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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:00 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A




The Bigger Algos couldn't help but give a roaring laugh as she witnessed the pathetic display of passion, love and true pure heartfelt affection play out before her. Really? Getting close to that MONSTER? Bahahaha. Whatever was lurking in that youth was all but foul. It was the damn beast that kept her chains restricted, and with the pair's influence free to run amok, the possessive scent of desire smeared itself against the landscape of the realm as the youth grew further mature in body. Gone was the child, and instead, someone more akin to Calypso's own visage remained. Rather than having her plum eyes, however, the new entity had nothing but blood in those crimson mirrors to the soul.


In one demonic screech, the ugliness of this youth roared itself out of the abyss and now this creature was clenched to the body of Calypso. It took every fiber of it's being not to violate this precious soul, but dammit, she wanted her. Not as a pet, not as a thing, not as an enslaved person; but for her to truly love her and that vile sin ran deep. It was kept under lock and key by so many layers of restraint, yet if she wanted to see this, so fucking be it.

"BAHAHAH! And there it is!"

The bigger Algos couldn't help but love the display of true demonic depravity coming out as this the shit she lived for. Oh yes! Such sweet overwhelming love. It was a passionate feeling, and that's all this creature of corruption sought after in this life. Powerful feelings, overzealous emotions and all things grandiose! God bless the Asthavon curse, right?

"A hug? A hug? A HUG!? I....want so much more...."

There was a demonic groan followed by a screech from his creature after it freed herself from the hellishly affectionate grip it had on Calypso. Panting, sweating, and feeling the blood rush to all sorts of places; the mind of the unrestrained aspect of Neoveta's ego became overwhelmed with Algos's influence as it was in fact her. No matter how she tried to sugar-coat things, this ugliness was her soul and the woman couldn't but laugh as they became one.

"...ah, but I don't have to give into it, right? I can acknowledge it, I can let it be, but I still love you enough not to taint your pretty face...."

Now with her eyes closed, the woman's teeth became razor sharp. As blood flowed from her face, one raspy question stabbed itself into the air around them:

" better think twice about hugging. Are you REALLY sure about that now that you know my intents and desires?"

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:38 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso steeled herself as she knew the nightmare hadn't even come close to beginning yet, as the small one before her suddenly and rapidly matured... Looking much like herself. The Asthavon felt a flutter in her chest, her gaze betraying hints of distraught emotion, watching and listening as the demonic reflection would screech at her pure, putrid desire, somewhat taken aback when the being clutched her. There was so much pent up frustration and desire she could practically smell it's ugly, sweet aroma.

Despite her unsettled stance, she stood her ground, eyes locked on the inner manifestation as she almost felt... Sad for her. Crazed, indecisive, hungry and fearful - Would this have been what she became if she didn't free herself and figure her way into a healthy mindset and personality, instead, putting all of these extreme emotions away, lock and key until the notion of sweet, blind, naive freedom set it off?

However she was going about this... She knew it was going to get real fuckin' ugly. But... That was the price she was willing to pay to ensure her sibling's wellbeing, however not at the sacrifice of herself, her own feelings, and her own desires.

"I can't be like that for you, Algos. I'm sorry, that's just not how I feel towards you."

Calypso knew things were going to hit the fan from her speaking her honest feelings - She was speaking to a hungered, pinned up child who was ready to pounce and scream at the very notion her way wasn't being done, and she fully accepted any rash acts that would follow,

"I love you, you're my sister, I wouldn't want anything horrible happening to you, i'd be deeply hurt if you were harmed, distressed, or even killed... I just, don't feel the same way you do. I just want you to be my sister, my family."

With that, Calypso's expression darkened, a serious tinge to her eyes as her gaze saw those hungry teeth, "So, yeah. Give your sis a hug, I'm waiting."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:55 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

"I won't hug you."

. . .

. . .

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

That is what they say to gain your composure, right? Well, that's exactly what the smaller Algos did. As the larger possessive essence of the Princess overlooked at the vile scene taking place with glee, the unrestricted essence of her demonic nature that was facing Cali grew silent. It did not shout, it did not cry and it did not do anything which would indicate anything of rash nature. In fact, it's razor shark teeth faded, a sense of calm eased into the area and her eyes focused solely on the center of Calypso's chest.

