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ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] Empty Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede]

Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:29 am
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] JdMzd8x


Some things about the world becoming more spiritual weren't always the best. Hollows were one of them, mostly because Kaede just found them annoying. Shinigami couldn't be everywhere, so, sometimes, others had to take care of them, and sometimes, those others included her. On the outskirts of the city, Kaede could see a Hollow approaching the city limits.

She fiddled with her storage container, getting her revolver out and taking aim at the Hollow, firing twice as they came closer. Despite them being rather decently placed shots to the head, it didn't split the mask. Rolling her eyes, Kaede put the gun away, bringing out a metal bat and running up to the Hollow. It wasn't a sword, but, if you hit it enough times, it would do something eventually, right?

So, she didn't waste time bashing the Hollow in the face, all the while making sure that she was doing her best to not get nicked by claws. But, eventually, she managed to crack and break the mask. Right as she was about to turn around and go back into the city, two more Hollows showed up. She brought the bat up to her shoulder, then gripped it with both hands in front of her. Today was looking to be a pretty long morning. At least she was gonna be getting a workout in.

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Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:13 am
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

The disappearance of the hollow's reiatsu wasn't too surprising. Locals fighting back was the most likely cause. Well, that was always good at least. For the most part. She sighed just a little as she sensed the other hollows in the area. MAking her way down the street Having to use a damn cane. Ugh....what a pain in the ass. but well... something she couldn't really bmae anyone for but herself. Following her release from the hospital, she'd attempted to go right back into her normal routine. Her legs were healing for the most part. but....well... she'd wound up straining her left ankle. So now she had to baby the damn thing before she properly fucked it up and sprained it. She was a damn sitting duck.

At least thats what the hollow seemed to think. No doubt the scent of quincy had drawn the thing in, it was big and ugly as they usually were. A big lizard-like head as the creature slowly crept along the buildings. It was trying to be slick and sneak up on her, but Beeps had informed her of it's presence when it first arrived. It slowly reached down, those fingers careful not to make a shadow that Ehefra could see. Intent on ripping her soul from her body for consumption. Ehefra could feel it with her reikaku, and waited until the very last moment.

Her hand snapped up and she pumped her Blut into her bad ankle. Protecting it as she promptly planted both feet and she grabbed the hollow by it's hand. A ripple of fine lines barring that acidic touch from burning her hand as she CLAMPED her hand down and then TWISTED! The entire hollow, all 15 meters of the thing was promptly hauled over Ehefra's head and then SLAMMED into the street with enough force to crack the pavement, a loud roar sounding as all of the air left the hollow's body. And then a sickening CRUNCH as Ehefra plowed her fist into the center of it's mask, punching clean through the hollow's skull before opening her hand and ripping it back out, popping it's mask, and it's skull open on the spot as the contents of its head spilled out onto the ground.

"Fucking trash." She murmured under her breath, hissing a bit as she tested her ankle on the ground. No pain? Awesome, then the blut worked. Even so, she took a moment to spit onto the corpse as she then began to cane her way around it, fucking fucker attacking her while she was injured. There was a crackle of reishi beneath her before a platform was created and promptly she used it with hirenkyaku to zip out of the area in a blur, making her way up to the rooftops, sighing a bit as she eyed where the last hollow was from the vantage point. Should she just snipe it from here? Though, her brows did furrow a little as she spotted someone off in the distance. Was hair?

She peered a little and promptly summoned her bow, that bright ring of code forming around her free hand as she ....watched from her spot on the roof, ready to jump in if need be. But well.. she wasn't gonna steal the woman's thunder unnecessarily. For now she'd watch and wait. The woman DID seem to have a lot of purpose and violent intent behind her walk. She could assume that, surely, this woman knew what she was going up against. And hey, if she started to fuck up, Ehefra would come in for the rescue.
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Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:03 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] JdMzd8x


The two Hollows slowly approached her, and Kaede didn't skip a beat. She leaped toward one of them and brought her bat down on it's heat with every ounce of her strength. She wanted to at least take one out before focusing on the other. But, rather than hearing the mask crack, she heard the sound of the bat smacking against something else, and watched as the Hollow grabbed the bat, letting her dangle in the air for a couple seconds, before snapping it in half.

Falling on her ass, Kaede look at the broken bat for a moment, before growling and jumping up again. Without hesitation, she drove the sharpened end of the broken handle into the Hollow's head and dragged it down, before pulling the last bits of the mask apart with her hands, falling on her rear end again. It was far from anything graceful or formal. It was childish, violent, almost desperate in nature.

