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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Left_bar_bleue0/0In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:50 pm
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] HEADER_0271-006

A group.
It was not terribly surprising. Even amidst Kurosaki's groups making such a quick, acute excursion into Hueco Mundo, Nel and her companions had garnered enough time together to forge a bond. As such, it was no surprise to Ulquiorra that Nelliel tu Odelschwank would have garnered some form of companions in the hundred years since the wars.

The ex-tercera would sense her presence in the city, and Ulquiorra waited patiently. Especially with such catastrophic events, and such...familiar ones at that. It only made sense that Ulquiorra would wait until Nel was on her own to appear. But it was done so as she knew was polite. The Arrancar would stand at Nel's door and gently, she would reach up and knock firmly. Unnecessarily at that. Nel would be able to sense her. But all the same, Ulquiorra recognized the earth customs of knocking on arrival. Waiting patiently for the door to be answered.

Of course, the woman herself would be dressed professionally. A knee-length black skirt, a white button up top with her sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Waiting patiently and politely for Nel to answer.
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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:03 pm
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Header5
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

She had sensed the presence of another Espada immediately upon entering the City of Lights but Nelliel wasn't so bashful as to jump straight to business. Ulquiorra was among the lower end of her priorities of reasons to be in the City of Lights but she did intend to follow up with the the Cuatro and see what she was up to.

Firstly, Nelliel remembered this individual dying. Secondly, it was likely in regards to Ichigo that he was here as well.


She opened the door to a particularly surprising sight. The ghost of an Espada was not only alive and in flesh but he was now a she. It left Nelliel pausing for a moment to look at the effeminate and apathetic look that hung on her face.

"Ulquiorra, you're alive?"


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Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:15 pm
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] HEADER_0271-006

"Merry Christmas." Ulquiorra noted in a calm voice that to anyone else, might have been picked up as dry humor, but in fact, was an attempt at a joke. If anyone, Nell would be a safe individual to try out humor with. She had always seemed easy to please. But all the same, Ulquiorra's eyes would shift to the side. Directly looking at the individual or individuals that Nell had been interacting with prior to her arrival, as if she could see them through brick and mortar, before glancing back to Nel.

"I apologize for intruding on your time. I noticed you had only recently arrived in the city. However, I felt it important that I share with you what I've been able to gather about what happened. I assume that you are just as curious as I about Kurosaki's recent Visit." she explained, before..... she paused. As if remembering something, before adding.

"May I come in?"
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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:32 pm
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Header5
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

Hmm. That wasn't exactly what she'd have expected to be the first words that came out of this individual's mouth after everything that had happened but she took it in stride. Nelliel's seafoam green eyes flicking to follow Ulquiorra's while contemplating her request to come inside.

Maybe later.

"Let's go for a walk instead."

She didn't want to expose the others to what she viewed as her own business. It wouldn't do them any good to worry about things like this, she contemplated taking Gamuza but she didn't want to be involved in any violence if she could get away from it. Ulquiorra wasn't the type to flex their power for wanton purposes.

Once she was outside and gesturing for her companion to follow, Nel interjected first. She was more interested in any specifics that Ulquiorra had which she had not been able to acquire from Ninsianna.

"I was appraised of the situation, an arrancar with the likeness of Ichigo Kurosaki entered the City of Lights with unknown intent which devolved into conflict. Resolved after he made off with Orihime Inoue who appears to have been allied with the Vandenreich in some capacity. Does that align with what you know?"


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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:51 pm
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] HEADER_0271-006

Ulquiorra nodded lightly, not in the slightest perturbed by not being allowed inside. Humans, after all, were protective of their friends and family. It was reasonable that Nel might not want this conversation to go on around them. In the event of eavesdropping. And so she followed readily enough as Nel led the way, keeping stride with the Ex Tercera as they went.

Thankfully Nell seemed to share her interest in going right to the point. Ulquiorra kept her gaze straight ahead of them, listening carefully. It seemed about right... Strange. Was Nel connected to the Vandenreich? She hadn't sensed any quincy at the house... but then again, the Vandenreich seemed more diverse than those she'd met with might suggest. Fair enough.

"That lines up with, generally, what I've been told. However, The Vandenreich leader was kind enough to allow me access to records and reports, in exchange for sharing what I might find out when I find Kurosaki and Inoue." She explained calmly. No ifs, she had every intention of meeting up with the pair.

"It seemed that Kurosaki and Orihime have indeed changed considerably in the last hundred years. However." She turned, meeting Nel's gaze. "They are still the same individuals that they were during Aizen's Rebellions. Mysterious as she was, the Vandenreich's dealings with Orihime seemed to be on the positive side of things. It's quite likely that she has grown attached to this place. And indeed, was simply withholding information, rather than simply feeding the Vandenreich lies." She murmured. Naturally, she abstained from offering any specific information, after all, those were given to her in confidence.

