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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Empty Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Fri Nov 11, 2022 10:09 pm
edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo YhqcVE0

This is a no-holds-barred match to knock out, concession, or disqualification. The arena is assumed to be sufficiently sized for combat, a 25m square raised pavilion inside of a larger 100m square field. Outside of this 100m square field is a 10m buffer zone for the purposes of ring-out. Beyond this buffer zone is a barrier erected by the Gotei Captains Kuchiki and Urahara, so assume it can withstand all but the most absolutely extreme destruction. Combatants will begin the match each on one corner of the raised pavilion.

A reminder that breaking any of these rules is grounds for immediate disqualification:
1. Anyone who leaves the boundaries of the ring is disqualified.
2. Injuring or involving spectators in the match is grounds for immediate disqualification.
3. Killing blows are strictly forbidden.

Breaking these rules will result in a combatant being immediately rendered unconscious by way of Binding Contract with Albedochiffren Director Kishar.

In the left corner: 15th Seat of the Gotei United's 4th Division, Tentō Zefā.

In the right corner: Vandenreich Affiliate, Edelo Nakir.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:28 pm
edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo HEADER_94274539_p14_master1200

The lights. The Roar of the Crowd. And the announcement of the match as Edelo walked out to his side of the arena, briefly looking up and around himself at the absolute sea of people that had come to watch. He'd have been a liar if he said he wasn't a little anxious because of it all. He never thought he'd be in a situation like this. Fighting not for his life, but just for .... a crowd. For comraderie. For a sense of familiarity. He'd expected to maybe get some matches in later, but an opening bout? He couldn't help but smile to himself. The only thing that kept him from freezing on the spot and hovering near that entrance was the knowledge that his Mom was watching somewhere up in that crowd.

He strode out onto the field and put on a smile, flashing his teeth as he raised a hand to wave to the crowd , and some voices rose up above the rest. Probably his mom, and probably a few of the people he'd worked with with all his volunteer work after the Arrancar Attack. Even if the whole rest of the stadium went silent, those voices pushed him on. There was nothing to be all worried about.

His gaze fixed to the man on the other side of the arena as he made his way straight to the center, offering a big friendly grin as he'd hold his hand out and offer a handshake to them. Certainly he'd never seen a shinigami quite like the man, but that was the point wasn't it? Getting to know the organization they would be working with.

"Tentō is a nice, strong name. Let's have a good match."

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:07 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo 6EdIfMt

It was a strange thing fu ding but self here. All in all, Tentō did not know at all why this event was set up between the two organizations. And the cause of it. Either way, hearing the chance to have an excuse to spar against fellow soul reapers potentially. That was a small thing. The major thing was the options to maybe to really see a quincy or human with special abilities; Full Bringers. It would be a lie to say he wasn't looking forward to interacting and learning about this people who were different than him.

Tento hopped onto the arena stage, his light hearted smile plastered on his fast as always. A cheerful aura about him as he walked to his starting side of this round of combat. The lights shined, and the voices yelled over each other. Oh it brought back good memories during his time alive. The excitement. The comraderie, the building anticipation. It was all so good and encouraging. As a Shinigami, as a member of the Gotei United as well as a member of the 4th Division. He would make sure to give this chance his full focus and effort!

Tenyo stuck out his right hand and shook Edelo's hand, giving a nod of his head and his welcoming smile. "Thank you. I look forward in sharing this sparring competition with you", his hand was firm yet gentle. After doing this he walked backwards to his side. Turning to face his match up.

"I never heard your name before. Where is it from if I may ask??" , Tento asked as he began to ptorare for the gauntlet to be thrown down, his hand going to his sword and slowly drawing it out as he got into one of the basic stances taught at Shinō.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Ottozeo on Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding color to text)
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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:47 pm
edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo HEADER_94274539_p14_master1200

Edelo was pleased to see his gesture reciprocated before both fighters backed away from eachother, Edelo himself raising his hands for a moment before eyeing the weapon that Tento drew. Right right right. Weapons and all that. He raised his hands up and let out a slow, steady breath as green energy coursed along his frame, promptly reinforcing his body with his Reiryoku, focusing it along his hands and lower legs so that he had at least SOME protection from that blade. Though, when that question came from Tentō he blinked, briefly a bit thrown off before he put that smile back on.

"Not gonna lie, I'm from Germany, but I don't quite know where my Parents got the name." He admitted, certainly something to ask his mother sometime. Even so, he got himself into a stance, eyes briefly scanning that blade. Shinigami's weapons had special abilities inherent to them, right? But that was only when they transformed, so as long as he could keep the guy from changing his weapon, he should be good right?

