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Wed Jan 30, 2019 12:58 pm


The Rukongai, probably the least peaceful place in the Soul Society when it came to noise and general actions from the people that lived there. Thievery and just general practices to stay alive. However, because of how unruly, unguarded, such an area was; it made the perfect avenue for things to slip in through the cracks. Slip in they did, in droves.

Demons, soldiers from Arianda's circle; following orders from what was a shadow. No, Arianda herself was not leading such a group into the Rukongai; the demon was otherwise occupied. Instead, they were being led on orders from those higher than Arianda; like Mana or one of the other demons that would tell Arianda what to do, normally. In they came, like a flood as the demons burst from various portals; avenues into the Soul Society there were vulnerable enough for them to squeeze through and start their assault. They weren't especially powerful; not like Arianda. But, a mob like this was enough to start tearing the Rukongai apart. Souls getting turned into exotic wall and ground art as demons tore them apart, ripping them limb from limb or simply just smashing through the helpless.

And smash through they did, killing, destroying, sowing and causing utter chaos. For now, they were simply enjoying their fill of destruction and killing souls; however, that was not the end goal. They needed to get to the Seireitei; and a rag tag group of demons without a powerful leader to aid them may not go far if they simply get attacked by a powerful being. Possibly. This was a small army of forces to sow chaos, destroy, and push towards the seireitei. However, killing, devouring, destroying, and completely making sure that the people of the Rukongai suffered and were crushed under their wake; that was a good enough task for now. However, the main event was not here. But, when it does happen, it is to be sure even more hell shall break loose.

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Wed Jan 30, 2019 9:30 pm

Popularity Will Kill Ya [WW4 Start Event] X8EHjdK

Time for an Execution

It was, of course, wholly true that the Rukongai was something of a lawless place. The influence of the Seireitei left much to be desired, and it was a place where discontent had reared its ugly head for quite some time. Of course, such discontent was where Julian St. Vendemiaire had found his niche in society, and he would be damned if he did not defend this place that he and his people called home. To that end, the Greater Future Coalition now stood to the defense of Soul Society, not for the sake of the damnable Gotei, but for those citizens who could not fight for themselves.

As the silver-haired gentleman raised his Executioner’s Blade, he looked to his comrades, knowing that any of them, even he himself, might die at a moment's notice. Yet, such a thing did not frighten him. It did not frighten any of them. For while their lives were temporary, their shared dream was eternal. With a content smile, Julian then pointed his blade forward at the oncoming hordes, and spoke in a calm, undoubtedly confident voice.

“Remember, everyone. By sealing our work with our blood, we may see at least the bright dawn of universal happiness.”

He then strode forward, and allowed his normally heavily-suppressed spiritual energy to show its full weight. He had no desire to let these dogs so much as feel the cobblestones of his people's streets, and as weaker demons fell under the weight of his reiatsu, the revolutionary leader released his Executioner's Blade with no mercy, summoning the mighty guillotine to snuff out the souls of these wretched bugs. As he dragged one by the hair to the chopping block, he hummed a quiet tune, and as he locked the demon in place Julian smiled calmly as he looked the doomed assailant in the eye.

“Would that we could have worked together against our oppressors, but alas. To forgive is the truest cruelty.”

Down the blade of the guillotine fell, the demon's soul obliterated in but a moment, never to be seen again in any realm. There was a certain beauty to its finality, Julian thought to himself, as the guillotine of the Executioner's Blade raised itself once again. More demons would surely be beheaded on this stage, by him and by others. It would be a display of the will of the people, one he was all too glad for. With any luck, the blood of these invaders would strengthen their own resolve, and make it clear that the Rukongai needed not the heavy hand of the Gotei any longer.

“Well, let us continue not to forgive then, hm?”

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Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:33 am



Popularity Will Kill Ya [WW4 Start Event] 6EdIfMt

A day of reckoning, as the district had erupted into chaos with this invasion Minerva watched with disgust at the scene before her. What atrocious creatures, it filled her with rage to see them so gleefully rip through the defenceless crowds and toy with them like cats with their catches. It's exactly why she had decided to show up even though she was quite the opposite of a fighter, unlike her dear friend and leader she had no impressive reiatsu or combat prowess. Information was her game but mind-games could be employed too. Using herself as bait she had set a few traps with her allies in the Coalition to pick off a few strays that had separated from the group and felt confident in their strength. Their prey had yet to fight back, yet being the keyword as those strays found out and just as the scum that they were deserved they were removed from the equation permanently. It brought a grim kind of compensation to her aching mind at seeing all this brutality.