"And as for Kurosaki. I'm sure you're aware of how driven he can be. He responded to shows of force, and obstructions to his objective. But regardless of his having become an arrancar. None of his behaviors seem outside of the parameters he displayed during Aizen's Rebellion. He has not lost his ability to reason. If I were to hazard a guess, I would surmise that he simply feels as though this is his only available course of action." She noted. Including that last bit. By simple merit of knowing that it might be pertinent to Nelliel.

After all. Ulquiorra did not even have to turn her pesquisa on Nel to know she would be ruffled by these recent events, given her connection to Ichigo and Orihime in the past. She was, in her own way, attempting to put the woman at ease.
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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:50 am
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Header5
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

Well, she thought it convenient that Ulquiorra had already done hi- her investigations of the situation. She was glad that she had the benefit of being friends with Ninsianna and could avoid all the riff-raff from having to build rapport from nothing and try to coax information from an individual she'd never met before.

"And what is your intended course of action in light of this?"

Nelliel asked with a raised eyebrow, curious about what drove the Cuatro Espada to pursue the duo and more importantly, what she'd do once she had found them. She wanted to glean the possible ends after this hunt had been seen to completition and she either had an ally or competition in the pursuit of Ichigo Kurosaki.


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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:59 am
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] HEADER_0271-006

That question.... took her a moment longer than usual. What indeed was her course of action? The short and simple answer to that query was that she was simply intending to inquire as to what it was they were doing. WHY Kurosaki had decided to attack the City. Had he really known of Inoue's presence? What was Inoue's intent? Did she plan on joining Kurosaki? Would she wish to return? And, naturally, she would leave with that information and pass it onto the Vandenreich. And then, decide what to do from there. It was not as though Kurosaki were especially difficult to track.

However, it did occur to her, that she might be inclined toward action sooner than that. She had started this journey of understanding the heart. But now, she did not quite understand it's effects. Why she had become so....capitulating toward human customs. Why she bothered with any of this. Why was it that she felt driven to NOT simply submerge herself in nothingness? However....

Nel likely did not care about any of this. Or rather, had her own concerns. And Ulquiorra felt .......uncomfortable speaking of things she was uncertain about. So, naturally. "I intend to inquire as to their intentions and reasonings for their recent behavior. Given this intel, it should not be particularly difficult. I will gather the information, pass it onto the Vandenreich. And go from there. Kurosaki has never been particularly subtle, nor good at hiding his intentions." She explained simply enough.
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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 4:55 am
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Header5
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck

"I see."

She contemplated the answer and eventually shrugged. It didn't take much thought to consider the options and both of them were competent and quite different from their arrancar peers. Those that possessed reason and did not indulge hedonistically in their instinctive impulses. Denying the impulse of their hollow nature, that is what made the arrancar a superior form of hollow in her eyes.

"Then I propose we work together to accomplish this goal of finding them. If is a slave to his instincts it's possible that he'll keep hurting people so if we work together then it will be safer if it came to a fight, right?"

Sound logic in Nelliel's thoughts.


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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:10 am
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] HEADER_0271-006

Ulquiorra had actually surmised a similar notion when she had first sensed Nel in the city of Lights, however she was none the less a bit surprised to hear the suggestion from Nel herself. "That would certanily be the safest route to take. Even following old habiuts, Kurosaki will be protective with Inoue in his grasp. It would not be too surprising if he attacked anything that got close." She murmured, closing her eyes for a moment before glancing back to the ex tercera.

"That said. I admit I will certainly not turn down your assistance. It's.... admittedly not what I imagined I would be asking your assistance in. But as you said. Working as a unit will reduce the risk involved." She affirmed, glancing in the direction of where they had come from. Hm.

"With that out of the way. I must admit. The Kurosaki incident is not why I sought you out." She conceded. True, that had sortof...become the topic of discussion, as Nel had frankly turned out to be far more interested in the incident than she suspected. Asking about it? Certainly. But to volunteer her involvement in the operation had exceeded Ulquiorra's expectations. Though well, what was one to expect when one's information on everyone was so out of date?
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In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Empty Re: In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel]

Wed Oct 12, 2022 5:16 am
In the Wake of the Beast [Ulquiorra, Nelliel] Header5
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck


Nelliel raised her brow when she heard that it was not the reason for seeking her out. Someone like Ulquiorra was distant and pragmatic, utilitarian even so it made her wonder just what the woman would seek her out for.

"If not for Ichigo then what else about me would be of interest to you?"

She asked to fish for an answer from the Espada that had the best poker face one could ask for. It was a little hard to guess or read a person like this and their intentions.


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