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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:44 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

She made no real reaction to how quickly he ate. Hers were simply a people who didn't really need much to eat. She could simply back in the sun and be perfectly sustained along with some rich nutrients. The initial culture shock was over, she was aware that humans ate like ravenous dogs.

"These stories, what are they?" She asked simply enough. It wasn't as if he was ...holding a locket he hid within his shirt. He openly displayed them, then so too surely would these stories of his people be something he openly shared? As they approached the beach itself she was....intrigued. The entire floating city was something else, and she wondered just how much of it was artificial. Eyeing the beach itself...wondering what happened at the very edge. Did it drop off into sheer ocean? could they swim?

All the same, her ears swiveled as he spoke about his lack of practice. "Perhaps you could invite one of your coworkers." She suggested simply enough. A pause... before she turned to look down to him, her head canting slightly to the side before coming to a full stop as she spotted the beach. Standing....silent and still for just a few moments, as if unsure of something. But her ears swiveled..... and she relaxed just a bit. "The noise......." She murmured softly, and took... a soft....slow breath, as if releasing tension she had been holding. And a small smile graved her features.

"This place. It's voice is gentler. It almost reminds me ...." She trailed off, seeming...far away for a brief moment. As if remembering something. But a moment later, she returned her attention to her surroundings, turning to look at Al'in. "I apologize. I did not mean to become distracted."
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Mon Sep 12, 2022 8:12 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

"Some are folk tales, passed down from parents to their children. Others are trophies that are made to honour a particular legacy. Many of my tribe's greatest warriors were adorned in these precious metals, I kept those that I had earned before I departed for different pastures."

It was Al'in's turn to grow a little wistful, as his hand now played with the golden bangle affixed to the end of his single braid of hair. There were other pieces too, from silver crescent moon earrings that hung low from his lobes to golden fasteners that kept his trousers wrapped tightly around his ankles. He could have regaled her with the story of any which one of them, were he here to talk about himself. But no, he had promised her a tour, not a lecture. If Librea wanted the latter then she would have to stick around.

"Oh that wouldn't do. I need someone with a fairer voice, one who speaks for the forests." He teased her gently, trying to draw just a little more of a response than the previous dismissal. Though it might still go over her head, he wasn't the type to leave an offer unanswered.

The beaches of the City of Lights were not really artificial. There were some that had been made for one purpose or another, but the vast majority were from the archipelago upon which the city had been originally constructed. These natural beaches were often popular with the city's many residents, but there were some secluded coves where one might find even more peace and quiet in a place that was often overwhelming.

"You don't need to apologise for losing yourself in the moment. You've travelled a long way to get here, I'd rather you enjoy it than hold yourself back on my account."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:45 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

She paused, eyeing the articles of jewelry as he explained them, idly wondering which of them was which. What an interesting tradition. "I should like to hear them sometime." She noted, clearly intrigued.

She tilted her head ever so slightly when he went on and began to ...hint a little bit. One who spoke of the forest? Was he hinting at her? "I am unsure if my singing would match. Humans have .....strange ways of singing. I do not know how to sing along with humans." She noted simply enough. She would not be opposed to some attempt. But she would not lead him on to think she was very good at singing in general. Honestly.... when she took that moment to ....look about. She did think about the songs of the forest.

How well would these soft shores carry the notes? Would they be able to sing in such a place? Hm. She turned in Al'in's direction as he assured her. She stared for several seconds. Thinking..... Certainly she was a woman who didn't speak carelessly, or would seem as such perhaps, to a human. "For what reason did you choose to live here? You too smell of elsewhere. When your heart brought you to wander, what of this City bid your soul to call it sanctuary?" She asked him gently enough. He SEEMED as if he had once been in her position after all. His opinion was quite relevant.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:13 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

With a wry smirk, Al'in gave himself a little shake and let the rogue pieces of jewellery clang against each other in a broken chorus.

"And hear them you can, if you end up sticking around. I know you've been scoping the place out so I hope you forgive me for playing to our strengths."

