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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Mon May 25, 2020 9:11 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The shimmering light of the full moon's blue glow in the quarters of The Demon Princess's domain gave the atmosphere quite the tranquil flow of being to the surroundings. While The Queen of the kingdom preferred vast skies of endless green, the younger royalty desired something else for this evening as she had a special guest whom she had invited to her domain. Yes, it was that of Calypso Asthavon: the person who meant so much to her.

With dark reflections of possession weighing on her mind from past regrets, to the depths of pure happiness the dream self of Calypso gave The Princess; the demoness knew in her heart that they needed to see each other once again. The insides of her essence twitched, tingled, and were filled with pulsations of warm affection for this special person. She knew that her feelings for wanting to possess this sensation for her own were overwhelming, but she would keep it in check in order to maintain the connection to Calypso.

Yet -- she needed to hold her, feel her and be together with her. And, beyond that, they needed to reconcile, come to terms with what happened and try to share the experience which The Princess underwent within the depths of Calypso's inner heart. There was so much love blinding the sight of Algos, but she didn't care and summoned her beloved to come. And as she sat alone in her bedroom, the woman's blood eyes stared at the center of the room and hoped to see this vessel of light bring happiness to her world once more.

"I...want to see you, Calypso. I promise I won't go overboard this time..."

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sun May 31, 2020 8:38 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

For several moments, there was pure silence. Her plea to see her sibling did not appear to be met, not even a flourishing of emotion in response to her request. It would be this way, until suddenly the sound of rapid footsteps would occur right out her door, suddenly the doorknob twisting, and bursting through the door was Calypso, covered in quickly retracting scales and feathers as she entered the room, huffing softly as she would quickly speak to excuse herself,

"S-sorry about the dramatic entrance, I was already on my way here, and I heard your voice, so I got worried and hoofed it all the way to your room! Ahhh, ahh... Sorry Algos."

She would come over and pull the woman into a hug as to comfort her, patting her white hair, "I was going to ask you something but... If you need me right now, I can wait until i'm sure you're feeling fine."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sun May 31, 2020 9:05 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Algos could perceive the arrival of her beloved storming in the night from how acute her senses were. So, when the eruption of life entered the room, the woman eased over into a slight smile as she seemed to have the faintest of blushes at the sight of Calypso. And this cherry-red flow of expression would redden further as the fellow-creature of demon royalty cuddled her. It felt -- nice. To experience the sensation of their milky skin brushing against each other still brought volts of orgasmic pleasure throughout The Princess's body. She wanted to possess that feeling for her own once again, but still kept true to her word to that inner-self of Cali.

"I did want to hold you in my arms again. Even if one was blind, they could see that fact as clear as day."

At that moment, Algos closed her eyes and just savored the moment. Such periods in time where love was felt were finite luxuries to have in this world; so Algos merely clutched on to Calypso with such deep-hearted intensity. Enough to where the emotions boiled over like a raging storm of grief within herself, bleeding over into a downpour of crimson tears as she felt her overzealous love spewing over to the surface.

"I'm...sorry if I hurt you. I just wanted you for my own."

That was the first thing to utter out of the woman's now shaky voice. It hit as hard as the smell of iron from her tears as she eased her into a more reserved facial expression. She didn't want to turn into some sobbing-mess of a demon again, but the radiant glare of her churned affections were hard to contain as it wanted to hold everything it cherished ever-so-close to it's burning core.

"There really is no good way to start this, but I love you so much. I love you so much that I don't want to hurt you anymore. But I feel myself hurting so much. You are the only one I love and without that love being mine, it hurts"

Those words were spoken with the utmost of bold truthness to them. They were a driveling mess of tangled up sentiment, but they were her reality and it had to be spoken. Thus, she carried on:

"I saw your inner-self. The dream you. The you of your sub-conscious ego. It showed me so many beautiful things that I don't want to corrupt your pure soul. I love you so much, I want you to be mine, but I can't....and it hurts."

At this point, the woman closed her eyes to compose herself. Pools of scarlet fluid drenched from her eyes as her body trembled with raw hollowness. It was horrible to admit, but it needed to be said. All she could do was sit with that sinking of feeling and try to further think of where this interaction was going to go...

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sun May 31, 2020 10:04 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso could sense the sharpening feelings of pleasure and love within her sibling as she embraced her, an instinctual rise of caution within her chest occurring as her inner, more instinctual self would scrape at her mind,

Those feelings again, again...! She's gonna-

Give her a chance.

