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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:24 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Such noise.
Librea knew that this was something to which she would need to get used to. But all the same, the sound of it all offended her ears in the simple contrast. Her eyes shutting for a moment. IT wasn't the volume of course, this was something she tolerated well. But it was the sheer ammount of everything going on, the information was overwhelming. But she supposed it more bearable than the plane ride to the place. She hoped the others would find it agreeable, and some small part of her wondered about having left them to wait in italy. But would have been more perilous to move them all at once without knowing more about the city. She took a deep breath and sighed, slipping out of the customs office and into the city proper, ignoring the glances that she drew with her tall, exotic frame.

The city itself was just as bright and busy as the people within it. Enormous towering buildings that glimmered and shined, her eyes dilated slightly, adjusting to such a bright space as she moved to the side, allowing the seething crowds to move past her as she took it all in. Her eyes seaching among them. Looking for one of this city's wardens. The Vandenreich. It only made sense, to learn about a territory, seek those that keep it.

Now....if she could just find one.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 12:43 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Al’in was a man that enjoyed people-watching. It was a bad habit of his that had undoubtedly flourished within the City of Lights, as there were many more people here than in the wastes, and that he often indulged in when Azmi was busy with other duties. They still did train regularly, of course, but that did not mean that the Quincy Grandmaster was not a busy man who had more to tend to than one wayward member of his family.

It was natural then that his emerald eyes soon wandered in the direction of a large woman with rabbit-esque ears and an entirely wild getup. She looked out of place, but it was more than that. She looked like he had when he had first arrived here. Lost. Deafened. A little humbled perhaps.

Whatever she was looking for, Al'in was probably not it. He did not wear a typical uniform for the Vandenreich, eschewing that in favour of his more practical desert robes and more extravagant jewellery. Still, he slunk down from his perch and made little secret of his approach. Surprising her might be fun, but he did not want to startle her too much right out of the gate. There was a fine line between teasing and cruelty, so he chose to play it a little safer.

"Welcome to the City of Lights. I take it this is your first time, given that mystified look in your eye, so is there something I can help you with?" He flashed a playful smirk, a hand already scratching at the back of his head. "I'm Al'in, by the way. I suppose you could say that I work for the Vandenreich."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:03 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] HEADER-Howdy2_8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Al'in didn't get very close to her before those large ears of hers swiveled in his direction, at first a brief flick, before one focused on him entirely as he approached. And once he spoke up, The woman finally turned to look down at the young man decked out in ...finery? Her attention snared on the shiny metals he adorned himself with. It was much more catching than the subtler jewelry that most others seemed to wear. Her eyes fixed to those things for a brief moment before she locked eyes with him. She was shrouded in something of a rough cloak, that obscured the simple tunic she wore underneath. Slight hints of belt and a harness flashing beneath the tattered cloak itself. If nothing else, she seemed like a traveler, maybe even a mercenary were it not for the more rustic and third world look she had going on.

She didn't answer him immediately, but after a short time, she did speak up. "You would presume correct. This place.... it is not of a type I am familiar with." She murmured, her accent heavy as she reached up and adjusted her cloak slightly, giving hima brief glance at her abnormally llong arms, and the claw-like points that her fingers made, thick, curved things. Hardly seeming capable of the delicacy with which she used them. "Warmer than my home." She added off-handedly.

Hm. He mentioned he was a part of the Vandenreich? She wondered if he was lying to her, certainly a number of humans enjoyed to do as much. But peering down at him, he seemed earnest enough. "You may call me by Librea. I ....would like to see this place. Know more about it." She explained, turning away from him to look around the both of them. "It sings very loudly..." she observed, calling it noisy.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:36 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Her senses were sharp, as sharp as his own perhaps, though perhaps that was a benefit afforded to the woman by those bestial ears. He met her gaze, his own filled with genuine interest, though it was not difficult to tell that she was guarded still. Few people approached another with only good intent in their heart, that was certainly true in the city even if it had been different back home.

