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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:13 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The rage started to numb and turn into a tired haze of exhaustion. The roaring emotions of Algos's turbulent mind, body, and soul was a tiring thing to endure. While she didn't care much for the choice of words in which Calypso decided to use to describe things, her intent was at least still pure; so she merely allowed it as another exhale of sharp breath left her mouth.

"I'm not a bitch. I've just completely failed to understand how to love anyone."

Those words were spoken point-blank. Romantic love was a tangled mess of a thing within the woman's heart. As Algos stared vacantly at her chest, the essence of this mental ache stemmed from a lack of ever possessing such a thing as devoted affection. There were many material possessions the woman could claim with her raw power, yet holding such an abstract concept as love escaped her. Finding that in Calypso briefly fulfilled her, but the weight of their sin was too much bare. And since no other soul in this world was worth loving, it left the bitter sting of heartache as the mindset of scarcity crept into her consciousness.

"I...don't care. Do what you need to do."

Just savoring the moment of Calypso holding her hand, The Princess felt a slight sense of warmth coursing through her body at this touch and appreciated the brief moment of calm before whatever crazy notion her kin had in mind took place.

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:40 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Gently, her hands and body would move to pull Algos to the ground, so that the two were sitting in front of each other, the young one sighing and giving the woman a tender touch on the cheek as she would then part her lips to speak once more, "..Okay, make sure your position's comfortable.. Because you're gonna be in it for a while, even if you don't feel it."

Then, with the permission to enact her will, Calypso suddenly gave Algos a kiss - Full on the lips for a few seconds as she then would warmly press her forehead against the woman's own, speaking soft sweet words, "..Just relax, and sleep.."

Even Caly's voice sounded as if it were fluttering off into dreamland, as soon as Algos too fell into unconsciousness, the direct link created would place the young one in the depths of her sibling's mind, prepared to face whatever lied at it's depths.

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:01 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Ushering in the fading notion of her consciousness brought with it a sense of pristine pleasure. Even if she could never truly be hers, the electric satisfaction of her beloved's kiss was enough to put Algos's soul at ease. So it mattered not what position her body was in as it fell into a deep slumber, so long as she was holding on to Calypso -- it would be enough.

Thus, as the light of the material realm faded, they fell deep into a twisted world of blood and shade. Chains filled the skies, demented devils scorched the fiery lands and the visage of a small child stood upon a throne of blood, skull, and rotting corpses. Indeed, this was the reflection of Neoveta's body, but it definitely wasn't her. Instead, it was Algos in the form of this long since departed soul. With tears of blood streaming down her face, the possessive figure's eyes grew to be nothing but pure red as it held out it's hand to Calypso.

"You've come this far into us. Aren't you scared?"

The voice called out for a sense of concern as the figure of Algos's matured body emerged from behind; gripped on to Calypso and hung like a parasite seeking to drain the life from the woman. Of course, no actual harm would come, but this was the manifestation of something foul within the essence of the Princess. It was a notion of something which could not bear to see her go, nor did it want to relinquish it's holding on the fellow Asthavon. So, instead, it held on, gripped her and let out a sinister snarl as it gnawed at the neck of it's beloved.

"Of course it won't truly hurt you. Neither of us will. But you are a fool to just waltz into our heart like this and not expect a sinful greeting."

The voice of the child seemed so -- despondent. It grew further sad as the creatures became entangled in chains; for the depths of Algos sought to keep this beast contained as it's horns, wings and devilish tail grew. Truly, this creature was in a state of possessive desire, yet the conscious mind of The Princess in this childish form sought to control it as it's fiendish depths smeared against Cali's precious purity. All the while, the eyes of this youth saw the reality of their sin and the truth of them never possessing that which they desired the most. Such an awful sight this was.

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:10 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso's expression was cool and calm within this climate of blood, gore, and agony, as her silver gaze rose to meet the childish figure of Neoveta.. She understood that her sibling held the deceased one's memories and other parts, but she was surprised as to how deep down that relation drew, not moving to speak or perform action, until she felt the seizing figure of her sibling seek to grasp and possess her, feeling her imposing figure upon her flesh as she would keep her mouth shut, listening to the younger appearing woman as she felt the manifestation of raw desire begin to chew at her neck.