The demon stilled her rapid heart as she was intent on allowing Algos to speak; from her point of view she hadn't spoken to the pale woman at all after she awoke from her coma, and hoped that time would allow some perspective and thought to enter the woman's head, of how she harmed her, and the family at large. Her silvery locks draped over her shoulder and in turn Algos' own, as she remained dead silent, listening to her speak, smelling and feeling the iron drippings of her bloody tears, picking up the pain that stabbed with her heart. Calypso didn't appear to reciprocate similar feelings of harm or extreme emotion, remaining silent and stroking the woman's hair as she allowed her heart to bleed.

"Algos, I love you too. I love you so terribly; You're my older sister. But, no matter how badly you wish for it, I cannot be yours."

Calypso began, her tone retaining strength as she intended to be the stable one in this situation, grasping Algos close as she continued, "I cannot be yours, I cannot be Mom's, I cannot be anyone's. I am not a treasure to be taken and kept in a cute little display case, I am not a damsel in distress, and I am not a prize to be won and held close. You need to understand - I am my own entity, with my own will, desires, and wings to spread."

She would then stare deeply into the woman's crimson eyes, her silvery own possessing potent intent, as if she were a powerful beast staring at another, "I have to be honest; I don't give a fuck if you feel hurt over that, specifically. You are inherently being unfair to me by retaining that desire, that lust. That is something I cannot tolerate, especially after you acted upon such possessive feelings."

Two fingers touched at the place where the woman's heart would be, Caly releasing a gentle breath as she continued, "Your heart aches because your mind is closed to possibility. Possibility of loving, seeing, and being more. There are trillions of beings out there, at the very least a few thousand should grow to like you, hundreds to love you, and a handful to hold close and dear to your heart. You are hurting yourself by blocking yourself off so stubbornly, Algos. What would you do if I were lost, or even died? Fall into despair? Kill yourself? Go into an insatiable frenzy?"

She patted the woman's head, "That is not the Algos I met. You can't fall apart at the mere inclination that I can't be yours. You have to be strong, Algos."

The young one would then huff, her gaze softening tremendously as her hand formed into a fist, giving her a firm bonk on the forehead several times, "And not. Be. A. Freakin'. Idiot. You're smarter than that. You can't fall apart like this, because someday I'm probably not going to be able to come running."

She would wipe the woman's bloody tears, "Now come on, quit makin' a mess of yourself, the smell of blood's starting to make me ill. Let's just do something relaxing so you can calm down."

Caly would slowly break the hug, rolling onto the bed as she sighed exhaustively, "So, what do you want to do? It has to be relaxing."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sun May 31, 2020 11:38 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Shot through the heart, the bleeding reservoir of built-up grief ushered out more bloody fluid as those words were confirmed. The fact that she couldn't have Calypso the way she desired only brought about further loneliness and grief with the already shattered ego of Neoveta's shadow. It is at that point where those childish tears became hard, violent, and sobbing as that inner torment of pain vomited such powerful emotions through this pitiful princess's soul.

"I love you to....and I know you can't......"

Through sobs which had been restrained by the greatest of the god's wills, the woman's walls had finally broken and the well of unsteady feeling continued to flow as she choked on her words. It hurt so much to know how badly she hurt Calypso, to know there is no way to rewrite the past and that the eternal longing of wholeness that Neoveta sought would never be filled. To let this love consume her, possess her and break the ties of their kingdom, family and sanity were utterly maddening. With her dress being filled in the vital fluids of her lifeblood, the woman's black-stained essence became filled with such potent rays of reddened feeling once more. The numbness was dissolved under the weight of this all-encompassing affection.

Again, again and again did the feeling of knives being dragged through the soul impulse throughout the woman's body as waves of desolating woe followed with each piercing sentiment mattered into reality by her beloved. To hear how her feelings, actions, and words made Calypso feel as if she were an item to be possessed and owned by another person broke her. That isn't what Algos wanted for someone who was so close to most twisted notion of love she knew. It was sinful, it was perverted, it was all matters of wrong; but the inner essence of her just wanted her to hold her, be her partner and make everything that is wrong with this hellish existence end by finding her other half and filling an end Neoveta's endless tragedy.

"I don't want to own you, I just want you to be my lover. I know that is perverse, I know it is sinful, but it is my truth...."

This was it. This was her truth. She needed to speak those words out to her.

"...the fear of losing you, the fear of having my loneliness consume me again scared me. I wanted to own you for myself to fill that hole in me, but I love you so much more than that and the ego of Neoveta knows this is wrong. I know it is so fucked up, but I needed you so much then that you don't know...."

