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White Past and Hidden Ambition - Page 2 Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:13 am


The Final Unabara
"It's Not Over Yet"

White Past and Hidden Ambition - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"That makes a lot of sense, you see my family were mostly swordsman and my Grandfather is the same way. Sword's in the genetics they always believed and taught Hakuda around that. I never could really pick any of that stuff up..For me, Hakuda feels more like a river flowing then a blade." He said responding to her as he started putting his weighted clothing back on not really feeling it. Tsukiya had been trained in ways that were hard but it was true on one hand. He glanced at his sword his eye staring at it now as he sighed. "It's not that I can't use it, it's just not my strongest suit. " He did have a decent understanding of swordplay from getting it drilled into his skull. But he still enjoyed Hakuda more and wanted to improve himself. This stuff about being trained again and having himself retrained for it. That made sense so did Grandfather's constant nagging about going into physical arts. He wanted him to be physically ready for any kind of training.

That was a pretty smart move on the old man's part. His father was just someone who didn't know how to communicate the fact he sucked as a parent. These things were understandable, thankfully his mother did teach and introduce him to some Hakuda. But she was right the teaching and methods used were pretty much worthless in this case. Leaving so much to be desired in the long run of things. But Wolf-sama could show him to be stronger and that was an exciting idea to him. To not be so helpless again before the tide of his mother and such things. Tsukiya would embrace this training and go as far as he could.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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White Past and Hidden Ambition - Page 2 Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:58 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja listened, and then nodded. Swordsmanship wasn't something he couldn't grasp, it was something that his heart couldn't grasp. His family should have seen the call in his heart for how he wished to be, and taken him down the right path, with swords just something that were on the side. But no, square peg will be forced through the circle hole, and dammed if it didn't go through, grab the hammer.
"Ok! You've developed yourself from a differing avenue. Usually hakuda practitioners focus on their fists, or their feet, and train from there. It naturally develops a special kind of knuckle, which is harder and stronger than the rest of the body because it needs to be. You, lack that, your knuckles are no harder than the rest of you, so if you are going to go Hakuda you'll probably need to focus on palm strikes, or you can do Mirja's Special Catch-up Training so your knuckles can handle the strain. It's important to have stronger knuckles because that is what is hitting the enemy, were as the rest of you is only hit if you mess up, or the enemy is better than you"

She then nodded, and vanished for a few moments, leaving Tsukiya to think about what she had said, before arriving with a large bag of sand in one hand, and a dummy in the second. She slammed the dummy into the ground, standing it up and then grinned, and dropped the bag of sand, opening it up.
"So, there is two ways. Dummy for palm, sand for fists. Palm strikes don't need as much hardness because they are a lot more dispersed, your entire hand rather than just a small portion of it. So technique counts much more, and you are less liable to break something that isn't sufficiently durable"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

White Past and Hidden Ambition - Page 2 Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Thu May 04, 2017 5:40 pm


The Final Unabara
"It's Not Over Yet"

White Past and Hidden Ambition - Page 2 6EdIfMt

He remained quiet listening and taking in her instruction as he nodded. Palm had always suited him best he figured. Since the situation always called for such he never went beyond that. His father was a foolish man in his eyes and never did try. Tsukiya looked at both as he glanced down at his hands."I see, I should do both most likely, as my only skill is in Hakuda really." He glanced at the female's speed and movement. It was quite impressive but he could almost see it. It wasn't like dads from what he could tell. He couldn't be followed at least not by his eyes. He walked over to the dummy, his eyes taking it in. Relaxing his fighting posture slowly he let his body move. It was like a flowing current as he slammed his palm into the dummy's stomach. Testing the power he could put out. His palm hit into its chest normally this would have done a decent amount of damage. His orbs slowly glanced at the as he figured out his muscle movement. He moved like fighting in a dance almost that was something.

His digits curled upon the impact making them hide a bit. The hit struck the dummies chest with force but he followed it up quickly. His arms were fluid and subtle like whips. As hit, the dummy on the side of its head with an open palm. He was using extremely close range fighting. This was a form of his brother's hand to hand. It was a bit unrefined yet from what he could devise. He exhaled softly as he glanced at his hand judging the feeling. He wasn't sure what else to make of things here. So he'd wait for her to present further guidelines if he did something incorrectly.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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White Past and Hidden Ambition - Page 2 Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Thu May 04, 2017 6:04 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja tapped the bag of sand, making sure it was sat upright and that it was ready to be used properly if he chose that, but it seemed his ideals were elsewhere, wanting to do both of them, to which Mirja shook her head.
"Na, one five is better than two twos. Focus on one aspect and only when you are confident in your skill in that should you go elsewhere. I've branched considerably but I'm just a wizz at Hakuda, so I can do that. I get Synergy bonuses that I believe you lack in this respect" she told him, before stepping back and deciding to watch him.

From this watching, she was unsure where the idea of him being unskilled in Hakuda came from. Sure, he moved a little stiff and unrefined, but that was more from the lack of use, rather than skill. His base techniques where better than most, and she had seen a lot of most in her time. She just let him get into his flow and didn't say a word to disrupt him of that. She knew how important it was to keep your mind when you were in the zone.

"I don't think Tsubasa is that bad at Hakuda that he can't see your skill in it. So, I'm entirely unsure where the idea of you being unskilled came from. The only thing you are lacking is experience, and that can't be taught, you can only earn that as you grow. I've been at this for a few centuries now, so I'm pretty good at it, but you aren't terrible. I wouldn't call it sloppy or lacking in drive, physical or mental. You are, really good at this. Just need to put aside four or five hours a day to work on it until it becomes like breathing, if you really want to master it"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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