROCKED the stadium. Those orange and red flames spitting outward and washing over the field as Edelo found himself blown back, wrapping his cape around himself at the very last moment and using his fullbring to harden it, channeling his reiryoku into the cloth like a shield. But that didn't protect him from the concussive force.

The ground beneath the space where their attacks had met was glowing orange, and a short ways from that was flames created by their joined attacks. Edelo meanwhile, shot like a missile up to the sky above the stadium. Or rather.... straight into the roof of the barrier, hitting it HARD before bounding off and plummeting straight back down. His form smoking from the flames, his body battered by the blast, he barely managed to tumble through the air, using fullbring to make the air compress around him. Slowing his fall, and then softening the ground below before he PLOWED into it. Cratering into that softened loam of earth and grass in a panting heap soot coating his body as he reeled a bit from the explosion.

He'd kept himself up in the air to try and stay out of reach from a counter attack. But that very strategy had fucked him over. The blast having slammed him up into the roof of the arena barrier, only to fall QUITE the height to plow into the ground. If he hadn't used fullbring, he absoLUTELY would have been knocked unconscious, if not seriously injured by the fall! Holy fuck! He groaned and ...slowly peeled himself out of the dirt... and then collapsed onto his side, blinking rapidly. Yep...ears were still ringing. Covered in soot. Edelo was conscious, but whether or not he could still fight was ....questionable, as he slowly rolled onto his back and sat up, wincing, and looked over to see how Tentō had fared. Struggling just to raise his head up.

If Tentō was still up and about on his feet, that'd probably be the win for the shinigami.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Tue Nov 15, 2022 9:40 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

A heavy sigh left Tentō's body as he felt the rush. The wave vessel of his energy flying out changing into his counter attack of blue flames. He could feel the edge of energy Edelo added last minute feeling his gathering of Raistu. The energy Tentō put into his cant and increased power due to his additional input and focus. The two empowered attacks beyond their normal levels. The two attacks flared out, lighting a beacon in the air of their spirit and determination. There were many combatants present in the event; crowd and arena. The strength in the two present maybe not impressive in a grand scheme of it all, but the tenacity of the youth; the next generation, was strong beyond any difference in might.

And this will showed in their attacks, head on as they slammed into each other. A moment of pause where time stopped as they collided. A broad sword clashing with a sharp spear, mingling and mixing before their elemental properties responded to each other in a physical reaction,. The compressed air empowered by the blue flames ignited and boomed. Strengthening the flames and creating a shock wave that boosted the air's properties. Feeling the shock wave that tore across the field like a bomb, slamming into the powerful barriers separating the audience and participants, Tentō slammed his sword into the ground and lowered his knees, an attempt to anchor himself as he felt the first glimpse of the force of it all. The brilliant light shining as he felt his body move. Pushed again and again and again, inch by inch, meter by meter as he held his vice grip on his hilt. One of his eyes closed and he gazed into the bright orange and blue fireball bursting in an artistic display of their technique that shook the stadium blowing Tentō back once again. The wave of flames dispersing partially, flying to the ground in an orange glow, the heat sizzling the air as if it was a fresh skillet cooking.

He gritted his teeth, the threads and needle shards of wind from the clash doing their work. Cutting at his arms and legs, drawing a hue of blood to coat his skin. Through these gritted teeth Tento shouted, "Ba-Bakudō #37, Tsuriboshi", he said while shifting his left hand behind him as he felt a strong gust of wind knock him back, sword flying free of its lodged position in the cracked tile below. A ball of blue energy was created before being fired, 6 ropes of thread expanding from its center to the space of the arena behind him as well as where he stood. His body flew back, hovering in the area as the energy solidified into a flat elastic-like cushion. The angle of the mass enough to stick and cling to Tentō's body, providing him with a surface to slow his propelled momentum.

Only now did Tentō look up, eye forced closed, breathing from fatigue as he felt his chest heave in a rapid beat. Hand clinging to the hilt of his sword by a few fingers. He felt a large amount of his energy gone now, he hopped that that clashed drained as much out of Eldeo as it did him...

With a groan and moan Tentō shook his head, his legs wobbling slightly as he lifting his body up to gaze out of his energy net. He saw Eldeo, covered in soot, wincing but trying to move all the same. Using his sword once again as an anchor, Tentō stood and called out to him. "HEY, you alright!?".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 Tentos10
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Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:09 pm
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The feeling of that dust slowly settling. The ash and grit slowly dispersing and clearing the air. As hiw whole body pulsed in pain. Oh yea, he'd sill landed pretty hard. He turned his head, peering through the smoke, and pausing as a smile crossed his features. Watching as Tento stood on his own two legs. Some ...sort of spell seeming to have saved him an injury similar to Edelo. Edelo let out a slooooow breath, peeling himself gingerly from the ground. And for a moment, he considered the situation. And he couldn't help but find it funny that the man was so clearly concerned about im after their exchange. What a good sport. shaking his head slowly, Edelo huffed. And grunted as he rose up to his feet.

He was pretty cooked. This was definitely Tentō's win. He could just raise his hand up, and concede and that would be that.

And yet.

He clenched his hands into fists, his spiritual pressure flaring once again, that fading dust RUSHING away from him as his energy shoved it away violently, a big grin spreading across his face as he pumped energy into his limbs. Reinforcing them, just so that he could still stand on them. His cape flapping out behind him as he SHOT toward tento, a crackle of green flames brielfy flashing behind his feet as he launched himself at the Shinigami. Slamming his foot into the ground, skidding to a stop and twisting his body.

