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Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] Empty Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event]

Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:24 pm

The Melody

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

With her eyes closed and her mind clear, there seemed to be no distraction or burden for her other than what was intended. In her imagination, she could hear the sounds of war, and the stomps of the men as they claimed the land. The thoughts were interrupted by one of the soldiers entering her tent, announcing the scouts had given the signal to move forth. As she stood, Sofia pulled out her sword from the corpse that laid at her feet; a Demon scout that had noticed their presence to its untimely demise. The battle had yet to officially begin and her uniform already presented an ominous forecast of what was to come. One of the sleeves of her white and golden attire had already been stained red by the blood of her enemy.

As she walked out of her tent, blade still in hand, she looked at all those present. Some were Quincy, some were former Vanguard; most of them were Lux Orior. The coalition had been the first step into integrating the forces for good to finally deal a decisive blow to the presence of Shadow Fall in the realm. Sofia had been swift to offer her blade and her life for a cause she always fervently believed in. In this battle, it no longer mattered who was Quincy, or Yuudeshi, Shinigami, or Human. They were one singular force gathered there for one singular purpose. Their mission was to retake the land, and shake loose the oppressive Demonic grasp. There were only two outcomes to this. They would be victorious in life, or die trying to achieve it. There would be no alternative, and that was a possibility that Sofia and all those present had long embraced and accepted before donning their weapons and their wills to the cause.

On one of her hands she carried her Rona blade, and soon the other palm would be filled by a seele. By pointing with the latter, she’d instruct Ghislain to act out on their plan. As soon as they entered the most heavily guarded areas of the nation, the pushback would likely be decisive and deadly. It was his job to keep the first wave busy, and if possible, put them down. Sofia would lead a wave of soldiers further into the cities and into the compounds, pushing forth to their goal. As a wave of enemies got dealt with, each team was supposed to move forward and cover the rear and the flanks as they advanced. As a certain amount of time passed, certain soldiers would be rotated from the rear to the front and vice versa to create a sort of synergy and combat refresh to bolster their offensive capabilities.

As the battle and the carnage ensued on both ends, flames and destruction would quickly follow. The once quiet night would be filled with the screams of the victorious and the cries of the dead as the wretched land was torn asunder. Atop one of the highest buildings, Sofia would rally the troops, and encourage them to fight forth and push on. This was a battle for the ages, and if it was to be their last stand, they would make dam sure it was the finest one.

”For too long has Shadow Fall kept its stranglehold over our people. For too long have these cockroaches been allowed to live, to reproduce, and to infest the lands with their chaotic and murderous nature; no more. They seek to make slaves and dogs of us all, but I have a different idea. I say, let’s drench this land, with their blood!”

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Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] ORabiFS

Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] Empty Re: Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event]

Wed Jan 30, 2019 3:40 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

Ghislain's eyes were closed for a few moments as though preparing. Mentally it had been some time since war broke out. This was going to be something far greater than a single race fighting. The tensions had boiled over here and became something monstrous. Ghislain could only softly touch the necklace he kept. Elizabeth was something he leaned back on at times like this. He didn't know what would come and the outcome could be different. All the preparations had been made cleanly and neatly. Ghislain didn't have answers for what the end would be here. Would it be similar to the previous one with Radioactive? Sofia was a far brighter commander, though he resolved himself. He would die before letting her come to that point. Silent and focused were the words that could describe the blond Quincy as he stood up. He didn't sit in tents or make conversation. Ghislain's focus was on the plan ahead and his duty. Ghislain didn't know how big a clash would happen here. His eyes looked at Sofia's gesture before he vanished. He was a rather skilled specialist in stepping when it came to it.

This battle was the first of many happening in several locations. They weren't just attacking one place. Several locations were being hit by this coalition of people. Ghislain had met and fought Mana, he sensed something there. Darkness in her that wasn't just her. Something elusive and more devious lingered behind those scenes. Ghislain as he landed merely put out a hand sending a massive push of gravity outwards. This would slam into the first wave sending them backward. His strength was drawn from the area around them. Slowly Ghislain stood there as the area in front of him seemed almost like someone had dragged back the earth. He'd shoved back the blasts and people who came close. Ghislain's eyes looked from left to right analyzing the area. Ghislain slowly pulled his Regalia off his neck. Letting the blade-form into its katana shape now slowly. In terms of attacks, they couldn't really harm him at the moment.

He glanced around the area perhaps it was time to begin preparing. He suspected a counter-offensive would come in the future. Ghislain reached out with his Dark Matter influencing the earth beneath them. Hiding his little matter in the ground by feeding it his reishi. Ghislain was also aware of the fact that his powers were needed here. His eyes glanced around as a bullet or some object struck him in the forehead. He sighed and grabbed the object that struck his blut. Ghislain's Blut skill was likely his most notable trait after energy. Ghislain was almost a tank as he held the pebble-sized object. He didn't have raw power but he could create a gravitational push. Making it appear he did as he held the object between his thumb and index finger. Influencing the object a bit he shot it like a round from a cannon slamming it into the enemies lines. So far he'd remained still waiting calmly and focusing his efforts here. This was just the first battle, wars weren't ended on the first strike.