"There he is."

Having arrived and found her partner in crime giving a speech while executing a demon before them to motivate his forces and excite their blood she looked at awe in the display at how charismatic he was and brought morale up. Even taking a moment to reflect on her own growth as the scared girl that had been found in that alley would likely have run away scared from these things, begged the Seireitei for help and given up but that girl was dead and in her place stood the sparrow of that man in front of her that felt no fear in this situation, just pure disgust for these outside forces but at the same time if victory was assured she couldn't help but think about how much stronger their cause would be. The heroic band of citizens that stuck their neck out for them when the Seireitei wouldn't.

Minerva was hardly a fighter, her toned body was appeasing to look at but there as no strength behind it and at the moment the robes she normally wore were replaced by a coat and inconspicuous get-up that would draw less attention than her getting around almost naked. So having arrived she took out her executioner's blade as the others had done under Julian's prompt, it was time for blood to be paid in blood after all.

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Last edited by Gamma on Mon Feb 11, 2019 6:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:53 pm
Swing. Counter-swing. Riposte. Stab.

Laskt grunted in exertion as he struggled against the seemingly endless tide of demons, each one more vicious that the last. The Shinigami caught the latest sword swipe with the edge of his longsword, causing a burst of pure force to emanate outwards, nearly blowing Laskt backwards with the sheer strength of the impact. The massive creature leered at him, his tongue dancing in between his teeth as he fluidly disengaged, allowing several weaker demons to approach once more, howling in bloodlust.

The attack had been so sudden, one moment Laskt was quietly patrolling the Rukongai, the next he was knee deep in eldritch abominations, all solely intent of killing him, mutilating him, and then killing uncountable others, although not necessarily in that order. The Shinigami had rushed into the fight, killing several with a surprise attack. Then he killed a few more, then a few more, then a few more. There seemed to be no end to the crimson tide, and Laskt was beginning to quickly tire in his attempt to take the entire force on head-on. If he was to die, then he would die protecting his charges, as was his duty.

With a scream, Laskt’s sword burst alight with a red-gold glow, the energy cleaving through the weaker demon’s swords and their bodies with a flash. The Shinigami dropped to one knee, breathing hard, his sword’s tip buried in the stone road below. The larger demon roared with amusement, charging in once again. Laskt muttered obscenities under his breath, panting heavily and shakily rising to his feet, his sword held loosely.

Shortly afterward, Laskt would fly into the square at breakneck speed, slamming against a stone wall with bone-crushing force. The demon champion would bound into the square shortly afterward, followed by several smaller demons, all baying for blood.
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Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:07 pm


If someone wanted literal chaos in the streets, they definitely had it in the Rukongai; especially with the amount of flailing and thrashing demons that were getting cut down yet still kept coming in a large crowd. If Minerva, Julian, and Laskt were expecting this to be a long, long battle; they definitely were gonna get one long battle. Simply, these were grunts, grunts that were to carve a path with brutality and extreme prejudice. But, meeting resilience was expected; but maybe not expected to have this many people opposing them. Two Rukongai natives, and a Shinigami who was in over his head with a larger demon who clearly knew what he was doing better than the others.

However, the men and women of the Rukongai would have to fight for their lives if they wished to hold back this onslaught of demons.

Julian, the executioner, easily beheading demon upon demon who fell upon his guillotine; helpless to fade into nothingness as they were completely removed from life and the cycle. A rather grizzly method to kill these demons. Deserved? Possibly, but, upsetting the balance of the cycle was never good. However, it was doubtful Julian cared as demon upon demon fell upon his executioners stand. However, the smart ones, the ones that learned from their brethren that fell before them, would attempt to flank Julian, get at him without getting trapped upon his guillotine and become completely destroyed. Of course, those who get get a good angle on him would aim claws, swords, whatever implement of injury they could manage to harm Julian. Meanwhile, a group of demons would also attempt to assault Minerva; unknown to what was hidden beneath what concealed most of her body. So, of course, they would attack.

Not knowing what Minerva could do, they simply would attack the woman, stabbing, cutting, clawing, just basically anything they could do to injure, harm, and eventually slaughter her. She was in their way, pretty face or not, she was going to die. Or at least that's what the demons wanted of this woman; they cared not if she was good as a tool for after the battle. Death was their only objective for the Rukongai and the Shinigami. It was one of the last places for the demons to conquer to set their footholds on earth completely. However, while these two had their hand full, another had his hands full of his own little battle.