"Why don't I start us off?" He ventured, his smile turning playful before he crouched slightly, that green flame coursing along his boots before he promptly used bringer light, the high speed Fullbringer move to promptly close the distance between them, striking out with a straight back-hand punch aimed at the man's left shoulder. A sharp jab without committing too much of himself to the attack, the sheer speed causing that cape of his to flow out behind him. Something to test the shinigami's reflexes without opening himself up too much right off the bat. To get a feel for his opponent.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:12 pm
Ottozeo wrote:

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo 6EdIfMt

Tentō's shoulders and relaxed as his arms tightened. The sensation of Edelo's energy began to strengthen and form on his body. The raised hands and controlled breath came as a lush green energy began to follow around him. So he was a human; a full bringer. This was his spirit energy, or was this some aspect of his full bringer abilities? Just what did this man before him have under his sleeves? He would just have to be careful and watch for signs along the course of this battle. The glow was focused on his hands and lower legs, that was something to note at least.

"Ah okay, well that's fine. Not often does one know where it is from. I wonder, does your name have some meaning behind it that you know of?". He asked keeping some formal conversation going on. He was here to get to know people after all as well as fight. Could he handle doing so at the same time though? With what he saw, Tento would have to guess that this fellow was a melee fighter. He needed to be aware though until that was proven, for all he knew he could perhaps throw energy from those limbs. Such was the uncertainty of facing a new opponent.

"Fine by me, lets go Edelo!", Tento shouted in an energetic challenge. His hand tightening on the hilt of his sword and his legs beginning to pump with adrenaline. His reiryoku coursing and stirring within his body to prepare for what was coming. As Tento responded to this from his side of the arena, the green light turned into a intense flame that burst from Edelo's boots. Tento's eyes stayed glued onto him, scanning and looking out for his approach, Edelo was fast but thankfully not too fast that Tento's couldn't keep up with his movements or react. Swinging the dull side of his blade up, Tento attempted to block the back hand fist to his left shoulder. Aiming to feel out the force of Edelo's strike before trying to push the arm off and away.

Regardless if this clash attempt was fully possible or not, Tento would have dug his feet down to brace for the force of impact. After which, Tento would have raised his right leg up in a short snap kick to Edelo's lower torso. An act to see the man's reflexes as well and his durability. A moderate amount of force would be used in this strike, the speed of which was around the same as Edelo's so far. Tento's black gowned ruffled lightly as it shook with the wind in this exchange either way. A happy smile on Tento's face as this spar began.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Tentos10
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Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:40 pm
edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo HEADER_98530972_p14_master1200

"I don't think it's an exact translation, but my Mother always told me it meant 'Brave'. But you know how mothers are." Edelo noted with a flashed smile. When he promptly closed the gap, he raised his brows when he noticed Tantō blocking with the blunt part of his blade, causing a flash of a smirk across his lips. "You're being awful considerate." He pointed out. Slicking his wrist that first shifting to an open hand only to suddenly SNAP down onto the man's weapon he'd blocked with. Though those eyes of his snapped to the side, glowing as he spotted Tentō's leg snapping in for a kick, the loud THUNK sounding as the kick landed against his frame and Edelo promptly dropped his grip on the blade and skidded back, seeming as if he'd been struck with a VERY solid blow, only for that cape to drop and show that he'd raised his knee to block the incoming kick, and now balanced on a single foot. Hm. Not bad. They seemed around the same speed and strength. Edelo's reflexes were fairly sharp, and his experience with fighting definitely helped him get a bit of an edge in seeing those attacks coming. But it seemed a fairly even match.

"Not bad. I don't often see swordsmen following up with kicks. I like your style." He murmured, that raised leg slowly unbending so that his foot slowly rose straight into the air, Edelo's hands bracing either side of his knee as he built up tension in the leg. That flexibility of his showing that he definitely was a man who used his legs. Green flames briefly flickered from his thigh all the way up to his heel


And all at once, that heel SNAPPED down, the air compressing along the leg, and at the very top of his foot before it expanded explosively, propelling his leg down in a powerful axe kick. That compressed air SCREECHING along the ground as it promptly shredded through the stage in a wave of compressed air, a wave heading straight for Tentō himself. Though it wasn't digging very deep, Edelo had held back a bit. If the shinigami didn't manage to block it, it would certainly be a big flashy cut down his body, but nothing that would be life-threatening. If Tentō could handle one of these, then Edelo would know he could start to let loose. Plus, well, it was a nice big flashy move. Something that, getting through or not, surely would get the crowd, AND his opponent pumped up.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Sat Nov 12, 2022 11:21 pm
Ottozeo wrote:
Ottozeo wrote:

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo 6EdIfMt

Tentō's let out a soft chuckle at Edelo's words. Yes, yes that was a bit true of how a parent could be in their own loving ways. "Yea. But it seems she was right in that no? For you to be here and doing this. Well, there is a level of bravery in that act as well as getting to this point". The blunt part of his blade clashed, there was no immediate sensation of an affect from the energy on his hand. Perhaps it was just because it was away from Tentō's body and hadn't landed on his clothing or skin. But for sure one thing was know, Edelo was strong and the glow on his hands and lower legs only gave him a boost. The energy that was so close to him was clear on that. A shift in his eyes as he noticed the man gripped the dull side of his sword.

