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White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty White Past and Hidden Ambition

Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:31 pm
It was strange to be shackled down to some purpose like this. His Grandfather wanted revenge and blood for the death of his daughter. His family was gone mere dust in the wind as he laid on the roof looking at the sun through the clouds. He reached his hand into the air and looked at the gleaming light through the palm of his hand. His expression remained kind of hollow as he sat there. He didn't know what awaited him here in this place. Being placed into his God Mother's Division. He wondered if his mother agreed with the choice of Ibiki being his godmother. He couldn't tell for sure about anything. No Unabara were left but him within the shadow. The shackles of the past were a heavy burden indeed and so was the future. What did the future hold for him in all as he moved towards growing? Tsukiya Unabara what a pathetic visage compared to his father. He'd heard all the insults that people could muster towards him. He didn't intend to really care about the continued comparison towards his father.

How everyone expected him to be some prodigy with the damn sword. It was all a bunch of stupid crap they piled on his lap. It wasn't his damn job to pass his father or do anything like that. The man was a failure as a father and leader. Did Tsukiya think he could do better? Why the hell would he add another shackle on his wrist to just chain him down? He'd rather be free not having anything to do with it. He let his hand rest beside him now yawning as he knew for a fact his Grandfather decided he needed more training. It wasn't like enough people had spent time trying to kill him. He'd gotten rather tired of people trying to cut him into pieces and beat him up. It all got really old being chased with swords. Or having some old guy swinging with all his power and breaking bones. He had scars and injuries from countless battles that would make a warrior blush. Tsukiya Unabara the failure with the sword the guy who only was good with his hands. Legacy being what it has he suspected his father wished Tetsuya had survived and not him.

But in the end, it didn't really matter did it with the ambition being what it was. He wanted to shatter these shackles of the past and all of them. He would be free of this stupid nonsense that his father left behind. He would surpass him and break that shackle along with every single one that would dare bind him or his loved ones.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:05 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja Eeola, arrived. She was here to meet someone that would probably get huggles and cake if they were sufficiently nice, but would get smiles and wolf flicks regardless. The idea of meeting Oni-chan's God-Son was what brought here here, and so she followed her nose, expecting to smell magnificence and booze on the area. But there was neither, as it turned out. From her position outside his perception, Mirja watched the man that Damien had so subtly mentioned without implying anything. The manner in which he introduced this kid and Jaeden were radically different. Jaeden she was sent off to fight without holding back, and this kid she was sent

After a few seconds, she headed down, her speed carrying her there in moments, and then he would suddenly have a grinning wolf girl in his face. Mirja's grin did things that should never come anywhere near a grin, so it was a little worrying to look at.
"Hello~ You smell of disappointment, is there something wrong?" She asked. There was a plan to introduce herself better, but she was sort of on the edge between Woman and Wolf, so coherent thought was not something that she had. But emotional scenting only really came while Wolf was riding, so it opened a conversation anyway.

"The question is, who's disappointment is it? Because you may smell of it but that doesn't mean it is yours. You can take the disappointment of others and bare it as your own scent, which is a foolish pup thing to do but pups are foolish. It is what makes them smart" she exclaimed, as if such a phrase was so enlightening he would never have any more trouble in his life. "Your Godmother Oni-chan likes to drink. Would you like to drink?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total

White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:19 am
His eyes blinked as the white haired young one sat up slowly as he didn't seem so much startled. She was certainly not what he was expecting to appear before his eyes. But she wasn't unwelcome either. She could smell the disappointment of those around him. That he wasn't some Zanjutsu prodigy. That he didn't have a huge amount of spiritual pressure or things like that. Despite being trained in the use of his bankai and the other thing. He was a disappointment to those around him. It was a pointless shackle he wore as he smiled his gaze shifted a bit lower nodding towards a group of people. "It's theirs I am guessing you're picking up on..Most people expect me to be some great swordsman who has amazing skill with everything because my father was Tsubasa." He stated flatly as he sat up giving his shoulders a shrug as he gave he kept his wrist loose and snapped a jab outwards. The sound of it made a cracking noise as he returned it to his regular position. "I don't really have an aptitude for that stuff, I'm more of a Hakuda user."

