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God of Love
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[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard Empty [Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard

Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:57 am
[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard SX0fx72


Basic Information

○ Name: Alexander Vaugrenard
○ Alias: N/A
○ Age: 31, as of 2122.
○ Birthday: July 25.
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: High-Spec Human

○ Affiliation: Vaugrenard household.

○ Alignment: Chaotic Good
○ Marital Status: Married.
○ Nationality: Nah.
○ Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
○ Ideal Type: John Deere Green
○ Special Skill: Can eat basically anything.

○ Height: 6’4”
○ Build: Fit.
○ Hair Color: Red
○ Eye Color: Red

[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard YM4ZMy3

Psychological Analysis

Once, Alex was what could only be called a unilaterally selfish individual. He lived for himself, looking for nothing besides the next thing to enjoy or the next cute guy or girl to have his way with. That’d been a nice little life, but it was one that was unfulfilling. The Alex of today, frankly, would look back at that life as immature, even outright pathetic. He’s become someone who carries himself with pride, who helps others simply because he knows that’s what he should do.

Alex is, at his core, someone who understands what it means to be a good person, even if sometimes his acerbic attitude and somewhat grim worldview mean he isn’t the nicest about it. Despite his ethical improvements, he’s prone to getting into fights over little things, talks rudely to nearly everyone, and in general he isn’t the sort to pull any punches. Even his greater worldview is a more mellow one than the radical anarchism that he clung to so aggressively in the past. Alex still refuses to align himself with anyone, but now, it’s simply because he doesn’t think there are any groups that decidedly match his principles. If there was such a group, he would be willing to join, though he’d never be happy about taking orders under any circumstances. Alex hates being told what to do, and the only person he’ll consistently listen to is his wife.

Of course, that’s because, more than anything else, Alex loves his family. Not simply his wife and daughter, but everyone that’s grown to matter to him in his life. If you ever dared to step in their way, he wouldn’t hesitate to beat you into a paste with his bare hands.


○ Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck: His beloved wife, it would be an understatement to say that Alex simply loves her. Nelliel is someone so precious to him that he’ll freely admit he isn’t smart enough to even convey just how much he loves her, but that’s fine. He’s a man of actions over words, anyway.

○ Alex “Vegas” Vaugrenard: His daughter, who he cares for like any good father should. Despite having been absent for most of her life, simply on account of not knowing she even existed, Alex considers her one of the dearest people in his life, and is all too proud to share his name with her.


Born to a quite unremarkable family in an equally unremarkable town in Kentucky, Alexander Vaugrenard always wanted more out of life. His father was a simple office worker, his mother a housewife, and neither seemed to give much attention to their son. It wasn't so much a matter of poor parenting, but simply that they expected him to do well enough on his own. His older sister Lydia was only a few years older than himself, but even so she did her best to make sure Alex was cared for.

Of course, one does not become an anarchist wanderer without something shaping them into that. When Alex was 6 years old, his father's company shut down, and as the town they lived in was hardly a growing place of industry, it was nearly impossible to find new work. Alex watched as his family's belongings were slowly but surely sold off so as to pay for absolute necessities, until eventually the Vaugrenard family was left with quite literally nothing. Alex's parents had given up hope on life, and turned to simply living day by day, making no attempt to improve their lot, but Lydia did no such thing, and ran away with Alex when he was 10. It was her hope that the two of them, away from the terrible influence that was their parents, could finally make a truly good life for themselves.

Two children on their own were hardly going to do well in the world, however, and while the two made do begging, ultimately things took a turn for the worse, as they inevitably would. The two were held at knifepoint for what few belongings they owned, having been engaging in the timeless quest of hopping a train car for free travel, and as he saw the blade at his sister's throat, some primal fury erupted in Alex. A combination of fury that anyone would try to harm her, the only person that he could ever consider genuinely kind, and an absolute fear that he might lose her, filled his body, his mind racing with myriad worries that the one person he truly cared for would be stolen from him. This was the first appearance of the Riot of the Blood in his life, a state in which Alex's very being resists all things that would try to control him, but it would not be the last. With a violent, animalistic rage, Alex beat the assailant to death with nothing but his fists, breaking several knuckles in the process, but filled with, more than anything, a profound sense of accomplishment that he had protected Lydia.

As the years passed, and Alex continued to defend himself and Lydia from anyone he considered a threat, it became clear to Alex that the world and its inhabitants weren't doing anything for him. He and his sister had scraped by every day of their lives, and never once had they received the help that children so obviously needed. If they couldn't be expected to help, then why should he, either? He would live for himself, only for himself, though deep in his heart he knew that Lydia was the one person that had genuinely cared for him.

