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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Sat Nov 09, 2019 12:27 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 GDQCzUl

The redhead's laughter was contagious, or was that her own? She couldn't tell anymore. Whatever the cause, they were both laughing now, and Sylvia was quite enjoying herself. For once in her miserable life, she was enjoying herself.

That is, until Elyss and her hand got too close for comfort, and the quincy flinched away from her touch without thinking. As soon as the woman's weight fell on her shoulder, her blut activated in full, and any and every piece of exposed skin was covered in light blue, gently curving and circling lines. Her eyes were even shut tight, as though that would protect her further from the other's touch.

"Z-Z-Zey are... reischi..." Her voice was a lot smaller than before, and she continued to shy away from the woman while trying to answer her question. Why couldn't she... just...

Slowly, and nowhere near quick enough to have avoided an awkward situation, Sylvia pried open her eyes to look at Elyss again. The jovial air was gone. She tried to deactivate her blut, but the instinctive defense wouldn't listen to her. Maybe it was the drinks...

She took a long, deep breath, and though she had begun to shake some while blowing it out again, it did help to calm her nerves. Very gradually, the lines receded from her face and arms. She was embarrassed. She was ashamed of herself. How... Why couldn't she just be normal, for once?

She buried her head in her arms on the bar, groaned and proceeded to speak to herself in very bitter German. Mostly, she was berating herself for showing that to someone else again.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:00 pm

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Oh shit! What is this?! Whoa! Sylvia’s entire body just lit up into blue lights that spooked Elyss be their suddenness causing her to jump back and almost fall out her seat barely catching herself. She takes a deep breath feeling her heart beating just a little too hard for her liking placing a hand on her chest to calm herself as she breathes a bit slowly. Her slow brain is not the best at keeping her intact after that, but she does move her eyes to Sylvia in wonder about what the issue is.

Her mind doesn’t even pay much attention to the woman’s description as she tilts her head and frowns seeing the blonde Quincy shying away as she is. Did something go wrong? Did Elyss do something incorrectly? Already, her own mind is berating her for moving too fast or whatever it was she did. It’s just a bunch of mental shouting about being stupid and bad at social interations.

She sighs as she further watches Sylvia lay her head down obviously unhappy about this situation. Sylvia’s eyes said everything. They showed her embarrassment and fear. Fear of what is the question. Elyss is not in the best mindset to be helping anyone with mental trauma. Is she even good sober to help anyone with issues? A question for another time. Right now, she should do something about this that doesn’t make it worse.

With a deep sigh, she rose from her seat and wobbles a bit. Whelp. She’s definitely drunk. At least she’s not that drunk. She shakes her head and closes her eyes patting her cheeks a bit hard. Then, she stretches out and takes a deep breath before pulling on Sylvia’s seat with more strength than one would expect to get her attention.

“Come on. Follow me outside. You need air.”

She starts walking looking back to check if Sylvia follows, and if so, she’d be outside soon and leans against the wall looking up and taking another deep breath of the more clean outside air.



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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Sun Nov 10, 2019 11:51 am

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 GDQCzUl

Sylvia wouldn't be left to wallow in her own self-hatred for very long, it turned out. While she was still speaking to herself in her native tongue, Elyss had risen and sharply pulled on the back of her seat, nearly sending the blonde tumbling to the floor before she could catch herself by the edge of the bar.

Perhaps a little more malleable and agreeable due to the drinks, she muttered a brief "okay" and rose from her seat. Like the other woman, she was a little hesitant and unsteady on her feet, but she didn't stumble. A part of her wondered if Blut Vene helped the body to metabolism toxins more quickly. That might explain some things...

She fumbled with her pockets for a moment to find her money, and dropped a bill that was much too large for the food she had ordered, but left the bartender with assurance, "I'll pe pack." Maybe not too much assurance, as her accent became more thick and clumsy while the alcohol took hold of her faculties all the more.