Choking up at the seams, the woman clutched on to her beloved harder as she knew this moment would forever change the course of their relationship. After everything they had been through, all the moments of perversion, lust, sin, love, and hurt; it was all leading to this reality check for the two of them. It was going to hit them like the damning eruption of a comets burning light purging the lands of all life and light. As this explosion of sobering awareness would wipe the possibility of any further provision, corruption, and tainting of their demonic love to pieces and it just hurt so much for Algos.

Why the hell was doing the right thing so fucking hard?

"...and those other spirits can't possibly fill that void."

Defiant till the end, Algos wanted to grip on to this burning hot vessel of love which was her perception of Calypso's embrace. She refused to accept that potential of someone else loving her the way she desired with her deep-rooted fantasies of making the fellow Asthavon hers. Yet, it was something painful which she had no choice to accept as more sobs came out of her body.

"I don't want to love anyone else...."

Childish. Utterly childish. This whole act was so damn childish. But she couldn't let this go so easily. Not for something that burned so hot within her soul. This love, this unrequited love couldn't die that easily into the night. Ah, alas though, such a thing had to take place. Nothing that perverse could seek to exist if she were to truly want to see her sister fly on her own. This was the sum total of a myriad of ill-action that stemmed back to the days of Neoveta. It was all their fault and there was no other way out of this.

"...please don't make me...."

Pitiful words. Simply pitiful. To go out with a whimper was utterly pitiful, but how else could such a loathsome feeling be snuffed out of existence? That voice was weak, these aggressions stemmed from weakness and it was by the sword of reality that such a weakening self would be sliced into the folds of sorrow under the weight of its own cowardice. To be unable to face the love of others, refusing to see the world around her and to see the potential in the universe they encompass had no other conclusion but pain.


Strength? This woman was talking about Algos's strength in such a miserable state? No. Algos felt nothing like that facade of a person who felt like a distant memory of what she imagined power to be. This accursed blessing of passion made the woman believe in her convictions to an absurd degree, yet it was her sword of Damocles. Always looming over the woman's head was the potential for this sadistic drive to turn inward, for that power of grief to drench her mind and sink her into a world of great self-pity from her own stubborn willpower. Yes, it brought entire nations down to their knees, but such a potent self-defiance played equally against her when it came to matters of the heart and it took an even stronger sense of self to develop, evolve and stand above that pitiful self's will.


What words could she say anymore? Whatever absurd notion of strength Calypso had mentioned was being birthed within Algos like an unwanted sore. It knew the answer her beloved wanted to hear, it knew what was right, it knew what was wrong and it knew how to move forward. It was only a matter of Algos accepting it, doing what is right to the people who love her, and trying to face this new future. As even with all her love, all her possession and all the resources of her kingdom; such things could never ensure the protection of her sisters life even if she tried. And if such a life was lost, the impulsion of The Princess's life was all but imminent. So it was toxic. It was so utterly toxic.

"....I won't fall apart."

She could moan, she could sob, she could throw a tampturn; but it was best to accept things as they are. That was the truth. Even if she forced Calypso to be hers, it would never be right. So, her tears ceased and the woman's solemn face washed over into a state of neutrality as a hurt sigh escaped her lips. With her bloodied face and dulled eyes staring into her kin's lively gaze, the Princess just spoke these words out:

"A walk. Let's just go for a walk...."

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:20 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso could sense every drop of grief, pain, and anguish Algos oozed and gushed with. Even if she didn't have empathetic abilities, she could feel the grinding of emotions through their marked connection, almost prompting the young one to keel over and cry herself, but she knew she had to be the stronger one in this situation, else her sibling's mind would never be changed or eased. For the longest time, she allowed the woman to let her heart bleed, hearing all manner of passionate, desperate, and utterly pitiful words spill from the lips of the woman whom she once viewed as a being to look up to.

What was she now?

Just another person Calypso needed to care for and love, no matter how harrowingly ill merely sensing her dreadful emotions made her feel. And hearing her childish begging, that Calypso was the only one she could love, and to not make her love anyone else, merely caused the young one to sigh. That was yet another thing of the tangled mess that were people of her blood, that she needed to figure out and untangle.

Though her body was shaking as she was trying to process those emotions without breaking down, she wouldn't give a response until Algos settled on an activity for them to do - Walking. Slowly, she rose a shaking knuckle to her forehead, gently knocking on her head as if tapping on a door, laughing softly yet nervously,

"Knock knock.. Is there a Ms. Algos up there~? All I'm seeing right now is Miss Iery~!"