They were much longer affairs and he and Sofia's startup strategy was good. Trouble would be what came next from the enemies. Did they retort and did they have the forces to make a serious push? Ghislain couldn't think about those things at this moment. Battlefields have a way of quieting the mind. But someone would come soon and face them. That was the destination one could call it. Asia was a large place with many territories. This beginning would mark something that had only one option. Survival was the only choice for those of them that came here. Defeat and failure were not even in the ballpark choices they had. Ghislain didn't stay to hear Sofia's speech. He knew the goal and plan it was best he get to work. Handling the front wouldn't be hard alone for him. Besides their forces were fairly quick and would catch up. Ghislain's arms moved a bit as he cracked his neck left to right. Today was a good day as any to fight this darkness. Hopefully, Sofia gave a good speech. Because this would be part of her legacy going forward as the commander.

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] Empty Re: Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event]

Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:37 pm

War. War. War. War. War. War. War.

Blood. Death.


Ting, ta-ting... ting...

Blood, suffering, death. So much despair... Beneath the facial mask he wore, the approachig man's lips curled up into a smile. Getting closer to where that speech rang out, feeling the power of its owner, and the other large one so nearby... So these shall be the ones... meant to hear my sermon today~

His eyes relaxed in their sockets, taking a deep breath in. Deep inside, he could hear the laughter of Yawgmoth. The beast was positively feasting on the despair around them. Each crippling injury, each realization of death, each surrender to the fate of those who stayed in this place... it drew up into the man's lungs.

The man wore several layers of clothing, hiding the top of his head as well as his mouth. On his entire body, the only flesh that stared out into the world were a pair of sapphire blue eyes.

This was the figure that finally came to rest before the commander of the allied forces. It was most peculiar how those he passed by acted. It was as if they had... forgotten exactly what they were doing. Around his waist, with a bit of focus, it was possible to notice a thick pink mist, wafting and rotating around his body. Some of the men and women had collapsed, though none of them seemed to be in pain. Rather, they were groaning out of their own control.

"My apologies to you uneducated ones... you've forgotten the most critical part of what it means to choose to be 'cockroaches' like us... Shivers slid up and down the man's back, coming to a rest before them. They will be taught.. Our Divine... I offer this prayer to you... give me the words.. and the strength... to show them Your Way... He could feel it in his bones; they would not surrender easily. They would wash over him, crush upon him, try to erase him. He cherished those thoughts, letting them slither and slide along the inside of his mind, getting nice and comfortable...

"We are those who worship Khala, and our Demon God. This suffering and death, each man choosing how the spark of his life is snuffed out... Sunshine Asthavom chuckled to himself, shaking his head back and forth, his eyes closed halfway, the only visible part of his expression.

"Some return to the Soul Cycle... some get eaten and consumed... and the most devout of all... go to see our Mother in Nirvana." He told them with confidence. His hands gripped around the gloves he wore, peeling them off.

"Before this sermon I desire... let me explain two trifling matters. The first is that I despise showing the body our Holy Mother granted to me on this miserable planet... and the second... is that I truly believe one of you greater powers will help me subdue the others, one way or another~"

With that, a most peculiar 'swoop' noise echoed through the field where Sunshine had replied to the speech. Up in the sky above the assembled forces, he reappeared, his hands gripping the fabric on either side of his body.

Mark, mark, mark, so many, help, Nyahmurrah... thank you... that should be enough.

A grin spreas across his face as he pulled the garments off, his body morphing and changing as his hair lengthened and lightened. Its consistency became much thicker, his skin becoming more youthful as he shortened. One hand found his chin, the tip sliding between his lips as he gazed down below. "There... so much better... wouldn't you all... agree~?" The demon breathed out, as chaos began washing over the ranks of the Lux.

Soldiers, ones that had fallen as he passed by, and ones farther away, dozens of them, let out uncontrollable noises of discomfort. Arms grabbed, bodies flailed. They needed to release, to get comfortable. Everything they were wearing, was just, so, so... felt so bad!

"Mmmh... yes, yes, yes, yes....~" The man muttered to himself, as if in a trance. His eyes widened and narrowed, one hand resting on his chest, lightly massaging into it. He was shirtless, shoeless, sockless. He wore around his waist a green cloth, wrappee snug and tight. It was the only thing left on the white haired male's body.