However, when the woman began to chain up the beast that sought to take her all for herself, Calypso's tendrils quickly arced out, stopping and tearing the chains as she would move to restrain the vile form of sin, pulling her in front of her as she would force it to lie face up,

"Not scared in the slightest, I actually expected a reaction like that."

The young woman had a soft smirk on her face, before wagging a finger, "But, you mustn't chain this. All you're doing is shelving the issue rather than confronting it... But.. Ah, damn, didn't expect your unconsciousness to be so divided up. No matter."

Her gaze would then draw down to the being she restrained, her gaze inspecting as she parted her lips to speak, "Hey. Can you talk? Are you capable of expressing thought or emotion coherently? Say something, I don't care how ugly it sounds."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:07 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The eyes of the child came to have an astonished look upon their face as Calypso dared to embrace that which was utterly sinful, deprived, and outright repulsive. Unchaining such a beast of demonic depravity brought a sense of uncertainty in the air as this youthful demon was not quite sure what would happen to her kin when allowing such unrestrained desires to flourish. Yet, the monster that was the matured devilish form of Algos continued to gnaw at the neck of Calypso; making sure to savor every last bite of her essence as if it were dear life.

However -- something changed.

There was an expression of bewilderment came across the eyes of this creature as she was asked to speak. With blood still oozing from its mouth, the beast took away it's grip on Calypso, focused in on the figure of her beloved and decided to let its feelings flow through words spoken from its sinful lips.

"I want you. I want you to fill the hole within me. I love you so much. I love the feeling you give me. Please do not stop giving me that feeling."

Those were the words that the creature uttered as a huge, shark-tooth grinned came across its face after it licked away the sweet nectar of Cali's vital essence from its mouth. Though, after relishing in the afterglow of such a glorious high, the beast took a moment to pause before thinking of more to say.

"Though I totally get it's fucked up, I don't care. You make me feel like love, life and all that good shit is worth possessing. It's unfair, but I want you so badly I'll break every god damn thing in this universe to have you at my side."

Then, in a flash, the woman emerged before Calypso as nothing but shadows remained in her eyes; yet that grin only grew more filled with love as she used her right hand to grab the cheeks of her kin.

"There's no way I could ever turn down any question from that pretty little mouth of yours!"

Exhaling a giddy laugh, the woman continued.

"Lady Calypso, I only care about you. I don't care about anyone else. Whatever happens to them, I can say from the bottom of my devilish heart, that I truly don't care. All they ever do is take away from me, hurt me, and make me lesser."


That's when the voice of the child spoke up.

"Please, that's just her impulses and desires. It doesn't wholly speak for us."

Then, the beast spoke up.

"Shut up, you. You know it's true"

Snorting with anger, steam rose from her nostrils as she focused again on Calypso.

"You might hate me now, but one day, perhaps I will be able to make you love me without possessing you. That is my dark hope."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Wed Jun 17, 2020 1:56 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso's brows raised as her gaze glowed with surprise as the possessive essence of her sibling was able to stop gnawing on her, sit up straight, and speak. She watched the being's blue-stained lips move as she spoke her truest, darkest words, even as she hungrily licked the young one's blood from her jaws, hardly flinching when she moved in to touch her cheek, keeping a neutral smile as she let the being's heart bleed true.

She looked to the smaller of them - Neoveta - As she let out that plea of this being not representing all of them, Calypso sighing softly as she let the hungered being finish. The young one would then look to the child, softly shaking her head,

".. No, you're wrong. She is a part of you, even if she isn't something you like. You can't just ignore and put her away or else it'll just get worse.. Until a breaking point is reached and you can't ever go back.."

Her gaze then drew to the sinful manifestation, staring into her blood-red eyes, until suddenly, she smiled, placing a hand on the woman's opposing cheek, tilting her head to the side,

"Oh Algos... I don't hate you at all. I wouldn't be in here if I didn't love you with all my heart."

She gently rubbed the being's cheek with her thumb, giving her gentle kindness rather than the seething lust she was given, she tilted her head the other way and only smiled softly as she would continue,

"..I feel like I finally understand why you can't love others.. You're afraid of being hurt again, aren't you?"

She spoke so softly, so sweetly as she brought out that reflection before she continued, "I know it.. You've been hurt so much by others, there's so much pain in your heart... I must've been the first in a while to show you love and compassion, and accept you, huh? So now you're driven to grasp onto and drink up every last drop of it, because you've been starved, and only knew pain... For so long.."