The cool air outside the bar hit her and gave the quincy pause. The sun was getting ready to set behind the trees in the distance, and she couldn't help but to wonder about how long she'd spent inside. Hadn't it been the afternoon when she'd slain the hollow?

Oh well, she thought while taking a deep breath of clean air.

"I'm zorry." She addressed the redhead standing off to the side, and herself walked in a small semi-circle around her. How did she explain what'd just happened? She... She didn't really want to explain, actually. It was... difficult.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:32 am

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“Isn’t this a pretty time of evening; that moment when night and day coexist in a brilliant spectacle?”

Her eyes are up into the sky admiring the blazing orange color over the horizon that melds into the darkness of the dark blue sky that is night creating a murky calm moment in the atmosphere that feels both grand and cool at the same time. A moment in life where nothing feels impossible. A sign that one has made it yet another day. Elyss likes moments like these despite her hot nature; this coolness calms her; helps her to collect her thoughts and focus on the task at hand. What is the task however?

Her onyx gaze moves to Sylvia with the moon’s glimmer and sun’s fading glow dancing on her face filling the voids that are her eyes with a shine that normally isn’t there. Elyss doesn’t move closer to Sylvia, but she does not her head gently feeling her mind clear up so easily; her thoughts flowing like water down a hill despite the amount of liquor she consumed. Maybe it has something to do with her power level. Higher power means less affected by mundane things. Sylvia may just feel Elyss’ Reiatsu around her as the redhead feels her own Reiryoku surge through her body. It’s warm like the sun’s embrace extending from Elyss with a hint of ash that stings the nose lightly.

“Mmm… I don’t understand what happened, but that doesn’t matter. You looked like you needed some air. Maybe drunk a bit too much. Feeling bad in a crowded place is never fun, so here we are outside where you can get a breath of fresh air. So, don’t feel bad about whatever that was. I’ve had my moments. All people eventually do.”

She looks to the side and frowns some thinking about her own mishaps in life. As if Elyss could hold anything against anybody because they felt uncomfortable about a situation. She understands somewhat maybe even though she’s unclear on Sylvia’s exact issue.

“If you need to talk, my ears still work I think so go ahead. I’ll listen to your problems, and even if I don’t have any answer or solution, talking about your issues always helped me feel better, so it may just do the same for you.”



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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:18 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 GDQCzUl

Talking might help, eh? Sylvia grinned a little, and turned her attention away from the redhead to admire the landscape and sky a little more. If she had thought Elyss' eyes were pretty before, they were downright beautiful in this light. That thought stayed with her for a moment, though she tried not to dwell on it for too long.

She sighed, then took a deep breath to further calm herself. As she exhaled, a faint breeze blew as though from nowhere, then disappeared again. She dug her hands into the front pockets of her vest, and spoke while continuing to admire the coming dusk.

"It's not vu... I... I hafe not peen able to tousch others for yearz." Her expression hardened, then softened again indecisively. Was she really going to tell this to a stranger? "Vu know how deably hollow are. For us, chust ein tousch can kill." She stopped again to take another breath.

"I can shtill feel vere it grapped me, und hear mein freund schreaming." She choked up for a second, and paused again to wipe her eyes. More than what she could admit, she still saw the battle. She felt the power drain from her as she'd slain the monster. She still woke up in the dead of night, screaming and helpless to save her friends.

"Efery tousch feels like zee hollow, now."

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Mon Nov 11, 2019 1:43 pm

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She feels her red hair in her face as a sudden wind blew around the two females, but she doesn’t particularly feel chilly due to it. There’s just a slight shiver down her spine that causes her to close her eyes letting the goosebumps on her skin pop out some over her arms. There’s an odd soothing sensation from the cold embrace, but it’s far too short for her to care for too long, so she just rubs her arms for a bit of warmth and gives Sylvia her attention.

She listens intently figuring out each word as she could since Sylvia’s accent became thicker than it was inside. That's definitely the alcohol in her system at work, but it’s not impossible to understand. And, Elyss soon figures out the sad story behind Sylvia’s fear of another’s touch. Elyss can hear laughter in the back of her head, yet, it is too far away from her to discern. Still, she can tell who’s voice that is finding amusement from such a sad tail locked away in its cage.

