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Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:44 am

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: Pareidolia

(I.E. Algos is using an old shell from SF's inventory of previous members. This shell originally belonged to Eric Zarathos and is clocked at a tier of around 0-3.)

This was do or die time. In the skies above Ethiopia's capital city, the likes of what appeared to be the Princess of Demons had materialized. In a matter of moments, the woman wasted no time spreading a downpour of corrosive elements across the city. It's intent was to use this mass volume of acidic rain that had been gathered from the research facilities in Shadow Fall's care (making this non-supernatural) and then spread it across the whole of the capital city. In turn, this would cause many of the citizens who were a part of this city to begin to suffer injuries and death.

Of course, not everyone was killed on contact, some supernatural citizens were able to withstand the attacks; but that wasn't it's primary goal even if it managed to kill some thousands of people. Instead, this acidic rain was attacking their military bases, corroding the metals of their equipment/weapons and making it to where heavy enemy resistance from their artillery would be hard to respond. Furthermore, to keep things further stacked in Shadow Fall's favor, Algos then started to summon mass volumes of her Death Energy in order to then begin crippling the area from an energy standpoint. As it is this decaying force of her DE which could otherwise begin to seep into large chunks of the city through the Demi-Network transporting large volumes of this energy while their defenses were hampered by the special assault which Mana commenced in the moon.

Algos was also expecting someone to eventually enter in, so she started small and sent a platoon of ten thousand SF operatives that were armed with cloaks of energy from Za Koa itself to prevent themselves from being easily attacked by physical and metaphysical attacks. Once they were transported in the direction of city by Algos's Shell, they'd then begin spreading more of this chaotic influence to begin shutting off different grids of power throughout the capital city and other regions in the country as they were trying to spread other similar squadrons throughout the capital and cities.

All the while, Algos merely rose two miles in the air to be able to send a reddening glare of crimson energy across a five hundred meter raidus to otherwise vaporize anything or anyone coming in with this aggressive demonic aura as she waited for the inveitable counter attack to come from whatever forces The Vastime would send toward her way. For now, however, she was confident they were going to leave a stain on this continent. Even if they didn't invade, they were determined to make them feel the same amount of pain and pressure that Shadow Fall themselves were under at the moment.

"Welcome everyone~! I'd like to greet everyone here with gifts from the Queen and Princess of Demons to you all~ Thank for having the pleasure of sitting down with me on this lovely eve of carnage! "

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   WVMWLOu
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Mon Feb 11, 2019 6:27 am


Masami Otsuka

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt

This place was pretty nice, having been here a few days after catching a ride in a human sneakily into the nation of Vastime a certain toju was looming around. Technically a zanpakuto but such an honour of title belonged to a much different person than Masami, a better person. It was in this place she had indulged herself in the culture that had sprung up in the African continent. That was until, chance have it that there was a battle. Not even an honourable battle, all these chemical and destructive kinds of warfare. How nasty.

It came while she was enjoying a pleasant drink but then everything was alight and all this crazy stuff was happening. She knew she could just slip away in the chaos and no one would be any the wiser but these people needed help and she wasn't the kind to abandon these poor people she had begun to enjoy as a nation. So without further ado she got straight to the point, with her sword that is.

Emerging outside she observed the effects of what these demons were doing, a toxic energy lingerng over this place which her zanpakuto attribute as a power mitigated for she neutralised all energy-based attacks. Regardless she had to do something and so she activated her shikai, not bothering to call out the name because she was her zanpakuto and that'd be silly right?

With her shikai active and faint glow on her swords Masami utilised her ability of ebb and flow, drawing in the za koa and death energy it would be dragged towards her body to be neutralised before being released back as her own energy in return. An exchange that was fundamental to her power. Given though the sheer scale, as a tier of moderate level and against someone as strong as Neoveta Asthavon in a shell with all these thousands of demons there was no hope for her power unaided to cancel all this out. Even with her bankai, it still helped to mitigate the effects in her immediate area though which was the least she could do for these people.

With her passive sponge and filter effect going it was time to get to work, slaughtering away she did. Those that used energy found their attacks ineffective against her, while those that tried to slash at her with their claws would find that while damaging it primarily became blunt force so it didn't really wound her either as much as it hurt and bruised her at times. This just wouldn't do though, in times like this it made sense to go straight for the ringleader and that happened to be the demon princess high in the sky.

Naturally as everything was vapourised Neoveta would see the dust had cleared to have someone that had survived. As though the attack had been negated in such a way. For this battle she would test the demon princess' prowess in combat, hopefully defeating her even though all the odds stacked against her. All Neoveta had to do was call for some reinforcements and she'd be done, not even considering if the demon princess actually had some strength to her rather than being a pure energy user like Masami had hoped.

"Hey I kinda like this place, so I really hope I don't offend you but can you maybe like... leave? Otherwise I'll have to fight you and that'd be a real pain."