"It might surprise you to know that I am not a native of this place either." Al'in continued to smile, casting a wayward glance towards the horizon to perhaps emphasise his point. "Though my old home lacked the sea breeze."

Her form was certainly different too, though he could gauge such to some extent from her proportions. Was Librea even human at this point? Was it genetic modification or perhaps some kind of deformation? It felt rude to ask and yet he was so direly curious.

"Well, Librea, if you want to see the city then I can show you around just a little. A walk upon the beach, perhaps? I find the song of the ocean is a little more calming than that of the downtown streets."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:56 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Librea's eyes shifted back to Al'in as he spoke of his own acclimation to the city. A pause.... before her head tilted to the side, her ears swiveling for a moment as if properly looking at him, for just a moment, he had her full attention. Those red eyes scanned him....thoughtful... before she glanced around. "Ah, you don't have the scent of this place. Did you come here recently?" She inquired, eyes snaring on what seemed to be a shop of sort. It seemed that in catching Al'in's scent she'd also noticed a nearby bakery. Interesting.

She didn';t seem to notice him eyeing her frame. Definitely it was a bizarre thing. Elongated limbs, particularly the bones in the base of her hands, and in the lengths of her calves, making her seem much taller than she was, almost alien. If she noticed his gaze, she certainly didn't seem to show it.

His suggestion, however, caused her to turn his way. A walk along the beach? She'd never actually been on very many. A few she'd enjoyed when she had gone to Italy, to make a temporary settlement for her people. It had been......simultaneously peaceful... but also overwhelming. To see so much water all in one place. She had enjoyed it. And so she peered down at the young man.

"This is acceptable. If I am fortunate, there may yet be dens close by......" She gently tilted her head forward, something between a nod and a bow. "You seem kind, Al'in. Curious, as well. This is valued. Are all in the Vandenreich as such?"' She asked, stepping in beside him, invading his personal space a bit. She was prompting him to begin leading the way. But well, cultural differences.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:55 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Al'in did indeed carry the scent of the wastes about him. To one of particularly keen senses as Librea, it was probably acutely unpleasant and yet it clung to him even after near a year spent away. He did not wish to be rid of it either, that reminder of what he had been forced to overcome. He did not mind the attention though, enjoying her fleeting interest before something else pulled it away.

"Alright, let's grab a bite and get a move on." He began to mosey in the direction of the bakery, little care given to whether or not she wanted to come. That glance had done enough to make him hungry all by himself, so he could sate that desire whilst also offering her a little treat. "What's your favourite pastry? I can promise you they have a cheap imitation of it."

What she meant exactly by dens, he did not know. Likely that was something done by her people that made a lot of sense to her but it was lost on him. Still, perhaps he could deduce a little more of her vocabulary as they continued.

"The Vandenreich is a pretty large group, spanning many different branches and mentalities. I think it is fair to assume that there are plenty more like me, but it is not something that is true of the entire organisation."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:13 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

For a brief moment, her ears once again swiveled in his direction, a brief moment of being alert at his choice of words. Did he intend to bite her? There was a gentle sound, barely audible as her skin on his side hardened into bark, but it seemed that she was not what he intended to bite. Were they to hunt? No, she had learned quite some time ago that these ....humans did not hunt if they could help it. More likely it was prepared food. She allowed herself to relax and her body to shift back to normal as she followed him.

His question made her consider, staring straight ahead as her ears swiveled around, occasionally something would catch her attention, but she hardly ignored him because of this. "Anything sweet will suit me fine. And will also be suitable." She didn't have an enormous amount of money. Not that her or her tribe NEEDED to eat. they could subsist themselves well enough just with enough sunlight and water. But she could afford to enjoy something inexpensive.