Calypso tried to put some playful tone into the conversation, sighing as she would then grasp her sibling's body, suddenly the two of them feeling the sensation of dropping, until suddenly they were on their feet, in an odd forest with equally strange trees that possessed eye-like formations on their trunks and leaves,

"Okay, enough reduction into a sappy puddle - Let's walk and have fun."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:42 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Mulling through the mush forests of her mind brought the heartbroken Algos to a place of deep-feeding. While the words of Calypso definitely registered, The Princess's focus was on the internal consumption of her own grief which both made the woman feel miserable and satisfied at the same time. She was a creature that fed off of woe, pain, and suffering in the world. So it was no wonder that the woman's own inner powers were pulsating with great turmoil and strength as she tried to absorb this heartache mentally and spiritually.

Nevertheless, when the scenery around them changed, the dulled eyes of the woman came back to reality as her empty stare observed Calypso trying to get them to have fun. While Algos wasn't in the mood to do anything, she still lived to want to serve her sister to amend the wrongs of her sins. So, in that way, she'd merely nod her head, hold her hand, and begin to walk through the woodlands of the demon world.

"In a masochistic way, this heartbreak feels good. If nothing else, my powers are making me feel miserable and high at the same time."

Not really caring to reply to much of the other words Calypso spoke, Algos focused on her own emotions as her blood eyes kept darting everywhere trying to take in the sights before ultimately exhaling a sigh. This all felt like horseshit and she couldn't help but blurt out the truth:

"My heart hurts, but remember I will always serve you. You are a precious person to me and I will love you no matter what; even if it is just bred from sin."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:30 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso didn't need to hear Algos' pitiful words to know her true feelings in this moment, sensing those drunken feelings obtained from the overpowering sense of agony in her heart. The young one merely kept her anger silent, only slight signs such as the sensation of her soft fingers becoming sharper and scalier betraying her sense of irritation as she walked, however with Algos' last sentence, she couldn't fucking take it anymore - The woman was pissing her off, so much that she flipped her lid.

Suddenly, a set of dark scaled hands would aggressively grab her shoulders, pushing and pinning her against one of the strange native trees. It wasn't hard enough to create substantial damage, but it was quite a loud slam as Calypso stared Algos in the eye piercingly, her gentle eyes having become brightly colored, pupils slitted as her mouth contained a predator's fangs, black scales appearing on her cheeks,

"You're so PATHETIC, Algos...!"

The young one's voice had gone from gentle and fun hungering, to snarling and sharp, her clawed hands increasing the tightness of their grip as she continued to chew out the bloody woman,

"Do you think acting like a subservient dog with her tail between her legs around me is a good apology for what you did? Well, guess what? You're wrong. You are so totally, horrifyingly, stupidly wrong...!"

Calypso let out a sad, hysterical laugh as she would then devolve into a sigh, her head hanging for a moment, blackened fingers pinching her nose bridge as she shook her head, suddenly slamming the freed hand back on the woman's shoulder as she continued,

"Seeing you like this, hearing your emotions whine and cry and sob in my ears, smelling your self pitying tears, makes me want to fucking vomit. You wanna know why, dear big sis?"

She didn't even give Algos a chance to answer, before suddenly thrusting her onto the ground, her voice raised into a borderline shriek, "BECAUSE I'M NOT MOM!"

Soon she would move to drop harshly onto her knees, roughly placing a hand on Algos' head as to prevent her from sitting up, "Because this, is not what I'm interested in seeing or bringing out in people. I desire to help everyone, to help them see their best selves, and to self actualize. To know who they are, and be able to sock anyone in the face who tries to fucking tell them otherwise."

She would lean close to the woman's face, her voice reduced to a whisper, "So you're showing me, that this is your attempt at finding your best self? A crying, misery drenched, lovesick creature willing to come to my beck and call, as she was not able to get her way through senseless violence and possession?"

Suddenly, her hand would release, but soon after her heel would come down on the woman's head, harshly grinding into it as Calypso's lip would curl with anger,


She would only press down harder with her heel, teeth bared as she shouted one last time, "IS THIS HOW YOU WANT TO LIVE YOUR LIFE? CRYING BLOODY TEARS UNDER THE FORCEFUL HEEL OF YOUR LITTLE SISTER?!"

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:45 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

There was a sudden submissive yelp of surprise when the smoldering rage of Calypso smacked into Algos's soul like a comet out of hell. Sure, The Princess was able to face up any other creature without a sense of fear because she cared nothing about anyone else besides her and her fellow Asthavon sisters. So, to have the person you love the most in your world suddenly get so spiteful toward you was a shock to the senses that rocked Algos to her core as a look of uncertainty washed over her face.

