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Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:56 am
As she moved for her 'attack' she saw the beast-like turn around towards her. Beast like was a perfect description. There was something in her eyes...something wild. Something dangerous. Something one should not fool around with. Hanako felt that gaze on her like some rabbit would feel an eagles gaze. But she wasn't just any rabbit. She wasn't a fearful creature and she wasn't weak. Weaker than the rest of this test, but not completely hopeless, and most certainly she would note give up easily.

As fast as she could, Hanako tried to move away from that girl. But not fast enough. A sweeping kick hit her, but because of her rotary motion it didn't hit her straight on. Instead, she was sent spinning to the ground.

"Agh..." was the only sound she could make. Damn, that did hurt. That small creature was incredibly strong. If that kick would have landed where it was supposed to it could have knocked her out. Not long, hopefully, but even a split second would have been enough for her to be marked and loose.

Hanako hit the ground hard and immediately felt something heavy pin her legs down. Her upper body was still in movement, still wanting to spin.

When she looked up, she just saw a whirl of gold, something blocking her arms and then...something small touching her chest.

Was that really a pinky. Was that her, loosing after just one moment? Hanako cried out in a mix of pain, anger and frustration. She could move her upper body only partially. Everything else was pinned down. Damnit, how could this creature be so damned strong? Whas that really all she had to give? All those extra hours, all the sweat, all the tears she had cried when she was sitting alone in her room. It all came down to this? To nothing at all? To a test she had lost in an instant.
She struggled against the weight that pinned her down until her muscles burned. As she did she looked down in her body. Yes, there was a smear of the paint. She had lost.

Hanako ceased to struggle.

"Fuck!" She cried out. It was loud and carried so much frustration. But it didn't change anything.
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Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:39 pm

The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Oi6vAdD

Abalia Kyoraku-Hayden

Abalia continued to quietly observe this whole messy affair with disapproval. This was not the sort of leadership one could call "ideal" within the Gotei, but she supposed idly that it was better than nothing. Looking to Ulv with the faintest of smiles, she shook her head in response to her greeting.

"I would ask you not call me Queen Hayden here. Vice Captain Kyoraku-Hayden will do, or Lady Kyoraku for brevity's sake. I am no queen in this place."

Noticing the hourglass slowing a tad, the woman smiled just the faintest bit more at her friend's efforts. That would likely give these labored souls a bit more time to operate, and such would do them will with this absurdity. She certainly approved, though she only had a short moment to think about that as she could already feel a bit of fatigue coming over her. Normally she would have simply ignored it, but...given her condition, she instead found the nearest bench and took a seat. There was no value in needless risk with this.

"Marriage is not so difficult as you might think. He is a simple man, though I mean that with no particular insult. Motherhood, however, is more difficult than I had anticipated. Not the least of which comes from Desmond's worrying."

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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Wed Dec 18, 2019 8:09 pm
The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


What a declaration from the captain and what a late arrival from her. There was so much to organise and set-up on her part though for this little test of competency. Her attire was simple, a Shihakusho that made her appear as though she was any other shinigami. She was after all a member of the fourth division presently.

"Forgive me Captain Kumoi. I'm very late."

Her hair was short and barely reached past her shoulders, her expression was that of worry and forgiveness not that he'd probably see it with her apologetic bow of the head to him.

"It will not happen again, sir."

That's exactly how she stayed until he responded, completely ignoring the display of strange training going on or the people that were present. For the moment there was just a late subordinate waiting for his reaction.


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Mirja Eeola
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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Wed Dec 18, 2019 8:31 pm


"Maybe I'm just equally as simple, but he seems to make simplicity very complex on occasion. Never was great with people though, much to my chargrin. Though, ya'vr want a day off, just call. I'll come kick him in the head then we can go off and do.....whatever it is people do with their pregnant friends. Tsu's pregnancy lasted a month because of their rapid gestation techniques, so never got to hang with her" Ulv's words were crass and violent, much like the woman herself. That had survived the transition from Mirja rather intact. But there was delicate meaning behind them, and they were spoken for theatrical effect. Clearly, kicking Hayden in the head meant talking to him over pies and brandy about being an overbearing fusspot.

Abalia then took a seat, and Ulv gently floated over with the grace of the wind itself, so she wouldnot disturb anyone with her movements. And then she withdrew light snacks from a pouch, taking half and offering the other half to Abalia.
"So, you got a name for them yet? Or is this something you are waiting till they pop out to say hello?" she asked, looking to the new girl. Late. Would be interesting to see what the new Captain did about that...


Horus Sariel
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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:54 pm


In the exact moment Durza moved on his chosen course of action his sharp gaze drunk in everything around him at an incredible rate. The new girl, entering the fray after spotting her moment to strike. Honey's mass suddenly shrinking considerably until assuming the form of a young girl, and moving into action against Laskt. And finally Laskt himself. Every detail was quickly assimilated by the young mans mind as his body moved to react to everything around him.

