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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:32 am

Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Helle didn’t bother registering Ms. Aubur’s eyes. During her time reading and such, she learned of the Vizards. To be fair, she lived her life in a closed off area meaning she never learned how the world had changed in the past up to now where Hollows, Vizards, Shinigami, and Quincy could live in a strange harmony. She did not hate it however. The world is more peaceful because of it, but she does know the dangers that all sides still present if any were to step out of line. Wasn’t that the reason the Quincy were destroyed on multiple occasions? Acting up in a world that seemed more united in keeping the peace?

When Ms. Aubur had leapt from the roof, Helle was quick to follow. In all honesty, she felt strangely giddy with the idea of trying on something that could end up making her cute, maybe even sexy? Her, sexy? She’s never thought of such a thing. It’s always been to appear regal, powerful through example and actions. Her armor wasn’t for show but for protection. As if any would feel threatened by it. With her strength, she would be facing mountains, not peasants. Ignoring the blush comment, Helle followed Ms. Aubur inside her home. The question made her think about her own view of herself. Under all that authority and armor is just an uneasy 20 year old girl who had never experienced life like a normal child would have. Her mind switches repeatedly between her regalesque role and her youthful personality constantly, and right now, the desire to act her age seemed rather hard to contain.

“Hmm. I do not know actually. I have worn nothing more than my required outfits for my duties. However, if I must… direct our search… Maybe something… cute? Uhm... “

Oh, when they had entered the massive wardrobe, Helle actually felt overwhelmed by everything within it. Outfits she’s never seen, outfits she’d never dream of wearing, and outfits that she could feel herself wondering about how such a thing would look on her. Her blushing face is impossible to steer away from. Ms. Aubur did not seem like the one for such an advanced closet, but Helle is now a believer.

“Oh my… This is rather… a lot… Erm…”

Helle is actually at a loss for words.

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Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:47 am


Something cute, she said?~ Ohh, that was fun. And Ulv couldn't contain herself so she skipped off and picked up a uniform. It seemed like a cute, stately maid at first, and Ulv came back to press it against Helle's body from behind her.

"Maids are always good. And this one is a lovely thing. See, it's got an illusion of elegance to it but i actually two-layered. The inside hugs tight to your body, especially around here" Ulv pressed the skirt into Helle's crotch and whispered seductively into her ear. "And it's got a lovely little pocket inside that holds some fun little toys right where they are meant to be. It's a lovely day out to see how long the wearer can maintain a dignified pose before the constant bombardment of pleasure breaks them down"


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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:35 am

Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

A maid outfit? Helle was already estranged with the way the massive woman carried herself away like a jolly little girl, but the dress simply worsened her curiosity while weirding her out. Out of everything, Helle was expecting some less subservient and more… Well, she has no idea what. Her head turned slightly wondering why the maid outfit out of everything, but then, Ms. Aubur neared her ear and whispered the most ludicrous of things.

“Ms. Aubur!”

Helle exclaimed, stepping away and turning on the spot with her face ablaze with pure shock. Now, this was not what Helle had thought was going to occur when she asked for Ms. Aubur’s help with her issue. Yes. The Quincy had already experienced the mayor’s flirtatious nature, but Helle had turned down the woman then, and had hoped that such would have kept further moments like this at bay. It seems she was mistaken. Oh, how the Quincy felt violated. However, such random events are horrid for the mental state as thoughts of the things that Ms. Aubur had spoken of transversed her mind back and forth like a ping pong tournament that caused her ruined cheeks to worsen. However, with a simple deep breath and a sigh, she shook her head and took better reign over herself.

“Something else, please…”

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Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:44 am


Ahh, there it was~ Such a cute blush on her face and such a delightful feeling in her heart. Ulv lived for these moments, and so she always made sure to that the opportunity when they came. Still, she would put the thing back and look about the place a bit more, pulling out the most seductive or outright hedonistic things she could. Between latex catsuits and open-crotched uniforms to a dress that left her entire back open to the elements, and other things.Each one was showed to Helle to see her reaction, even though Ulv already knew she would refuse them.

After a bit of playing, Ulv shrugged and gestured to the room.
"Well, I don't really know your fashion sense, and since you don't seem to want to dress up for my libido, you should go dress up for how you want to dress up, dear"


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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:09 pm

Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Why is she here? Why does she allow herself to continue suffering? Outfit after outfit, Ms. Aubur does not relent in showing her obscure outfit after obscure outfit. Had she become immune to these antics at some point? After a while, she simply felt exasperated with it all wondering what this woman pulling outfit after outfit does during her private times. Finally, at some point, it all ended as if it never even occurred. Yet, Helle is visibly shook. Her mind is as puddy as a child testing cocaine for the first time. Somehow, during all this, her hands had found themselves over her eyes hiding her misery and discomfort with as much success as an Elephant hiding behind a mouse. It wasn’t until everything was said and done that she chanced a peek seeing nothing which she fancied.

“I forsure know that I prefer things that cover my essentials and do not cause everyone who looks upon me to become horny teenaged imbeciles.”

She responded finally moving her hands and sighs deeply as she begins searching on her own avoiding everything unsafe for work which turned out to be a lot until finding a simple dress: a long blue skirt with a white long sleeved button blouse. It even came with a matching blue bow. Now, this outfit has a modest feeling to it while also being incredibly cute. Helle actually liked it. Maybe her upbringing is to blame for her choice. However, that matters not as she looked to Ms. Aubur quizzically.