Laughing to herself heartily even though she was playing a bit, sure she was worried for everyone's wellbeing and safety down there but the thought of a thrilling duel did get her all giddy given how long this woman had not got to draw herself in a serious fight. She had to keep herself sharp after all.

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Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   Empty Re: Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]

Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:39 am

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: A Welcoming Smile

Without much resistance, it appeared as if the plan to seize this country was going according to plan. Most of the acidic elements of her invasion were beginning to spread over neighboring countries and it was only a matter of time before they got a stronghold here. So, for the first part of her invasion, Algos was none too concerned with how things were running; but that was no reason to otherwise remain calm and relaxed. Instead, she instructed all of her soldiers on the field to start tearing apart their communication systems, invading their bases and killing anyone which otherwise got in their way.

When the woman finally broke out of her telepathic trance, The Princess then turned her crimson stare toward the sight of a rather voluptuous woman that was rather easy eyes. In other circumstance it may proven charming to have the sight of such a beauty around, Algos wasn't here to flirt n' make merry. She was here to crack some skulls open, scorch the earth to cinders and spread more chaos in the air. Ergo, her interference wasn't one that was rather welcome. Therefore, rather than waste time with trying to deduce why in the nine circles of hell she thought pleading with her to stop would be effective, The Princess descended from the heavens, bolted at mach four speed and decided to outright dropkick her into a carter.

Provided this kick had a direct hit, the next three hundred meters around them would be obliterated by enough force to otherwise clear out a mountainside when combined with the speed, strength, and force that the body of Algos could produce. In turn, this would undoubtedly flatten everything around them causing additional civilian casualties, bringing buildings down to the earth and otherwise flattening Masami like a pancake in the best case scenario. As she sought to crush every bone in her body, rupture her organs and otherwise try and put the tasteful snack of a woman out of commission.

Was it overkill? Perhaps. Algos didn't care, however. She had an objective and she was going to break down this nation and it's people if it could be helped to otherwise assist in Shadow Fall's vengeance. Besides, if the woman could hold her own against portions of her attack, then there is something more to her than meet the eye and it would be better to just deal with the problem headfirst rather then dick around with her opponent like her mother may have. And rather than waste any further resources with some over the top magical attack, it was better to conserve energy in case this woman was just a decoy or a distraction toward something to that effect.

"You look sweet enough to eat, but I'm running on a schedule. If you still can get up after that, feel free to wrestle with me if you want. Though I'd rather you just stay stand if you managed to live through that. I'd rather not kill you since you look so beautiful."

Despite being on a warpath, the words which were uttered out of The Princess's mouth were placid and serene. Indeed, it did bring her heart a great pleasure to begin consuming the vast amounts of pain, suffering, and torment which was being radiated in the war taking place on Earth; but it just sucked to break something so pretty to her.

...oh well.

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   WVMWLOu
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Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   Empty Re: Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]

Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:13 am


Masami Otsuka

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt

While Algos' had a pretty solid plan in mind, take her on real smart like and target her weakness which was the nature of energy not affecting her. Regardless though as the princess made her move in the form of a very quick blast towards her, a pretty reasonable move if she had done it from a closer position and not made it so obvious but as she did all Masami had to do was change her tact, instead of helping out the environment a teensy weensy bit she applied this to a better means.

Instead of drawing in more energy she shifted herself to be an intangible figure, the demon princess was moving too fast to even realise she had phased straight through the zanpakuto that stood there and so Algos seemed pretty invested in talking to what she assumed to be her mistake. Instead Masami had dropped back to normal, that very technique needed to take a bit to calm down. Given that she had used it she hoped that the sheer speed and impact might've hurt but Algos was in for a treat anyway with a quick swipe from her swords, being slashed across the demon princess' back if she did nothing about it.

"Hey that was pretty good. Unfortunately you seem to be underestimating me."

Having finished her attack she remained close to her and ready to continue her assault. Getting out of range was pretty pointless to her, it'd only mean she gave her opponent more time to launch herself at the zanpakuto spirit. Masami would've preferred to fight in close combat than give her time to build up momentum like that again.

"Anyway my name's Masami Otsuka. Nice to meet you....?"

With a bit of space Masami curiously checked to see if she could see if her attacks had any impact or even left a mark, she hadn't checked to see if they had hit and at this point her attention would shift a little to check her blades for blood. All in all she wanted an idea of how she had affected her opponent with that surprise attack. She was honourable and all but there was no point in giving her a free one, Masami would return her rude surprise attacks in kind if she tried that.

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Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   Empty Re: Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]

Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:57 pm

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: A Welcoming Smile

Well, Algos was a royal Princess and loved to talk it up. After all it gave her time to otherwise savor the damage which was induced upon the world around her and allow for Shadow Fall forces to further start infiltrating the city. There was a definite sense of back and forth going on between the Vastime and Shadow Fall operatives on the ground, but that shattering thunder stomp was one which allowed for more of their operations in this city to be halted since communications were faulty following the assault in orbit that Shadow Fall had launched.