"Don't let me down Zefā!" He cried out! Getting the Shinigami's attention as he cocked his arm back, his fist opening up, flattening his hand like a blade, as air twisted around his fingers. Compressing that air into a blade around his hand as he chopped down forcefully. No explosion of air this time. Just an air blade around his hand as he aimed to slash the Shinigami with the last of his energy. e wasn't gonna give this man a victory by surrender. Tentō had earned more than that. Edelo put what little energy he had left into keeping his body working to execute the cut. He'd be entirely open after the fact. No defenses. Nothing but the pure intent to cut this man, and decide the winner of this fight.

Show me what you got, bucko.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Wed Nov 16, 2022 6:55 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Good...good. Edelo was not seriously hurt. A sigh left his body, shaking in a bit of fatigue as well as glad satisfaction. All was well. And so the pause in the figure of speech of their match ended. Edelo letting out a slow breath, gradually and slowly lifting himself from the crater to his feet. They were both at the end, the tail end of their limits closing in. Whether of the two that had the bigger reserve of durability left, will, and energy was hard to tell. They practically looked like crash dummies coming out several rounds of testing. And when Tento felt Edelo's spiritual pressure once again in a defiance of going down Tento gave a weary smile, still bright but, feeling it.

My oh my did this human push him. This man.

A fact that didn't give a hint of shame. It was pride. Rrsoect. He was human once after all. And even in these gown and sword....he still felt human. Attached yo the realm that his life and history was. All feeling just yesterday. To see someone who was like him, at least at some point, do this. Be this. It was amazing to him beyond anything. The dust flowed and Tento adjusted his sword in front of him in a guard...with one hand.

The rush of energy did something g different to him. It gave him a shock that made his tired eyes blink and open. His spirit filling with energy and a determination to push one last time. His energy flowed like a stream, falling over his body in a soft glow that grew and grew in its size. He focused and pumped his energy everywhere. His arms, his legs. His body. His sword. And his heart! Reinforcing them so that he could try his best and strike with no regrets.

He lunged forward, his voice letting out a warriors lion Kai as he met Edelo's step, body twisting as his left hand stayed tight to his core and his right hand sliced up vertically. A soft hur humming from his Zanpatuko as it met Edelo's challenge. "BRING IT ON NAKIR!", the wave of energy around Tento pushed to counter against Edelo's energy. Pushing and pushed back and forth like aura battling to take over the course of the wind.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 Tentos10
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Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:06 pm
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The feeling of Tentō's spiritual pressure clashing with his even by itself was a rush. And when that blade of air connected with his zanpaku'to and all the energy that was pulled in behind it, he couldn't ask for a better finish. The sharp cry of pure air and energy formed together. The air itself screeching along the blade as his own hand, layered and layered with Reiryoku to protect him slamming into that blade. And for just a moment, they both held up, energy coursing along the ground, further damaging the arena until at long last a victor came out.

That wind sputtering out as Edelo flat out ran out of juice. He was using FAR more energy to keep himself standing, let alone attacking. That along with the fact that truth be told, he had to use more energy to keep that zanpaku'to from simply cleaving through his hand. And finally, was the factor that Edelo had taken much more damage in their exchange, having hit the ceiling of the arena and then plummeted to the ground. Strictly speaking he DID have plenty of spiritual energy to actually spare. But his own physical exhaustion was catching up to him. His vision grew hazy, and that wind sputtered. The Blade sliding against his palm, sliding past it, and then slashing him across his chest. A flash of blood following the arc of the strike.

It wasn't grievous to say the least. Frankly, if he were in top top shape, he probably could have just kept fighting without too much issue. But Edelo's exhaustion caught up with him. He staggered a few steps past his opponent, wavering for just a moment before his head spun and he collapsed to the ground. He was registered as unconscious and promptly, the displays in the stadium BLARED out that he was unconscious. And Tentō would hear that crowd roar. Medics promptly appearing on the field to check Edelo's injuries, and then cart him off to be healed properly. Leaving Tentō to enjoy his first victory of the night.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:18 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Tentō felt his blade quake and sing as the metal steel and his Raitsu; the two spiritual pressures intensity doing a number to the further drained body of the drained warrior. It was a rush, the concentrated wind blade against his stubborn unnamed Zanpaku'to with nothing but his energy behind it. It pulled and tugged at him. His muscles burning as if they were hovering over a flame, lowered and lowered feeling greater intensity with each second. His body stayed strong, but unlike Edelo, he felt his energy greatly drained. He had put a LARGE amount of energy to empower his kido spell further than its regular levels to clash with his final attack. The addition of the kido net to brace himself in the shock wave and after math only furthered this.

His ears rang as the air screeched along in the song of their battle. The energy lifting tiles quietly off of the floor, the small crack growing in size with a steadily POP, the heavy breaths and grunts of their strained clash. Then the victor was shown. Edelo's wind blade sputtered, growing weaker before fading away. The blade slide against his palm, vanishing past to land at the chest. Drawing a pool of blood in an arc. Thankfully it was not a deep cut, but all the same it was enough to end the fight it seemed. Edelo's body staggered past Tento, the Shinigami slouching a little in his stance after it all. His body may not have been as harmed, but his energy within was taking its toll. He sighed and shook as Edelo's body collapsed to the ground. The crowd roared but in all honesty he couldn't hear. He fell flat on his butt knees slightly up gathering his breath. His tired eyes shifting as the medics went to Edelo to check him and bring him off the stage. With a bit of effort he stood, slowly walking off the stage to get treated and rest.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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