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Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:42 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 JdMzd8x


As she heard the sounds of the cute little robot, Kaede immediately turned around, watching in awe as she suddenly manifested a new bat right then and there. She watched as the particles of Reishi solidified, staring at the item before she started to reach out to take it, hesitating for a moment, before finally taking it. A giant, almost child-like smile spread across her face as she quickly stored it away. New creation and all, didn't want to break it!

Calming down from the sudden burst of excitement, she tucked the container away, turning to face Ehefra again, her smile still fresh. However, it soon faded as Ehefra started explaining why she saved her. Honestly, she wasn't sure what she had been expecting. The question just sort of...came out before she could stop herself. It wasn't really all that surprising that it wasn't anything noble.

Her head turned to face the ground, kicking a stray pebble into the street as her expression turned apathetic, tucking her hands in her pockets.

"Not really. Doesn't take much of a bastard to ignore me. I wasn't left to fend for myself or anythin'. There wasn't anyone around to deal with 'em, so I figured I might as well try. Hollows are annoying anyway."

Right as she turned around and peeked into the alleyway entrance next to her, she winced, seeing her little campout of what little she had. As Ehefra posed the question, she jumped, turning around immediately to face her, looking around and avoiding looking at her. A hand made it's way out of her pocket, gripping the other tightly as her nails dug firmly into her arm. Man, she really wished she was a good liar right now. Groaning, she looked to the ground, kicking at the pavement.

"I-It's...right here. Right 'round this corner. I dunno why you're bein' so nice to me, givin' me a new bat 'n all, but, you're wastin' your time and effort on me."

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Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:40 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra couldn't help but smile a little to herself at the girl's reaction to the bat. Really the simplest of things for her, and the girl really DID seem to be super psyched. It made her smile all the wider, certainly it helped her feel a little less shitty about having to limp around with her bum ankle. It was nice feelin like a hero again. Or ...some variation of that. And she had to admit it was still a little...weird listening to the way this woman spoke. Not just about herself, but in general. But it wasn't ....TOO surprising. She'd seen the poorer sections of society. Even outside of the wastelands in Malaysia, there were still poorer areas where people could trample over eachother, frankly saving hollows the trouble. She was aware of it. But it was still strange to see in such a stark example.

And when they finally came to the spot, Ehefra stared and looked down the alleyway. There was no doubt about it. There weren't any doorways up into apartment buildings. There was no way to ...misconceive what it was Kaede had for a dwelling. One glance down the alley, and seeing the tents and such strewn back there. And Ehefra immediately understood. And she .......was torn. She was homeless?

Not that she was surprised people could still be homeless. She'd seen PLENTY of them. But it was strange to see it in ...well... a woman with the guts to go marching right up to a hollow with a bat. That kind of determination wasn't something you saw in some random bum. That was the determination to DO something that usually came with marketable skills. But here she was.... in some alleyway. Talking about how Ehefra should give up on her. And ....that promptly solved the rest f the riddle.

She didn't know this woman. But she knew someone drowning in self doubt when she saw them. Or ..perhaps not self doubt. But ...sinking self worth. She looked at the alley, and then looked back to Kaede with .... an uncertain expression. And in some way....she saw herself in the woman. Saw her own .... sinking words on her own lips, mirrored in this blue-haired punkette. The same tone of voice that the woman gave that little murmur,.... was the same voice she'd heard from her own mouth..confiding in Natasha or Ira.

She was quiet for several moments as she ..... considered what to do. The SMART thing to do, would be to give the woman some assurance. Maybe direct her to local services which would help her get on her feet. Point the woman in the right direction. Be a good sumaritan.

But she couldn't do that. She couldn't be satisfied with just....turning the girl away, in the direction of someone else to help. Something felt too.....personal about this. It wasn't. But WAS personal. Even if it the situation inherently itself wasn't personal. Seeing ....what she did in Kaede's expression. That defeated tone. That'd sealed the deal.

"I ... see...." She trailed off. Then turning to Look at KAede closely and ...furrow her brows. The gears turning in her head. She couldn't help herself. even if some part of her really didn't LIKE Kaede. Some ..foreign...western blue bitch. That ....prejudicial part of her she'd worked so hard on suppressing and ...crunching down into a corner of her mind. It gave a pathetic protest in her line of thoughts before she promptly ignored it and put on a smile.

[color=steelblue["Well. It does kinda suck having to carry shit with this ankle..."[/color] She murmured, looking off to the side, then back to Kaede. "And you know. I'm staying at a hotel while I'm in town. I hardly live here. But well, they pulled the fuckin rug on me. Insisted they only had the penthouse open. Damn place is a little big for just one gal, tch, the place is supposed to be for three people, they said I could double up if I was travelling with someone. ." She paused and .... cleared her throat. This was a little ridiculous. But ...well...the part of her that was driven to help wasn't exactly rational to begin with.

"Why don't you come stay with me? Least while I'm in town."
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Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:06 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 JdMzd8x


Kaede wasn't really someone who put much value on her own life. Why would she? She was just some homeless brat who had failed in just about every aspect of life. So, as Ehefra looked down the alleyway, she just walked over to the small, rugged tent with crude spray-paint, sitting down in the entrance as she tucked the flap behind her. She held her knees close to her chest, humiliation in her eyes.