And then, the force he heralded came. The portals began to open on either side of where the man stood in the air, his hands running across his body as he continued to repeat that single word to himself, over and over and over again. The portals numbers increased and continued to grow, as Khalaists emerged, descending upon the nearby gathered troops. They were significantly outnumbered at this point; but the chaos being sewn, which was still in process, would make it a bit easier for them to deal with those they were slaying according to their desires.

Yes, we want, we want to offer, to offer... offer them... to our Goddess....! Breath after breath, Sunshine fed. Despair poured into his mouth, the pink haze that surrounded his body expanding outwards along the battlefield, revitalizing the demons and other races who had given him their trust, their spirits, their faith... and distracting those who they fought.

Now, show me... show me what you fear... what you desire... show me who I should teach... how I should teach... what you need to learn to... to... toooooooo...


Template By: [THEFROST]

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Cooking Spray
Cooking Spray
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Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] Empty Re: Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event]

Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:59 pm

The Melody

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

It wasn’t the first time she had faced against the likes of Demons close to the inner circle. She had an idea on how they operated, and while the child-looking enemy before her was indeed new, she didn’t require her intellect to make an informed decision and grounded hunches. His words were telling, perhaps not of his power, but of the concepts to heed and be wary of. He was just another senseless pawn thrown into the flames to be consumed by the might of the coalition.

”Khala, that’s your god?” asked Sofia before turning back to see her men with a clear look of profound humour.

”I’m just disappointed I didn’t get to see this god first, I would’ve loved to see it. I gotta say, I envy the one that battles and slays that dog today and brings her face to the dirt. But by all means, allow me to help you meet her fate; allow me to get you closer to her.”

When his words seemed to come to an end, and his energy began to flow outwards, the Quincy would waste no time. Her own spiritual energy cascaded out in such an overbearing fashion that it pushed, and even made solid structures collapse and cave. The torrent of energy would carefully select her allies, surrounding them and hugging them as if trying to keep the putrid effect of the cockroaches away from them. Whatever effect his energy had would be hard pressed to try and affect her men. Beyond just having a very dense and powerful energy level, the Melody she commanded flowed out and away from her core, and this time out and away from her allies. It wasn’t the first time she fought against Demons and Death Energy, so she was more than ready to expect the very worst, even if her opponent, his powers, and his ideology turned out to be as large a disappointment as his people as a whole.

Above, she saw the entrance of another lamb to the slaughter. A powerful Demon seeking to assist the cultist boy in what could otherwise have been his own ill fated suicide mission. Of far more note however were the forces he commanded, with enough discernible strength to be worth a look. Wasting no time, the Quincy commanded her forces to target and battle two of the regimens, no doubt Ghislain would command his to do the same; if he found himself busy or cornered, Sofia would do so nonetheless. Bringing her attention to her companion, it should be made clear that their attentions were to be primarily devoted to the disillusioned choir boy, and the commanding demon that had just arrived.

It was clear her men would be in for a hell of a fight. They were just ever so slightly outnumbered, and their enemies were decisively powerful. However to doubt, or even fear for their well being would be an insult to soldiers that had pledged their lives to see the combat through. These weren’t peasants and farmers, or even demons with no will other than that of the fools than led them. These were soldiers from a variety of organizations. From the very start in their parent group, they were trained through battles, and taught discipline and survival in combat. Each had heed the warnings, and exceeded expectations in the field of battle. None of them would give up until their limbs no longer moved, and their hearts no longer beat. Knowing so, Sofia, and hopefully Ghislain, turned their attention to their prey. Just as their men had a job to do, so did their commanding generals, and they had no interest in letting down either.

With a quick look to Ghislain and a grin, she sped off towards the preacher child. She never lost sight of the other opponent, but he would do well not to lose sight of Ghislain either. The ring in one of her hands materialized into a large ornate blade. The other hand procured one of her custom seele in what seemed like the telekinesis one would watch in a movie; but with methods that were likely far more grounded in reality than fiction. A quick swing of her ornate Rona blade would project in incredibly powerful sonic slash directed to the kid. Due to her power, it sounded off like a shriek from a banshee. The decibels of such an attack made it so that glass several blocks away would shatter, stone constructs at least a block away caved down, and even metal structures in her vicinity bent at its will. It stood to reason it would likely impair and damage to some fair degree the hearing of an enemy. Beyond that, the slash traveled at extremely fast speeds, a testament to the power and the skills the Quincy possessed. The cutting power it possessed was nothing to be scoffed at , and possibly something her opponent would discover soon. Any other ulterior motives the attack had would not been made presently clear unless the right circumstances were met. As for Ghislain, the two had trained tirelessly together, and come to know the details and the structure of their techniques down to the core. No doubt he would have realized what was to come, and prepared well ahead to keep his hearing safe.


