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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] - Page 2 Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Fri Oct 11, 2024 10:50 am
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] - Page 2 O43SJpU

"Catherine Reed"

"A job you like's hardly a job," Her cig danced in her mouth as she spoke, only to be parted momentarily with a brief puff of smoke rings, "But the things in the job, what it enables me to do, I guess I enjoy."

The most she could lend in a way of thought to Doku's interests was a simple 'that's nice'. Wasn't like she had the experience of a sibling to really relate to it - she'd mostly been on her own growing up, and especially after her first hunt. She didn't want to answer that last question either, noticing Doku's demeanor change with her comment of how uplifted he should be given he doesn't have to worry about caring for another person for once in his life. Then it collapsed into yelling - he had lost his cool.

Ah. She won. No need to hold back, then. The fire burning in her chest from the words thrown her way was just begging to be exposed to air, and she had the excuse she needed to open that vent. Her pale face didn't express what she was thinking or feeling at all, quietly smothering her cigarette butt by twisting the edge of the stick into itself with her power until the gentle ember stopped smoking. Only then was when she got up so suddenly and aggressively, the air tasting of her anger and indignation as she glowered at Doku with piercing eyes.

"You know what Doku, you're right," Her voice was unusually cold, tone harsh as she breathed this thought into the room, "I wouldn't know what it feels like to care for someone, especially not family. Never knew my mother - she died before I was even capable of conscious thought. My father was always working to support us, so sure didn't know what that was like. No siblings - I was in the house alone. Grandfather's a piece of shit who reminds me of how inferior I am for not being a proper heir, yet daring to be that anyway every time i'm within orbit of him. And i've killed whatever remained of any other members."

Voice grown harsher, she held back the want to grab the man and shake sense into him, her heart twisting beneath this veneer of cold rage, all the experiences she'd never be allowed to have... "Your sister's alive. Shes' with people who can actually take care of her, and I doubt she'd be put up to any dangerous jobs. You can visit her anytime you want, you can call her, you can see her. Is your ego that weak that you can't see the benefit in this situation? Are you that thrilled to be someone else's caretaker til you croak in your goddamn house broke and unfulfilled?! Does being charged with this responsibility the only damn thing that makes you feel important?!"

She slammed her fist on the coffee table, with no measured control of her frustration. The table collapsed into a pile of splinters with such ease, the items atop it either gone flying or caving along with it. Her head whipped around to look at what she'd done, the flourish of pain in her fist.. She grit her teeth, got up, and moved away into the bathroom, locking the door with a veil of silence falling upon the room in her wake.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] - Page 2 Empty Re: Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku]

Today at 2:42 am
Downed And Dumped [Catherine/Doku] - Page 2 KyaobKY
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Well, Catherine pretty much answered exactly how he expected. He always heard that, though, a job you like isn’t a job. So Catherine enjoyed his job, which was a good thing, at least. Though Doku wondered if he did, he loved meeting the new people. Hell, if he didn’t work this bar, he’d never meet any of the friends he currently had. He made sure to make note of her avoiding the question.

Snapping like that honestly felt a bit satisfying, at least as it all exploded out like a firework. After yelling his body stiffed, as if realizing what had just happened, did he mean any of that? A little, he did think Catherine needed to listen better, but overall he still liked the woman and didn’t think she was some heartless emotionless monster. However listening to her retaliate did make them seem a bit closer in Doku’s mind, both had busy dads who worked to support them, though maybe NOT the killing your family part.

Despite this, it did give Doku a bit of clarity, but one thing struck hard. Being someone's caretaker? Was that what Doku enjoyed? Making his mom smile as a kid, helping Helen with her business, and providing for Nanaly. All of those things were what made the man the happiest. It DID make him feel important, not some rejected Quincy boy. That was his spark, helping the people he cared about. Oddly, maybe that was what he needed.

Were things not so heated, he’d be mad about Catherine smashing his table, he watched as she stormed off into the restroom, and with a heavy sigh he took just a second himself, to sit on the sofa, take one more big puff of smoke before going to where the table once collapsed and looking at what objects were broken.

Nothing irreplaceable, that was good. After that, he made his way to the bathroom door where he stood, motionless as he carefully thought of what to say. His rather tense and out-of-character tone would return (rather forced) to a more familiar upbeat tone as he finally spoke up. Lightly using his knuckles to give a good five or six light knocks.

“Locking the door doesn’t do anything. Portal guy. Can kinda just walk through it”

He started lighthearted. “Look, Catherine. I think we both got a pretty shitty hand in life, yours is a lot worst, don’t get me wrong but. I get it.”

Pressing his back against the door he would slowly slide down the wall, eventually sitting as his rear hit the ground, going in for another huff from the cig. “Tell me this. For someone who doesn’t care. Why do you bother to visit my bar, you also care enough to save me from all those Hollows…” He thought back to his tag-along. “You’re smart. You know I didn’t mean what I said.”

“To answer your question though. Yeah. I think it does make me feel important. Back when I had to take Nanaly to the hospital for her treatments, we’d go get lunch and ice cream after, so much so she always looked forward to hanging out with me, I don’t think she could handle all those treatments if I wasn't there for her. It’s weird, it was stressful, but it also made me happy. Happy to see her smile, I felt like I was good at something for once in my life” He took a moment to exhale.

“Guess I’m a caretaker. Feeding that cat felt… good. You should know by now I hate cats. But the poor guy didn’t have anywhere to go, so I let him have a bed and some food whenever he’s around.” That was it, it was the act of taking care of people that made Doku happy.

Family Troubles | END POST
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