She would then gingerly place a hand over the being's heart, staring into her eyes, "..But Algos, you're starving yourself. You're not letting yourself be open to accept love from others. Not everyone wishes to tear you down and reduce you to a lesser creature.. I am not the first creature with love in my heart to share, and I certainly will never be the last. You need to give others a chance.. I'm not going to be around forever, that's just a fact."

Fingers would then raise to touch and gently brush the woman's hair from her face, sighing softly, "There is all kinds of love out there, you can't just remain stuck on me and think that's all there is to life. You're stifling your own growth, Algos. Please, understand what I'm saying."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:22 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Loathsome. This kin was truly loathsome. Forcing her to face the vilest essence of herself in spite of it harming her was a tiring lesson. Yet, she couldn't fight with the facts at the end of the day. Even the depths of Pharista's rage would be screaming bloody hell if she witnessed such a sign of repression of one's true demonic self taking place. So, with a defeated sigh, the Neoveta-like Algos meekly agreed even if this was not something she wanted to do right now.

Meanwhile, like a child giddy as could be, the mere touch of Calypso was enough to send this devilish incarnation of Algos's inner dream ego into a pure state of bliss. Multiple tongues came out of its mouth as her cheek was graced by her beloved; though she quickly reduced it to one as quite frankly it was a rather ugly scene to watch. Though, hearing the words of Cali loving this beast made the creature smother her in a loving embrace; pressing her against the thick bosom of the beast and making sure to grind her legs up against this person of great affections. But, let's not get crazy! She knew her limits and wouldn't push it further. After all, there was no point in inflicting more damage was already broken and shattered. This devil at least had that much sense even in dream form.

Nevertheless, when the creature heard the words spoken from Calypso, it couldn't help but give a puzzled blink. Her? Afraid of being hurt? Algos sure in the hell didn't like people harming her, but it was something unavoidable in life. Hell, even Cali hurt her not too long ago in the physical realm with such hostile words that tore her tender heart to pieces. No. This went far deeper than just that and she'd set the record straight.

"I loath being hurt and would rather avoid it, but I'm not afraid of it. The love I have for you is special because you are one of the few beings who can articulate their love in meaningful ways, embrace me for all my foulness, are drenched in sweet purity, and are a gift from the divine that no other mortal can compare to."

Once those words of her demonic reason bled out, the woman then started chortling with laughter as she opted to reply to the rest of Calypso's heartfelt dialogue with manic glee.

"How can I not be love-starved when a vessel like yourself bestowed upon me some of the sweetest affections of love my soul has ever tasted?"

There was then a pause before the demonic creature tapped her chin and responded promptly to the notion of her dying.

"Oh yeah. We both could die at any moment. Really, I'm prepared to face that reality, but at the moment I have you I'd rather hold on tight. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it."

Those words were spoken without a care in the world as the devil shrugged its shoulders. Yeah, she'd be utterly devasted if her beloved died, but the inverse of the circumstance could happen as well. What would happen if Algos died? How would Cali even manage to sustain herself in this world without the protection of her big sister? So, a smug smile smeared itself across the demonic beast's lips.

"I can throw the same question back at you: what if I died? What Mana died? What if all the most powerful Asthavons died? How could you yourself fair in this world? These are trying questions, but we won't have the answers to them until we face that reality! So it's all but useless to waste energy on even though I know you'd find a way to survive. As should you believe in that dark hope that I will endure."

Oh, someone was feeling chatty. All those words came gushing out like unending strings of demonic glee as she relished at the thought of consuming such wonderful grief. She was Algos: she ate the constructs of pain, misery, and woe. If anything, she'd get off on such masochistic torment bleeding into her heart; even if there was a sincere feeling of loss from her sister.

Still, it wasn't a train of thought that Algos wanted to linger on anymore. So, she'd finally get to the crux of the issue and set her blood gaze upon Calypso with a firmness in her voice.

"I won't remain stuck on you. I adore you, but my possessive will take other forms. I will amass grand purpose to fill that void of love. I lack the belief that any of these mortals could ever offer me a love as grand as yours, but that does not mean my life will be pitiful or wasted. I'm the god damn Princess of Demon World and I will find meaning in that."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:58 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso steeled herself, having her body remain calm and relaxed as she could sense the explosion of bliss and pleasure from the being merely being touched by her, softly grunting when she was held so closely and tightly, panting as she was soon after released, a hand on her heart as she took a simple deep breath. Her gaze drew up to the maddeningly loving gaze of the beastly demon as she prattled on, telling Calypso those blanks she simply didn't catch, but as she spoke she slowly grew more and more... Astonished, really, by what the elder of the two saw her as.

