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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:32 am

"Fix your tie."

Isabella's eyes didn't leave her phone, so it was odd that she could see the state of Saisei's tie, but she was right; there was a tilt to it, not by a lot, but enough to be noticeable by the folk they were soon to meet. It was important to look sharp, and look correct.

In typical Vanetti fashion, their mode of transportation was a proper automobile. Vintage, archaic, but classy. Still, totally pointlessly, their goals for the time being were low key. So low key, in fact, that Isabella hadn't elaborated much of anything at all to Saisei. Simply that he get dressed in the sharpest suit, entered the car, and followed her lead while prepared for anything. To add to it, Isabella's hair was darker than normal, and her eyes were a different colour.

"Remember what I told you--and stay close to me. Not too close, thanks. We'll arrive in a bit."

The windows were tinted, pitch black from the outside, and the scenery of the area approached a busy street in a dense city, well within tourist area and by far and away outside of the immediacy of Vanetti territory.


Last edited by Sage on Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


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The Hybrid King
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:30 am
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Saisei shoved his hands against the knot of his tie in yanked with all his might. This damn chokehold it held over his neck was a pain in the ass. Trying his best to straighten it and look at the very least a bit presentable, he looked from the tie to Isabella is pecked at her with his words.

"I know, I know. God damn this thing is tight as hell..."

The dark interior of the classic piece of junk that drove around was hard enough to see in, it didn't help that little Ms. Queen took up far more space in the back than she needed to. Saisei was big, way bigger than 'her grace', no need for her to treat the back like a throne. Ignoring his obvious frustrations, Saisei found himself at the whims of the Vanetti yet again. Most he knew about the situation was that it was a business deal of some sorts. Of course, he wasn't privy to the details. The life of a lacky.

"Yeah, I know. You tell me where to go and I'll be there in a moment's notice. I gotta job to do, make it easier for me."

His foot tapped to an imaginary beat, the opposite leg shaking in unison while he waited. It was a bit uncomfortable finding himself so far out of his little home away from home. Isabella would do best to make it so Saisei wasn't needed for whatever they had planned.

"Alright. Anymore details or am I gonna be left in the dark?"

Saisei looked at Isabella and mouthed off before the car came to a halt at its destination. As per the usual, Mr. Chivalry stepped out of the fancy little thing first and moved to the side Isabella occupied. Rolling his eyes and preparing for the worst, he opened the door to usher her out of the car. Things were gonna get interesting, he assumed.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:49 am

Isabella clicked her tongue to the slight shaking in the car's interior from Saisei's hyperactive leg, but she didn't voice anything else out. When the car came to a halt and Saisei opened the door, she had no thanks to say; it was an action that was simply a matter of course, after all. Her eyes were still trained on the screen of her phone, her purse hanging on the inside of her elbow. She got out and with her single free hand, brought her hands over to Saisei's tie to fix it properly. She was skillful with it, and the noose accessory loosened enough to give him room to breath, while still looking fit and dapper.

"Come along, and walk with your shoulders back. Oh, if you can, be discreet." She made no attempt at further explanation.

The place they stopped seemed relatively unassuming on a global scale, just an extremely high end restaurant. Their chauffer drove off, and Isabella walked forward into the entrance. Stanchions decorated the outside of the dimmed glass double-doors. Two men at the front stood by, stopping the duo for a moment. They asked to see her purse, carrying detectors in hand. They scanned energies, metals, the whole works. Isabella offered her purse, which only held the most basic of amenities, but kept her attention on her phone. One of the men waited patiently to take the phone, but the attempt had her eyes for the first time rise from the screen and straight into his eyes with a scalding expression. He then refrained, and went to scanning her body. No issues there.

The other man approached Saisei, stopping him a few paces behind. The man moved to pat Saisei down before passing the detector all over his body.


Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
The Hybrid King
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:02 am
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Before he could protest, the tiny girl's hands wrapped around the knot of his tie and the length of its tongue. With one deft movement, the tie was both loosened and well worn. If Isabella was anything you could call her helpful. If it were to up to him he wouldn't be in this get up, let alone wearing a tie. Business was business though. Shooting her a dirty look he shut the door firmly behind her and followed in pursuit.

"I do my best, give me a break."

