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The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan]

Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:31 pm
Saya was on the road again.

She always was, traveling between one city to another, usually on foot. Catching a ride, when possible. Though, in this part of the world, ravaged by series of conflicts in a row, things were different. Cities became autonomous and self-enclosed, doing trade with one another through extremely secure lines. The rest... was wild territory. The roads being empty and abandoned, and the nature slowly reclaiming that which was lost over centuries of fighting humans. The cracks in the roads were filled with grass, and the old lamp posts - with moss. The sky was so clear in these areas. Much unlike in the cities, where the smoke and smog covered everything for many miles.

Unfortunately, the woman who soldiered on down an old asphalt road could not really appreciate the scenery or the fresh air all that much. She was on her way to another town at the end of this road. Wearing her armor, which let out a soft, familiar clank, and carrying a sword on her shoulder, just in case she'd have to use it against wild animals, hollows, or worse - people. Though, people with ill intentions would have been a welcoming gift right now.

For Saya was a Sueki. And she was ... hungry. As she walked, she chowed on an apple. The last apple from the entire bag she bought earlier. It was getting close to that three-days mark, and still nobody foolish enough to throw themselves at her sword. A pity... But it also made her feel very ... anxious. The apple could only stave off the hunger for a little while. Eventually... she had to feed.


"Oh shut up. Quit being such a baby, I'm working on it." - the woman engaged in a proverbial conversation with her own stomach. But then, a strike of luck seemed to have made its way into her hands, as in the distance, she saw ... a fire. And a person sitting next to it. Curious and anxious, Saya made a beeline towards it, being relatively in the open, but cautious. Soon, she emerged from the darkness, her white hair and pale features in sharp contrast with the dark forest. She put the sword back into the scabbard, and brought her hands in front of herself.

"Good evening~ I sssaw your fire from a long dissstance away... Would you care for sssome company?"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty Re: The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan]

Tue Mar 26, 2019 4:22 am

The Wild Monster

Anis Kabal

The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] 6EdIfMt

Anis was sat around the campfire, staring into it and occasionally down at her hands. The shiny black material that coated her hands was a bodysuit covered by her Vandenrich uniform. Sophie had said it was a special suit that would help her control her powers, but from the way she looked at her when it was worn, Anis had her doubts as to the veracity of that statement. She was a strange one, that girl. Not at all like Sofia in both good and bad ways. But thinking about that night she had spent with the both of them wouldn't get her anywhere.

So she turned her attention to trying to make...anything with her Reishi control. She grasped her energy and it flowed, starting to make something, but as if it was rebelling against the notion of being controlled, a massive surge came and exploded from her hands, shattering the object and embedding a part of it in her shoulder. A scream of pain, and blood spilling across the ground followed, and to make matters worse, there was someone else coming up to her.

"Ahh...I-i-i, I'm, I..." she flushed, her cheeks red and her eyes on the ground as she tried to string a sentence together, and completely failed.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 6:40 am
Saya blinked, her hand instinctively reaching for the sword handle, as she saw a flash of energy resulting in a miniature explosion. Though it seemed that effort only managed to hurt the stranger that was now coming into view. She could see a tall woman, even by the Sueki's standards, as when seated she still remained taller than most. Her body was wrapped in a strange outfit, which Saya could not quite make out. A soldier's uniform? A uhh... stripper outfit? - she wondered, as the outfit, while covering the entire body, left very little to imagination. The woman sounded both startled and frightened by her own actions. But, most importantly...

She bleeds.

The Sueki's predatory mind immediately classified it as a weakness. Her nostrils widened a bit, inhaling the sweet and metally scent, making her eyes flash a bit with hunger. She closed them, tightly, and shook her head. It's like she's asking for it... - a thought came through Saya's mind, a thought she did not know if was her own. Slowly, she approached, still holding her hands in front of herself.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I just... sssaw the fire, that's all."

Her eyes were still locked on that wound, trailing the blood that was running down the girl's shoulder and making her outfit glisten. Saya swallowed, and quickly pulled down her backpack from under the cloak. A small childish backpack of pink color, with a white cat waving hello. From inside, she pulled a small medkit.

"You're injured. Let me help. What issss your name?"