"This is your fault."

Calm, poised, and child-like; a youthful voice escaped from the lips of this smaller ego. Yet, in spite of such a childish tone being uttered, nothing venom pulsated within herself. So, following those feelings of discontent, the right index finger of the dream ego's hand rose, shot forth a condensed cluster of light as black as the night and aimed it straight at Calypso's head like a gunshot to the face.

However, instead of blowing off her head, there was something she wanted to be extracted out of Calypso's mind. No, not even that. She wanted the boundaries of their dreams, egos, and worlds to intermesh and become one. That way, the sick, ugly bunny that forced Algos to take this element of fullness into her soul could rue its decision to do so.

"Did you honestly think sealing me within The Princess was the right thing to do? To make her aware of my existence? Of my foulness? We were fine without your meddling."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:22 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Calypso's gaze softened with a look of defeat as the being told her that she did not want to hug her. She genuinely was saddened, but lowered her arms, letting out a soft exhale as she parted her lips,

"..Why not?"

She waited for an answer, but she was not given one, rather she saw the young one calm down, which brought a little hope to Calypso that she was at the very, very least winding down. She tried giving her an understanding smile, willing to give the girl as much patience as she needed for them to figure this mess out. They would, they would figure it out, no matter how...


...She felt a searing pain between her eyes, it having happened so fast and suddenly, inconsistent with the girl's emotions, that she didn't even have a chance to react.


"..Aaaah.. Aaaahhh..." Her gaze was shakingly put on the dark beam, hands jaggedly attempting to move up to block it long after it fired. This wasn't normal - She wouldn't feel like she was about to be undone by a typical strike in the head. This was different. She knew it was different. And that.. Scared her.


... Her eyes were wide as she processed what her look-a-like said, bright tears running down from her face as her breath was uneven and full of terror, as she felt as if her consciousness was torn from her. Her form would suddenly fall onto the ground like a limp ragdoll, eyes blank as the light of conscious perception left her, instead this Algos got exactly what she wanted; All manner of scenes, ugly and beautiful would spill into the landscape, Calypso's body remaining in the same place it collapsed in, as soon after a pure black rabbit with velvet fur would emerge from the growing purple-ish grasses, red eyes staring intensely at Algos as she spat such poisonous words,

"...I did not make her... Do anything... She decided it on her... Own volition... Out of love..."

The wispy, gentle tones of the rabbit left it's being as it spoke back to the woman,

"So... We're out, now... What is it... You plan to do..?"

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:48 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

"You are fine, rabbit."

Calm. That is all it felt. Calm. That feeling of pristine beauty from that day is what this essence of Algos desired to experience yet again. Even among the sea of chaos and madness all around them, none of it mattered so long as she felt Calypso's sincere love in her mind. No matter how badly she wanted to possess it, chain it and enslave her to her whim; this thing was not hers and she knew that. No matter how foul her essence was, such a thing couldn't be allowed to happen. The deep bond between them and the true desire to see her sister thrive still existed and it would keep that boundary from being crossed again.

"Four your sake, for my sake; I will love and support you."

With her hands raised in the air, the foul demoness roared a sense of power into the dream space as she sought to exude the foul toxins of her influence away from the body of Calypso. This had little to do with her exterior appearance, yet more to do with the chains of enslavement she implanted deep within the essence of her kin's heart and mind when she initially dared to make her love her and only her. In this way, a demented version of the Dream Davana merged forth from the mind of the Asthavon and clung to the demented ego of Algos's dream alter.

"I wanted to control you. I wanted to bind you. I wanted it so badly I nearly broke you."

Blood now flowing all within this world, thousands of eyes crying this crimson fluid drowned the landscape in the background and the larger ego of Algos's possessive self watched this sight from hell take place as a small whistle exited her mouth at this surreal spectacle.

"My love is sin and all I have left is this warmness from your memories, your laugh, and my forced affections upon you. It's sick, it's twisted and it will be my precious thing to embrace and chain in my heart for me to relish. Those are not your sins to bare, little one."