Tired of wandering the country from town to town, hoping for some new chance that would never come, Alex bid his elder sister adieu for now, and opted to wander the world. It may not have helped him out, but he'd heard there were some pretty interesting things out there, so it only felt right to check it out. He considered what he might need, but ultimately, why should he need anything more than he'd always had? A single sack filled with a handful of clothes, a few things to make sure he stayed clean, and a lighter that he'd found in the trash. That was all he needed to see the world, and if he couldn't make it with that, maybe he just wasn't worth it.

The young Alex wasn't exactly equipped for the world, of course, but he managed just fine. He would travel from city to city, fighting for money or simply stealing what he needed, and eventually he found himself in Las Vegas, Nevada. He'd heard the place was pretty spectacular, and hey, it seemed like people were very right. He might not have been allowed to gamble, but that was fine. Alex still had cash to spare, and during his little trip, he met one hell of a woman. Just a nice one night thing, nothing fancy, and he was right back off again. Would that be the last he saw of her? Well, yes. But it'd still come back to get him one day.

After that, he didn't do terribly much for a long while, simply wandering and fighting, until he found what could only be called something of a life-changing event. While wandering the rainforests of South America in search of something, or somewhere, exciting, Alex came across the hut of an old man, a master of esoteric arts who challenged Alex as soon as he stepped foot on his land. While Alex was soundly thrashed, he was able to hold his own for at least long enough to impress the old master, and so he was allowed to live with him and study under him. This training (if a great deal of lounging about, drinking homemade alcohol, and mostly just copying techniques through trial and error) lasted several years, but Alex enjoyed every minute of it, and if he could, he'd do it all over again.

Of course, after that training was when things truly began to heat up for Alex. One need only look at just how involved he became in world affairs to see that. He traveled the world, became involved in conflicts which, really, he never had any particular right to involve himself in. Be it demons invading Hawaii, or wars among Hollow-kind, Alex always seemed to insert himself into the situation. Why? Well, because it was fun, no other real reason. He might have even kept doing that forever, until the day he died.

But, of course, then he met an Arrancar at the beach.

To say that Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck changed Alex's life would be the understatement of a lifetime. Being with her was something that he hadn't been remotely prepared for, and he found himself completely smitten in a way he never had been. Maybe it was her cheerful disposition, or the way she simply always seemed to enjoy his presence. Regardless, he realized that, hey, maybe there was more to life than just wandering, looking for something fun to do.

So he settled down. Just the two of them, living a nice little life. When the daughter he'd never known about came into his life, Alex didn't hesitate to be a father to her. Realistically, he'd have been perfectly willing to simply continue like this, but eventually his little girl asked if she could live with her best friend in the City of Lights. Alex didn't mind, of course, but it did make him realize that he and Nel had a little bit more freedom in their lives again.

That was really all it took for them to start wandering again, but this time, it was together.


Alex's only belongings are a silver lighter, a phone, a travel mug, toiletries, and his clothes, alongside a bathing suit and a towel, all kept in a worn travel bag.


○ Instinctive Martial Arts: While not a genuine martial art, Alex's years of fighting people and creatures around the world through his travels have left him with an innate understanding of the natural flow of combat, and he is a dangerous foe if allowed to get a read on his enemy. He has very little trouble adapting to an opponent's style, though the actual power of a foe may be another issue entirely. Due to this being more or less purely based on instinct, however, Alex couldn't actually teach someone anything about what he knows.

○ Riot of the Blood: The embodiment of Alex's absolute freedom, the Riot of the Blood is a state in which Alex's body, soul, and very being rebel against everything, including the very state of being Alex. He is capable of entering it at will, but he has very little reason to do this, as the Riot itself is less of an ability than a curse, and more often than not he enters the Riot when backed into a corner or placed in a situation where his very life, or freedom, are on the line.

When within the Riot of the Blood, Alex becomes substantially more aggressive, and his self-preservation instincts become the forefront of his mental faculties. He will take any action in order to escape his situation, and he is only capable of leaving the Riot if he finds himself in a situation where he is once again free to do as he wishes. The more desperate Alex is, the more violent he will become when within the Riot.

