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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:08 am

She wanted to rebuke, but wanted to avoid repuke. In a way, having to keep her mouth shut while the damn Vanetti puppy was admonishing her, of all things and of all people, made her all the more nauseas. Or maybe it really was just the room itself. She remained following, hand to back, and just kept her eyes closed. It felt like, by whatever small degree, it helped.

That said, that one little admonishment, him telling her not to puke, would not go unpunished. Her hand formed a fist and slammed into his back, though putting aside Saisei's own strength and endurance, the force of her punch to begin with was feeble at best. Exerting herself anymore would've been too much.

With her eyes closed, his sudden stand-still went undetected by her. Isabella ran straight into him, face first. She held her bumped nose, irritated enough to overcome her queasiness to yell at him, but his hand quickly grabbing onto hers interrupted her train of thought. At first, she thought something along the lines of How dare you? Still, when he made note of not really feeling good about this place, though her initial impression was to ridicule him for it--as if she was feeling any better about it--in consideration of the fact that Saisei had a spiritual foundation, she placed a little bit of faith in him. For now. Isabella just did her best to keep up with his quickening pace, wholly reliant on their held hands guiding her.

Meanwhile, entirely unbeknownst to Isabella, the presence was growing. Its direction, location, any sense of where it was remained totally indistinct. But, given that the presence was growing "larger", it was safe to assume to that it was also drawing closer. The thing felt not only ominous, but insidious. A malevolent presence, stalking them in the infinite halls.

The end of the line, the point in which this invisible line ended, was drawing near, but was it close enough to evade whatever thing was creeping on up to them?


Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
The Hybrid King
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:20 am
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"Alright. I'm not dealin' with this. You hold on little lady."

Isabella's demeanor left Saisei in a bit of a pickle. Not only were they nearly out of this damn mess but, whatever it was that found itself occupying these rooms with them, was also nearly on their tail. He didn't have a feel for location nor what it was, just that it was close and he didn't have the time or the patience to meet face to face with whatever it was.

All it took was one fluid motion to have their meeting turned upside down. Saisei yanked Isabella forward from the held he firmly held and, in a single motion, yanked her into the air. Cradling her against his chest, the Vanetti lapdog squeezed with a sense of concern as he leapt forward with little sense of worry.

Saisei had no choice, if he didn't pick the girl up he'd find himself bogged down a bit too much for his liking. No chance in hell someone of her stature could keep up with his full sprint, let alone see him run in the first place. Much like a groom sweeping up his bride, Saisei and Isabella went rocketing towards the end of the invisible line that led them through the damp and buzzing hallways. As far as he could tell, there wasn't much space between them and whatever found this place to be its little abode.

"You'll have to get over the niceties for a change if you don't mind. There's somethin' in here with us and i don't have the patience to find out what the hell it is. Keep your mouth closed so we don't both get covered in puke and I'll make sure we get out on the other side. Simple plan."

He gave Isabella a cheeky smile before his feet quickened, his muscles screeching as he went flying through the hallways. There was no time to look around at their surroundings. If need be he'd fight. Frankly, however, he sure didn't want to. Last thing he needed was to protect little miss queen while he fended off whatever the hell it was that seemed interested in them.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 4:09 am


Isabella had to cut her whelp short and place her hands over her mouth. She really was just about to let it all blow over his clothes. It took every ounce of will for her to hold it in, not at all in consideration of his cleanliness. She just didn't like the feeling of vomiting, or the idea of getting any of it on her own clothes. Still, if at whatever point it seemed unavoidable, she'd be sure to have Saisei do the grunt work of cleaning her clothes off. The princess was fully committed to the idea of taking this uniform home with her.

Isabella didn't even hear what Saisei said, not a single word. The girl just tucked her head into him, squeezing her eyes shut and focusing on not losing her decency. At this point, it became a count down in her head, every achingly long moment occupying her head with catholic prayers begging that the sprinting was soon over. She'd be sure to do a hell of a lot more than just admonish him once this was all over--who the hell starts sprinting through a place like this when a girl like her was so clearly nauseated?!

Thankfully, they reached the end of the line soon enough. The very end of the yellow-lit rooms, which remained entirely indistinct from one another, revealed a blank, wide wall, and a large set of double doors. The doors itself were fairly mundane, like a simple wooden door to a bedroom or something--setting aside the fact that they were much larger than normal. They had a sense of weight to them, though.

Once the two of them stopped moving, presuming they were done, Isabella smacked away at Saisei's chest, as if to tell him to let her down. She wasn't confident in the idea of letting her mouth open up just yet.

Assuming he followed her directions, she'd quickly go to her hands and knees, with her head hung low. She pointed over to Saisei and made a circling motion with her index. He better have understood what that meant. In the meanwhile, the young Vanetti took the time to finally allow the floodgates to release.

A few moments passed and Isabella finally stood back up. Fortunately, nothing on her clothes. Even better, no more nausea. Maybe it was something she ate that upset her stomach, and she just had to let it out? Either way, it was gone now. She could finally open her eyes.