He looked at his tie which was perfectly worn now before he turned back to the path they walked up to the entrance to the restaurant. Not standing out wasn't exactly his forte but he could do his best to suppress most of his energy in need be. Standing off to the side with his own attendant, Saisei lifted both of his arms and started to concentrate, his spiritual pressure muffled followed by an immense amount of focus required to even do so. The machine seemed like it wasn't exactly meant to really detect anything out of the ordinary with his spiritual signature, just that he had one. The man patted him down immediately after scanning his body and jutted a thumb towards the door.

"Allow me."

Though he may stick out like a sore thumb, Saisei wasn't dumb. If Isabella ordered it he'd follow without question. Walking past the two attendants he opened the right side door and once more ushered Isabella towards her destination. He knew his place, ought to act the part right? He looked to the two doorman a final time, eyeing the both of them out of habit. Glad to see there weren't any issues.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:39 am

No issues indeed. Good. But this was just the interest, the most mundane of interactions that Saisei just lived up to. Though he wasn't made fully aware, this was an actual certified operation for the Vanetti--or rather, against the Vanetti opposition. As much as this was to see what the man was made of, it was something that genuinely needed to be executed properly.

Once they entered the restaurant, a woman at the front in uniform greeted them. Isabella finally put her phone away into her purse and approached the woman. The restaurant walls had a dark and deep shade of red with grand decor. Roughly half of the tables were seated with people eating; they seemed a bit mechanical, and those with more acute senses would be able to determine that the people seated at the tables weren't really even people at all. They seemed hollow in presence, awkawrdly more or less dense at times, sometimes even just an incorrect number of unique spiritual signatures per table.

"Table for two. Park Misun."

In total contrast to her rough sicilian from earlier, Isabella spoke in proper italian, with a subtle korean accent to it. The woman tapped her ear piece, and a translucent screen reflected off her eyes. She nodded her head, welcomed the two of them, and guided them further into the restaurant, specifically to a room off to the side.

Once the two of them passed on more deeply into the restaurant, the setting changed just a bit. The place seemed far busier, and each table which sat--or had standing up--people were instead various gambling tables of different games. Poker, craps, roulettes, the whole variety. Saisei and Isabella were guided to a setting just a bit more private than the main room. The room was spacious, with fewer tables that had more room respectively and lounging chairs and low-set tables.

Without missing a beat, Isabella sat down at the table, a poker setting, with the dealer at the opposite side. The table was empty of any other participants. She turned back to the guiding woman, asked curtly, "Negroni." Finally, pretty much for the first time today, Isabella turned to look Saisei in the eyes. She gave him a devilish smile and patted the seat right next to her, beckoning him to come over, reverting back to her normal accent.

"You did good, picciriddu. Order yourself a drink, we'll be sitting here for a little while."


Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
The Hybrid King
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:08 pm
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Following step by step, Saisei peered along the entrance to the restaurant and found himself a bit concerned. It was obvious to him how uneasy the feeling of the room was, the patrons weren't exactly... patrons. Didn't really have any guess to their true nature but they were definitely more zombie like than he'd like to publicly announce. Everyone had their quirks, Saisei was better off keeping them to himself.

"Nice place."

The graceful italian words that flowed out of Isabella's mouth weren't entirely unrecognizable to him, his conversational skills were getting better and better by the day. Good to know that time he'd been spending with the servants was well worth it. Isabella and the Vanetti would be proud if they knew of the time he'd been spending outside of his already insane schedule. Par for the course for the kid.

As the two of them were guided to a much larger room off to the side, Saisei couldn't help but feel a bit more confused with the jarring transition from restaurant to casino. Made sense that there'd be some type of backwater gambling ring in a place like this but it felt different, felt a bit off. Saisei would never visit a place like this of his own accord. In and out, that's what he'd like right about now.

Further in, Isabella found a suitable table to attend to while they had their visit and sought the young man's attention. Patting the chair next to her, Saisei rolled his eyes yet again. First time in awhile the Vanetti princess gave him the respect of eye contact, was the usual for a majority of folks in the Vanetti not named Imelda. Wasn't really disrespect, just wasn't worth their time. He was a lackey after all.

"I don't have the best poker face, don't expect much from me."

Following her beck and call Saisei sat, making himself comfortable. He pointed a finger towards her before turning towards the waitress that was still a little ways away from them now that they'd seated themselves.

"Two waters, please. Just in case, right?"

He turned back towards Isabella and gave her a coy smile. He ordered the second water specifically in the case that Isabella had interest in a drink herself. Didn't hurt to take care of your boss. As the guide walked off, Saisei rubbed his hands together and started to get down to brass tacks.