Maybe I could collect some of that blood while I treat her... Last for a little longer...

Already making compromises with her conscience.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

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Tue Mar 26, 2019 7:22 am

The Wild Monster

Anis Kabal

The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] 6EdIfMt

Clasping a hand tight to the puncture wound on her shoulder, she looked at the woman and really felt spooked at her existence. Mostly because existence was spooky. Sofia had taken her in and shown her that she didn't have to live off her own merits anymore, that she was something for Sofia to use, but it still made other people scary when Sofia was not around. The woman seemed friendly enough, and even brought out a medical kit to help with her wound, and people didn't do that if they were evil people who wanted to help her, but still....

Ahh, if it came to it she had her Blut. It was painful and impossible to turn off once used, but she could use it to protect herself is she really needed to.
"I....I...Anis" she murmured, her cheeks flushed more because she was talking to a totally random stranger in the middle of the woods. There were stories about this. "I...I...Yes, I was doing something and it didn't work. And it hurt" She took her hand away from the wound to show the blood on her hand, and the blood leaking out of her shoulder. " would be...appreciated"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 7:43 am

The armor-clad woman replied with a nod. She did not add her last name. It was unneeded. Especially if her 'family' was looking for her. "If ssomething you do can punch a hole through your shoulder - don't do it." - Saya gave a shrug and a common-sense advice. Next time that energy shard could've went through the girls head or heart. Maybe it would've been better if it did... Saved me the moral qualms of... you know...

With these thoughts, and eyeing the bloody hand and the injury with a weary, yet needy gaze, the swordswoman sat down and opened her medical kit. When seated, she barely reached Anis's shoulder, which was slightly demeaning. Compared to her, Saya looked like a bony thing, which she was. Could not match the meaty curves. She must have plenty of blood in that big body of hers...

Shaking her head a little more, Saya extracted what was needed - a needle and a thread, some gauze, and iodine solution in a bottle.

"Pull it off your shoulder. I need to sterilize the skin around the wound." - the merc said, looking down, and pushing the thread through the ear of the needle. "You a sssoldier or a ssstripper, Anissse? I can't tell." - her forked tongue briefly escaped from between the lips. The scent and presence of blood starting to bring color to her cheeks. Though it could have been that large bosom hovering just at the height of her face.

It's been a while, too...
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty Re: The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan]

Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:14 am

The Wild Monster

Anis Kabal

The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] 6EdIfMt

"It wasn't meant to punch through my shoulder. It was meant to work. But, I am just useles..." Anis hung her head, a great feel of regret and despair radiating from her as she thought about the whole situation. Troubling a stranger because she couldn't control her own powers and ended up getting hurt by them. Still, she would obey the order and pull down her uniform, stripping the latex bodysuit underneath that down so her bare, bleeding shoulder was on show. The blood would smell ripe and potent, a hundred times better, and a hundred times more succulent than the dregs she would suck out of an average bandit's neck. There was power in this blood, and it would be unlike anything else she had ever tasted. The blood sung to her. Such a sweet, sweet song~

"I-i-i-i am a trainee Soldat of the Vandenrich!" She exclaimed, her body straight and shouting probably because she was trying to put some pride into it. "The Grandmaster of the Sternritter gave me this uniform because it is what all trainees wear. The bodysuit below it is meant to help me control my powers" And then she finished, got to the part of her powers, and deflated again, dejected and defeated by her inability to control her powers even with the suit Sophie had gifted her.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty Re: The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan]

Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:31 am
Saya almost felt her eyes pulse, as she locked her eyes on that red, bleeding gash. She could see the edges of the wound twitch slightly every time the girl's muscles contracted. The contrast of her red blood against the milky white skin ever exacerbated by the light coming from the fire. Fuckkk... her blood smells... powerful. I better stitch it before I lose it... - Saya thought absentmindedly. Her stomach growled again, providing a brief respite and a curse.

"Sssoldier of Vandenrich, huh? Never heard of them. Your grandmasssster's a pervert though, that much I can sssee." - the Sueki laughed dryly and poked one of the bouncy jugs that was swaying right in front of her when the strange girl straightened herself out. She licked her lips. They felt dry, just as her tongue.