Right as she was about to get up, the second Hollow grabbed her and hoisted her up. While she couldn't do much, she didn't waste time trying to kick it in the face. It didn't do much, and she could feel the Hollow's grip tightening, clenching her firmly with both of its gross hands. For as much as she kicked and thrashed, she wasn't able to do much to get out of this one's grip.

Well, if this was how she was gonna die, at least she was going down with a fight. Not like it would mean much, though.

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Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:33 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] HEADER_sample-f8b6af04c50428f9447effbdbe7dbc2c

Huh, not bad. But the girl seemed.... not that strong. Even with her admirable fight, even managing to take down one of the hollows, it became abundantly clear that this wasn't going to be this woman's night. Seeing her barely dispatch the first hollow, and then being grabbed by the second, that was all she really needed to see. In the very next instant, she was standing behind the hollow as it lifted the woman iup into the air. The air crackling as reishi formed along the tips of her fingers, forming a long sword. With a FWASH that blade stabbed clean through the hollow's middle before slashing upward. Cleaving it's head and upper body cleanly in two, it's body JERKING from the initial stab, before simply going limp as it was dispatched so deftly, It's body already dissolving as it collapsed to the ground, no doubt dropping Kaede in the process as Ehefra's sword rippled with reishi flames, burning away the residue from the hollow as the quincy eyed the woman.

Huh, so the hair WAS blue.

"Are you alright?" She asked, KAede, promptly her work-voice kicked in as she gave a concerned look to the woman, briefly giving her a once-over glance as her little companion cube, Beeps, floated out from her belt and seemed to take a moment to scan the girl for injuries.

"My apologies for not moving in sooner. Harder to get around with my ankle." She nodded down to the side shehad the cane on. Not actually the truth but... it was nicer than 'I was under the impression you could handle two little hollows since you ran toward the danger'. She was more professional than THAT.
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Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:55 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] JdMzd8x


Right as Kaede was picked up, she heard and sensed something behind the Hollow. She could barely see someone standing behind it, just the top of their head. Her expression quickly changed to interest as she watched the Hollow's upper body being cleaved in two in seconds. The parts peeled apart, before the creature fell limp, dropping her in the process, causing Kaede to fall on her ass once again.

"That was...really cool."

As she stood up, Kaede rubbed her bruised butt, looking at the disintegrating Hollow and fascinated by the clean cut. Her attention quickly snapped back to her savior who was...a woman, and a cute one at that. She blinked a few times, her focus turning to the cube that seemed to be checking her for something.

"Um...y-yeah, I'm fine. Just fell on my ass a few times. Arms are kinda sore too, I guess. You got to it before it could really break anythin' in me."

She reached out, poked, then flicked the cube curiously before turning back to look at Ehefra, then to her cane and leg. Yeah, made sense that she wouldn't have gotten to her quickly. Well, at least she wasn't Hollow food.

"Either way, that was pretty cool, and so is this...cube...thingy. It's kinda cute, too! What's he do?"

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Fri Nov 04, 2022 9:07 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

No injuries, kinda weird clothing, but well...she was hardly someone to judge others on what they wore. She allowed the blade to compress and vanish into a clear fluid, broken down and condensed into a small capsule, which then Beeps collected into it's body. She'd been collecting Hollow Reiryoku for a bit now, but that was it's own thing.

"I'm glad to hear that, this is my assistant, Beeps. He helps me with...well just about everything. Made him myself. In any case, sorry about your uh... bat. But you should really look into trying to get one that's a bit more sturdy. I also would reccommend not engaging hollows in hand to hand combat unless necessary. A gun is much better if you can manage it. Unless you can confidently say you can finish it quickly." She pointed out....offering a gentle smile. And then...clearing her throat.

"In any case, my name is Ehefra Kleinmund, an Administrator for the Vandenreich. I plan on sticking around this area for a few days, so if you sense any hollows, you can just seek shelter and I'll have them dealt with. Do you want me to walk you to your home?" She offered with a slight tilt of her head.
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Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:07 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] JdMzd8x


The girl's eyes followed Ehefra's little robot and the weapon she had, watching it shrink and compress, down to a capsule of weird clear fluid. Was she collecting something from them? Well, she had a cute lil' robot assistant, so, it was pretty obvious she was at least kind of a tech person.

At the mention of the item, Kaede looked over at the discarded broken top of the bad, her shoulders slumping. She really liked that bat, and now it was all busted up. Leaning over and picking it up, she groaned softly, storing it away in her container as the item dissolved into a shower of pixelated particles. She rolled her eyes at the mention of using a gun, though, and she mumbled under her breath.

