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Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:58 pm



Like a comet bringing life into the night, Veralia's emerald flame streaked the heavens of Hueco Mundo before landing with a loud fiery crash in the depths of a vast, sandy arena. A handful of boulders and skeletons were scattered and burned away, yet she made sure to contain her strength to make sure the area was not damaged otherwise. With the smell of burning wood filling the air, she inhaled the comforting scent before her reddened eyes pierced the area for the reason she was here: Amaranta.

""You're strong—very strong. So I’m sure you don’t mind a little crash landing, right?"

Her voice, amplified to carry across the arena, was steady and calm, a stark contrast to the contempt simmering within her. As her fist clenched, Veralia knew she needed to get stronger, and perhaps seeking help from someone like Amaranta was the key. Her envy was burning like a hornet in her head, but it was a necessary evil to get what she wanted.

"Don't mistake me: this loathing you feel is not for you. I just need to direct it and find someone spar and train with as I need to get stronger to protect something important to me."

A fleeting image of Stella, Sabriel, and her growing village flashed through her mind, strengthening her resolve.

"I need your help to get stronger."

In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] WVMWLOu
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Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:13 am
In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] MPftNxw


"Hoh? Now what do we have here?"

Resting atop one of the various skulls she'd stacked atop the other, Amaranta's fierce gaze marveled at the ferocity imminent in Veralia's aura. There was that ever noteworthy emanation of violence radiating from her form, so incredibly potent was its mass. For a moment, she remained silent, observing Veralia as she tilted her head. Visibly curious, she rose from the mountain of skeletons with a grin, gazing down at the woman from above.

"Someone to spar and train with to get stronger, huh? And all of that to protect someone close to you? Hahaha! Interesting! Well, I'm hardly one to turn down an offer to fight, but I must ask... whose the lucky guy or gal that's got you so hyped up? Do they have a name? Do I know them?"


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Sun Sep 01, 2024 5:48 pm



Despite her shit mood, seeing the grin of Amaranta was infectious in a way. Sure, her aura still exuded pure angst, but her blood eyes narrowed on the taller Arrancar's as she nodded along with her words.

"Well, I guess there is no harm in telling you..."

With her hand rising to the sky, Veralia's gaze shifted to the moon as she tightened that same hand into a fist. Feeling her heart flutter with adrenaline and another feeling that was hard to describe, she exhaled a fiery mist of breath as she continued.

"Her name is Stella. I want to protect not only her, but a small village I'm making for other hollows that are following my lead."

She looked back at Amaranta, a smirk playing on her lips.

"And even though she’s not in my tribe, Sabriel’s an ally I want to protect too."

The energy between them was momentarily uplifting, but a somberness quickly washed over Veralia’s expression as she thought of Stella in the hospital. A heavy sigh escaped her.

"But really...Stella got hurt, and it made me think that I needed to get my shit together and get stronger. I don't want to go through that again, y'know? I gotta be there for her."

In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] WVMWLOu
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Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:44 pm
In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] MPftNxw


"Stella, huh? Heh. Small world we live in..."

Recognizing the fire in Veralia's eyes, Amaranta fondly reflected on her interaction with that naive woman. To be certain, she wasn't necessarily shocked that a greenhorn like that would find trouble. The world was filled with ruthless enemies who would easily take advantage of and overwhelm her until she was little more than a husk, hardly resembling her former self.

What was even more curious is that someone like Veralia and her shared a connection. Some small part of her pondered the nature of their relationship, but those thoughts were quickly discarded in favor of reflecting on Veralia's ambitions.

Protect Stella, her tribe, and someone unrelated to their group, eh? Once upon a time, sentimentality like that would've been lost on her. To some degree, it technically was. Since she couldn't recognize the glory in it, let alone fulfillment, the notion was somewhat lost----until visions of her current companions filled her mind. Then, it clicked.

There were those that mattered beyond her incessant craving, beyond that aspect of death that defined her. Sacred experiences she would begrudgingly protect to maintain the life she'd built for herself now. Was it a weakness? Was it strength? What was the extent of Veralia's compassion for Stella? Rising from the mountain of skulls, she rubbed the back of her head as she chuckled.

"That so? Heh... years ago, I would've turned you away without batting an eye. Protect this, protect that... valuing someone's wellbeing other than my own... I can't say I can relate to it, but... I can tell that the look in your eyes - and the flame radiating within - is genuine. Let me make one thing clear, though..."

Amaranta gazed down at her with ferocity blazoned across fierce azures as if peering into her soul, evaluating her conviction at its core.

"Don't waste my time and half-ass. Show me what that desire of yours amounts to. Fight me as if I'm the one who hurt Stella. Do that and I'll push you as far as you can reasonably go, short stack."


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Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:37 pm



Veralia felt a faint blush on her face, prompting her to look down at her palm and tighten it once more. To feel the need to protect and care for others, didn't that go against being hollow and representing the worst aspects of humanity? Sucking her teeth, she rejected those thoughts and figured it was better to live for herself, what she desired, and not let such labels or even her power enslave her.

Looking back at Amaranta with a more focused gaze, her breath exhaled steam before emerald fire ignited in her eyes.

"Yeah, it's a bunch of bullshit. Part of me feels like I'm lying to myself, but I can't help what I feel. Just have to see it through as she makes me feel less bitter."