So, if nothing else, things were proceeding smoothly in the city at the moment as she sought to destroy the capital city of Ethiopia and dismantle Vastime reach in this region.

"You know, I don't even have a particular interest in this region. Demon World is vastly more beautiful, but I suppose this is a war and all sides must feel the torment of loss and destruction."

At this point, even if the woman had been struck by the blade, it was of no major concern to the demoness. Yes, the zanpukto managed to strike her backside, but only a slight cut had managed to cut through the surface of clothing and skin. With her durability being augmented by being in the element of destruction and pain; it was hard for her body not to feel enhanced and reinforced with the steady elements of her possessive demon powers having time to feed on the carnage her troops were inducing on this city. Hell, even Masami could see it visually as the shimmering glow of demonic light signified an odd transference of energy was occurring as The Princess's body interacted with the world around it.

"Hello, Beautiful Masami. My name is Algos Asthavon. I really don't have anything against you, but we have to send a message some kind of way and I don't really much care for resistance against my will."

Really, there wasn't even a hint of anger across the face of Algos. This didn't have anything to do with arrogance; as that aspect of vanity was better saved for the likes of her mother, Mana Asthavon. Rather, The Princess of Demon World was feeling a sense of satisfaction, belonging and craving from the struggle to overcome a wall of hardships from Shadow Fall, Vastime and even the exhausting task the pale-haired shinigami held against trying to wage battle against an absolute demonic war machine.

Indeed, Algos was more curious as to what flavor of suffering she could extract from this encounter above all else. So after taking a brief moment to consider her options, Algos still felt it was better to reserve her energy and magical reserves for opponents later on that will force her to utilize more of her powers. It simply wasn't in her best interest to tire her body out and she opt'd to once again aim for the physical realm of combat since she was still a superhuman freak of nature even without her powers.

So, in one swift moment, Algos stomped the earth around them in order to create an explosion of raw force all around them. An explosion of debris would then rip apart another chunk of the city as many random pieces of concrete, steel and metal would be hurled around at around Mach one speeds. All the while, the impacting forces could outright take the wind out of Masami's lungs and induce critical injuries to her body which may result in broken bones, deafened ears, vomiting of the blood and damage to her internal organs. All the while, this focused strike could damage her durability and make it much harder to sustain the war effort against the Princess due to the vast amount of strength Algos had to impact with her attack. Unlike her mother, Algos was no slouch when it came to raw physical combat and felt this amount of force was sufficient to deal with the threat ahead of herself.

And, even if that immaterial trick was pulled again, Algos honestly didn't care. It was just delaying the inevitable as more of the environment around them would be ground into dust, further lives loss and this city reduced to ash in the wind. So, as far as the bigger objective was concerned, The Princess knew her primary mission was proceeding forward and it is why she knew not to let her focus get caught up in this brawl; even if she were interested to see how her foe could cope with such a daunting firehouse of power such as herself.

"Tell me: why are you struggling against such tiring obstacles? What type of investment do you have in these lands that you'd face off against someone like myself?"

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   WVMWLOu
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Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   Empty Re: Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]

Sat Feb 16, 2019 6:04 pm


Masami Otsuka

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt

"Hey I've been there, although that was a while ago so dunno how much it's changed. It was definitely before your group took power."

Even though she had successfully cut her target Masami was disappointed, t'was but a scratch as one might say and wouldn't be much of a hindrance. Why'd people have to be so strong nowadays? Old ladies like her needed a break sometimes. Jeez. Regardless though her opponent had given her a name, that was wonderful and with a compliment no less.

"I see we're both the same there, except I don't really have any message or statement to make in this whole ordeal. Seems I'm not really doing anything to help anyway. What a shame."

When it came time for the next display of power Masami was already prepared for it. Utilising the ability of her shikai release she drew in some energy from the environment while matching with her own energy to solidify her defence with a stance. As Algos let out this wave of kinetic energy the zanpakuto spirit standing close held her ground even though the damage was still there albeit mitigated somewhat. When she felt the assault of force begin to let up to show it's end that's when she would change her tact and breathe out in a sense.


Finding her chance Masami's energy exploded outwards behind her to push her forward at an accelerated rate while she tried to impale Algos through the chest but given the rough launch it was more likely to strike her in the shoulder but this time with the additional force on top of using shunpo to accelerate herself further. While this was a good plan Masami's attack had a flaw in that she would have to give up one of her swords, not backing out immediately was a dangerous game and so if it was lodged in there then Algos would find it in her possession while Masami backed away with her free one to take up a new stance.