Regardless what happened, Sofia seemed ready to react. Her inquisitive mind was that of a warrior and an artist as her fame had so far created. She had analyzed plenty of outcomes, and she believed herself to be several steps ahead at the moment. The way she held her custom seele with its unique bright green blade, made it seem as though she was ready and able to do something else if she required. The angle and stance of both her blades would give the impression she was ready to take on a defensive or offensive maneuver at any second. The battle had just started, and unfortunately for both of her foes, Sofia would not let them leave until they drew their last breath, and coughed up the last bit of blood as they grovel to her feet.

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Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] ORabiFS

Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] Empty Re: Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event]

Mon Feb 04, 2019 3:06 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

His eyes scanned the situation now taking in each possible new player in this match. Chess pieces were the best way to describe his mind at the moment. What manner of creature was the preacher who spoke? As the male arrived he observed his energy closely taking it in. The male's presence and words required no response from Ghislain at the moment. He'd planned ahead for the arrival of forces and those sort of things. Beneath the ground waiting for exposure at the right moment was his energy he'd spread through the area. The troopers were trained to his liking and knew ahead of time what he'd been doing. He was going to wait for an ideal moment to spring his trap. They knew him well enough and had gone over what was likely to happen. Ghislain's eyes looked up as he watched the new arrivals come in. Now was good enough time as any to spring the trap beneath their feet. He'd kept his back in preparation for this as he brought his hand upwards. He'd fed his energy and concentrated it into the ground for this moment.

The energy of the earth could be used for expansion here as the ground erupted before Sofia's men moved forward. Plants of white and black energy shot through the ground impaling troops and moving around. These things were alive and roots, vines, and many other things began emerging from his previous plan. He could have made it anything truthfully as his power was based on creativity first and foremost. This was troubling as he glanced at the machine based enemies that came as well. They'd made a technological advance since he'd last seen demon world it seemed. "Well, they insult our planet that's most certainly a reason to kill them wouldn't you say gents?" He said before giving his men the go-ahead to match Sofia's. Her music blast would be strong as he predicted as much. Ghislain's ears quickly were plugged with dark matter to avoid damage. Now the question was what manner of attack could he use in this situation. Ghislain exhaled his breath softly before glancing at the area ahead of him.

It was about time to think outside the box so he moved forward now. Bringing his Regalia down as he glanced towards the direction that she moved towards. She focusing on giving that prophet or preacher a lesson. So the thing was they had one misunderstanding about this situation. Ghislain's eyes were focusing on the flow of energy used by this demon. Khala was a name he knew well enough as he released a barrage of blasts into the air. These would fit in a widespread around Sunshine and the new friend he gained. Ghislain and her had been working together and fighting as a team. Now the question remained the same as he reached down checking the charcoal-like tubes he carried with him. These colors were a reason that his into tubes were different. They could handle his Dark Matter and power as he rubbed at his chin. He could execute Quincy spells with these and make something on the fly. Ghislain's skill in that area was rather skilled.

He needed more details and information to go on in this regard. Ghislain had prepared many things in advance for this type of battle. He could release a number of things and skills using his power. The question was did he follow Sophia into the fray right away. He needed to see how this guy fought but also needed to maintain a distance to able to attack and help. So the question of how to do that became obvious. Ghislain used a hiernkyaku keeping around six meters of distance between him and Sofia. He knew she could use something stronger as he kept the Ginto tubes in his hand for whatever came next. He was preparing for the next possible outcome in this battle. The question was really what could one expect from the next. Demons suffered greatly from the energy Quincy were able to manifest in this regard. Mana herself had taken some injury in his battle against her. This wasn't a one-sided thing though as she did seem to showcase. The question was what did he do next as he held five tubes in his hand.

His cerulean hues carefully examining the situation of which the demon reacted. He smirked as he knew Sofia was enjoying herself given that grin she put out. She knew if she needed to fall back he had her. Or if she overextended he did as well. She knew Ghislain's powers as he explained them to her before the fight. Even telling her he could yank her out with Gravity. His powers were two-fold involving both Gravity as Yhwach had given him. And his own which happened to be Dark Matter. That was his favorite of the two that he'd seen in this regard. He could craft spells under the ground silently as he watched not making motions or moves. He was expertly set up a special version of the ginto spell Sprenger under them. Though this would take some time to do and while he could move while doing it. He would just need time to enclose the area around them practically. This version didn't require the use of Selee to perform as Sofia knew. This wasn't a Pentagon being made beneath the earth. It didn't all meet all in the center like the typical Quincy Sprenger. His was a very complicated pentagram being drawn beneath the earth's surface. Far enough down where nothing rubbled or made noise on the surface.


Trouble was the detail and rather an important setup time for it, those tubes would be used for something when it got done. Though he could spare a few for something else in that regard. Ghislain knew that once this symbol was done demons within it wouldn't be happy. It wouldn't affect those he saw as his friends. But also it held a rather interesting failsafe device if someone tried to hijack his emblem while making it. One of the words would be adding a small rather direct thing into their body. Making them absorb pure Quincy energy into them. Ghislain stood merely observing from here and concentrating on his own offense and defense. He was going to clean out these demonic forces in one swoop and attack them as well.