At that moment Tento's leg had come up in its kick. A shock wave in the air carrying the THUNK of impact. Edelo's grip going away as his feet skid back bringing a level of distance back to the two warriors. Tento figured it was a solid hit but he had to give credit. Edelo's fighting instincts were good, grabbing Tento's sword to reduce movability of his weapon was wise. "Just a little bit, wanted to not hurt you. I'm sorry. That was a dis-service to your power. You can certainly handle my sword", Tento said with a shift of his blade, the sharp edge now facing towards Edelo. At this moment did the cape reveal that Edelo had read Tento's kick and blocked.

....VERY solid combat instincts and reactions. Oh this was going to be a fun workout!

Tento's grin broadened, his energy picking up and flowing with anticipation. Even if it was blocked it had still landed. It was still something, it was a push in testing Edelo's endurance. But Tento was going to be tested as well here. Equal speed and strength, he would have to think and hope his skill and training could win him the day. As sharp as Edleo's reflexes are, Tento knew this match was going to be a fun exchange. But how much experience was here? There was a possible large depth unknown to him about Edelo's fighting experience as well as Tento's. Perhaps their stories would be shared over their exchanges of blows!

"I am a little unorthodox I suppose. I feel that like my sword, my body is my weapon. I got use to using them in marital arts too much when i was alive to stop using them here", Tento said with a sheepish chuckle. Old habits were really hard to break, especially when one found them helpful still even in this different world and teachings. Other styles had their merit though and he would have to shift when they came.

Tento's eyes narrowed slightly when Edelo raised one of his legs slowly, bending so that his foot straight into the air. If that was not a telegraph for an attack then Tento was not a wise man. The hands on the knee to control and brace for the attack made him belive this even more so. And thus as that happened, Tento began to chant a kido spell. "Winds of the west wing protect me from the winds of change! Bakudō number 25, Keisha enerugīshīrudo!", Tento said while Edelo said Guillotine. He kneeled using his left leg prompting a wedge-shaped slopped shield of condensed Reitsu appears in front of him. Tento was going to assume that this was some sort of elemental energy attack, and as he focused his energy in reservation, he hoped that it would be enough energy to handle this ranged attack. If successful, this green energy attack would crash into the slopped shield before flying upwards into the sky.

Tento braced for the blow and saw it came, a snap of Edelo's heal as the ai compresed along his leg like a vice before his foot shot down and the air expanded, bursting forward like a cannon. The axe kick coming down cleaning, in Tento's eyes it was the standard of a good kick really. The air screeched and roared, the ground being shredded as it made its way toward's Tento and his shield. Tento thought this shield would manage and he would have to see.

If so, Tento would dash forward from his kneeled position, using his hoho to approach Eldeo with a slight stab. With Tento's speed combined with the art of his flash step, he could only hope that the addition would aid him in his timing here. After doing this, Tento would spin on his back while placing one of his hands on the ground to lift himself, throwing out a sideways kick to Edelo's side. Tento's attacks had a little bit more force in them now, but no where near enough to draw blood or crack a bone. This guy was flashy but in the good way. Tento liked him and wanted to see more of what he had! "Geez man, I wish I could have done that when I was alive, that was sick!".

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Tentos10
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Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:03 am
edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo HEADER_98530972_p14_master1200

Even in the wake of his own attack, Edelo couldn't help but flash a smirk as he watched the shinigami erecting some sort of barrier. However, as that sudden gale plowed into the defense, it simply would blow right over. Of course, it was still protection, and a sharp screech would sound as that protective wall was struck. But the blade of air continued over Tentō's head, ripping through the arena behind him where a spiritual attack might have halted. True, he had used his powers to execute the attack. But the attack was just that: a blade of pure physical air. Influenced, but not imbued with his energy. Such was the territory of fullbringers.