“The dressing room. You have one, correct?”

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:31 pm


"You are barely out of your teens yourself though. You need someone who can look at you and see more than just a Sternritter. And that starts with not dressing like you've stepped out of the Victorian age with a glare to match" Ulv replied, stepping to one side and letting Helle pick her own clothes. She was an interesting one. She liked to proclaim she had no interest in Ulv's offers but at the same time her heart did not have the steely refusal her mouth proclaimed. Maybe she was just too business minded to think she deserved it, or something? These people were weird.

Eventually Helle got a nice little thing out. Not something Ulv would have chosen for her but it was pretty even so.
"Dressing room? This isn't a shop, darling, it's my wardrobe. If you want to keep your virtue intact, I'll leave the room. But a perk of Dynamic Vision is that I already know what you look like naked so you aren't hiding anything from me"


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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:08 pm

Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

A person’s heart flows as easily as a river. It is not so simple to stop it or change a river’s route however. As adrenaline rises, the heart becomes more alert. As suggestions are made, the heart beats with curiosity. As temptations come, the heart allows itself to wonder, wonder about where those taunts and teases lead. With that said, just because Helle’s body reacted a certain way to someone purposely attempting to get them to feel that certain way, it does not mean she has any true desire to do anything of that fashion. It is easy to manipulate, but it is also wrong to toy with a person who desired none of what was presented.

Helle does not need a person to look at her as more than what she desires to be. Would it be nice? Yes. However, being set up by Ms. Aubur in such ways when all she wished to accomplish at this time was learn how to better spend her time left a strange taste in her mouth. Her duties usually come before her own personal satisfaction. In fact, completing her duties gave her a sense of satisfaction despite how tiring. She did not appreciate being told of her age when she knows what her age is. There are times to be herself and times to be the leader of the Sternritter. And, she knows herself well enough to know that Ms. Aubur’s antics are not something she desires to pursue despite how tempting the unknown seems.

“With all due respect Ms. Aubur, it is simple mannerisms to allow me my privacy even if you know all you wish to know. In all honesty, your attempts to break through my outer shell has only strengthened it and has left a rather sour taste in my mouth. Please, allow me to change.”

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:15 pm


"Heh, break. If I wanted to break your shell, I'd break your shell. But what's the point in that? You need to see that it is not the boon you think it is. You might think you know how to be yourself outside of work, but you still came to the harbour in full armour and didn't take it off till I mentioned. What you know is sorely in conflict with how things actually work"

Ulv would then turn from Helle and exit the room to let her get changed into the clothes she had chosen. She was certainly flailing a little to plan a day that would actually relax the diamond-making-pucker that was Helle without offending one of her billion delicate sensibilities. And a small part questioning what her obligation even was to this whole thing outside of Cyrus being a friend.


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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:42 pm

Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Does the words spoken even deserve a response? Now, Ms. Aubur is simply outright insulting her, and that is not what Helle desired when she first stepped onto the island. In fact, was Ms. Aubur even in her plans? Helle had wondered if the Mayor would have shown herself when the Quincy had come, and in a manner, Ms. Aubur did come. However, the reason for Helle being here has become riddled with unexpected turns. She did not come here to acquire cute outfits or be taught about her own sexual desires. No. She came to learn more on how to relax. She came to this particular area because she knew no others and Ms. Aubur had once spoken of amenities that Helle had turned down then, but, obviously, there were other ways to relax in this Harbour without being prey to the Mayor’s sexual whims. Is it wrong to step into uncertainty guarded? Helle does not think so, and thus, sees little issue with the fact she wore her armor into uncertainty.

Helle’s eyes move to the clothing in her grasp in wonder as if she wished to continue the day as it is with a woman who throws around their thoughts as willy nilly as an unruly child. Does she want to hear more innuendos that point to debauchery, and listen to how she is uptight and misinformed of her own nature? Clearly, her answer to such was simple. She came here to learn more about relaxation, and yet, she finds herself more stressed than when she arrived. Obviously, it would only worsen the more she butts head with the other. Helle stepped from the closet, but she had not changed her clothing.

“My apologies Ms. Aubur, but I have found my day rather spoiled, and find myself unwanting it to continue as it is. You may blame my presumed knowledge of myself as you please, but I will be heading on my way back to the City of Lights. Maybe another time I will find what I desire here or elsewhere, but for now, I simply desire a nap.”

Yes. Despite her aggravation, she will not raise her voice or hand against Ms. Aubur in a rude manner. She simply hopes the other understands enough to not try and force anything or something and allow her to leave as she desires.

Coding in Template By:

Elyss Kishimoto | Helle Armstrong | Hiroi Kiga | Tier Harribel

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) - Page 2 Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:49 am


Coming to look for Ulv, she would find a strange and wholly different being in her stead. Where Ulv was large and unbridled passion, this woman was slender and graceful, a gentle mother to the ferocious bear-woman that was Ulv. Upon seeing Helle and her complaints, the woman gave a gentle curtsy.

"I apologise on her behalf for the undue stress that has been caused, Miss Armstrong. Lady Auber has not been blind to it and has assigned me to aid you however I might in the face of her own inability to do so. If you truly wish to return to your city then I shall send you back post-haste. But I would like to beseech you to stay and attempt a day of relaxation under my guidence"

The woman spoke with a soft, gentle tone. She was definitely connected to the city from her energy signature, maybe even another construct like the wolf. But much more elegant than that thing.

Truth Of Flame | END POST

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