In terms of the damage she had taken she felt a few hairline fractures over various bones, she was panting to try and catch her breath back after not only getting the air pushed out of her lungs but still pushing through that pain to make an attack and while her body was pretty hardy with her sword body attribute her internal organs were still vulnerable and so there was a cough of blood that she promptly spat out leaving a trail of a drip that slid down from the corner of her mouth.

"Investment? No investment actually. Simply put Algos, you just ruined my day and so I'm here to beat you up for it... even though that's not going very well. I suppose you could also say it's my fault, I don't want myself to dull over time and so you're my whetstone for the day. I'd appreciate it though if you didn't kill me, still so much to see and all that."

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Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   Empty Re: Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]

Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:27 pm

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: A Welcoming Smile

"Mmmm, our family never cared much for the previous one before ours."

The statement which Algos uttered out in regards to Masami's insight into Demon World was a vast understatement. After all, the Asthavon Family utterly butchered and skewered the previous Royal Family due to their strong disdain for the strong amount of restriction, order, and oppressive law the prior regime of control in Demon World possessed. Regardless, even as the two chatted, by this point the whole city was otherwise a smoldering crater. With not much resistance, many of the Shadow Fall forces were able to seize control of the city at this point and spread throughout the country.

Indeed, while Algos was busy having her play date with the lovely lady ahead of her, the war ahead was still at the forefront of her mind. As Shadow Fall was in a position of power in this region to where even if someone had stopped them at this point, the damage had already been done to the nation's fracture and the capital city. Many Vastime bases, communication systems, and equipment were otherwise destroyed or damaged and most of the city was filled with destruction and death at this point as more of this acidic DE force spread.

So, based on what happens here, Algos could either have an easier time moving on to other countries, or a harder time if this sassy white lass decided to keep being a thorn in her side. Regardless, The Princess felt content that this country had enough pain extracted from it and her whole body radiated an immense warmth of power as a result of her men inducing such hell into existence. Now in a state of enhanced being, the feat of anticipating Masami's attacks wasn't a difficult one since it was in such a straight-forward manner. It only took the quick reflexes of her body to outright grab the woman's sword, pull her in closer and then smash her face with enough destructive force to otherwise flatten the next few city blocks so that her body would be cemented with the utmost of damage in way of breaking bones, injuring organs and draining her durability with raw physical damage.

"It's a valiant effort, but I do not feel your desires will turn into reality today. I appreciate your commitment to stay true to your creed and endure the pain, so perhaps I'm feeling generous in some way or another. I feel the need to reward such bravery."

Algos wasn't particularly speaking out of turn in her mind. She still felt the way in which she handled the circumstance was rather a cordial way to address the warrior who was trying to do her best to impede her efforts. So, with her experience as a royal coming to life, The Princess saw no reason to un-lady and decided to extend some form of mercy to her opponent since there was a small fondness for her. Thus, if Masami were to take the punch head-on, the woman would have a crimson energy begin to bleed over across her body. In this way she'd be influenced the aura of pain associated with The Demon's possessive element of pain and could otherwise see an accelerated growth of power after this battle is over by accepting the embrace of torment, anguish and physical suffering.

"Consider this a gift. The particles of my demonic aura are mending with your body and they are seeking to attune themselves to the construct of this universes gift of pain. The more you accept it, the more potent your body will become if you should so choose to accept this path. If not, it will at least keep you from killing over after this fight is over."

There was then a pause before Algos then started to walk away, though she was more than prepared to react at the flick of the wrist.

"I like you. So keep up the work, warrior."

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   WVMWLOu
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Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   Empty Re: Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]

Thu Apr 04, 2019 8:13 am


Masami Otsuka

Ethiopia Strike [WW4 Event]   6EdIfMt


That was definitely an audible break coming from Masami's body when she felt Algos headbutt her with enough force that even her durable body that was much stronger than any flesh would still have a broken nose. That was some serious blunt force trauma and with her nose bleeding with blood rushing from it she really was seeing this stars in a matter of speaking and for a brief moment she passed out until she realised she was laying with her head in the dirt and remembering where exactly she was.

"Ugh.. That's gonna suck later. Thankfully should go back into alignment."

Perking up as much as her body would visibly let her she rolled over somewhat with her body screaming for her to stop but it needed to shut it. She was busy trying to listen to what the little princess was saying. Something about a gift, oh boy a beating before Christmas. Whatever magic she was trying to work was helping a little bit though, given her weakened state her normal resistance to energy had toned down considerably which let it affect her.

"You're alright kid, next time don't ruin someone's day out drinking ya'hear?"

Saying her piece Masami returned to laying down and letting her body fix itself, returning to a more stable condition while the figure of the princess left her to whatever devices she had planned. Better get moving though, so she tried her very best to get as far into her recovery as possible so she could get up. Can't be found all defenceless and laying in the debris after all. She had to maintain some pride right?

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