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Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) Empty Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo)

Fri Aug 30, 2024 1:37 pm
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) COUJHra
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Everywhere, huh? Disgusting pieces of shit.


It doesn't matter though. One dies. Replaced. Another dies. Replaced. Hide, run, fight, kill. It's an irregular game of cat and mouse.


Sometimes she's the cat. Sometimes she's the mouse. One day she'll be the lion, the king of this jungle.


Primal, almost barbaric in style, blood, like paint, decorated the rock she made her dummy. Knuckles, ripped, torn, and busted played chicken with the immovable boulder. Her muscles screamed for her to rest, stinging sweat rolling down her forehead, burning her eyes. With a labored sigh, lead limbs fell, body hunching with relief as another session ended.

Bloody eyes looked at the hard surface, cracks being the only satisfaction of progress, but whatever. Ryo's not looking to kill herself against a rock. There are monsters around for that, and she should recharge before something decides to jump scare her. Africa's full of fodder, but it's also full of legitimate threats. She's weak enough to not draw too much attention, but pushing luck's never been smart for anyone.

Her white shirt's a mess too, blood coloring it like a child with a crayon. She didn't care as she unbuttoned it and let it hang limp around her chest.

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Fri Aug 30, 2024 3:08 pm
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) VZNTGZt


Africa was a reoccurring source of pandemonium at this point. Like a moth to a flame, Amaranta gravitated toward it with little heed as to what threat, minor or imposing, might arise at a moment's notice. Attracted by such danger, she frequently roams these wartorn plains in search of any entertainment that might measure up to her standard.

Currently, all she finds herself rewarded with is a subpar group of hollows trying to form a makeshift vanguard to overwhelm her. Much like the group that came before it, they were promptly crushed beneath fist and heel. A violent flurry of punches leveled each of them wherever they soared.

Concluding her lackluster symphony of violence, Amaranta sighed exasperatedly as her fierce sapphires observed her surroundings. Where would she find any excitement around here? Even now, was it truly so elusive? Somewhere in the distance, her pesquisa suddenly recognized a familiar spiritual signature. Huh? No way, could it be that redhead she met from that small town recently?

Hahahaha! What a riot! She really was wired differently. What type of sane individual would wander out here? Like that, her next destination was chosen. A flawless burst of sonido carried her body forward at high velocity, her form vanishing and reappearing in the woman's direct vicinity.

There was a boulder with signs of cracks in it. There was the woman of the hour, Ryo, covered in blood and resting after what appeared to be the aftermath of her training. What intense training it was. The grisly appearance might have unnerved the average observer, but the sun-kissed arrancar stepped forward with blood-colored joy in her eyes, profoundly amused by what graced her vision.

"What do we have here? Of all the people I expected to see, I now find myself reunited with my favorite hothead. And she's dressed to impress, all bloodied up and looking terrifying. What's up? Did you grow so bold you wanted to bear your fangs here of all places?"


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Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:28 pm
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) COUJHra
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Alert. Alert? Alert!

"What the-"

Her senses flared, the sudden sensation of danger turning her head scrambled as she shot from her spot, turning on the dime to face what had simply appeared. A Hollow? It had to be. They're the only things capable of simply going from one spot to another without making a sound. Dammit. She knew she should have kept her own spiritual prowess a bit more tamed. Who the Hell is even-

"What the Hell?! It's you!"

Eyes widened for just a second as recognition set in, Ryo found her entire body lighting up with angst and anger as her adrenaline made her insides wry. All that tensed up pressure released itself then, a heavy sigh, followed by a heavy huff, leaving her lungs empty.

Was that supposed to be a compliment or something? Ryo doesn't exactly like being too sweaty, or bloody, and Amaranta's talking nonsense again. Favorite? That implies there are other redheads, and Ryo doubts she's anything to write home about if they're being for real. She's full of herself, but she can accept she needs a lot of work.

"It's training. Don't annoy me."

Jumping from alert to relaxed, she turned away from Amaranta and went back to wrapping her knuckles.

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Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:41 pm
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) VZNTGZt


"Hahahaha! And she's rowdy, just like I remember! Sorry to burst your bubble, but I love annoying you. Can't make any promises there."

Did her sudden presence cause her to panic? What a riot. To her uncontained joy, she was every bit as entertaining as she remembered. Fiery and dismissive. Even more humorous, her answer sounded just as wild as she imagined after her arrival. Of all the places to train, why choose this wartorn country? There was so much danger here that even she couldn't imagine the average fighter would feel inclined to throw down. Amaranta circled her with arms crossed, grinning from ear to ear as she observed the woman wrapping her knuckles.

"What made you choose Africa of all places? Ho! Let me guess, did you want to see me again? I know I'm awesome, Ry-Ry, but you really should try your best to keep yourself out of danger. I can't have my future rival dying on me so earlier, ya know..."


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Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) Empty Re: Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo)

Fri Sep 06, 2024 8:10 am
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) COUJHra
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Ugh. And just like before, the woman's mouth's a leaky faucet.