He was still struggling to put a bead on exactly what she was. Or who she was. Sure, a name had been given, but that was hardly anything to go by. Names were just words on the wind, and for all she knew he could have given her a fake one of his own. They'd hardly exchanged IDs or anything so formal. Still, he was hardly the type to be so dishonest when he had nothing but good inclinations toward her character.

"Have you heard every human sing? Perhaps you have simply lacked in finding the right partner to match your voice. I suppose there is only one way to ever truly know..."

That sentence was all too obviously left to trail off as he swerved into her next line of inquiry. Oh, they were getting ever so personal now that he was sure to have enough ammunition with which to retaliate. It was fortunate that this section of the beach was a little secluded, Azmi would probably chastise him for being so naive as to talk about things publicly.

"This is the home of my people. A race pushed to the very fringes of the known world, only now finding its footing again." His gaze flicked again to his wrist, where a Quincy bangle hid amongst the finery, and there were certainly some pieces of equipment that alluded to his heritage elsewhere on his person. "I once thought I was one of the last of my kind, such was my isolation. Now I see that there is a whole world beyond that which I once thought was everything, it shifts one's perception just a little."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:37 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Hm. So he would not share them here. Fair enough. It was also possible he was simply telling lies. Humans so ofte valued bravado, perhaps that was also the situation here. She didn't mind it, she'd grown accustomed to humans being deceitful. It was.....entertaining. At times.

"You are implying that you are the right partner for me." She observed placidly enough. Turning to give him, briefly, her full attention, as though sizing him up. She imagined him singing. Hm. She imagined a bright, clear voice. He did not seem built for low sounds. She then returned to looking at the shores, as if having concluded her assessment.

He showed off the bangle at his wrist. But there was no recognition in her eyes. A fancy symbol. Jewelry. But her people had spent hundreds of years in a forest away from all else. While the world had grown, and become accustomed to such things. Her people remained completely ignorant. In their own little shaded pond, now thrust into the ocean.
"And so you never truly chose this place. You merely followed the voice of your people." She noted with soft, thoughtful tones as she looked up to the sky. A gesture of disappointment, not that he would understand such a thing. He was, sadly, unable to offer much perspective. He had not made any decision. He made it sound as if he would have gathered with his people anywhere. And she was , as a human would say, back to square one. She looked out to the ocean, and gently folded her arms across her chest. Tucking herself together.

For a moment, feeling so very.


The world felt so very dangerous. She was a warden, chosen by the forest to keep her people safe. And yet....she simply didn't know. Was this place safe? Could it suit them? Would they be better served travelling to the Roman Empire? Vastime? Russia? So many strange names. But what did that tell her? She'd seen what humans could be. Those roving like hunters in Italy. But hunting one another, not animals. Were they better off simply...chancing it on their own? With the hollows? She exhaled slowly, soundlessly through her nostrils.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 3:44 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

"I am certainly insinuating that I could be. Though I am far from the only singer in this city, let alone amongst my people."

Al'in was not one to lie when questioned about his intent, happy to make his offer plainly when drawn out into the light. More than simply wanting to sing with her, though, he wanted to hear her sing. That was his intention far more than anything so cunning and truly self-centred.

Though, perhaps to her interest if she was paying him much attention, as she commented upon his reasoning behind choosing to come here, finally there was a different emotion that crossed the man's face. He had played the jester quite well, laughter and amusement coming easily to him, and the intrigued companion had also been a role he enjoyed. This was neither of them. Maybe it was more genuine, or perhaps it was cut from a different cloth.

"But to describe my decision to come here as a matter beyond my own means is quite the statement. I am my own man just as much as anyone else is their own person. Whether I listen to songs in the air, whispers upon the sand, voices amidst the trees, or simply the one in my head."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sat Sep 17, 2022 3:58 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

Hm. He affirmed her suspicion, but no more than that.

He responded to her note that his decision had been more of connection to kin. But offered no substance to that end. He spoke of the decision being his own, but in truth that had not been the point of her words. She had no real care wether he had made the decision or not. Her intent had been to draw what it was that he had valued about this particular place.