"Lets uhh... get this over with."

With that, Saya began administering her aid. Washing her hands briefly, wiping the blood off of the wound with a clean gauze, and covering the perimeter with iodine. It would sting a little, but not quite as bad as being stabbed in the shoulder. The wound was deep, and cut several smaller blood vessels along the way.

"Now I'll have to ssstitch the wound..." - Saya spoke, trying to breathe through her mouth rather than nose. It made things worse. The girl's naked flesh felt so warm and supple against her cold hand. The blood still trickling out ran over her fingers. The woman looked at the red with a blank stare, holding her hand in front of herself.

Before knowing it, she began to clean her hand.

With her tongue.

The long, serpentine tongue wrapping around every digit, and wiping the red clean. Not a single drop going to waste. For the moment, Saya forgot what she was doing, and that her beneficiary was sitting right next to her. The metallic, salty-sweet taste invading her senses..

Fuck... so good... I...
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:42 am

The Wild Monster

Anis Kabal

The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] 6EdIfMt

Anis wanted to deny Saya's claims that Sophie was a pervert, was impossible. She really was. Maybe her uniform and bodysuit weren't standard but were just so Sofia could see her in it? And see how long she would wear it before someone called her out on it and Sophie got in trouble for abusing the trainee Soldat.
"The Vandenreich are the faction of Quincy. People like me. Although...I am a terrible Quincy" Anis hung her head only moments after looking up to explain where she was from. Clearly, a lot of problems were present in this poor Quincy girl.

She didn't make much of a noise when the cleaning iodine came onto her wound, being quite accomplished with pain by this point. It was something such a useless girl was well aware of. Caught in her own spiral of despair, she only just caught the edge of Saya licking the blood off her hand. Such power, such taste, such quality. It was completely, totally beyond any blood ever had by the young woman. It was as if she had been eating mud all her life and only just now had a proper meal. Anis' incredible spiritual energy was inherent in her blood, and even if she couldn't use it, that didn't mean it wasn't there.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:09 am
Her blood is... something special...

Licking the fingers off managed to briefly stave away the hunger by offering it an appetizer. Saya's head cleared up for a little while. Though she knew by now that she'd not be able to resist, and sooner or later... it would happen. She looked at the girl with a slightly apologetic look on her face. Only now realizing she was licking her fingers out in the open.

"Not much of a fighter, are you? Maybe you sssshould go home, be a family gal. You have the temperament for it."

With that, Saya brought up the needle, and began stitching the wound. Her hands were a bit shakey from the distorted focus, the vision becoming reddish, as were her eyes. The stitches, as a result, were less than clean. But they'd hold, for now. Pulling on the thread on either side of the wound, the merc slowly made the red, delicious gash close, the flow of blood slowly being stemmed. The gauze would then be placed over it, hiding the wound from the open air... And from the Sueki.

"There. Sssshould hold, for now." - the woman said, hiding the bloodied gauze and placing a bandaid over the girl's shoulder.

"Got anyone waiting for you back home, huh?"

An off-handed question. But Saya listened to the answer very carefully. As she placed a small cauldron with water over the fire, to boil.

I hope not.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] Empty Re: The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan]

Tue Mar 26, 2019 9:16 am

The Wild Monster

Anis Kabal

The night is dark and full of terrors [Obs/Wan] 6EdIfMt

"That's the problem. I am to much of a fighter to do anything. I am a murderer. I killed them all, and for no reason" she whispered, her body numb as she got her wound patched up, sewed up, and then finally fixed. With everything done, she pulled her bodysuit and uniform back up. As much of a joke as it ight have been, it was still the only clothes she had right now. Maybe later she would go talk to Sophie about this, but for now there was just nothing to do except for sitting here in despair.

And then the question of anyone waiting for her back home. There was Sofia and Sophie, her family who she needed to meet and show that she wasn't dead. The quincy race and that muscle woman who was about the place with the Elect. But at this moment, she didn't think of them. Didn't think of anyone, really. Just fell into her own deep, dark pit.
"Nobody" she whispered, her eyes screwed shut as if to try and drown out the memories and images that were assaulting her. Everything was coming back in a wave. She was scared...

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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