She thought this person was pretty cool, being able to manipulate energy like that and create a new bat for her out of nowhere, all for it to be wasted on her, some brat from the streets who didn't care enough. She felt humiliated that someone that she thought was cool was seeing what that was being put toward: a whole lotta nothing. But, instead of leaving after getting her back to her... "home" safely, Kaede turned to look at Ehefra as she started muttering, her head tilting lightly to the side.

As she continued, though, Kaede couldn't help but start snickering quietly. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was wanting to ask, but she chose to do it in such an absurdly roundabout and overly wordy way. A small smile came to her face as she looked at Ehefra.

"Y'know, you suck at gettin' to the point. You...really wouldn't mind, though? Me comin' to stay with you for a bit?"

She held doubt, but, there was still a small bit of hope.

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Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:19 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra couldn't help but give a bit of a sheepish smile as Kaede commented about her mannerism. "I may have heard that once or twice." She conceded, folding her arms over her chest and then raising a brow slightly. She looked around. "Yea. Well...." There were any number of reasons this was probably a bad idea. This woman could be some kinda mugger. Or this could be some kind of act. And frankly, it really wasn't her JOB to go doing stuff like this.

But she wanted to do it. So, there it was.

"You're right. It's not exactly anything I'm gonna benefit from. But I don't mind having a roommate while I'm here. You were willing to risk your life fighting a hollow." She shrugged and put on a calm smile. "That's enough to justify a couple days of room and board in my book." There were a few other things she had in mind. Mainly ....curiosity she supposed. After all, the woman had been no match for that one hollow, but there was still potential there. AFter all, it was the Vandenreich's duty to enforce the realm more or less these days.

Sure, she'd be in the area for a while. But if she could better prepare this woman to handle hollows when she wasn't around, that was far more value wasn't it? And the fact that such a thing would be a fairly profitable skill and might help get this woman off the streets was a nice potential bonus.
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Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:34 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 JdMzd8x


Kaede snickered at Ehefra's initial response and sheepish smile. She could see her having been told off about that. But, her face quickly dropped as she trailed off, worry spiking in her heart, wondering if that meant she had reconsidered taking her in for a little bit. She didn't do a very good job of concealing it either, as her eyes suddenly lit up in fear, like a deer in headlights, only for the tension to be relieved as she shrugged and smiled.

"A-Alright then!"

Her voice wavered slightly -- she wasn't used to this. She hadn't really been treated this nicely before, or at least not in a long time, much less by someone who saved her hide from being Hollow food. It...felt nice. So, she smiled, stored the rest of her belongings in the Container, before tucking it away. She walked back up to Ehefra, standing a little way's away from her, awkwardly rolling back and forth on her feet.

"Thanks, by the way. I'll...try to be good. Do you have any more of those cool machines? Could I...try and take them apart to see how they work and stuff?"

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Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:41 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra watched as the woman went about collecting her things. It wasn't a bad setup. She'd made a lot of little camps like this. Sometimes with more things, sometimes with less. It was familiar in a way she wasn't really used to. Things that reminded her of those days. But well.... a lot had happened. Those memories, they weren't as painful as they used to be, and she couldn't help but smile as she noticed the glimmer of excitement in the way she conducted herself. Once the woman had all of her things together, Ehefra gave her a little nod and started to lead the way back to her hotel.

"There really aren't any internal parts. Beeps himself is just a sortof thick cube of energy. The actual guts of how he functions is ... a sort of ...spirit programming. That's my special ability." she explained with an idle smile. She paused, looking over toward the blue-haired wman and tilting her head. Hmmm. She turned her attention back to the road a head of them as they made their way through the city, continuing to answer the woman's questions, if any, regarding her little helper. However, as they finally came to the entrance to her Hotel, she paused and glanced at her.

"Bye the way. I don't think you mentioned your name. What should I call you?"
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Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:22 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 JdMzd8x


Following behind her with excitement, yet still a decent amount of meekness, Kaede kept a hand firmly clenched around her other wrist, dirty nails with barely any remaining paint digging deep into herself. Old habits were really dying hard right now. But, she did her best to refrain as she followed behind the woman. She was a bit disappointed to hear that there wasn't any real tech behind the shell of that adorable little robot.

" you got any other kinda real tech that I could look at and take apart?"

She really wanted to take it apart and see how it worked, but, if it was all just a bunch of spiritual junk, there wasn't really much to look at. But, using the supernatural stuff to create a sort of programming for it was still pretty cool, though. As they came to the entrance of the hotel, Kaede gave the place a look over before looking back to Ehefra.

"Oh, uh...Kaede Akimoto."

Honestly, she was half-surprised she even remembered her own last name by this point. She used it so infrequently and it mattered so little that she barely could remember it. More than anything, she was happy that she was gonna have something of a proper place to stay for a little bit. That temporary feeling only made her want to cherish it all the more.

"How do you do that stuff, anyway? The whole thing with the Hollows, the cute lil' robot, the... 'spiritual programming', how's it all work?"