His words regarding the vandenreich seemed .... to make her think. How incredibly varied these humans were. The Forest had been such a unifying factor for her people. They had purpose born unto them. There was barely really anything to differ about. That this disparity between individuals was so....universal...was....interesting. "You keep many things safe. It would not not surprise me to see hardened hearts among you." She observed simply. That, at least, seemed to be the same as the world she knew. "Do you have many friends amongst the ranks? You seem ....different from the others." She pointed out. His lack of a uniform. Even compared to others within the city, his jewelry stood out quite plainly.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:32 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Her reflexive response to his innocent comment only drew a bigger smile from Al'in as he suppressed a laugh at her defences. Perhaps he had once been so guarded but it was probably better to get past those boundaries pretty quickly or you'd get overwhelmed by the confusion of everyday life here. The bakery across the way was one he preferred anyway, frequented felt like the wrong word but he had been there a few more times than he cared to admit.

"Alright, sweet, I think I can manage that. It's my treat this time, so don't sweat it."

He didn't much mind if she followed him inside or waited out front, but he was not intending for this to be a long distraction. A couple of sweet treats bagged up for takeout, a little money exchanged hands, and then they were back together and heading onwards. He offered her the choice from his selection, from the pink-glazed doughnut to the sugar snap cookie it was quite the broad range to see if anything took her fancy. Oh, there was also definitely a fancy in there too.

"Way I see it, you have to treasure those moments where you can be kind because there's plenty that ain't kind out there in the wider world. Some see it that way, others are a little too jaded." He shrugged at that, knowing that it was not something he could really convey alone. As she commented on his popularity amongst his peers, though, a cackle soon came tumbling from his lips. He stopped, putting a hand over his heart before acting like he had been shot. "Ouch! Way to crush a guy's ego. Feels arrogant for me to say I'm popular now but I think I do alright."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:10 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

She swiveled an ear in his direction when he began to suppress his own laughter. Making note that perhaps she had said something funny. She'd have to experiment later. She had been trying to develop a ...sense of humor for quite some time now. Certainly perhaps he could help. All the same, she ducked under the door frame as they arrived at the bakery. Pausing to examine the shop, paying no mind to any looks or stares she might have received, until Al'in led her back outside. The scents had certainly been appetizing, and she noticed that he had gotten a few things from the place.

She eyed the offering made by the man and ....considered the options. Gently she reached in and curled her claws around the doughnut, as it seemed the more colorful thing, and proceeded to try it, her eyes widening just a little as she made small little bites of the thing, making it clear the process of eating it would take quite a while.

Ah, he was laughing again. It was an interesting sound to be sure, and she watched him and his dramatic response to her words, pausing as she made a consideration. He had interpreted this as an insult, and he found it humorous? Interesting. "You seem agreeable enough. And you adorn yourself prettily. This is what one does to attract kin, is it not?" She paused, glancing a head at the beach they were presumably heading toward. Or ......the ...direction. There was so much obstruction..... but all the same, she kept her eye out for a beach as she understood them.

"You have a pleasant voice, suitable for singing. Perhaps your popularity could be bolstered with song?" She recommended, taking another small bite of her doughnut as they walked.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:57 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

Watching her eat with what could only be described as an unnecessary amount of restraint, Al'in was once again reminded that this would be an exciting experience. He was far less delicate in his approach to confection consumption, not that he was particularly gluttonous but, by comparison, it certainly might appear so. A chunk of the cookie disappeared in short order, a satisfying crunch left him with a light dusting around his lips and a pleasant note of satisfaction.

"I think there is a joy to be had in maintaining a pleasant appearance. That is hardly something that sets me apart from my peers. Most do not own the same finery as I do, but I do not display it to show my wealth or anything of the sort. These pieces carry with them the history of my people, each one has a story behind it."

He supposed it was easy to get him rambling off about his history. There were not many that knew of his heritage and fewer that cared to learn about the desert nomads, but it did not stop him from bringing it up again. Still, they meandered through the streets of the city at a leisurely pace. The beach was not too far away but they did not have to rush. There were plenty of beaches to go around after all.

"I have not sung in a while, but I suppose it could be an interesting anecdote. I imagine my vocal cords wouldn't be too pleased with me, so I might need some backup."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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