"I'm training, like I said. No one's looking for you," She grumbled as she took her shirt off.

She ran a routine check over herself, making sure she didn't sustain any injuries that require attention. She's not the biggest, nor perfectly formed or shapely. If Ryo had to complain about any part of her body, it'd be that her chest is a bit too cumbersome for her liking, and she could do without the ass, but as she sees with guys, working out means you suffer from greatness.

But, regardless, she's only slightly bruised and scratched up. That doesn't require any treatment, but this whole while, Amaranta's been treated as a mere afterthought. What did the Arrancar expect though? She did simply materialize for no other reason but to bother someone, so of course Ryo's more focused on herself than anything else.

"Anyway, if you're worried about my health, get out of here. I'm sure you're like painting a big red fucking 'Eat Me' on my back."

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Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) Empty Re: Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo)

Sat Sep 07, 2024 6:47 pm
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) VZNTGZt


"Ha? Did you ignore me the entire time I was speaking? Or are you deaf? Tch... Killjoy."

Ever the prideful lion, Amaranta rarely welcomed the idea of being viewed as an afterthought to any degree. She was the star of the show, the center of attraction. Anyone turning their aways away or ignoring her was simply blind. Guess she's learned to improve her ability to ignore her without missing a beat. This redhead was rarely one to mince her words, but the sun-kissed woman supposed that's what made her so charming.

Exhaling softly, she approached the woman as she observed her quietly, curious azures appraising her physical form. She certainly had a fighter's build in some aspects, and her body wasn't particularly bad on the eyes. Shrugging her shoulders in response, she offered a hearty chuckle as she patted the woman's bare shoulders.

"Don't worry about any of that. If any of the hollows want to approach us, I'll just burn them to ashes like I usually do. No big deal."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) Empty Re: Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo)

Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:41 am
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) COUJHra
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Killjoy whatever...

She has to get a new shirt, so she's not really going to entertain a sulking cat just yet. Where the Hell is her shit? All that training's left her a bit forgetful. This is what she gets for throwing her stuff around. Maybe she'll ask Amaranta to help, but she should have known better than to expect that woman to not act out.


Her whole body shook as her shoulder was grabbed, invading fingers catching her off guard. Ryo's immediate response was to then elbow Amaranta's gut, but that shouldn't do much. If the cat was anything else, it might have left a bruise, so she's rather lucky. That fact won't excuse the unwanted hand on her shoulder.

"Ya fucking cat!" Ryo spat, seeing the Arrancar as nothing more than the pesky critters that roam the alleys and hiss and spat at everything that walks by. "Learn some decency!"

Even her Italian accent she usually keeps down showed its ugly face as her cheeks lit up like a stoplight. Eyes large with raw annoyance, Ryo's whole body snapped to Amaranta. The elbow was just a reaction. The multiple punches that Ryo threw at the pest's stomach were intentional.

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Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) Empty Re: Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo)

Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:54 am
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) VZNTGZt



Amaranta didn't expect this reaction to a simple shoulder touch but welcomed it all the same. Learn some decency? All she did was touch her shoulder. Sheesh... Visibly entertained by Ryo's outburst, a wide grin played across her features as she gazed at Ryo launch that elbow at her stomach. Even if it caught her off guard, it didn't do much to move her. No, it only made her grin all the more impish and catlike as she watched Ryo strike at her body as though she were akin to a punching bag. How adorable.

Even with these bruised fists, she didn't waste a single moment trying to pulverize her. Furthermore, what was that accent that spilled out just now? Stepping forward, arms wide open, Amaranta made a swift attempt to pull her into an embrace, all in an attempt to annoy her further. Of course, she couldn't deny that she didn't find her current antics endearing.



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Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) Empty Re: Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo)

Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:11 am
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) COUJHra
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Holy fuck. Where is she? This ain't real.

There's no way this piece of shit took her anger as a reason to pick her up. Ryo has half a mind to do something unspeakable! There's only one issue. How the fuck is she supposed to do anything like this?!

"Did you just- I can't!"

Struggling, she kicked her legs. Her red cheeks evolved into a red face as she found herself plucked like a child. Why is Amaranta so tall? Why is she so annoying? And why is she saying nya?! If Ryo could breathe fire, she'd have let out the nastiest flame possible.

"Put me down this instant!"

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Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) Empty Re: Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo)

Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:18 am
Masochism (Amaranta/Ryo) VZNTGZt



Some aspect of Amaranta's soul wanted to cringe playing up the role of a mischievous feline, but Ryo's explosive reactions made the ends justify the means. One glance at her eyes was enough to display that she was deriving so much joy from antagonizing Ryo, even more so now that she was in her embrace. If this foul-mouthed redhead wanted to call her a cat, might as well play up the role, no? Thus, she didn't relent in her embrace nor did she put her down. Maintaining the embrace, she sought to make matters even worse, inching in to brush her face up against Ryo's cheek, letting out mocking purrs as she held her close.


Sheesh, she really was just the worst, wasn't she~?


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