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Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:52 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] GDQCzUl

Today was a good day. The dim lighting. The musty smell. Men and women in from their work in the countryside making all kinds of noise. Even the music playing just over the hum of activity within the bar was pleasant.

Sylvia Brauer sipped on a local ale while the evening began its turn. Her work for the day had been done, and the troublesome hollow put to rest with relative ease. She wasn't due to report back at the Stadt des Lichts until the morning, which gave her plenty of time to herself, for a change. A small, content sigh brushed the top of her drink as she grinned.

It was a good day.

Bereft of her usual long coat, she had felt a change of clothes befitted the relaxing evening. A white hooded vest with blue accents rest atop a golden t-shirt underneath, and her long boots and stockings covered up what her similarly colored skirt didn't quite reach. Her blonde hair hung in a ponytail behind her back, and every so often, she rubbed the irritation from her overworked eyes.

Of course, her leiden hant still covered one hand and forearm, and the quincy zeichen bangle dangling from the opposite wrist gave away exactly what she was without further question.

The bartender passed by for just long enough to leave her order of seasoned chips in front of her, prompting a sincere thanks from the woman, "danke mein herr."

Yes, it was a good day, she thought while taking a bite of potato.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Sat Oct 26, 2019 4:21 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Another day of traveling. Another day wondering if she should or should not return back to that place. Either way, the decision at the moment does not matter. What does matter is that one finds a bit of respite from the long days by any readable means available. There are numerous answers to solving one’s own grogginess or soreness, and one of the easier solutions involve an easily reachable location. A pub.

The door to this particular place swings open and shuts just as easily letting in a new individual who none would know. This female obviously has something about her, for she walks with small sway to her hips. For someone here to relax, she looks rather serious. Atop her head sits a combed main of red hair that flows down right below her shoulder plates. Her pale skin seems a bit tanned and onyx eyes stare coldly ahead as she makes her way to the bar. She wears a grey cloak around her person that covers her white T shirt and the upper part of her black jeans. Her footwear is simple black boots.

Once at the bar, she sits and orders a shot of whiskey. It seems she has some mental thoughts she wants to drown away. And, as she waits, she lets her Reiatsu linger around her for a bit before letting it express itself outwards searching for any other spiritual individual within the room. It is always nice to know who has the ability to cause mass harm if they so pleased. That is when she feels something rather familiar; a presence she is sure she has felt before.

Her stoney eyes move to Sylvia, and she is hit with a wave of confusion. She surely feels like she’s seen that face before. Possibly one of many faces that she had noted enter into the manor of Ulv. Though, she is unsure. This woman could just look similar, but that still doesn’t explain the familiar energy about her. And, the woman is obviously a Quincy by the wear on her person. Interesting. And, this interest has the redhead staring for a bit longer than she should.


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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:47 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] GDQCzUl

The quincy had made it through roughly half her ale and a quarter of her chips before something of interest walked into the old bar. At first, it had been restrained -calm and collected, as one should be at times like these. However, it radiated outwards a moment later, and tugged at the blonde's attention and pulled her from her thoughts.

Sylvia glanced over to the end of the bar from the corner of her eye at first, only to be met by the stern gaze of a redheaded stranger. Her dark, stony eyes seemed to almost bore into the quincy's soul, and one could be forgiven for assuming such a display might've been intended as a threat.

Yet, she could feel no ill intent coming from the redhead. In fact, she felt almost... familiar... like deja vu, in a way. Whatever Sylvia thought of the redhead, the latter obviously had some sort of interest in her, and she was feeling good right now.

The quincy reached over and turned the seat adjacent to her so that it faced the strange woman, in an unmistakable invitation to sit beside her. Then, she grinned warmly and spoke,"Vu know, a schinikami flexing at ein quincy might be mistaken as ein threat."

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Mon Oct 28, 2019 1:48 pm

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It was only a matter of time before her eyes were noticed by the other woman. Though, that was pretty much all that was needed for Elyss to figure out that this woman is a woman that she knows. Saying know, however, is taking what she remembers to literally. The only identification is the blonde’s voice and accent. Yes. She recalls this woman in Minatumi Harbour on that one occasion where she visited for some reason unclear to the redhead’s knowledge. Elyss had kept herself within the mansion staying away from whatever Ulv was doing at that time. Sylvia, then, was nothing more than another possible fuck buddy for the large brute.

Oh. How Elyss actually feels a bit of sadness. She actually misses Ulv? Yes. The woman is a straightforward savage brute, but she cared a lot for Elyss and wanted the best for her. Elyss never had anyone who cared as much as Ulv has or the friends she has met thanks to the other redhead. Though, with those thoughts she sighs and shakes her head slightly before rising after her shot of whiskey had arrived.

A familiar face despite how unfamiliar is nice in all honesty. Elyss couldn’t help but smirk lightly as she walked over simply for some form of company after long days of wandering alone in her own mind. Not one for conversation, she sits and gets herself comfortable before actually addressing the words thrown her way. Maybe she also needed a bit of time to discern what was said through the accent as well.

“I mean no harm unless you plan on disrupting this quiet day. Your face was familiar, and now I recognize it. Saw you once in Minatumi visiting Ulv, the mayor, for whatever reason. If I wished for a fight, you would have gotten more than just a stare from out of me.”

There’s a light sigh from her as she remembers how aggressive she is. Right now, she doesn’t even want to think about fighting despite how the activity soothes her at times.

“Small world if I may say, even if we don’t know each other.”

She throws back her shot and places it back down signalling for another as she finally makes eye contact with Sylvia again.