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] Empty Re: Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event]

Mon Feb 04, 2019 6:28 pm

The way she's looking… at me… Sunshine couldn't help the smile on his face, the small shivers that echoed up and down his spine. He felt the pressure of her judgment, of what she thought of him. It coursed through his body, deep in his veins. To the white-haired male, it felt so… good.

When the woman asked him if Khala was indeed his god, he merely shook his head, holding up a single finger. "I know there haven't been many Quincy places of learning in the last few hundred years here on this dust marble… but try to pay attention, would you~? She's Our Goddess." The marshmallow headed man loosed the barb, his head swiveling to one side, and then the other. "But that’s quite alright… I never went to school, either; I was… homeschooled. So I understand having large gaps on what's right and wrong…" Sunshine's expression stayed much the same as the woman as he spoke… airy, condescending.

"You're riiiight… you're so riiiight… We'll all be closer to her, closer, CLOSER then you can possibly imagine…" Sunshine watched as her spiritual energy began to cascade against his. The man's mouth opened slightly at the sight, at the feeling, letting it push against his body, letting it cram and shove and tug at every bit of his muscle and bone. It threatened to crush him, to turn him into an afterthought…

It was exhilarating.

"Yes… protect them… protect them!" He practically shouted, his laughter beginning to consume his body as he felt her getting in the way of his advances. "Feel how much she cares! FEEL HOW MUCH WORSE IT WILL BE WHEN SHE FAILS!" The man was practically shouting in his fervor. It seemed a promising battle; he was up against someone whose power expressed itself in a similar way to the Evil Angel's own. Then let's start to see, shall we… where shall I start…? How shall I play with my food before I eat it~?

His eyes were scanning across the battlefield the entire time. Deep within him, he could feel the spirits that stood by his side preparing for the ensuing battle. Seems I won't be required to stand alone… Thank you, Goddess, in your endless mercy, for sending this assistance in your servant's time of need. The smile he gave to the approaching demon army was much less passionate, and more… caring. But this means I'm no longer responsible for just myself… They need my help as well.

Closing his eyes, Sunshine brought both hands over to his chest… a pink energy growing between his hands. Without saying another word, he allowed for the sphere to descend, pouring out over the demon hordes… infusing them with a reinvigorating energy, their bodies growing stronger and firmer, a fervor overtaking them as Sunshine continued to work himself up, laughing and enjoying the feeling of all the power rotating around him, driving him further and further, breathing hard in, and out, in, and out.

Sunshine's energy was flaring and chaotic as Sunshine's mind raced. So it was that the incoming attack ripped towards him, his body and mind still raging… Quincy… Sunshine's body changed, morphed, dis-proportioned. His entire left arm became severed, flying off into the distance as it went spinning, black blood spraying out from the wound. It appeared to have worked, catching the man off guard…

But if she looked deeper, closer… she could see the strangest shininess beneath the wound, pushing through the dark blackness. … The Goddess would never allow me to come to harm like that. The millenia old demon thought to himself as the blade retreated back into his severed arm. It hurt, oh, it hurt. It hurt like hell.

It made him feel alive.

For a moment, Sunshine recalled the information that had been relayed to his monastery. A Quincy woman with field-based abilities… He ran through the list of figures he had meditated upon before deployment. And… then Sunshine realized that his ears were both blown out.

…Ah. The musician. The face of the woman came to him, then. It was one he had considered offering to join their Church before. She certainly had the power to be an asset, not to mention the social ability. Just look at the troops she was rallying against them now. Seems it was a waste not to follow through upon that after all… As he stood there, enjoying the feeling of his flesh recreating itself, like a disgusting liquid that grew out of the stump…

He felt the revelation.

…Hmm. Her energy… it's wrapped around those men of hers, isn't it…?

I think I've found my path… Thank you, Goddess…

Sunshine smiled at Sofia… his body shifting and spinning as he let himself be blown away by Ghislain's attack, fitting neatly between the incoming energy. before his body disappeared, with the shwoop of Shunpo. Sunshine reappeared within the midst of one of the regiments that were battling against the Demons. His arm was still half-reformed, regrowing rapidly. It hurt, it was distracting... but for now, Sunshine was able to bear it. The impressive part about that movement, though, was just how far he had managed to go in that single bound. And now… he was near them, near dozens of troops.

In that moment, a peculiar feeling began to spread and amplify around his body. Sofia could most likely feel the disturbance as the Melody was ripped and violently torn apart, its positive influence drained and crushed within a twenty meter radius of the Demon's body. Within this space, he was taking his own dominion; and as the rest of the battlefield looked on… and the soldiers standing around him began to crumple.