With her eyes close, this dream Cali broke into a thousand different chains, contorted themselves around this dream alter, and oozed into her body until nothing but a flare of blood-red fire dripped from the woman's aura of energy.

"So I'll take everything that is dear to me, possess it, make it me and link it together like a chain of fire to keep me stable. Consider this a favor, rabbit."


"But I'm sure you can hear and remember everything in this state, Calypso. That's why I merged our egos together at this moment. Let it all soak in...."

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:41 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The dark rabbit watched with wide crimson eyes as the woman proceeded to extract whatever toxic sensations that were still embedded in Calypso's psyche, the small figure of the rabbit visibly unsettled as it tucked it's body close to itself, ears back as it watched all of those leftover sensations culminate into a vile looking version of their conscious self, watching the sky rain bloody tears as the woman spoke, until finally that version of her consciousness was shattered, set to dissolve into the Asthavon before her, soon the rabbit released a wispy sigh,

"...That... Was not necessary of... You..."

The rabbit's ears perked as it heard something behind them, turning head to see the body of Calypso, her lips vaguely moving as if she was trying to speak, until she finally got out one simple phrase in response,

"... I.... What... Happened..?"

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Fri Jun 19, 2020 2:29 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Ah. The notions of what took place were a grade above what Calypso could understand. Oh well. Redemption was about doing things of your own will to absolve the stains of your consciousness, was it not? If her kin couldn't comprehend what took place, it didn't matter. All the core of Algos knew is that she was becoming familiarized with her true foul essence. As possessive, unruly, and gaudy as it was; it was her. All the pain, all the love, all the passion; it bled into many different shades of her demonic essence that she couldn't hide from.

Thus, the visage of both the dream ego's of Algos faded and all the arose from the blood was a monster straight from hell. Skin as white as snow, eyes as red as cherry and hair which flowed down to the ground; this was not the usual visage of The Princess Calypso was keen to see. While three wings of plum and crimson which had faces of eldritch creatures stitched into them grew from the woman's back, a sphere with a core of shade and a light of scarlet emerged before this beast and her true form was unveiled to the likes of her sister.

"Throughout all this time, all this heartache and all this suffering did I not once show you my heart."

Now standing above before the rabbit and the Calypso, this demonic beast sighed and narrowed her sight upon The Demoness.

"I peered into the memories of your mind, saw what Pharista unveiled to you and I know I have to be upfront with what I am. All of it. All of my pain, all my passion, all my contempt; everything that makes me who I am is the only way you can love me without my chains of enslavement forcing you to give affection to a beast of sin like me."

Now, with each of her arms open, the demon had only one question for her kin:

"Do you still want to give this sinful sister of yours a hug now that you see her true ugliness?"

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 N5ZPxHB

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Fri Jun 19, 2020 3:19 pm

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Both the rabbit, and the blank gaze of Calypso's body, would move to watch as this Algos changed, into an utterly different form, one far unlike her typical humanoid form. They heard her words, observed her heart, and with that last question towards her, if.. She wished to hug her sibling, even in this form representing all manner of pure ugly agony, pain, and all manner of sin.

Silence, at first, was what answered the woman's question. Pure silence. Even the rabbit looked more akin to a statue as dead air remained, but soon, her voice would break the silence,

"You act as if you are the only one here with a grisly form.. Do you truly lack faith in my ability to love, this much?"

In an unnerving scene, both the lips of the humanoid figure of Calypso, as well as the rabbit, spoke at the same time, in the same tone, with the same voice, "If you truly feel how you appear makes you undeserving of my love, then you are incorrect... This is the perfect circumstance to show you this, now... What I really... Look like..."

Both Algos' senses would likely be hit with a sense of blank - Whatever happened, happened fast, and the product of it was... Indescribable to say the least. There was no longer the body of Calypso along with the rabbit that represented an inner aspect of herself, no. Instead of them, was a wall of... Darkness. That likely was the only word one could comprehend, looking at whatever the young one changed into.