This is something Elyss finds herself relating to somewhat. Hollows are evil beings by nature aiming to kill, eat, and destroy humanity to end their endless hunger and evolve themselves. Elyss, herself, has faced a Hollow that she had no hopes of defeating and almost had her life ended. That memory, no matter how badly she wants it gone, is still fresh in her mind as a warning, inspiration, and a detriment to her growing in strength. She was so hopeless then. How will she ever save anyone if she can’t even save herself? Yeah. She remembers that trauma. She has watched even herself become those monsters and attack a friend and almost killed them and herself. She can feel a sour taste in her mouth as she pushes off the wall and steps closer to Sylvia, but not to touch her.

“A Hollow killed your friend? That’s… sad to hear.”

Here she goes. Her inability to be that person with advice or know how to cheer someone up is getting to her in the worst of times. How is she supposed to help Sylvia feel better? A woman who doesn’t enjoy being touched because of past trauma? What is there to say? Suck it up? It’ll be all better now? No. Those feel wrong. What’s done is done. If it was all better, Slyvia wouldn’t be the way she is now. She lost her friend to Hollows and now she is fearful of being touched because there are so many things that could be just like the Hollow that killed her friend and almost her. Elyss’ existence is proof of that, isn’t it? Vizards are beings that could cause Sylvia harm by accident just because they exist.

There’s a slight bit of pain in Elyss’ chest. Her existence is hazardous to the world. That realization struck her, and she feels herself take a deep breath. If she doesn’t get herself under control, she’ll be exactly what Sylvia is so afraid of, and with that thought, Elyss is unsure if she is the person who should be beside Sylvia at this moment. Though, looking at the blonde Quincy wiping away at her eyes, Elyss also realizes that her situation doesn’t even matter at this moment. That’s a problem for another time. Right here. Right now. Another person requires attention. Elyss can deal with the thing inside her later when she returns home with Ulv; someone capable of doing what is needed to be done about this.


She begins to speak, but she goes quiet and gets a rather hard look about her. Her idea sounds stupid and could backfire horribly, but it’s the only idea in her head that isn’t lame or pitiful. Sylvia dislikes touch because it reminds her of something bad in her past, but that doesn’t make it bad, now does it? Maybe the woman just needs a comforting touch. Something to help ease her mind off of those bad memories. A good to balance the bad. So, after building up a bit of gusto and preparing herself to take a beating if all goes wrong, Elyss steps forward outstretching her arms to quickly wrap them around Sylvia closing her eyes tight for any repercussions to her actions.

Elyss isn’t a hard person to cough. Her body is surprisingly soft despite how she carried herself, and hopefully, that softness is useful in this situation to help Sylvia calm down and make her feel somewhat better even if the initial hug spooks her. Elyss’ hold is tight however; tight and warm.

“It’s okay to cry. Cry more if you must. There’s nothing wrong with remembering and grieving. You don’t know me, and I don’t know you, but I’m here. I’m a shoulder you can cry on if you need to. Just let it all out.”



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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:56 am

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 GDQCzUl

She had been lost in her thoughts again. The events of that day played in her mind over and over, out of her control, while she stared at the horizon in near silence. The quincy was horribly ill-prepared for how the woman had chosen to respond.

When the arms had wrapped around her, Sylvia stiffened. Instinct pulled in reishi from the air around them, yet her body still, naturally, needed to recover from the last time her Blut had been activated by Elyss' mistake. So, there was no light show. No reaction that might've caused the redhead harm. The wind picked up around them both, and thunder rolled across the sky above, but things were relatively... calm.

After a few seconds, Sylvia breathed and removed her hands from her pockets. Slowly, her fingers grazed the arms wrapped around her, and she leaned into the embrace. It wasn't... bad. She couldn't help but to think of Ulv trying the very same thing, but thankfully, Elyss was clothed, at least.

