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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:07 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

A wave of ecstatic warmth flowed into the being of Algos as the reflection of her returned in the form of Calypso pouring her radiating touch upon this empty creature. With all of their thoughts, feelings, and sentiments as clear as day; the woman let an eruption of beauty and nightmares fill the space around them. These visages came in the form of hills that were pristine as nature intended, pits of lava as foul as the darkest pits of hell; stars that glistened like diamonds in the skies, and black holes as dim as the death of the universe; it was all weaving in and out in the backdrop as this apex moment of indescribable bliss took place.

Honestly, it almost brought a twinge of fear with how close they were. To have someone this close to you? It was a risk, but one Algos had no issues pursuing further. If brought forth her demise? So be it. She'd welcome it with open arms. At this moment, she wanted to be bold and take what she wanted for so long.

Thus, the perception of time came to a crawl. Indeed, through slowing the passage of moments, Algos could create a scenario within their dreams where they could spend a week, a month, a year, a decade, or even a few centuries together in this moment of utter bliss. Yes, the cursed dawn of the morning's touch would bring The Princess back to reality in time, but the infinite grace of a dream's nirvana-like qualities was worth the cost. Hence, Algos made her intentions clear cut with this single statement:

"I won't possess your body, but your mind? Yeah, that can stay with me for a while. I want to hold on to this feeling for as long as I can before we have to return and face our realities. I love you and I want to stay in this state of bliss until I feel ready to leave it. That is my sole intention with this."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:25 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Caly didn't feel much ill in the slightest towards Algos' answer, her true body occupying the space still, but sort of... Fading into the background, as a smaller, less mentally confusing to look at version of herself was formed as Algos formed and morphed their shared mental space. The state the younger was in was still very much unconscious, but she operated as if still awake, no matter how paradoxical it may be - They were within her territory, nothing had to make total sense. Her wispy body still held Algos in such a warm hug, the young one understanding exactly what Algos intended, her thoughts becoming almost her own in a strange sense as their minds gradually continued to muddy together,

".. So daring... Wishing to keep me locked with you within our own minds for whatever amount of time perceived here... Such a greedy demigoddess you are... Wanting us joined like this so terribly badly.."

Her tones were wispy and quiet, her body swaying softly as she would rest the form of her head on the woman's shoulder,

"Fine then.. I feel your desires leaking into mine, even if I wished to break this I wouldn't feel able to... I'm feeling... Strangely happy and fine about this, myself... Perhaps a decade or more won't matter too terribly in here..."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jun 20, 2020 2:36 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The madness stopped. What is sinful, what is right and what is wrong -- none of it was of relevance anymore. All that mattered in this calm state of existence was that feeling of love flowing into a dead being. To no longer feel this pit of emptiness, sorrow, grief, loneliness, insanity, and all things pertaining to suffering was the key to it all. Indeed, in the arms of someone you loved, the weight of everything could be silenced. It was a feeling quite sublime when the hearts, minds, and bodies of souls enter a state of oneness.

Thus, a scene change was in order. Now in control of the world around them, what else would be fitting but the visage of a setting sun across a warm beach in this pristine realm of dreams? Watching the twilight of the day in Calypso's arms was heaven on earth as far as The Princess was concerned. And it is why she still maintained the presence of The Danava's incomprehensible form in the background, yet held her material form as The Princess herself reverted back to her humanoid state; albeit with more razor-sharp teeth which reflected a truly giddy grin.

"We have all of eternity on our side in this special place. I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to be hurt; I just desire your warmth, your soul and that presence of you inside of me to stop this hurt; even if it is a fantasy of a far outstretched dream."

Despite the visage of the woman being ecstatic and the voice of her words coming off as serene, those blood-soaked tears streamed down the woman's milky skin once more. Yet, this time, they weren't filled with sadness. No. There was a rich sense of joy felt within them as they radiated pure bliss. As her chest thumped with a sense of affection, the bleak desires of her heart were realized in this space. So how could she not cry tears of joys at this goal?

"We have a long time ahead together, so I relish this chance to truly love you, Calypso."

And with those words, the woman's eyes closed and all that remained was infinity, time and the union of demonic affections to bled out for as long as these two desired it to be in the space of such hellish dreams.

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jun 20, 2020 3:48 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso didn't mind this in the slightest, her endless gaze taking in the scene as she remained in Algos' arms. A greedy one, she was, but this was a fine time to be greedy.. She was willing to supply comfort to Algos as long as she desired, soon the passive feeding off of this metaphysical space's energy would occur, the young one taking in the sweet, warm tastes of this endless love. She no longer sensed pain emanating from her sibling - rather sensing the saccharine tones of one's deepest wishes being fulfilled, her gaze drawing to the woman's face as she saw those blood tears once more, but her heart didn't ache with worry or anger, rather, her chest hummed with warmth as she knew they were liquid joy.

"...That's right. We have all the time to love each other.. In this realm where time does not matter... Even if it takes five, ten, fifteen, one-hundred, more, for you to truly know a sinless kind of love, to fill that void within yourself, to truly satisfy your cravings and desires, I'm willing to spend it..."

The shape of her forehead would press against Algos' own, a soft voice uttering from fabricated lips of darkness,

"...Because I truly, do love you, Algos..."

After such a statement - Not even the highest of beings would be able to tell how long such a sweet dream went on for. For all any would know, it merely would go for as long as Algos desired, and so the moment that desire changed to one to see the waking world once more, it was done.


It's likely the two woman would have come to wake at the same time, Calypso's eyes wide as her head lifted, looking to and fro as if she was trying to get her bearings straight of where, when and how she was. She looked to her hands, touched her face, soon letting out an exhale as her mind thoroughly processed what was currently going on around her. She relaxed, a yawn coming from her throat as she still had a miasmic swirl of sweet warmth in her system as if she ate a tenderly good meal. Her gaze drew to Algos, as she gently put a hand on her cheek,

"So Sis, how you feelin'..?"

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jun 20, 2020 10:23 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

A decade of pure happiness, love, and possessive affection had been realized in the black hole of the demon's heart. To awaken from that blissful state of existence, where nothing was amiss, all was pure and everything was perfect had been -- bittersweet. Yet, in spite of that, nothing lasted forever in this existence. A taste had been satisfied, and for now, that would be enough. Even if there were lingering sorrows within her heart, the strong pulsation of her stabilized mind stayed with Algos as she opened her eyes to the sight of a beautiful morning sky with the clear bright sun shining down on them both.

"Loved. I feel loved. Not the possessive, sinful, and lust-raged delusion of deprived hunger I sought after; but a pure, soft, sublime love. Coming back to this time, this reality and this place will slowly begin to have the reflections of myself come to as my hunger returns."

There was a pause for a moment before she looked deep into Calypso's eyes; shedding another blood tear as a sincere smile came across her face.

"But because of that love, I know I will live and I will prosper for you, for us, for our family and for the entire kingdom. I want to make our wildest dreams come true, sister."

In one simple embrace, the woman finally held her kin in a hug to finally hold her arms in reality and shatter the long, drawn-out vacation of immersion which was their escape from the world into the realm of dreams.

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 4 WVMWLOu
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