Her... Body, was everywhere, excepting the area where the two resided. It was impossible to be able to process everything that the woman was; One's gaze would see one body part, then another, then another, as if her body was constantly shifting in one's capability of understanding the world around them, the only consistent piece of her were her eyes - Those whom would contain her, her soul, had transformed into white orbs, occasionally being surrounded by multitudes of other eyes, blinking in and out of existence repeatedly,

Y O U A R E N ' T T H E O N L Y B E A S T L Y O N E H E R E

Her voice was there, but it also was not. It was hers, but it was also trillions. It was heard, yet it was thought. Regardless of how it was interpreted, they would be spoken with a sense of boldness and truth, as her unblinking eyes stared down at her from an inconceivable height.


A tinge of sadness was within the cacophony, a wispy exhale in her tone, as she would create one last sentence in this moment,

I L O V E Y O U A L G O S - P L E A S E B E H A P P I E R W I T H Y O U R S E L F

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:18 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

The words of Calypso served only to be nothing but the sounds of a beautiful wind to the perception of Algos. Instead, what was more pressing to the state of the demon's true state of being was the embrace of her kin's honest self. This union of their most vile essences had been the thing that The Princess yearned for and she couldn't help but give a vicious chortle of laughter as her own element of pain, suffering and destruction bled out in colors of violent crimson all around them.

"Ah, so we are nothing but monsters licking one another's wounds in the abyss of our nightmares. How sinfully sweet~"

Even in this state of being, the jovial tone of Algos's amusement couldn't be nulled. The glee flowed from her mouth like drips of sweet honey. From this sense of jubilation did she then let their energies intermesh with one another so that they could mold their hearts together as one. In this way, The Princess could feel her, taste her and interlink their sensations, memories, emotions, and thoughts together so that she could possess these feelings of love for her own in this shallow, empty, lonely pit of a miserable soul that was her inner self.

"You truly believe I loath myself? Quite naive you are, sister."

Again, a hardy laugh escaped the woman's mouth as the notion of her being sensitive about the mere aesthetics of her design barely phased her mind. No. The pure corrupt nature of her form is all that she cared about. Every touch of her present body could inject the world with pain, destroy that which is sacred and otherwise give her the means to become so high in her aspect of possession that this whole damn world could be a whirl of dazzling madness meant to be consumed at all cost. Yet, here they were having a tender moment like this. It was all too much for her.

"I have you all to myself in this form: how can I not be happy? Answer me that."

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 N5ZPxHB

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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 Empty Re: Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali]

Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:12 am

Venomous Reflections Of The Heart [Algos/Cali] - Page 3 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

The incomprehensible darkness of the demon's form would soon carefully embrace Algos, but even the space it occupied was strange to perceive, not truly seeming to hold her in an embrace but at the same time the warmth of one's form around her was present. A hint of puzzlement would sparkle in her unblinking, ghostly eyes as Algos spoke, prompting a response. With her voice everpresent, she would intend it into being,

M O N S T E R ? W H A T D E F I N E S A M O N S T E R I S A C T I O N S - E V E N I N T H I S M O M E N T , W E A R E N O T

Calypso could feel it - Algos combing and merging their beings into one within this mental space. The young one didn't fight or resist it, merely residing with the sensations of her own and Algos, wishing to see it through to the end. Even in such a disordered, confusing state, Calypso's primary goal still burned within her consciousness,

I M E R E L Y W A N T Y O U H A P P Y - W I T H Y O U R S E L F - I S A L L

The being's form would gently shift to give the sensation of strokes and touches to Algos' hair and face, like a warm tender breath upon her skin as Calypso would once again bring thought and desire to the forefront,

Y E S , Y O U A R E H A P P Y N O W - W I S H I N G T O B R I N G U S T O G E T H E R A S O N E - B U T - W H A T I S I T T H A T Y O U P L A N T O D O ?

Calypso didn't seem afraid, or stunned in the slightest, she was merely asking Algos, to have her think about this, the eldritch-esque being continuing,

D O Y O U P L A N T O K E E P U S L I K E T H I S - T R A P P E D W I T H I N Y O U R S U B C O N S C I O U S N E S S - J O I N I N G O U R M I N D S A N D H E A R T S ?

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