Screams tore across the battlefield, as Sunshine's body stood very, very still. His long hair was moving about on his head, the soldiers around him screaming and tearing at their bodies, crumpling into heaps. The core of the regiment became afflicted… worsened… as Sunshine's voice spoke, soft and gentle.

"No… you will not fall here… there is another path… A path of warmth, of care… one so nearby… if you can only… Accept Her…" Close to Sunshine's body, the soldiers became enveloped in a peculiar pink glow. The Demons that Sunshine had brought with him had reached this point of the regiment… and now they were mixing in with the soldiers that stood around Sunshine. It was as if they were possessed; they went along with the demons, battle hardened warriors giving into the despair and madness around them, flailing wildly in the chorus as Sunshine smiled.

The Demon flourished within places such as this. So much hope could be snatched and retrieved so quickly; but once Despair began to take hold, it was nearly impossible to be rid of. But the damage had been done, to an extent; with Sunshine's aura breaking through like that, it would be extremely difficult to completely shake that doubt from their minds. Then there was the ones who had succumbed, flailing and screaming as they were swept up in Sunshine's demon horde.




"Now…" Sunshine laughed, stepping within the throng of his demons and her soldiers. "It's time for you to admit it yourself…" Sunshine's eyes widened, green spirals showing within them as he looked straight at her.

Like a prickling, like a prodding… now, it was a matter of mental defenses. To Sunshine's gaze, pictures would begin to appear… like a movie reel, rapidly sliding through his mind's eye. What mattered was the clarity; what mattered was her mental defenses. She had been 'marked' by his Despair Vision; and from this point onwards, Sunshine would continue to hound her mental aptitude, poking and poking away… trying to learn more and more about what she had failed at in her life… what made her feel despair

Despair Vision:

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Cooking Spray
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Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:41 pm

The Melody

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

It would seem as though it was her curse to be stuck with the strangest and weirdest of opponents forever on. The preacher, fittingly enough, would not shut up. It perhaps would’ve been bearable if his words had any real meaning or sense to them, but alas, he too would be shut down soon enough. She had her own ways of using that very flaw against them. The other opponent was a bit more to her liking. He didn’t talk as much; he just acted. That was something she could certainly appreciate and look forward to. When each of her opponents made their maneuvers, Sofia had to take a second to think about what they had done. Were they really that clueless, or had they agreed to try and make a unanimous decision to insult their skills. No matter, they would both be dealt with in the ways she deemed best.

Sunshine had tried his own methods to avoid the multiple effects of her attack. Had no other force acted on the field, she was sure his attempt would turn out to be unfulfilling from his point of view. Luckily for him, the other Demon had a hand to play as well. The sonic blast he had fired was commendable but he was dancing with the devil. She didn’t have to check to know that there was a clear and obvious set of differences between their attacks. Her sound waves were specifically created through her Rona blade to travel at exceedingly fast speeds, fed by a level of energy he couldn’t replicate to produce amounts of power he couldn’t compete with just yet. But, not all was lost for her opponents. His attack did manage to nudge hers slightly off course to the point of preventing the preacher from being cut in half by its impending force. However to think it had the power to completely undo it, or even shove it enough away to matter would be a mistake. With as many men as the Demons commanded, it was unreal to believe they could move their forces anywhere close to as fast as her attack traveled. Add to that the fact that her Melody was constantly controlled by her own desires, and she essentially had a force she could bend and twist, and direct to her whims.

She’d pay no further attention to the slicing sound wave that would have likely crashed into several hundreds, if not more, of Demon enemies, and onto Sunshine. Sure, he had managed to avoid direct contact with the attack, but they seemed to forget how sound operated; specially one that shattered rocks and glass several blocks away. There was an extremely good chance the attack had done some relevant hearing damage to Sunshine, and quite certainly to a lot of her opponents in the field. How much was still to be discerned, but the impairment would not be of help in their endeavor and to-be-struggle of staying alive. More importantly, Sunshine had moved closer to heart of the troops, seemingly to try and have the effect he couldn’t project earlier in the fight, but he unfortunately had made a rookie mistake in the basics of energy.

Sofia had not created blankets of energy to hug her allies. She hadn’t created a multitude of stations to safeguard or power up her soldiers. Her energy constantly cacaded, like water off a waterfall. It flowed out, and away from her at its intended pressure. Her soldiers were like rocks in a swiftly moving stream. They were constantly surrounded by her energy as it was replaced by newer and stronger currents originating from her core. But alas, since Sunshine seemed to have a sort of hardon for influencing others, perhaps she’d try and get a little closer to see what all the fuss was about. Naturally, his expectations in regards to what her men were likely to do would be met with disappointment. Her soldiers would keep fighting her enemies, seemingly unphased by the presence of a deranged child that looked to be more fitting in a mental institution than a battlefield, much less giving advice. To others, her energy would feel as though she had kicked them down, and pressed her foot over their chest, squeezing. Forget using his energy to influence his surroundings, he first needed to be able to get his energy past the overbearing mass that was her’s.

