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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu May 31, 2018 5:26 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Rainbows! 6EdIfMt

Channeling her power into the pit of her palm, she took a deep breath and condensed it, focusing very hard here. Her skill with energy control was equivalent to that of an Academy Student, since Mirja had never gotten to learn it with her unique physiology. So she was on her own. And it wasn't going very good at all. The energy seemed to slip out of her grasp, and the blinking red light of a Cero flickered in and out of her palm for a few minutes, before she gave up with a sigh. THis was harder than it looked.

"Last time was all fire and fury and desperation. Typhoon needed a Cero to the face. But now, trying to do it on her own, with no need and no about-to-be-punched-in-the-face, it was not going so well. Not that she expected to master such a technique in such a small amount of time. Hakuda was one thing, instinctively understood and easy to pull off, but energy was never her thing. It was, however, interesting as it blossomed a new thought in her head.
"Ohh, Cero Fists" Ulv exclaimed, thinking about how it would work. Shooting off a quick Cero as you hit them for more kaboom.

'Focus on making a simple Cero before trying super-advanced concepts' Hvit advised, but didn't manage to reign in Ulv very well.
"Hey, do you think you could do Shunko with me? I'm not great at Kido, but maybe you could handle part of the energy control part of it and we could do cool Shunko stuff together. Something like, White Cry, the awesome Hollow-Hand Shunko" Ulv pondered, thinking how cool such a thing would be.
'Please....focus. This is my thing you are doing. Do you know how long I have waited for you to do my thing that isn't mask stuff?'

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
'Dat Bishie
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Thu May 31, 2018 5:47 am

Energy has a... scent. Everyone's does, it's not some strange, unusual thing to understand. It doesn't necessarily take some kind of expert, some kind of weird, special training; no, all one needs is a relationship with the energy that suffuses throughout the planet, and an understanding of that energy's properties. She wasn't necessarily amazing at picking out an individual scent yet, no, no; Solas' mind merely recognised the difference between beings. One, a shinigami - another, arrancar; all creatures that existed in amongst the cacophony of existence. The woman felt her shoes and stockings melt away, allowing her to slowly traipse through the grassy knolls, feeling the scent of energy breeze through her, a sensory experience that could only exist with eyes wide shut.

It did, however, belie a different scent - yes she picked it up as vizard, yet it was a scent that felt both close and distant. She seemed to follow it a little ways, before deciding that she was close enough. She carefully opened her eyes, blinking a few times as the light blinded her momentarily, before allowing her to focus on the world around her. She took in one more breath and followed her nose, hunting out the source of that strangely distant scent, before laying her eyes upon a red-headed woman who seemed to be out in the middle of the world, gathering and losing energy, piece by piece.

"Ah," was her plain and simple response to the view before her. A soft, mischevious smile crossed her lips as she slunk slowly forwards - not quite the picture of stealth by any meaning of the word, and tiptoed barefoot closer, watching this scene unfold before her.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu May 31, 2018 6:04 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Rainbows! 6EdIfMt

Taking a deep breath, Ulv released her Reiatsu in it's entirety. A feeling that was still pretty foreign to her since Mirja never had any. It wasn't tremendous by any margin, nor was it filled with the force and potency that Mirja could lay claim to at her prime. But it was hers. Not quite Vizard, but tinged with something....else. Letting out an intense yell because apparently that seemed to help with energy-based things, she charged it all to her palm and put her incredible grit to work.
'What are you doing?' Hvit didn't seem to approve of Ulv's yelling technique, even as a Cero flickered to life in her palm and began to charge.

"Being a Saiyan!" She replied, before going ham on the 'AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!' and then firing off a simple Cero. Not really fantastic, and kinda tame even by Gillian standards, for her it was quite the accomplishment. But then, she could hear someone coming up, probably brought by the yelling, or the energy. Ulv gave a smirk before Grasping The Earth, and kicking off, vanishing in a gust of wind, to cover the distance between her and her new audience in but a few seconds. Speed, was one thing that was always done to perfection.

"Not that I am opposed to having such a beautiful woman watch me~" Ulv exclaimed, reaching out a hand to pat the woman's head softly, and add a touch of Resolve Force to make it a comforting and calming action. "But, have you come for just a show, or are you here for different reasons? I can accommodate you for many-" She leaned hin to whisper a sultry tone in her ear "-Many, different fashions. Depending on what you need of me"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
'Dat Bishie
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Thu May 31, 2018 6:52 am

It seems that her arrival was easily noticed, the stranger breezing up within inches of her in what seemed to be a mere instant. In that single moment, Solas felt a light breeze blow over her and her nostrils filled with the scent of the lady who was in front of her - though this one was mingled with sweat and exertion. Solas' face reddened very slightly as she stood there, before feeling the hand land on her head. In ordinary circumstances she would probably take it as some kind of attack on her person, but even she could sense the energy that spread out over her defences, attempting to relax her. She decided to let it happen this time, feeling confident in her ability to retaliate if it ended up coming to combat.