Laskt, definitely a young Shinigami, but truly a vizard, by the looks of him, was set upon one of the more burly demons in the bunch; only just that much stronger than the rest of his companions. Would he go down? Oh definitely. But, Laskt may need some assistance if he wishes to fell the demons before him. At this rate, Laskt would fall to the onslaught of demons if he could not either get some form of backup or something to otherwise aid him. After all, demons were relentless, and that dear demon champion that had just thrown or punched him into that wall was out for his life.

By now, everyone would have their hands full with waves upon waves of demons wanting to end their existences; all they had to do was fight back with all of their might to hold back the demon onslaught. How long could they last, however? Time will tell the victor and the losers.

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Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:26 pm
Rawk wrote:

Popularity Will Kill Ya [WW4 Start Event] X8EHjdK

Time for an Execution

Julian was perfectly ready for open warfare, and though he scowled with untold disgust as his comrades in arms slowly fell, he nevertheless continued to fight on with what could only be called the zeal of devotion. He suspected these demons feared only the guillotine, having now surely seen the full extent of its power, and would instead try to fight him directly. Of course, that would only cause them to underestimate his own personal skill.

Drawing his Executioner’s Blade, Julian swung with both hands in a wide arc, cleaving through lesser demons and smiling faintly to himself as he saw Minerva arrive. It was good that more and more members of the Coalition came now to the defense of the Rukongai, for this was of course their calling. Further evidence that, indeed, the Gotei was not their protector.

“Welcome to the culling, little sparrow. It is a joy to see you here today.”

As he swung yet again, slamming a larger demon onto the ground that was much more resilient than his comrades, Julian frowned even further and began grinding its face into the ground, re-summoning the guillotine around his neck and letting the blade fall once more. Once that soul was destroyed, he turned his attentions to the shinigami that had arrived on the scene, and felt a faint disgust and concern that one of them had actually arrived. It was good they were so unassuming.

“You, Gotei warrior! I hope you intend to fight well for the Rukongai today!”

Seeing the greater demon arrive, Julian (with some reluctance) realized that this shinigami would be his ally for the moment. He did not especially wish for such a thing, but that was the nature of things, he supposed. As the blade of the guillotine rose once more, he considered the options carefully.

“Shinigami. Can you draw the demon into my blade? If he can be trapped in its clutches, the rest will be under control.”

He had no faith in this Gotei man, but he was perfectly willing to let him be a spectacular decoy if it proved useful. Julian cared only for the defense, he had no concern for this man’s well-being, and the death of this attacker was well worth the life of a Gotei dog.

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Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:54 am



Popularity Will Kill Ya [WW4 Start Event] 6EdIfMt

"It's always my pleasure to be graced with your presence my good sir~"

Minerva smiled while giving a curt bow, over-exaggerated for the very reason of both appearing jovial and having faith in the coalition members that had arrived with her. Various, albeit lower tiered characters who intercepted the demons that had taken the bait of a defenceless looking woman seemingly distracted. Giving Julian a coy smile at this display there was evidence of her peacocking and making use of her nimble and flexible body while she expertly danced around the battlefield. Fighting wasn't a forte but she had skills that made her capable of at least being useful and a weapon of her own.

"Don't be ridiculous my good sir, they are learning. I'll handle it with you."

Giving a smile and hoping Julian would trust the prostitute enough to interfere in a right manner as she made her way over to the Gotei man but not before indicating her seemingly harmless earrings, with some urgency although his well-being really meant nothing to her. When did the Gotei ever care about their well-being? Clearly this man was only here to earn a name for himself and some glory right? Nevertheless she took him in her arms and stroked his cheek while calming herself as well while the beast approached.

Given that she had unwavering faith in Julian and her indication towards her earring which she only gave him the knowledge of it being her executioner, clearly having been replaced before she had a chance to show it from under her cloak previously for this very reason. They were learning that Julian's guillotine was dangerous, but what about her's?

That was just the trick for it. Manifesting it and transforming it the guillotine would be dangerously close to the bigger demon, all that had to be done was for Julian and the coalition/rukongai members to carry the momentum of the beast and trap it. The guillotine would do the rest, easy right?

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Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:15 am
[adm]It's been awhile since the last post. The participates must either continue posting or contact staff to decide how to move forward.[/adm]

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Tue Apr 02, 2019 9:42 am
[adm]Shadowfall forces where repelled, a coalition of souls proceeded to stage executions of capture SF demons. There was no survivors.[/adm]

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