She hugged the woman's arms, and sniffled once. The lump in her throat was keeping her from speaking, but she didn't feel like crying now. She'd done that enough... She had to be able to think of this without it.

"Danke." Finally, after several minutes, the silence broke with her half-sob, half-laughter of a thanks. In all truthfulness, the redhead was very sweet, and she couldn't remember the last time she'd... simply been hugged without something weird being attached to it.

Still, her fingers gently held to the woman's arms. She wasn't ready to let go just yet...

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Tue Nov 12, 2019 2:36 pm

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Elyss knew that this would occur; the stiffening followed by a gathering of Reishi, but unlike last time, Sylvia’s body did not become a display of blue lights and Quincy ability. Elyss was expected this to blow up in her face, but it seems Sylvia may not have the capabilities to resist the redhead’s caring advances onto her and will be forced to handle things in a more mundane than using her abilities. Though, the sudden thunder through the sky felt a bit random, but that wouldn’t cause any concern to the redhead. Not in this specific moment.

It took a little while before Sylvia actually moved, and even though all she did was lean in a bit and grab lightly to Elyss’ arms, that was all the redhead needed to know she did something correctly. Yeah. Being touched randomly should have spooked the blonde Quincy. Though, it was to show that being touched doesn’t always lead to a bad time. Sometimes, a person’s touch and embrace is exactly what you need at the time. Having fears and such is normal. Everyone has them, but the ones who learn to continue and live through such fears are the ones who are truly capable of moving on and becoming something better. The fact that Sylvia is out fighting Hollows and such with her fears is only proof of her growth, and slowly, but surely, she will grow to accept another’s touch without her fears, and maybe then, she’ll learn something. Who knows what she’ll learn, but Elyss hopes that whatever it is will help her new friend evolve into something far greater than what she is now.

“You’re welcome, Sylvia.”

Elyss doesn’t know what danke means, but the way Sylvia sounds makes it seem as some form of thanks in a different language, so she assumed such and responded as she thought fit keeping her arms around Sylvia. The redhead is here for as long as is needed until Sylvia is ready to let her go. Hell. Elyss is even taking a lesson from Ulv at this moment as her hand slowly transcends up Sylvia’s back and gently runs through her hair hoping it would help the mood and provide more comfort to Sylvia who is in a rather scary situation that many may not acknowledge as such.


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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:19 am

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 GDQCzUl

The embrace continued or quite a bit longer than Sylvia had bothered to track. It was nice, and calming, and slowly, she'd relaxed enough to close her eyes and breathe more easily. She could've done without the hand ruffling through her hair, but even that much did its part to put her at ease. She did have to stop herself from laughing at how similar Elyss' methods were to Ulv's, though; including the fingers in her hair.

She grinned a little, and gently tugged at the redhead's arms to get herself free. "Ve schould go pack inzide."

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] - Page 3 Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:48 am

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How strange to be using something Ulv has done before in such a way. She never saw herself as much of a soother, but she is glad to have put her body to use besides throwing it against a threat. There is something warm about this that she can’t quite explain. Either way, she is glad to have been of use to Sylvia despite being new to comforting others. It means a lot to Elyss as much as it does to Sylvia.

Elyss does let Sylvia go, but her hands simply move to the other’s shoulders giving Sylvia a bit of space keeping physical contact. She has a small smile on her face that turns to a frown as she looks over Sylvia a bit too closely checking for any hints that the other may need more assistance besides the hug given. What makes this situation even stranger is when Elyss places both her hands onto Sylvia’s cheeks cupping them and narrows her eyes questionly. Sylvia has soft cheeks she notes as she passively ends up squishing the Quincy’s face for no real reason.

“Let’s not go back inside. I’m done with drinking, and it’s nicer out here anyway. Let’s try a walk instead.”

She’d be quick to let go of Sylvia and stretches her arms up as she turns and starts to walk off expecting the other to follow her.



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