He said finishing his explaining to the girl as he glanced at his fist slightly. He could do much more but these people didn't care about rare gifts like Shunko. They wanted a swordsman like the Legend his father carried around. The stupid shadow wasn't worth the weight it was on. He didn't care about any of that stuff or what it came with. Tsukiya didn't judge or believe in judgment when he heard Mizuchi's voice. "Why does it matter Tsukiya, they don't know anything about you anyways." He smiled a bit hearing the voice as he felt his orbs look over to the female. Hard working he would guess by looking her over though he didn't know what she was doing here yet. While she did strike him as curious he did wonder how good she truly was in certain things. Her physical body like his had been put through the ringer quite often. This meeting was promising as he suspected she didn't have the same belief.

Shackling some dumb practice that he had to be good at Zanjutsu because Tsubasa and his family were. Tsukiya didn't care about his family anymore. They were a pointless memory of time it was his time to grow beyond being Tsukiya Unabara. And just being Tsukiya someone with a lofty goal to get good at Hakuda.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:03 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja, while not exactly in the right frame of mind to be serious, just grinned at the man when he said it was other people's disappointment. She knew exactly how to deal with that, and would council him in how to deal with it. Then he would not be so sad and would start smelling of nicer things, like almonds and strawberries. She'd give him a strawberry cake later to help that smell.
"Other people's disappointment is something that you grab by the throat and crush the windpipe of. Then you throw it to the floor and stomp-stomp-stomp till the brain leaks out of the cracked skull" She exclaimed, grinning broadly. And then, she heard that he was not good at Swordsmanship, and preferred Hakuda.

"Hmm, you say you are not good at being a swordsman, but there is a lot of ways to be a swordsman. Are you saying that because someone made you do their style and when you couldn't you were labeled a failure, or are you saying that because there are many styles you have tried and yet you can't make your own? Same goes with Hakuda. I like to think myself as a really good martial artist. I made Wolf-Fu and Wolfcak Silat. My styles" she thumped her chest with a fist to reinforce that they were hers.

"But, I can't do Judo, or Jujitsu. They, confuse me. All the blah, and jar, and har. Bleh. But just because I can't understand them, doesn't mean I can't do Hakuda. You, understand?" She asked, swishing such a cute fluffy tail behind her and peering at him to make sure that he really did understand where she was coming from. Her ears twitched softly as she stared intently, her silver pupils and irises rather off-putting to stare at for any length of time.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:51 am; edited 1 time in total

White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:24 pm
He listened to her intently giving her his entire focus as he smiled a bit. "I don't know that word, failure isn't something I have ever accepted.." He said not trying to be arrogant but meaning that he never took Failure kindly. He would sooner let himself be knocked into oblivion before allowing himself to completely fail at anything in the world. Tsukiya had a focus that made him never surrender or give up on his goal. He was stubborn in that way as he didn't explain to her his grandfather's sword techniques were passed down to him. The unlimited style was the name of it as he recalled. One thing was unclear to him why Ibiki wanted him so close. Tsukiya did have the special gift he kept hidden for the most part. Deciding it better not to use such a thing right now. He wanted to draw as little attention to himself as possible. No point existed in him avoiding things like this endlessly. He needed to embrace himself as not an Unabara but as Tsukiya. He could hear them talking and pointing a bit below.

He didn't have an opinion on people who spoke like this or did whatever they wanted. Tsukiya was of the opinion they were just going to always talk to him like he was some non-existent person behind his dad's shadow. They didn't care about his mother or the fact they shackled him with some guilt. "I get your meaning, there is a way we all can do things in our ways. Like not dying every day to Grandfather was hard..but I found ways to survive him." He said commenting on the training put a chill on his spine. Nothing like trying to stay alive as training against a mad man with one arm. His grandfather for all intensive purposes was a psychotic deranged lunatic. But he guessed his grandfather wanted him to be safe whenever he rebuilt the clan. Like that his job to do so, why couldn't people just let him be? It wasn't like a kid had to take the full weight of doing everything for some clan that failed to do it themselves. But he did like this person she understood what it meant and everything to try and get by with your own techniques.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:51 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja straightened up and nodded to herself as he claimed to never be able to accept his failure. Which was a failure right there. Maybe that was why he was here trying to beat Henrex in a brooding contest rather than being out and doing things like any normal person in his situation would be.
"Ahh, so you are that kind of person. The stupid kind" she said rather bluntly, but with a cheery voice. "You get your arm ripped off by a big angry man. Does refusing to accept you have one arm mean you regain it? Or does it hold you back when you attempt to do two armed things with one arm? Failure is not the end. It just opens up new paths to your goal" She told him, nodding as her tail swished behind her.