"Keepin' me dark still? Can't lie, 'bit curious about what you have in mind if we'll be stickin' around all day."

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:36 pm

Alright, the kid was a little cute, in a puppy sorta way. The water wouldn't be necessary, her body was desenitised to the effects of a number of recreational substances, alcohol included, to say the least. She reciprocated her own amused smile.

"It's the most fun playing against bad poker faces, but I'm sure you'll do fine."

The dealer shuffled in an elegant manner, artistically even, and started tossing out cards to the two of them. Meanwhile, with a shocking expediency, a waitress came with their drinks. Isabella went straight to sipping. As the cards came in, chips materialised straight into the table. The different chips had numbers on them corresponding to their worth: one, five, ten, fifty, and different colours to each of them.

Other casinos had fully electronic credits systems that materialised straight onto the table and holographically above it, but in this gambling den there was an appreciation of the feeling of tossing your chips in, hearing the clack of two chips together and the physical collection of them when you make it big. A large part of gambling was the experience of it, after all.

"Mmm, well, you'll learn a bit more here soon enough. Just enjoy yourself for now."

Isabella took a peak at her cards and without missing a beat, tossed in a fiver, tilting her head a tad to then peek over at Saisei.


Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
The Hybrid King
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:55 pm
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

"Bad is a joke. I can assure you it is far, far worse than bad. I can't bluff for my life."

Saisei tapped at his nose twice, maybe three times before shooting Isabella another smile. Those pearly whites of his left the room ablaze despite its moody feeling. The arrival of the waitress left him satisfied, finally. He went all day without the sweet embrace of water's cool nature. Guzzling down about half of the bottle before slapping it back down on the table, the young man fiddled with his chips before finally taking a peak at his own cards.

Looking back up from the pair of cards under his hand, Saisei looked back to his chips and metaphorically groaned. His face said it all, hurt eyes on the verge of weeping. Grabbing his own fiver to toss into the center of the table. He kept his cards squarely hidden under the girth of his hand, making it clear that any games Isabella tried playing wouldn't work at the end.

"I'll play your little game then. I'll stick around, not because I want to but because I have to. Can't deny the princess her orders nor would my liege have any interest in me denying them."

In a joking manner, Saisei bowed in his seat and gave Isabella a solid nod. His Liege, of course, the Vanetti family as a whole. Princess or not, Isabella was the boss. May as well indulge her while she had his attention.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 1:27 pm

Well, he sure wasn't doing a good job of remembering to be discreet. Barbarous was an apt description. Still, they were cleared through the hard part, mostly, and in an area with less visibility. Letting him relax just a little wouldn't be an end to the mission.

Hmm... this was a dangerous sort of charismatic innocence. Certainly useful to have amongst the Vanetti, but Isabella didn't like the idea of being affected by it herself. The princess straightened her back out and went back to looking serious and disinterested.

The dealer starts the flop, the first three cards showing a King of Hearts, an Ace of Spades, and an Eight of Hearts.

Another fiver goes in. A nice, slow roast. Saisei's expression already made this round seem hopeless for him, but it wouldn't be any fun to just have him fold from the get-go with a big bet. Isabella wanted to see what he could've had up his sleeve, a lucky turn of events, a good board for his pocket.



Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:
The Hybrid King
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Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] Empty Re: Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei]

Tue Apr 05, 2022 2:00 pm
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] YA2zoBk

Saisei Satō | A Dream Realized

Saisei grabbed a ten and immediately tossed it to the center.

"I'll raise you."

He hoped that she would call, obviously. In his eyes was a look of determination that he would win this little battle between the two of them. Sipping from his bottle again, the young man peaked at his cards one more time just to assure himself of the changes the flop brought. If anything, if neither of them had anything they'd be left with Ace high. Surely there was more on the table than either of them were letting on.

"How am I doin' so far huh, Isabella? Gotta say maybe I'm a bit better at this than I thought. Not sure, to be honest with you."

He picked at his chin, quietly sniffling to himself while he waited for the turn and river that would follow. The suspense was killing him a bit actually. He felt confident even if he wasn't entirely sure of his hand. Isabella didn't seem to have a lot going for her hand wise from her own appearance but if Saisei had to guess, he pegged the princess to be significantly better at poker than he could ever be.

Two cards to go.

END POST | Imelda's Lapdog

Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] FXpoQxJ
Vanetti's Eleven [Isabella/Saisei] 2Y9rqGk

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