"Yeah, if the bullets are the size of fuckin' pool noodles..."

She tucked the storage container away, perking up slightly as she mentioned her name and profession. Vandenreich? Weren't they the group of Quincy? If that was the case, then...why was a Quincy collecting Hollow gunk? Last time she had heard, that stuff was practically poison to them. Eh, maybe she was trying to develop some kinda cure. But, at the offer for Ehefra to walk her home, she froze.

"I mean, it'd be neat to have my cool 'n badass savior walk me back."

She tried to be nonchalant about it, but, she couldn't stop playing with her hair. Twisting it, pulling knotted, tangled bits out and flicking them aside. She wasn't used to this, people showing this level of care toward her, and now she had locked herself in. She'd have to either think of something, or her badass savior would see that she was...well, hardly anything worth saving.


Last edited by Henrex on Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:14 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra couldn't help but smile and chuckled gently at the soft murmur from Kaede. "Ahah, right. Well you have a pretty good point at that. Well still, I'd advise to keep your distance if it comes to that kind of thing. If you're able. Though..." She paused and eyed the storage thing. Hmmm. "I could certainly make something a bit sturdier for you to use if need be." She offered.

The playing with the hair certainly got her attention, a brow raising ever so slightly. Huh, that was odd. But she didn't mind it, chuckling just a little at being called cool and badass. "I don't know if the bum ankle really says 'badass' as much as I'd like. I'm usually much cooler." She sighed, ugh this healing stuff sucked. "In any case! Of course. You can just lead the way." She offered. Entirely unaware of the situation going on in Kaede's head. The woman seemed nice enough. Plenty of individuals got real..... nettled when around authority figures. But thankfully that didn't seem to be the case! So far as she knew, Kaede was just some gal who didn't give her trouble.

And we take those.
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Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:12 am
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] JdMzd8x


She suddenly perked up at Ehefra's mention of making something sturdier. Her expression was one of genuine surprise. She was...really offering to make something to replace that bat, and make it sturdier? She blinked a few times, before giving a wordless nod. Usually, she'd just be a snarky little shit, but, that little brief display had grabbed her attention.

Maybe it was pretty simple compared to the other things that happened in the world, but, she was hardly one that could get around to see that kind of stuff. Only when she mentioned that she was usually cooler did she speak.

"A cripple killin' a Hollow that's, what, almost twice her size? That's pretty cool in it of itself."

As she turned to head back within the city limits, Kaede brought a finger to her mouth, biting down hard on the digit as she continued to twist and tug at her hair. Should she just come clean with it? Waiting until they got back to her...well, "home," would give her more time to think of some kind of excuse, but, if she couldn't think of anything now, would she be able to think of anything in that time? As Kaede started walking down the street, she stuffed her hands in her pockets. She needed to at least buy time, for now at least.

"...Why'd ya save me, anyway?"

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Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:40 pm
ehefra - Why Is Your Hair Blue? [Ehefra, Kaede] HEADER_CXaN6XIUEAA7QPb

Ehefra smiled and nodded, taking a moment and holding out her hand as Beeps floated out from her jacket pocket. A blueprint projecting for a moment before reishi gathered in her hand, slowly condensing into solid form. Promptly fabricating a Bat. It was kinda a quick job, but well, she wasn't gonna go optimizing bat structure. All the same, the reishi slowly turned solid and Ehefra handed it to Kaede. Just pure plain Reishi. She didn't make it into a pfiel or anything, the last thing she needed was this girl obliterating hollow souls. But certainly it would hold up better than her other bat.

"Heh, I suppose. In truth Size isn't ..... TOO much of a factor once you reach a certain level. A building sized hollow can be just as durable as one the size of a puppy. But I guess I get your point." She admitted. That second question however, had her raiding a brow. Eh? "Uh....well..I can't really say it was anything noble. Like that I'm a hero or anything. It was just the thing to do? I'm not gonna let someone get chomped because I'm feeling lazy. You were around, and you were in trouble, so I saved you. I admit there really wasn't much more to it than that." She noted before giving Kaede a concerned look. "I'm sure it's probably felt like a mixed bag at times. Shinigami are.....odd people sometimes. It may even seem like they don't care. Maybe some of them don't. But It'd take a real bastard to just kinda ignore you I'd think. Not without a good reason. Which....feels bad to say. But well...with hollows...if you'd been left on your own before. It was probably because something more dangerous was afoot. Not that that's an excuse but...well." She trailed off, kinda getting ahead of herself there, and assuming that perhaps Kaede had been left to die. Probably not a great assumption to make, so she cleared her throat.

"So, how far is it to your place?"
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