“You talk way too dam much,” said Sofia as she managed to cross the distance to him in a fraction of a second, ”Perhaps that’s why the world is fed up with bitch of a god that gets her rocks off with Shinigami. Did you taste some of that too? I mean, there’s got to be some payoff to worshipping a slutty midget.”

As she spoke, the letter ’A’ was inscribed onto her Rona blade for seemingly no reason. From one of her hands a sphere the size of her fist was dropped before it was engulfed in light. Suddenly, a fog would lift around and throughout the battlefield. If anyone tried to blow it away, they would soon be met with rather stark sense of futility. More importantly, anyone with a powerful dominion over reishi would know that the area was supercharged with it to unreal degrees. For the time being, all of Sofia’s reishi attacks would travel far faster and hit far harder than they already did. It might have seemed a bit overkill at first, but she was simply getting started and laying the groundwork for the demonic genocide that was about to ensue onto her enemies. Without wasting more useless words, she attacked. The Rona blade would come crashing down towards Sunshine. Given the proximity and her speed, dodging or escaping was only a safe alternative if he was okay with losing a few limbs or potentially his head. The very best bet was to block, assuming he could muster a weapon that could do it.

Her other blade, her green seele would aid in the attack. However unlike the Rona blade, this one would simply pass through him and any sort of block he could have created to block her weapons. As soon as that second blade passed him, a flick of the wrist would cause it to swing back towards him, much faster, and without the ability to pass through. It essentially meant that he was dealing with two blades, at different angles and sides, that did not attack or present a threat at nearly the same time. In it of itself, the motion would required calculated thinking, and extreme focus. One could assume that at the very least, a potential damage to his hearing wouldn’t help him react any better and certainly not any faster.

A far more pressing concern for anyone else was the green energy that flowed out of that very reishi blade after the swing. To most, it would look like a viscous mix of lemonade and goo; one that radiated a lot of dam heat. The wave was roughly five meters in height and width, and behaved not too differently than an souped up napalm did. One big difference was that Sofia was able to conduct it with the Melody, like an ensemble, and mold it, move it, and have it behave as she saw fit. The mass would seek to wash upon and envelop several dozen demons in the area, likely far more. It was a simple task to perform given their proximity and the sheer number her enemies commanded. The effects would be considerable as third degree burns would be the norm for those sorts of adversaries. Add in the fact of likely impaired hearing, and an ability that could be made to move and wash up like a sea of lava, and the amount affected simply continued to increase and stagger. It had to be noted, that the attack was originally already extremely powerful as befitting of someone like the Prodigy. This time, the effects of the sphere and the fog had caused it to increase exponentially in its speed and its power.

As for her men, they continued fighting as strongly as they had. Although the new enemy formations were commendable, not all was lost. For starters, Sofia’s original sonic blast and her most recent wave had done some work in debilitating some flanks. Beyond that, she could rest assured that their own attacks towards her would mean they were not directed to her men. And although there was some power in them, their nature and their levels turned out to be far more of an annoyance than a threat. Besides, with Sunshine so close to her, it was far too easy to let the grace of her movements guide her, and use him as the target for their attacks. Even beyond that, the formations made it simple to oversee what was simply attacks from the very forward-most enemies, as the rest would be met with the meat shield of their own devices. However had they stood far away enough or separate away enough to make it viable, then it already allowed for far more space than needed to allow her men to rearrange into formations best suited to target their foes.

”Ghislain,” said Sofia calling out to him. “Get our friend will ya,” she added pointing to the silent newcomer. “No sense in letting him stay back and out of all this fun, don’t you think?”


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Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] ORabiFS

Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event] Empty Re: Doomsday Rising [WW4 Start Event]

Sat Feb 09, 2019 7:16 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1901

This was interesting as he watched for when the circle finished. They'd pulled back beforehand not giving him a chance to activate it. Ghislain could simply leave it as an option as this did prove a theory to be accurate. They could detect the underground process going on. "Stay put boys, it may be time to show them who they gave space." Ghislain said out loud making sure to give Sofia a hand with her powers. It was a troublesome technique she had and those two would find out about it. She'd used some very useful techniques buffing him and the others around her. That would work out nicely as Ghislain glanced at his military forces. The Quincy among them couldn't help but grin. A barrage was let loose on the enemies as empowered Quincy attacks flew at the demonic horde. He'd given them enough orders and set up something under the ground. So now it was about time for him to step into the fray. All the tests and calculations were done with only one piece needing completion. Her fog provided multiple avenues of offense and attack for her people. She was protecting them from any type of aggression from the male Sunshine. Their people remained sturdy and within their minds at this moment. That figure who was silent was troublesome with his moves. Though if he kept their forces back within the fog and in his pentagram. He could even reapply it if the demons tried erasing it. Though they had other matters to concern themselves with. Ghislain's people's Quincy blasts shot out faster and more potently then before. Dodging the troop's attacks from the distance would be very difficult. Now then it was about time he got involved in this as well. Sofia had given him an order of sorts. His cerulean eyes landed on the one she motioned towards. White and black energy began to glow around his body. As he released his reishi now. Causing a rather potent amount of pressure outwards towards the demons. Though that wasn't the only thing he intended to do as he exhaled. Slowly the light formed in his hands now.