Again and again, to her already shattered heart, the sharpened words of her fellow kin dug deep into her spirit as they triggered the release of those bloody tears once more. This was the last thing that the woman wanted to hear and her entire head was nothing but an eruption of white noise as her senses became overstimulated from the toxicity of Cali's words, the impact of her body against the tree and feeling the raw intent of her spirit.

Indeed, what cut through the most had been the notion of being compared to a dog with its tail strung between its legs. That hit like a stinging strike to the gut as that's exactly the type of being that Algos detested from Neoveta and why she tried so fiendishly to put forth aggressive action to control the world around her to prevent that from ever happening again. Yet, here it was happening again and she couldn't help but sob her eyes out as blood spewed forth on both of the sisters.

It hurt so much that the depths of her heart swelled with a physical pain that ran deep; causing the woman to try and clench her chest before Calypso brought the demoness to her knees. This was a surge of great torment which made it hard for the woman to get a grip on reality. These were not ugly truths she was prepared to face today. So, when the woman she loved pressed her heel against the chin of The Princess, the perception of Algos went black.

She had enough of this.

Enough of this pain.

Too much humiliation.

That sense of power needed to come back.


In one foul roar of a cry, the woman's true demonic strength bellowed back into existence as the skies became drenched in deep shades of blood, the forest floor drowned itself in a sea of black miasma and swells of blinding white neon light surged in the chest of The Princess as her foul Asthavon blood came to life in this display of power. She wasn't weak, she wasn't pathetic, she wasn't a dog; SHE WAS THE PRINCESS OF DEMON WORLD AND SHE WOULD BE RESPECTED AS SUCH!

Thus, in all of her pained might, the woman lunged herself at Calypso, pinned her to the ground by gripping her clawed hands at the sister's throat; making a small dent in the ground if said action took place. Regardless of the prior attack being successful or not, the mad demoness starting breathing erratically for a few moments. She was taking back control, assuming her dominance and trying to flow with the screaming reflections of pain within herself was maddening; but she was not going to lose control this time. She knew her sister wanted to do better, so she wasn't going to hurt, but she wasn't going to be treated like a dog any further.

"No.....I'm not pathetic, I'm not a fucking dog. I love you, but I'm not going to tolerate you speaking to me that way."

Even if it pained her to do, the woman's voice became enthralled with rage and sorrow as she asserted her will upon the world. All The Princess desired as to curl up in her own hole and die without that precious love to make her soul alit, yet that isn't what her sister desired. She wanted her to live, but it was so damn hard without that fulfillment of Neoveta never being met. So, nothing but a low, deep snarl exuded from the Princess as she gradually let go of Calypso.

"I won't tolerate anyone doing that to me. I'm one of the strongest demonic creatures in this world. So yes, you are right, it is absurd for me to act this way when I can bring entire civilizations to their knees, sister."

With her tears ceasing for the moment, the woman took a deep breath and uttered this simple statement to her beloved:

"So I damn sure won't allow you to bring my entire world crumbling to the ground."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:48 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

A gentle smile creased the young one's face as her elder sibling grasped her neck, slamming her into the ground as black scales coated her neck and head region, causing a soft inhale and exhale as she allowed Algos to flame up with a heavy retort, which only caused Calypso's smile to widen as she felt the woman's claws release her neck, however Calypso remained on the ground, letting out a sighing laugh,

"...Thank god, that's the kind of reaction I expect if someone was being treated lesser. Was pretty worried you actually went down that rabbit hole of pussy shit, but you're still recoverable."

Calypso was genuinely happy her big sis didn't totally lose her mind, sitting up in the lovely lil crater the woman made as she would then sigh, "Algos.. You shouldn't be acting that way because you're a person. Even if you were so weak that you couldn't kill a fly, you shouldn't be poised like you're someone's bitch. Respect yourself more than that, please, because I'm no bitch tender."

She soon would get up, and sigh, grasping Algos' hands and staring into her eyes. That doe-like gaze returned to the young one as she seemed to roll into a track of thought, before sighing and shaking her head,

".. Look, if you think you're either going to walk with your tail tucked between your legs, or that you'd go rabid with desire for me, then there's something wrong, like, mentality wrong. I know and sense a lot of... Knotted twists inside of your psyche, I swear.. Things that just words alone wouldn't be able to unravel."

Soon, she would gently place two hands on one of her own, and shut her eyes, "... I have an idea to help you there, but.. You're going to have to trust me, and say you're okay with it. It's.. Worked before."

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