At this point, the woman spoke of something that even she didn't expect so immediately. The redness on her cheeks deepened, and Solas took a step back, bringing her own hand up and resting her cheek agianst it, giving a soft laugh to the woman's actions, "Ara, ara~" she replied breathily, before stepping back in, her grin growing more mischevious, "If you're going to propose such things of me, you'd best do it later than five seconds after meeting me..." She laughed, "It'd also be nice if we knew each others' names, as well~ I'm Solas." She giggled quietly.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Rainbows! Empty Re: Rainbows!

Thu May 31, 2018 7:17 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Rainbows! 6EdIfMt

The woman was certainly interesting. Not quite 'guy eats a metal can on top of a mountain' interesting, but she still liked her. So the headpats intensified until she recoiled in shock from her offer of other everythings. The blush on her cheeks was so good she just wanted to eat this girl up and see how those toes of hers curl.
"Ohh, but if I wait then you might be gone, or an enemy, or turn out to be a shape-shifting slime in disguise. You can never be too careful. So I seize the day, Grasp opportunity as I Grasp the Earth. It might just lead to somewhere fun"

Ulv gave a wink, and then skipped back a step, leaning forward with her hands behind her back.
"But seriously, you have me at a curious. This is not exactly down the road from the shops, my dear. You must have come out here for a reason. Was it to peep on me doing my energy stuff, hoping to catch a sight of my body as I take of my clothes in the hot sun?" Ulv was clearly a sultry and erotically charged woman, from the way she swished her body to the words she said to entice her friend. But, there was also seriousness as well. A desire to find out why she was here, what she could do, and if she was able to help her. And if the girl could help her, then that would be really good, since with this, Ulv really did need a lot of help. Ceros were so confusing.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
'Dat Bishie
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Rainbows! Empty Re: Rainbows!

Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:23 am

Ahaha, this lass believed that she was in control of this situation. She could see it in her movement, in her body language. That was adorable, so, so adorable. Licking her lips slightly, Solas watched this woman carefully, seeing how she was acting, how she was reacting. She would merely tailor her reactions to her whims, after all she enjoyed this feeling of being "out of control."

"Nnfufufufu," she held fingers up to her lips, laughing quietly at the attractive lady's questions. She tilted her head to the side in an almost showy way, before giving her a soft smirk, "Well, I wouldn't say that I came in search of you, oh no," she shook her head, "yet it seems the the whims of the day have brought me in your presence after all, which I would certainly call a, mmn, bonus." She laughed breathily, before stepping forward a mite, "Within the myriad of energies, yours stood out to me today. I was curious, and thought to sate my curiosity..."

She stepped around, taking light and still barefoot steps around this woman, looking her over carefully. She certainly had both a scholarly and, well, personal interest in the shape of this lady. She moved slowly and carefully, looking her over with a careful and trained eye, before moving in front of her again. "Ahh, so what I sensed was faltering light, untrained expression, a body lacking control over the energy it controls. Ara, ara, no wonder fate brought my steps into your location today."
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Rainbows! Empty Re: Rainbows!

Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:24 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Rainbows! 6EdIfMt

She was here, it seems, because she was here. She might be lying, sure, but Ulv liked to think that she was just having a bit of fun. So had some fun right back. She was a good looking woman, after all, and Ulv certainly wouldn't begrudge having a day with her~
"Well, if the whims and fickle finger of fortune bring you to me, then I am not going to complain one iota. To have you brought to me, well that is just great fortune isn't it? Why, I can even plan us a most luxurious day out together, because I don't have many friends who aren't either really busy or complete psychopaths" Ulv seemed to have no problem admitted her friends' issues to a total stranger, and just yammered on regardless.

She stood where she was, while the woman looked her over, grinning to herself as she did. And then, when she announced the fact that Ulv's control was not great, the red-head just couldn't hope to deny it, and nodded, getting with the serious now that fun time was over.
"Yea, we where never really in the position to do energy control way back when. And then bad things happened, and we had no inheritance to go off with energy control. So it sucks. But, we are working on it, so that is the main thing, no?" she gave another cute smile to the woman and hoped that she really would stick around and help out. There was something about her that seemed like she was confident in that area.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
'Dat Bishie
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Rainbows! Empty Re: Rainbows!

Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:51 am

Solas tilted her head to the side, watching this woman carefully as she moved about, taking in careful stock of her motions. She considered her body, considered her form, considered everything that she understood about the way that energy pathed through one's body, and tapped her chin lightly. "Ara, I could certainly work your energy out," she giggled teasingly, "Though I really can't tutor you based on what I know just now, because everyone is different." She stepped back a mite, looking her over entirely, "Yes, I would need to know exactly how your body worked, otherwise I'd have no information worth my time."

With a soft laugh, Solas slowly started to circle around Ulv, tapping her chin some more and slowly looking her up and down, "If I weren't au fait with my own style of combat, I'd say that your body wasn't necessarily one built for energy control, but..." clenching a fist, Solas let white peals of energy crackle and glow around it, "my own way of fighting is certainly compatible with the more physically powerful." She smiled at Ulv, finishing her slow walk around the other woman and stopping in front of her, reaching up and adjusting her glasses, before resting her elbow on her hand and her face on her other. "So if you're willing to put up with me, I can certainly do my best to assist you, ufufu~"
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