With her right arm consumed by envious fire, the ground beneath her began to tremble. Without hesitation, Veralia unleashed a devastating wave of flames, sending them roaring across the landscape. The fire spread, consuming the surrounding area for several city blocks, as she poured all her contempt for her own weakness, her fear of losing Stella, and her uncertainty about the future into the attack. Whether her hit landed or not, Veralia let out a hellish roar, her eyes ablaze with emerald fire.


In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] WVMWLOu
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In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] Empty Re: In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta]

Sat Sep 07, 2024 6:48 pm
In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] MPftNxw


"Guess I'll see if it's the genuine article when we fought, won't I? Come on. Let's hop to it."

Amaranta chuckled at Veralia's expression, noting the small shade of red on her face. That alone was enough to tell her that the relationship she shared with Stella went well beyond friendship, though she had already assumed as much at the outset. The hour of conversation had passed, and now she challenged the woman to fight her with every ounce of strength she had.

After all, only then could she recognize the merit in drawing out a greater degree of power in the Arrancar of envy. Who knows? Perhaps she would find herself growing stronger as well. In the next instant, flames of envy rushed forth like wildfire, roaring around the arena.

From that initial burst, Amaranta studied that contempt as she rushed forward, using Sonido to evade the flame, appearing and reappearing from above to swing her zanpakuto downward and across the small woman's shoulder.

"Now that's the spirit! Show me more of that, Veralia!"


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In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] Empty Re: In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta]

Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:12 pm



Observing the swiftness of her soindo made Veralia shift gears to be on the defensive. As if on instinct alone, she reached into her shirt to pull out an emerald ember that hissed with flames and expanded to the length of a katana. In one motion, she then clashed blades with Amaranta as a sudden eruption of pressure and energy lifted the earth around them into chunks of debris. The defeating roar of their souls echoing throughout the vicinity as a result of their weapons was most certainly felt.

Imagining the thought of Stella being harmed caused Veralia to tighten the grip on her weapon. With a burst of speed, Veralia spun to the side, allowing Amaranta’s blade to graze her shoulder instead of landing a direct hit. As the heat from the strike sizzled against her skin, Veralia retaliated by raising her own weapon high, her eyes glowing with emerald fire.

Summoning the full extent of her Sonido Rastro Envidioso, leaving fiery trails in her wake as she darted around Amaranta. The heat radiating from Amaranta’s zanpakuto only fueled Veralia’s own flames, and she used that friction to her advantage, deflecting attacks while sending bursts of emerald flames toward her opponent.


With a primal roar, Veralia’s blade crashed down in a series of sonic booms, her Spiteful Boom reverberating through the air, aiming to disorient Amaranta. Using her Covetous Propulsion, she hurled debris from all directions, manipulating the surrounding destruction to corner Amaranta in a storm of shattered earth and flames.

(Techniques in spoilers)


In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] WVMWLOu
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In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] Empty Re: In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta]

Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:05 pm
In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] MPftNxw


"Hahaha! That's it! I can tell you're getting into this!"

There wasn't an immediate response for further offense outside of thunderously clashing blades with the fiery arrancar. After all, she was supremely confident enough in her body's constitution to handle significant amounts of damage. What she welcomed most was exploring the primal nature behind her current conviction.

Indeed, she wished to see how committed she was to protecting Stella. At the end of their clash, she wished to know if there was any merit in valuing others or continuing to climb the mountaintop known as unrivaled strength. Of course, even now she recognizes that it would be disrespectful to demand this woman give her all and only offer half of her tenacity in turn. Thus, in the aftermath of each attack that assaulted her, Amaranta, through sheer force of will, brutally pushed past the disorienting boom in her ears, her sword cast toward grey skies.

"Fan the flames, Rebelión!"

At that moment, an orange, luminous sphere of explosive reiatsu expanded outward, revolving around her form until it dissipated in a bright flash, revealing the flame-wreathed form of the Burning Lioness. What she represented at her core now laid bare before the challenger, an everlasting craving for elusive glory.

This was a fitting form for their battle, one better suited to a clash of wills. The will of selfishness and the will of compassion... Grinning from ear to ear at how childishly dramatic that notion sounded, she bolted forward from the skies above, monstrously swiping her flaming claw forward, releasing a tornado of fire to encompass Veralia and the entire arena in flames.

"Time to fight fire with fire!"


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In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] Empty Re: In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta]

Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:06 am



Instinctively, Veralia activated her Hierro Ardiente as the air around them began to shimmer and hiss with immense heat; forming a protective layer of emerald flame around her body to deal with the grueling onsught to come as Amaranta braced for her release.

With her blood eyes set on Amaranta with a grin, Veralia spoke out in a confident tone:

"Erupt and roar, Deseo Ardiente"

Veralia then raised her blade, activating Llamarada de Envidia as streaks of emerald fire shot from her katana to meet Amaranta’s fiery tornado head-on. With a mighty swing, she aimed to slice through the wall of flames with her Spiteful Boom, creating a shockwave that dispersed some of the fire around her. The ground beneath her cracked and lifted as the energy from their clashing wills shook the battlefield.

Channeling her Sonido Rastro Envidioso, Veralia bolted from her position, leaving trails of emerald fire in her wake as she circled around Amaranta. She launched debris and flaming strikes toward her, aiming for her back.

"Perhaps I can show you the merit of fighting for something outside yourself,"

Veralia growled, her voice fierce but steady, the flames in her eyes burning brighter.

"From one Arrancar to another, I didn’t believe in that bullshit either... but here I am, fighting for my life on the behalf of another."

(Techniques in spoilers)


In The Tomb Of Valor And Envy [Veralia/Amaranta] WVMWLOu
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