In the very next moment, the shinigami closed the distance. Shunpo? It certainly was very different, and the flicker of movement was tracked easily enough by Edelo, those bright glowing eyes watching closely as the man suddenly spun towards him. Now THAT was a strange manner of kicking. The slide and spin before pushing off the ground. In that very moment, Edelo eyed the ground Tentō was pushing off before his gaze shifted back to the foot heading for him. A hesitation that kept him from interrupting. Instead, his left palm snapped up and he caught that foot, the air around his hand seeming almost solid, cushioning the blow as green energy rippled along his hand. Keeping him from hurting his wrist too much catching such a powerful, full-bodied kick as he skidded just an inch. The faintest twitch in his face as he felt his wrist tweak slightly.

But he gritted his teeth, then tightened his grip on the other man's foot. The foot closest to Tento promptly planting firmly into the ground, as the other leg swung up, once again raising that heel almost entirely vertical, still locked onto the man's foot, holding on to the very last second as green flames coiled up his leg as the air grew dense.


He let go of the man's foot just as he dropped the heel, that air wave slamming downward rather than streaking in any particular direction, a loud ROAR filling the stadium as that downward front of air aimed to dig clean through the flooring and into the field beneath, cratering the ground. hopefully with Tentō in it. A powerful blow, but nothing he imagined would put the man down for the count. Either way, Edelo would dart back with bringer light, getting a bit of distance as he gave a nice, slow, careful roll of his left wrist. It wasn't sprained, but it certainly hurt. He'd taken a little too much force, if he hadn't used fullbring he might have even fractured it. Right, he had to get to used to fighting other people that were supernaturally strong like himself. Not only that, but his breathing was just a hint heavier. Those big kicks weren't something he could just throw out willy nilly. He had been banking on that grip to the foot making it count.

"It's certainly a far cry from fighting hollows. But, you still aren't using that Zanpaku'to of yours. Are you able to make it transform?" He asked. After all, what kind of fight would it be if his enemy was holding something back on him? If nothing else, he wanted to push this man to his Shikai.

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edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Empty Re: Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo

Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:16 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo 6EdIfMt

This new chance was all so thrilling but also a wonderful experience for Tentō. Facing such an unknown sparring partner with unique abilities allowed Tentō to gain practice with his combat intelligence. Doing trial and errors to figure out the combat abilities and aspects of the force that he was facing. Tentō believed he had a solid grasp of his mental abilities such as his deduction, critical thinking, and iron strong focus. With the flow of combat so far with Edelo, Tentō began to piece the fragments together as he watched the air condensed air pressure crash into his erected barrier.

With the impact of the barrier and its clash. This was what he could count so far about Edelo's abilities. The man had quick reflexes, and fought in hand to hand combat, The green flames on his hands and lower legs was his Reiryoku. A concentrated amplification that was focused on his strength and movement speed. With the contact of Edelo's hand, Tentō could only tell that it was a might of force behind it. Not any flames. But that may just be because Tentō didn't get any contact on clothing or skin. How deal those blows felt if they made contact was a large question still. One that he did not really wish to get an answer to. Either way, Tentō could say at least that the move Edelo called Guillotine was not an energy based attack. It was a phsical attack pushed the air at a speed that generated a force of air. The gale wind passing over the defense flying pass over Tentō's head.


But focused and ironed will, Tentō had continued onward, closing the distance between the two in a flash step. The stab approach with his sword flying true to nick the lower torso of Edleo ever so slightly. It was a blow aimed to harm on a surface level after all, not be a lethal blow or a sever wound. After this had transpired, Tentō's had shifted his body, one hand on the ground spinning into a kick to Edelo's side. But as Tentō did this the man before Edelo did a very odd action. The green flamed fighter spun towards him, sliding and spinning before pushing off of the ground. Left palm snapping up to catch Tentō's foot, the energy flow felt now. It was pure energy for sure, and thankfully did not seem to harm him, no singed sensation. Alas throwing out a kick and not retreating the outstretched limb had its consequences, Eldelo gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on the held foot. Edelo's body grounded itself, his closest foot strong against the ground. Then his other leg hung up.


That was what Tentō thought with a bit of shock internally as the leg was raised to the point that it was practically entirely vertically up, locked onto Tentō's foot. Hanging on close as green flames coiled up Eldeo's leg as the air grew dense and heavy as if the gravity changed to be weighed down my stones.


Shit shit shit shiiiiiiiiit Tentō though as his leg was freed, the heel dropping with a determine strike of accuracy. As soon as his foot was freed Tentō tried to back slide away. An act that avoided the kick by a hair of his skin, but now the condensed air pressure. The air slammed down on him as if it was the anger at injustice, streaking around in a quake that roared the stadium. Being felt by everyone, the audience, Tentō, and his sword. Which let out a subtle sound that unfortunately Tentō was unable to hear. Flat on his back laid Tentō, taking the impact of the wind head on. A cough of air came out as he sat up, a hand on his left knee as he stabilized himself. A hole clean through the field and ground underneath resulting in a crater. With a hop he got out of the crater, his gown partially torn, hair messy, and a few cuts on his body, arms, and legs; a big smile was still placed on his face though. " me good there".