“Elyss by the way.”


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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:58 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] GDQCzUl

"Sylvia." She answered simply. She believed the redhead wholeheartedly, as there really was no reason to believe otherwise. Besides, it was much too nice an atmosphere to ruin it all with a fight. With a sudden realization of why Elyss felt familiar to her, she wore her emotions on her sleeve and grinned again.

"Zat's vere I know vu from! Vu feel much like Frau Ulf." She'd meant nothing by it, except for the fact that the two women felt very much the same. She didn't bother herself with thinking of why that should be, however, and took another drink from her glass. She remained turned in her seat some, facing the woman beside her while they conversed.

"Zo, vat brings vu out here?" An innocent question, she thought truthfully. What sort of thing would bring Elyss all the way to Europe from Minatumi Harbour?

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:24 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Sylvia. It sounds sort of like silver. Elyss nods a bit and turns herself away to take the next shot that came chugging it down quickly before placing the glass back onto the counter. She had picked up a bit of a taste for the alcoholic beverage. A bit of it helped clear her mind some; silence any disturbing thoughts or voices she’d like to ignore. Though, it’s been a while since she’s heard anything in her head besides her own thoughts.

She tilts her head towards Sylvia as she spoke more about her familiarity wincing internally at the mention of Ulv. Being called similar that woman hits her a bit. It reminds her just how close the two actually are to one another spiritually. She is glad that it’s dropped quickly for something else; that something else still being a touchy subject for her. She orders a bottle of whiskey this time preferring to pour her own shots instead of asking each time.

“I’m just traveling. Got out of the mansion to see more of the world.”

Now, that is just a giant lie. Elyss wouldn’t want to talk about her newly acquired Inner Hollow with how those events went down. Saying such to a Quincy of all people seems not the best idea either, even if Sylvia wouldn’t attack her or hate her for something Elyss had no say in.

“What brings you about? Well, I don’t really know where you’re from. This could be your home.”

Such a thing sounded a bit out there though. Still, only Sylvia could verify.


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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:01 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] GDQCzUl

A small bubble of laughter escaped the quincy between another bite and sip of her drink. She supposed it was only fair to answer the question that'd been turned back against her, though how dangerous could being honest be, right now?

"I'm from Germany." She corrected the woman with a smile. No matter how relaxed she was, it wouldn't do to give away anything more specific than that, she thought. "I vas zent here to kill ein hollow." She took another sip before remembering to mention something quite important, "Don't vorry, zough. I purified it.

"Now, I have zome free time, und zis bar has ein great brew." She lifted her glass momentarily in gesture, then set it down again after another drink. A nice thought came to mind, and she paused for a second or two to dwell on it.

"I guess ve're here for zee zame reazon, zen." She punctuated her idle chitchat with another bite of potato. "Zough, I zink vu have more reazons for drinking?" She openly referred to how quickly Elyss had been downing her shots since she had taken her seat.

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:41 pm

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Germany. Ger-man-y… She thinks in her head on the location of Germany. Not only that, she lets a bit of history roll through her mind. Her knowledge of Earth’s history is pretty bad to be honest. Though, she knew much when she was a human due to schooling, but that helps little after one dies and loses all memories from when they were alive.

“Uh huh… Hollow killing? Well, seems you didn’t get killed. That’s nice, I suppose.”

She takes the bottle and pours some into her shot glass chuckling a bit absently at the comment about her drinking. What is she drinking for? To clear her head? Forget a few things? Help herself relax on her trip around the Eastern world? Her head tilts to the left and right before she lifts and sips from the glass.

“I guess… Life is life. Getting drunk is all I really want to do as of now. I suppose you’re just wanting a light buzz.”


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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:52 pm

Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] GDQCzUl

"Mhm." Sylvia hummed in amused agreement with the woman's claim that she did not, in fact, die today. A small smile showed the barest of teeth when she chuckled quietly at what probably wasn't intended to be a joke. "It is, ja." Her laughter built a little before she stifled it with another drink.

"Zere's nothing vrong vith zat." She, hopefully, wasn't misunderstood. It'd never been her intention to berate someone for what they wanted to do with their free time, especially considering what she was doing with her own. So, the quincy gently raised her glass and held it halfway towards the redhead, grinning still, "To gedding cazually schitfaced!"

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Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss] Empty Re: Calm Winds Soothe the Fiery Rage [Elyss]

Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:47 pm

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Seems the other found her plain factly statement humorous. Elyss simply rose a brow wondering if Sylvia found it funny just because of how blatant it was. Yes. You lived and did not die. She feels that would cause her to feel a bit jolly inside if not grateful to have survived another day. Still, the other seemed a bit too amused by it which actually almost got a chuckle from the redhead, but she remained somewhat stoic raising the glass to her lips. How many shots was that? 2? 4? She’ll have to relax a bit on the drinking.

“Shitfaced? Hmm… You don’t strike me as the one to drink till they can’t remember what their name even is.”

She raises her glass, though, to clink it against Sylvia’s wondering if this woman is more wild than she outwardly appears. The whiskey burns her throat of course, and she can already feel it starting to affect her as she sighs heavily and tilts her head a bit looking Sylvia up and down. She wonders if the blonde Quincy had power about her. Was the Hollow she killed a smallfry or something horrifyingly magnificent?

“How about you try some?”

She asks holding her bottle of whiskey up moving it a bit closer to Sylvia gauging her reaction and answer. She’s not pissy about being somewhat called out for drinking a bit heavily, but she feels like challenging Sylvia just for the heck of it.


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