The moment the new girl sprung into action Durza adjusted his own movements in order to both evade her, and continue on with his initial intentions of striking Laskt. Said man evading the first blow by but a hare's breadth before taking the follow-up roundhouse. The instant the kick connected Durza knew it was too easy, especially with how the man had evaded his first strike. The follow-up should not have made such an clean connect. In an instant the young shinigami recognized the danger of what was to come.

Immediately Durza felt the tug on his leg as Laskt gripped his foot, luckily for him the inked portion of the mans hand just missing. As he was swung around crimson eyes spotted the new girl closing in. The moment Laskt's hand would release its hold Durza's opposing foot would slam against the mans arm, using it as a springboard to propel himself further. This would result in Durza overshooting Hanako & unknowingly evading Laskt's attempt to mark him with his pinky.

Hitting the ground with a rough bounce the words of his Captain reached the young shinigami's ears, crimson eyes hardening as a result. Adding such stipulations to what was going on? While he didn't mind the addition of a time-frame shouldn't it have mentioned from the start? Unless this wasn't a simple training exercise. But why the severe punishments? 'Calm yourself little one. There is reason behind every action. Including these stipulations your senior has added.' The spirit reasoned as the thunderous boom of its voice cut through Durza's thoughts, calming his troubled mind in an instant.

His body coming to a halt after a few rolls Durza swiftly picked himself up off the ground, hands coming up before his body. Hardened eyes gazed at his fellow squad-members, darting briefly to the hourglass ticking away grain by grain. 'No more time for games.' Was the last thought on his mind before springing back into action. If his Captain felt the need to force their hands into getting serious then he'd get serious.

The change would be noticeable in the same instant he'd spring back into the fray. This time the distance was closed almost instantly, in comparison to the speed he had moved previously. The moment Laskt tore himself from the wall and assumed his fighting stance Durza was already before him, and lashing out. A vicious knife hand would come down from the left, dyed fingers poised to strike the older man's jugular before a brutal elbow lashed out from the same arm following the knife-hand. Immediately following the two strike combo Durza would slide forward leading with the left foot, spinning in towards Laskt in the same movement for a swift leg sweep with the right. If successful he'd plant his foot before counter spinning for a backwards chop aimed to strike Laskt with the dyed portion of his fingers.

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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Sun Dec 22, 2019 12:50 pm



Laskt felt a spike of frustration as Durza quickly adapted to the Vizard’s attack, almost instantly turning the situation to his advantage as he used the excess momentum to cleanly dodge the girl the knight had intended to throw him into. The boy’s battle senses were indeed sharp, there was no denying that. On top of this disappointment, Captain Shinryu added to the exercise, explaining that the group now had a very short time limit to complete their battle, complete with harsh punishments for failure.

“You see mon imbecile? Zat one is smart: toi always gets the best performance out of peasants that have no other choice but your own.” The knight’s Inner Hollow whispered hauntingly in his ear, sounding almost excited for once. Laskt wasn’t sure what to make of the fact that his inner darkness agreed with his prospective new Captain, but he decided to file that revelation away for later. Now was the time to focus, now was the time to win.

The world slowed down for Laskt, the chatter of the spectators and the scream of the defeated one fading into the background alongside his pains. His vision tunneled: there was Durza and only Durza. If Shinryu wanted to force him to get serious for once in his life, then the Vizard would be serious. The Vizard stared down his young foe, his mind echoing the sentiment he saw in his fellow Shinigami’s eyes. The time for games and minimizing injury was over.

As Durza rushed towards him at his full speed, the reluctant Vizard would respond in kind, moving with a speed he usually reserved for life-or-death conflicts. As the man’s blade-like hand swept towards him in an arc, Laskt’s dyed left hand blurred forward, catching it at the wrist and attempting to wrench it sideways, likely straining his wrist if successful, as well as the dye on his finger bleeding onto the area. This time, Laskt was using far more of his strength then in their last clash, now intent on disabling Durza as quick as possible rather than just marking him.

Ignoring the pain that impact produced, Laskt would then step inside Durza’s guard, clenching his fist and attempting to launch a series of bone-crushing straight punches against the boy’s face and upper body, occasionally jabbing forth his pinky finger in an attempted mark. To finish this, irregardless of its success, Laskt would back off a step, attempt to hit the boy square in the stomach with a devastating step kick, likely sending him flying for several meters if successful.

Anyone observing Laskt close enough would likely be surprised by his sudden brutality, at least until they noticed the flecks of radioactive yellow appearing in his eyes….

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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:42 pm
Honey's movements were light, feathery in nature, despite being able to pin the girl so easily, marking her. Every instinct instilled in her called for careful and gentle movements, her red gaze lying on the girl as she appeared upset. Honey didn't really get the expression of disappointment or rage, watching her fall into anger with a blank expression. She didn't understand why this girl was cussing or yelling, it was just a training session. Her only thought was to gently pat the girl on the head, ease off of her, and suddenly picked her up, turning, and gently tossing her out of the action, expecting her to at least land on her feet; She didn't hurt her too terribly bad after all, landing on one's feet was a bare expectation in the Gotei ranks with such a simple move.