Tento rolled his shoulders, his blade pointed to the ground to show a moment of at ease and combativeness. As Edelo finished his question Tento looked at the man with a sheepish and slightly ashamed laugh and rub of the back of his head. " see. IIIII don't know my zanpatuko's name", he raised his hands up, one hand holding his sword the other free. "You see, I haven't been able to get them to speak to me. The reason I haven't used it isn't because I want to hold back against you". Well, there it was, all out in the open. Not just to a few people but to whoever who was here listening. How in the world could he become a seated officer like this? It felt so embarrassing to have people who relied on him for help and guidance when they actually knew their spirit. Forget the name, at this point Tento just wished he got to see them once....or at least hear their voice.

Either way, Tento had to live up to that expectation given to him. To be a role model for himself of what he wanted to be as a Shinigami, and only do what he could and grow. His body re-positioned itself in a defensive ready stance, ready to continue when Edelo was.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo Tentos10
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Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:12 pm
edelo - Seaside Fight Night: Tento vs. Edelo HEADER_98530972_p14_master1200

Edelo gritted his teeth as he felt the blade glance his side, but in exchange, he managed to unload that Guillotine attack practically ontop of Tentō, unleashing his attack in a spectacular display of might that drove the man into the ground as Edelo himself backed off to run a hand along his wound. A cursory touch as he skidded back and took a moment to put his guard back up. Watching as Tento took his lick and recovered. His labored breaths at least were controlled, having exerted himself, but far from gassed quite yet.

He watched as Tentō took a moment and sank his weapon into the ground. Causing Edelo to raise his brows... and lower his fists for just a moment. Before blinking in surprise. He ....didn't know the name of his zanpaku'to!? THAT threw him for a loop. He thought that was just standard for shinigami. He thoguht Shinigami just named their swords. But saying he didn't know it.... did that mean the swords already had names? His head spun just a little as he ...recontextualized the fight. He had come in here carefully, under the impression that this Shinigami would be pulling out a release that would push him past his limits. He'd expected at most, maybe a draw, if not at least getting some licks in before a loss. But that didn't seem to be the case.

Edelo raised his brows a little and offered a sheepish chuckle. "Being a shinigami sounds a lot more complicated than I thought.... I didn't know you had to convince your sword to tell you that sort of thing..." He admitted. Imagining what a hassle it would be if some weapon of his had to be coerced into working properly. Hmmm. He closed his eyes briefly, considering. Before he gave Tentō something of a playful smile. "Well. Maybe if we put on a good enough show. Maybe your sword will decide to speak up." He murmured, as that spiritual pressure of his suddenly ROARED around him. Frankly probably wouldn't be too intimidating. IT wasn't like he was stronger than Tentō. But that sudden sharpened pressure definitely would tell the man that Edelo was cooking up something. That cape of his slowly welling up and beginning to flap behind him as his energy coursed around him. Slowly pulling in the air around him with fullbring, the air rippling and twisting as it compressed caousing it to shimmer around his legs as he slowly crouched and widened his stance.

"Still. That fancy spell of yours seemed pretty good at stopping the attack before. Think you can stop it a second time?" He taunted, grinning a little as he did. Giving Tento plenty of time to prepare a defense, as he himself started concentrating on his fullbring on both of his legs. Taking every moment that he could to put more power into them. And once Tento brought up that barrier, he SHOT up into the air with bringer light! Darting up int o the sky and flipping until he was upside down, before planting his foot into a platform of his own reiryoku, using it as leverage as he cocked back his right foot. All of that twisted air spiraling in toward his heel, causing the air to shimmer around him.

"Orochi Guillotine."

As he unleashed that overhead kick, there was a loud roaring BOOM as his foot snapped out, and that twisting wave of air lashed out, firing that lance of condensed air like a pick to slam towards Tentō. And wether the man hit it head on, blocked it with a Kido, or just dodged it. Either way, once that spike of air hit the ground, it split apart and TORE out along the ground, ripping several trails of cleaved earth into the arena as he used his martial prowess to twist the attack from it's usual straight ripping line into a more concentrated spiral attack.

A grand spectacle of an attack. And after executing it, Edelo would simply float up in the air, standing on a platform of his own spirit energy, to wait and see how Tentō took the attack, and what sort of response he'd have in store.

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