Taking shape now as he walked forward the white and black glowing color formed pistols. These slowly gained more form and detail as he felt the grips within his palm. Putting his Regalia up for the moment back on his neck as a necklace. The next matter was how did he want to take advantage of it. She'd offered him a rather golden opportunity at this moment. Having his previous trap dealt with in a rather clever manner he did need to pay him back. Ghislain smiled a bit as he glanced through the fog. Gaining a fixed location on the male in question. This would be rather amusing as he brought one pistol up. He felt his power increased and his speed of energy also. So this would be rather amusing as he fired a blast off to test it. Sending the glowing black and white blast of dark matter at the figure. Though that was more of a warm-up as he used their version of flash step now. Getting to a better vantage point as he moved through and got to his location.

Ghislain was fairly sure of one thing as he brought his gun up and smiled a bit. The gravity would hit the male first as Ghislain before moving from above sent down a blast of gravitational force on to the Demonic being. This force pushed down with rather exceptional strength and power. Though Ghislain wasn't done as he got behind the male. He brought his gun up and fired one thousand shots out of the pistol quickly. He could fire one thousand in a minute from them. Though this wasn't the only beauty he could manipulate the shots after the fact. Smiling a bit he held his other pistol at the ready. Curious to see how the demon commander would respond. Though he wasn't quite through with things yet. Sunshine also deserved a bit of love. After all, no reason to let Sofia hog all the fun. Ghislain wasn't fast in regard that most people thought. He was quick in a general sense of his movements and energy techniques. Ghislain's cerulean eyes didn't leave the area though.

In the palm of his hand, he still held Ginto spheres as he didn't bother activating the circle. Ghislain called their bluff and when they moved used his forces smarts to obliterate theirs. He'd set up one method of offense that they'd leaped out of for the moment. But there was something the demon likely didn't except. Ghislain was multi-tasking his energy. Sofia's fog was feeding that pentagram and making it grow. It was expanding and he wondered if they'd noticed it yet. Encroaching outwards towards them as the fog remained. Ghislain merely smiled having not unveiled his card just yet to the demon forces. Though for now letting it expand and grow through the fog's enrichment effects was fine. He had a few other cards to play after all. Ghislain was ready to mainpulate those bullets and change them how it was needed. This was a battle after all and almost anything was possible. One outcome that was concerning him was about reinforcements coming in. So in a way that pentagram would likely solve that issue.

Now to fully take advantage of his partner's prowess and technique he would use something else. Slowly black and white orbs formed around him. They were given shape slowly as four legs began to form. Ghislain stood calmly as quickly forming before the demon's eyes wolves made of his energy. They growled and snarled as he made ten of them preparing to fight. Four raced over to Sofia and lunged at Sunshine. Through the fog, they moved faster due to them being made of pure energy. Ghislain hadn't really done these sort of things too often. But making armor wasn't much of an issue. The four dogs, if they landed, would bite Sunshine's legs and arms. Depending on Sofia's choice of action they could do a number of things. But one of the obvious of exploding was an option. Then they would coat the area in Ghislain's energy. Which Sofia had practiced syncing up with and using enhancement on. So it would cover the field in a battle like debris for her. On the other hand, she could use them to fight for her as well.

These little things were a gift from Ghislain who had to plan for his own problems. He suspected a counterattack of some sort. So made one final plan as he stood firing off his shots. Ghislain had a rather calculated idea on his mind as he held the Ginto tubes. He could use these for a few things at the moment. The defense was possible though Ghislain had a very potent Blut also. He remained in defensive for the moment. Believing activating the other way would be foolish. He didn't see the need to shift fully just yet. Sofia and his combined offensive were looking to be effective. Ghislain's shots wouldn't ring out towards his forces and even if they did. They would stop returning back towards the demon commander. Ghislain's command over his attacks was fiercesome. This wasn't about being a swordsman or a fighter in an aspect. Ghislain would simply fight this figure with every tool in his kit. To provide Sofia some enjoyment to function against her prey.

Ghislain would focus on his prey, the demon commander for this in the incursion. They had big fish to fry and this was only the beginning for them.

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