And he had given that answer: That his people were here.
A heartfelt reply. But one that offered her nothing to her own problems. Her ears swiveled in his direction, but her head remained pointed out to sea, remaining entirely silent for several long moments. She'd registered his words, but had not emerged from that thoughtful, solemn trance. Perhaps she was putting too much faith in these humans. Or perhaps this one in particular. He was a happy, silly thing. He spoke with smiles, and wore his pretty metals. It was perhaps her own failure to go looking for answers to one who was not made to give them. This cheerful man, frankly, perhaps would only be burdened were he taken to the task she hoped for. This was simply a decision she would need to seek help with elsewhere. Or simply rely on her own judgement. Her eyes scanned the beach.... trying to imagine her village. How would they take to the sand? The smell? The water? Hm.

"I apologize. I was distracted." She noted, turning back toward Al'in and stepping forward to continue following him. Only now realizing she'd been rooted in place for several minutes, resuming their stroll down the length of the beach. "I'm a little curious. You speak of your kind as if there are so few. What is it that makes you so rare?" She decided to continue the conversation. Was she particularly interested? Perhaps, he spoke as if his own people were endangered. It was a subject relevant to her concerns, that even human tribes might be imperiled.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:57 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

It actually irked Al'in to be considered so insignificant to her, perhaps he was developing a little too much pride of late. But it stung, all the same, to be thought of as little more than a face amongst a crowd. For a moment, he felt like actually acting on this irritation and that was enough to make him catch himself. It was such a petty thing to get flustered about, and so he composed himself again.

"Yeah, it's easy to lose yourself here. Something about the rhythm of the water on the sand or something like that."

The smile returned, creeping across his features as he started to lead the way again. There was plenty more beach to explore, they had hardly even scratched the surface really, and so he probably should pick up the pace.

"I suppose you don't know what a Quincy is, but those are my people. Hunted to the point of extinction for our ability to annihilate souls, it was an act of defiance that made all this." With a hand, he waved in the direction of the city. It was also more personal than that, of course, but if he had been reluctant to consider sharing that before then he was certainly more guarded now. Besides, if she was still grasping the concepts of a Quincy then how exactly would he explain Azmi to her?

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sun Sep 18, 2022 3:10 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 HEAD-5-8adbb8a47c63c827c9883322d9d7a8db

She nodded softly at his assurance, and the both of them were on the move again. Her ears swiveled in his direction as they walked, one of them occasionally twitching in another direction, but otherwise, giving him her primary attention as he went on about just WHO his people were. Which certainly got her attention.

"I have heard the name, but I'm afraid I do not know the story behind them. extinguish a soul?" She furrowed her brows slightly. The context behind that information seeming a little...muddled to her. She took a moment to actually look around, rather than simply swiveling her ears. "This ...power.... you were simply born with it? That is ....unfortunate. Though I suppose it is probably confusing. When I heard of the quincy, a man spoke of teaching people to become one. I suppose such things must offend you greatly. " She noted with gentle sympathy. That one's culture and heritage could be so disrespected and misconstrued.
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For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 Empty Re: For the People [Librea, Al'in]

Sun Sep 18, 2022 10:27 pm
For the People [Librea, Al'in] - Page 2 TBIsH4w

Al'in mir Azizi | The Winds Blow

As they settled back into a relaxed rhythm again, Al'in allowed himself the luxury of being the centre of attention again. Something had caught her attention, so perhaps it was best to keep tugging on that line.

"There are many different stories, many different origins. Some say that it was one man that was first given this power by the King of Souls, and all the Quincy are descended from him." He mused on that for a little while, it was certainly not the option that he considered likely nor was it what he had been taught. "A more common theory is that this power was bestowed to a chosen few to first combat the Hollows and then spread down through their bloodlines."

"It is something I was born with, but it took me a lifetime to appreciate. Though I would be interested to hear what you thought a Quincy was. It sounds nice, nicer than it deserves perhaps."

Hear Them Sing | END POST
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