Last edited by Henrex on Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:42 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra raised a brow and smiled, a little chuckle escaping her as she noted the burgeoning curiosity within the girl. She smiled, knowing all too well that spark of craving knowledge. Making her way up to her hotel room, she spoke briefly with the receptionist to inform them that she had someone else who would be in her room. They seemed uncertain, but there was no wavering in Ehefra's voice. She was firm and sure. The woman nodded along and the pair of them would make their way to the elevator as Kaede spoke.

"Kaede. Nice name. And ..heh. It's pretty complicated. It's a matter of manipulating spiritual particles that are free-floating in the air, and making them do what you want. Uh... programming is a lot more ......difficult. But it's all a little complicated one way or another. Though... it does come with a price..." She added, folding her arms as she closed her eyes. "The sensitivity to spirit energy has adverse effects. It makes you very weak to hollows especially. Even a simple bite can kill you if your health is compromised, or if a particularly strong hollow reiryoku gets in you." She noted lightly, sighing before looking up at the ceiling of the elevator, and giving a sheepish smile. "But hey. There's plenty of other types of spiritual powers you can delve into."


She perked up, smiling a bit as the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. Ehefra promptly made her way down the halway immediately before them and promptly unlocked the door and gestured inside. "aaaand ere we are. A penthouse suite. Honestly more than I usually get for a damn room. But well. The Hotel decided to jerk me around and I was too tired to argue." She murmured, shrugging her shoulders. It was fairly large to say the least, Not too fancy though. Thank goodness.
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Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:09 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 JdMzd8x


The two girls entered the hotel, and Kaede lingered a bit behind Ehefra as the receptionist seemed unsure of her bringing a plus one to her room. Part of her worried that Ehefra's gesture would end up going to waste purely because of reception. But, they were let through, and as they made their way to the elevator, Kaede decided to turn her head around and stick her tongue out at the receptionist, before slipping in with Ehefra.

She tilted her head a little, hearing how apparently complicated manipulating spiritual particles and utilizing that to program things like she did was. She wasn't experienced with the stuff, so, all she could really do was take Ehefra's word for it. The idea of developing powers, however was...weird to her. She'd never really thought about doing that, unsure of what she would even want to have as powers. She was just some hobo that was addicted to stealing things, liked to take things apart to see how they worked, and liked tech.

"...Like what?"

But, her attention quickly shifted as the bell dinged, the elevator stopped, and the doors opened. She followed Ehefra down the hall, bouncing a tad in excitement as she peered into the room while Ehefra unlocked the door. At first, she had thought that Ehefra was just making up the whole thing as an excuse, but, she really was staying in a penthouse suite.

Something like this had always been in her wildest dreams, so, Kaede's star-struck eyes looked over the room as she stepped inside, her mouth agape. Rather than the apathetic girl that Ehefra had seen before, just something like this had brought a new sense of life to her eyes and expression. Kaede was about to head over and check out the shower, but, she quickly halted in her tracks turning back around and rubbing her arm awkwardly, a big smile still on her face as she tried to meet Ehefra's gaze,

"...Thanks. This...really means a lot."

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Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:23 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] - Page 2 HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra raised a brow, looking over her shoulder at the woman before waving a hand. "Well, there's always becoming a substitute shinigami. The Gotei has gotten pretty progressive with who they want in. You weren't too bad back there. You at least probably have some spiritual potential, I can sense that easy enough. There's also probably a buncha ... dark...whatever stuff to gain abilities. However." She turned and looked squarely at Kaede.

"None of that is necessary if you want strength. Even what I can do is merely an extension. As a Quincy I draw my power from the external. I admit....I kinda wish... that I hadn't." She let her gaze drift off to the distance. Thinking..... about all the people she poisoned with hope in Malaysia. It made her shudder, before she pushed those thoughts away. "But, you are entirely capable of simply learning to harness your internal spirit energy. In all honesty... we quincy sortof ...cheat. We just take in energy rather than cultivating our own. But you don't NEED anything special to learn to use your own energy. Your soul is a weapon asd much as those that I create are. It's just a matter of learning how to use it. Some people find out through martial arts. Some through meditation. and so on." She noted simply enough. What a world if she'd just been a martial artist instead of a quincy. Hm.

That said, she did smile a little to herself as she spotted Kaede heading right for the bathroom. Remembering herself doing something similar after roughing it outdoors for several years. Though, that sudden and earnest thanks had her ....surprised. And she gave a sheepish smile back. "You're welcome." She noted quietly, and once Kaede had vanished into the bathroom she sighed. Pausing as she considered the situation.

She didn't know what she was doing. This was Malaysia all over again. She'd tried to pivor hard into alternative sources of power. She couldn't train another quincy. Help one that already existed? Sure. But ....she didn't think she had it in her to take on that kind of responsibility again. She sighed and rubbed her eyes slowly, rolling her shoulder a bit before collapsing onto her couch, putting her feet up on the back of it and outright just lounging all across it as she took a moment to just rest and elevate her ankle. God she hated this stupid fucking cane.
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