She watched as the two men were going at each other, not quite paying attention to her; She was down one target, unfortunately it seemed another would be joining in rather late. Honey wondered if she would cry out, too, if she were to get marked. Her red gaze stood onto the two fighting each other with a sense of familiarity to each other, though her pupils slit as she caught a familiar scent; The sulfuric scent of Hollows. Her ears were pointed as she tried to get a read on where the scent was coming from, but she could only really smell it from.. Her comrade?

However, her body moved before she could make full sense of it, instinct switching from gentleness to intense aggression. She rushed towards the two men, forcing herself to cut off an angered yell; If her mouth opened she would surely forget herself and bite one of them, and that would definitely be bad. Growling came from her throat as her expression changed to a hungered predator, her heart pounding, drool trickling from her lips in anticipation. The situation and mere scent of hollows made her go into a hunting mode, changing this from a mere game to something a bit more intense.

She aimed to nail the strange speaking blonde man in the side, and if she were to strike he would be pushed off balance, rather than going flying. If Durza tried to strike her, she would promptly answer with giving a miscalculatedly strong kick to whatever limb was coming for, if hitting would either dislocate or even break said limb depending on how on the mark she was.
Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:27 am
While she fired imaginary arrows out of her eyes glancing at the Shinigami above her she could do nothing to alter the facts. She was marked and she had lost. And this small girl had beaten her. Or presently small girl. When Hanako had first seen the girl she thought that she was about half her own height. And she had somehow felt that the other one was stronger, but she hadn't realised how wide that gap had been. Or had she been too careless?

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she felt a pat on her head...and then she lost the ground beneath her. Literally. The other one had picked her up and simply tossed her to the side of the yard.

"Heeey..." She yelled, flying through the air. Then she crouched to spin herself around and uncurled again, landing with one stretched leg on the ground and one horizontally behind her to absorb her momentum against a wall. She stood there for a moment as if she had tried to kick down the wall. When she lowered her leg she realised that her right hand had instinctively fallen onto the grip of her Asauchi. Quickly she lowered her hand.

What a disgrace! She had come her to prove to the Captain that she was worth something and now this. Not a really good first impression. Had she been wrong coming to a tryout so soon? After all she was a relatively fresh academy graduate.

As if she was answering her own question she shook her head. She was here, that was everything that mattered now. She wouldn't leave unless thrown out. Until then she was planning to take part in every test there would be, even if she would fail every single one. Hanako didn't even sit down, although everything in her screamed to loll into a corner and sulk about this embarrassment. She stood, straight and tall, and watched the others.
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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Tue Dec 31, 2019 7:40 pm

The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

As Shin's eyes observed the action in front of him, he immediately noticed two things. The first, was that most of his squad seemed to rely more on big, sweeping motions and using strength than finesse and technique. Sure, some of them made interesting, clever moves but, at their foundation he deduced that many of them and their base footwork was subpar at best and disappointing in the worst cases. Then, a loser had occurred. The first one it would seem as his eyes observed her actions. Shin was having a good time until a late arrival emerged. How bothersome that he had to deal with this. Actually, no he didn't. It could wait until there was a clear moment. To not pull focus away from the unfolding events. "I'll address you after." Shin stated rather bluntly, his focus not even for a slight second seeming to pay any heed to the late arrival.

Shin's attention immediately caught onto the yellow flickers and a grin went over his face as he noticed. Hmmm, he's one of those. How intriguing. Got to keep my eyes on these ones. One of them is clearly a mix of something and another has a friend within them. This should be interesting. Shin noted to himself as he then turned a single glance towards the one that lost. He then sighed. "We can't all be winners. Stick around." Shin stated plainly as his attention noticed something peculiar. He knew the hourglass of this size and the exact amount of time a full one would reach the bottom. And yet, it wasn't even a quarter empty. How amusing, he couldn't pinpoint who but someone was being cheeky about this. But, Shin wasn't going to say anything, after all it was the members of his squad's job to be able to accurately deduce the time on their own, instead of relying on checking on it. If any of them acted otherwise, it would simply be their observational skills that would be at fault.

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The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Empty Re: The New Captain's Summons

Tue Dec 31, 2019 8:28 pm
The New Captain's Summons - Page 3 Yugiri-header-template3


Wow. The cold shoulder, the allusion of a later punishment- not even that actually. He said he would address her later, not punish her. What a bullet dodge. Instead of standing here like an absolute bufoon she shrugged and nodded to herself, she had carefully divided her attention to everything going on around her.

A real master of spatial awareness she was from her basic training to be a shinigami, it was important to have and through her attention she noticed two women sitting together.

They seemed cool so she waltzed on over to them and took a seat nearby.

"Hey, I'm Yugiri. Watcha doin' here Vice-Captain Sesshouin? Oh and nice to meet you..."

She had to introduce herself to the other woman, it'd be rude not to. Whether she was acting or not. Then again, maybe if she sucked up to the daughter of the Captain Commander and his vice-captain she could dodge any and all punishment for being late.

She really was a damn genius.


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