Isabella walked back over to Saisei and grabbed his arm, only to... use his sleeve to wipe her mouth clean.

"Alright, all good now?"

The presence following after them, by the time they arrived at the double doors, vanished altogether. Like it was never even there to begin with.


Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:40 am
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"I wasn't lookin' to work up a sweat."

Saisei muttered to himself as they busted through the dimly-lit rooms. All of this was on his last nerve, what did any of this have to do with whatever their mission was? Actually, if anything, Saisei still didn't even know what the mission was. He might know where they were and what they might be here for, but as far as what they were... doing? Isabella left him, yet again, in the dark.

Unfortunately, if it were a female off the street Saisei would have likely made a comment about this or that when she struggled to keep herself afloat in his arms. Given it was Isabella, however, he couldn't help but feel a bit off and uncomfortable. Looks only take you so far, he thought. In Isabella's case, well, her attitude left quite a bit to be desired.

Finally, coming to a stop at the end of the invisible path that led them on this wild goose chase, the sensation he previously felt immediately dissipated. Whatever, or whoever, was in this hell hole of a casino watching them must be gone now, he thought. So he made the right decision after all, good thing he went against his better judgement for a change.

"What're yo-"

He was cut off, Isabella's rampage of smacking left him with clear orders. He let her down before watching her drop to her hands and knees in a fit of nausea. Not only did she clearly assume the position to empty her gut, she made herself clear in what to do next.

"I can't say I'm surprised..."

With a reluctant sigh, Saisei turned away from Isabella, as he was told. It was a bit childish to hide the fact that you were hurling your guts up but who was he to judge? If Isabella wanted to save face she could save face, he couldn't care any less.

In the meantime, he observed the heavy set of wooden doors that stood before him. Just needed to wait for the little princess to finish emptying herself. Before long, she approached Saisei finishing up with her nausea and grabbed at his arm, wiping her lips dry with his sleeve. Letting out an audible cough, Saisei gave the woman a face and scoffed.

"You have quite the way of going about things, don't you? I'm good. Sure I shouldn't be asking you that?"

Turning away from her with a roll of the eyes, he jutted his index finger towards the doors and crossed his arms.

"Only one way out. Might as well start here. Can't feel whatever the hell that thing was so, not much else to do here I imagine."

He stepped forward, pressing his hand against the doorknob and going to turn it in hopes of it being unlocked. It was good they finally found themselves done with this place, Saisei wasn't all too excited for what could have been. Isabella was dead weight in a fight compared to him, this could still get pretty damn messy.

"What's the plan?"

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 12, 2022 1:53 am

"Me? Of course I'm good," Isabella confidently flicked her hair out, "When have you ever seen me not good?"

His mention of the 'thing' he mentioned went a bit over her head, admittedly. At the same time, it really wasn't any of her concern--whatever 'thing' would be following them was his job to deal with. What else did he get brought over here for?

Just as Saisei asked about the plan, his opening of the door showed pretty clearly that there was only one plan to really act on. The large room behind the double doors was lined with tables, valuables, and 20 or so men and women. Some were seated, taking inventory of the money. Others, inspecting the quality of the other valuables--an assortment of Vastime and Shadow Fall technology, a few poor looking asauchi--hell, even a few sparse amounts of seki-seki stone. Not that Isabella was especially acquainted with the item, simply because it was that rare.

"What the hell?"

One of the women spoke out in surprise towards Saisei, straight at the entrance of the doorway. From the get-go, one could feel the demonic energy emanating from her nearly palpable. A few others in the room were demons, though the majority remained human. The woman looked at his uniform, though she remained cautious and suspicious of his presence.

"What do you want? Leonardo got somethin' to say again? I only deal in bulk--he wants all of it, or none of it."


Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:31 pm
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"So that's what we're playin' at, huh?"

Saisei scoffed, his voice a soft murmur under his own lips as he entered the room. The last thing they needed was confrontation, let alone the presence of demons in Sicily. He had a disdain for demons that, frankly, was impossible to get over. That's what happens when you're found dead, floating in space by the hands of whatever shit demon plan scarred the moon.

Shaking his head, he glanced towards Isabella and sighed. What a pain this little Vanetti Princess turned out to be.

"Come on then." In hushed and hurried words, Saisei gestured towards the group, hinting that Isabella would likely need to do the talking. He wasn't what you'd call eloquent with his words, let alone in the vicinity of a damned demon or two. If he were asked to be the one taking part in... whatever this was, things would unfortunately take an immediate dive south. It was best Isabella did whatever talking was needed.

"I'm just detail."

He spoke with confidence, that pink haired idiot. Though those words were filled with a bit of vitriol, it didn't matter. Hopefully they'd get the hint that he was just the meat head that tagged along. All brawn no brain, that's how he'd like to keep it.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] - Page 3 2Y9rqGk

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