○ Maiden Masher: An ability learned by Alex on his journeys across the world, from his teacher deep within the rainforests of South America, Maiden Masher is a purely offensive technique, if this was not made rather apparent by the name. In concept, it is an exceptionally simple ability, allowing Alex to create purple fire from his hands. However, in practice this fire is rather unique, as not only is it a bit hotter than a standard flame, it is inexplicably heavy, with a simple small flame weighing upwards of 50lb. In many ways, the flames formed with Maiden Masher act closer to a solid than to the usual way flame acts. It is capable of blocking solid projectiles with a durability of one rank less than his own body, and it can be used to pierce or otherwise hit solid objects with a remarkably solid impact.

The unique properties of Maiden Masher's flame allow it to be used by Alex in a wide variety of ways, but also lead to a number of rather peculiar drawbacks that differentiate it from normal fire. While it can still be used to burn objects, any fire which spreads from Maiden Masher is simply normal fire, and cannot be controlled by Alex or treated in any way as part of Maiden Masher. Further, due to its weight, Maiden Masher cannot be launched or otherwise projected as normal fire might be. To get around this issue, Alex has become quite adept at throwing Maiden Masher across the ground, as well as coating his own hands in it in order to apply both its heat and its weight to his martial arts.

Despite its name, Maiden Masher does not have any special effectiveness against women, virginal or otherwise.

○ Sweetheart Slasher: A refinement of Maiden Masher's heat buildup, this is something of a secondary usage that Alex has developed after repeatedly noticing that this heat did not stop at his own body. Indeed, the heat that comes from Maiden Masher's usage reaches temperatures which far exceed the flames it produces, and so rather than simply venting it willy-nilly and wasting that time, Alex has realized he can use it in a far more productive way; by pounding the shit out of whoever his victim is in the first place.

Due to Maiden Masher's volatile nature, overuse will eventually cause Alex's body to break down and, in addition to causing burns, may possibly even send him into the Riot of the Blood. When using Maiden Masher, Alex may only use it up 3 times within one post before it begins to cause him injury, and may never accumulate more than 10 total usages of it in one thread without venting the excess heat. If he exceeds either of these numbers, burns will start to spread across his body, starting from his hands, and if he reaches 2 usages beyond either of these limits without cooling down, he will be sent into the Riot of the Blood. However, for each of those usages which are not vented, Alex can focus all of the excess heat into his extremities. At even one un-vented usage, Alex's fingertips become able to tear through thinner or weaker metals like paper, and he can ignite a flammable substance, such as a cigarette or tinder, simply by touching it. At the maximum amount, 10 uses, the heat built up within his body is so extreme that most things he touches are simply burned or melted away. His hands are capable of clawing through all but the most unfathomably durable substances with ease, incinerating them upon contact, and his very footsteps could turn sand underfoot into glass in an instant.

Naturally, applying his own heat in this manner is not without its own dangers. Maiden Masher is already capable of destroying his body, and those body parts which are filled with heat begin to rapidly degrade, actually quite horrifyingly quickly when one considers the level of durability Alex normally possesses. Because of this extreme damage to his body, Alex can only strike with one extremity per thread with Sweetheart Slasher’s full strength, and any further usage of it would cause quite literally irreparable damage.

○ Violent Purge: An ability developed in the spure of the moment alongside Kimitsuki, this was intended initially to simply remove the Hollow cancer which had attached itself to Alex's soul. However, he is quite aware of how to do this again, should the need arise, and the truth is that it would in no way be limited to merely that specific circumstance.

By actively instigating the Riot of the Blood in himself, and simultaneously sending his body to its most dangerous levels of heat, Alex can purge even the most debilitating and soul-afflicting ailments from his body, at the expense of his own immediate well-being. This is because the Riot, in its nature of tearing Alex's own being apart, prevents any ailment from finding a single entity to attach to, while the heat he creates burns away whatever foreign agent is harming him. Of course, this is the most extreme possible application of this purging capability, and for lesser ailments, and even more so for those entirely mundane afflictions, Alex can simply purge them with nothing more than a brief application of heat through his own body.


General Skills
  • Durability: S
  • General Speed: D
  • Strength: A
  • Soul: D

Human Skills
  • Power Control: Advanced
  • Physical Augmentation: Elite
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Advanced
  • Mediumship: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced


2022 Spookyburst
-Speed from Beginner to Adept: 10 Points
-Mediumship from Untrained to Beginner: 4 Points
Spring Burst 2023
-Speed from Adept to Advanced: 30 Points
Great Attribute Update
-Attributes brought to modern system

Last edited by Rawk on Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:27 am; edited 5 times in total
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[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3] Alex Vaugrenard

Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:31 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: B
Influence: A
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: Enter Touble Man, Part 2

Tier: 2-1
Hazard Rating: B
Application Approved
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