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Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma]

Yesterday at 8:24 am
Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Tobiume sounded like a mum. Just like Hinamori-sensei… so they sure had a strong connection. She had to have unlocked Bankai as well. He wondered what her sword even did.

This previous Captain she spoke of… what a fuckin’ sociopath. “And he became Captain, despite being that demented? What the hell was the Gotei 13 about…?” Ranma shook his head. What a strong confirmation – shit really wasn’t any better back in the day, was it? If you wanted to make things better, look to the future – something he’d been wary of, struggling with, and slowly came to terms with. He just had to look ahead… Hōkamaru felt a similar way.

“So after that shit, ya went here… and became a mum? Neato. I’d love to be a parent as well, but under these circumstances… uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…”

His brain sort of short-circuited there. “… Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… uhhh, uhhh…” It was almost as if his eyes turned into static screens. “… S-So… uh, let’s change those circumstances- yes, that’s why I’m here! Kidō time. Gotta keep moving forward, after all – you taught me that.”


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Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma]

Yesterday at 1:11 pm
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She was thankful that Ranma didn’t push too far on her past and Momo was more than happy to let the subject go when the chance came. The Ex Lieutenant's story wasn’t exactly a mystery to those who’d been in the know back in the day, it was just that many of those people had moved on since then. In a way, it made life easier for her and after so much time spent doubting and worrying, the dark haired woman was simply happy that she’d found some semblance of happiness. She did wonder just what on Soul Society was next though, after the recent attack. Just what fate lay in store for her family and the others that she cared for?

“Yeah. Let’s focus on the now and you can show me how you’ve been getting along with your Kido since we last met.” She replied with a smile, clambering to her feet and heading off to the garden where they’d continue with Ranma’s training. “Don’t expect such an easy lesson today though and I’ll expect you to have a go at some of the higher numbered spells. You’re at a level now where you can use the more powerful techniques without having to hold back.”

Her garden would look exactly the same as before, having been stoutly protected by Momo during the attack, a small area of peaceful greenery among the complete chaos that had erupted among the Rukongai during the attack.


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Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma]

Today at 8:44 am
Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Today was going to be another level of Kidō expansion – if Ranma wanted to stand a better chance against future endeavors… if he wanted to stop fearing the fuckin’ future… then he’d have to prepare for as much as possible while he had the time.

Oh, he’d missed the garden – it looked like a completely different world compared to the outside of her house, where it looked like Eden in the midst of a slum. She must’ve attracted plenty of weird guests just with that alone. Ranma was already floating towards the flowers, reminiscent of his love- oh fuck, he forgot to invite Erica again! Oh wait, she was still working under Captain Kuchiki… he’d bring her along one of these days!

“Okay… okay okay okay,” he hyped himself up, clapping his face multiple times before clenching his fists, “Ya mentioned barriers before? Are those higher-leveled Bakudō spells?”


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Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: Demonic Halo [Momo, Ranma]

Today at 4:28 pm
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“That’s a fair way of describing them although they generally cover a larger area than a typical Bakudo spell.” Momo would answer with a smile. “With a strong enough barrier and enough skill, you could defend an entire home, which was pretty much what I was doing during the attack. I brought in as many people as I could and formed a barrier around the place before dealing with my opponents.”

Thinking about it further, the dark haired woman didn’t think it was all that fair just to leave him with no hints and eventually continued. “As a starter, how about you just focus on creating a square shaped barrier around yourself? Focus as you would on any other incantation less spell and attempt to surround yourself with a 360 degree box. Barriers don’t have numbers so simply say ‘Hikari no shōheki’. Don’t feel too bad though if you can’t get the hang of it the first time though. This is a step beyond the norm, after all.”


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