It wasn't in a disgusted sense in the slightest, more in a... 'Wow, really?' kind of tone. She soon would softly sigh, genuine surprise displayed as she rubbed the back of her head, still trying to wrap her mind around what the hell was happening here,

"...Huhh... You don't really seem too torn up about much, or mindless in the slightest.. No offense but, you seemed like you would be incapable of talking, or at the very least unable to help yourself long enough to actually talk,"

She would pat the wispy white locks of the blood red woman, sighing, "Also sorry about... Hurting you earlier. I got really upset. Still trying to work out the kinks in my mood."

Though soon the young one's bright gaze would float behind the older figure, off to the younger of the two, "..Okay, I'm gonna give the other you a little sit down, too. Just, hang on, I'm figuring this out."

She would give her a pat on the shoulder before walking past her, moving over to the smaller of the two as she would move to get onto her level - height of course, softly narrowing her eyes,

"Alright, what's goin' on with you, then?"

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:24 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

"I'm a demon lord: you aren't gonna hurt me with just words, pfft."

The bigger of the duo rolled its blood eyes as it eventually walked away from the two to otherwise observe things from her throne of skulls, blood, and all things sinful. In this way, she took her role as royalty of the demon world with the utmost of glee as a smug sense of satisfaction washed over her face. All that was brimming in her mind was the next seed of misery, woe, and grief that she could consume. In fact, one could even argue she loved Calypso for birthing this heartache in her heart as that little one was the issue here; not the gloating essence of Algos's possessive drive.

Thus, the smaller of the pair grew skittish at the thought of being confronted as it felt it she wasn't the issue. It believed that it was trying to protect both Algos and Calypso from harm. It wanted to control everything, make things were right, and not make any further mistakes. It failed so many times in the past, but this creature still clung to such strong sentiments of sorrow that it was petrified of ever moving past it.

Hence, as the little girl let out a frightened breath, rows of tendrils swatted Calypso away. They were all drenched in a haze of crimson as the creature grew six wings from it's back and her frightened expression came to view as those frantic eyes zoomed in on her kin. This woman was a source of pain, love, and instability; so it was hard to tell if she should even within the depths of her dreams anymore. It hurt so much to not have the thing she desired, no matter if her possessive side would find something else to occupy her time. She wanted to cling on to this beloved, but it was toxic and she needed to control herself.

"I'm not the issue here...."

Sounding more distraught, the creature clenched his fist and tried to make sense of itself as it started to realize she was becoming the more unsteady of the two. Still, it pressed forward.

"...I just...I don't know anymore. I don't know what the problem is. I can't just let these feelings die. I can't let Neoveta's ego be a waste. Being left without anything and just feeding on's not enough."

Then, the girl snarled before carrying on.

"That possessive self is right, I will persist, but a part of me wants you. I want to keep us safe, but maybe staying away from me is best..."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:44 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso hardly seemed fazed by the little one's attempts at pushing her away, letting them swat at her as she listened to her speak, her frantic emotions as in one swift movement, large claw-like appendages would suddenly arc out from Calypso's back, moving to abruptly cease those tendril's swatting at her, as she quickly advanced, until her face was merely an inch away from the smaller of the two's, as she uttered one word, with a softness, yet possessing such weight and command enough to make anyone ill prepared for such a force of will to quiet the hell up real fast,


Two fingers touched the young one's chin as she softly stroked her jawline, the fierceness of her gaze subsiding as she relaxed, leaning back, "..Sorry."

Clearing her throat, she would begin, "It doesn't have to be a waste. You just need to figure out how to be constructive about things."

She proceeded to pat the small one on the head, "It's fine to want me, but you can't keep me. That isn't something anyone is allowed to do. But seizing yourself up and stifling yourself in an attempt to keep your sin at bay is stupid - You're just hurting your whole self in the long run."

Calypso would then stand tall, hands on her hips, until she gently spread her arms out, "Come on.. Give me a hug. Have some faith in yourself."

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