Then, she smiled softly and nodded at the idea of surviving around Damien. If he really wanted to do crazy shit then surviving would certainly be difficult.
"Yes, having tried to get him out of the Seiretei when he invaded that one time, I can undrstand that doing anything other than having a relaxing tea ceremony with him would be pretty difficult to see to the conclusion. But you did it, and all the better for it, no doubt. Survival breeds the desire to survive, and stimulates the skills in order to do so. But sometimes you do need more than just being beaten up to learn things. I'll see if I can do the talking in the direction of the mono-armed man. In the mean time, so you have official reason to direct all complaints in my direction, I shall be your teacher! Come! We must do the training! I have to see your heart punch before I can write up what you might need in my head script"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:49 am
So not being willing to give up was a failure in itself? If his arm got ripped off what would he do? Beat the person with the only arm he had left. If he lost that arm he would kick them, if he lost his leg he would head butt them. Giving up just wasn't a part of the belief system. He slowly stood up as he kept his fists light smiling a bit. A good match would be fun to have for a change. His spiritual pressure wasn't all that much and he doubted it bothered her. He'd not become so and high mighty warrior because he survived his Grandfather. That old man was crazy in terms of his skills for one arm.He slowly removed the upper half of his clothing revealing scars and other things. His body was built to a point you could hit him with a blade and it might snap. His frame was extremely solid from the training he'd done to be a skilled melee fighter. "Not doing this for no reason it's just Grandpa is a little crazy and decided my clothing should be weighted." He said softly as he took his shoes off and bundled them letting them hit the ceiling cracking it into splinters a bit.

Calming his breathing he prepared to do battle against the female now. Weighted clothing was annoying and it felt good to give his muscles a break. She wanted to see what he was lacking potentially and was willing to teach him."Thank you for the lessons to come." He said acknowledging his own weakness. He pivoted forward sending a jab at her sternum. This was a regular punch as it cracked into the wind at her frame. He was ready to counter and move as his body felt light and he had decent speed. He figured she'd meant a real battle as it was the only way to ascertain certain things. His ambition to become someone new and leave behind the old him. This girl could do it, the Mad Wolf could help him find the answer to the riddle that echoed in his soul.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Wed Feb 01, 2017 10:59 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

He seemed to hear her words proper, and then stood, and stripped. Not exactly the reaction Mirja was looking for - she was never looking for men to strip in front of her or in her general vecinity- but she saw why when the clothes hit the roof with a thud. And then it all made sense. He was not coming onto her or doing some crazy mating season dance, but dropping his weighted clothes so it would be easier for him to dance. He told her so himself, and that made Mirja smile.
"Weighted clothing isn't a mad concept. It's just a concept that only really works for people that don't train in an orthodox manner. A training regime tailored to you specifically will help you more than heavy clothes" she told him, before preparing.

He thanked her fro the lessons to come, which made Mirja blush because she didn't believe herself really worth thanking if he didn't learn anything from Mirja but he was a polite kind of guy, she saw, and so even if all she did was offer help without actually being able to give it, he would still thank her. Which was nice. Guys usually set her on edge but this was nice, he was being nice. And it was nice.

Overuse of the word nice aside, Mirja focused as he came in with a good jab. It had a nice amount of speed, and when it hit her, she could feel a decent amount of strength behind it. Both expected from someone of his body. But there was something missing. It was like the strength and speed was crafted from an alternate source, and so he didn't have what came naturally to most. Nodding to him after she took the hit, she had a good idea what was missing.
"Alright! I know exactly where this is going to go! You may call me Wolf-sama as we go about this teaching"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:09 am


The Final Unabara
"It's Not Over Yet"

White Past and Hidden Ambition 6EdIfMt

"Yes Wolf-Sama..Oh, there is one other thing.Grandpa said to show you it since it may give you an accurate idea of my skills." His eyes closed for a moment as he seemed to focus intently on something. His father may have been able to use this only slightly but Tsukiya had become quite skilled in its usage from his time spent. A white light shot up around his form the power of shunko flaring to life. His eyes opened slowly as he felt the tranquil shunko flowing over his frame now. He didn't know much aside from this and his training in the art from his mother. His clothing would have been blown off his body by activating it. But he had already prepared and took the clothing around his upper torso and feet off. He felt the line vanish slowly of the white disappearing as he sighed remembering that. It was an annoying memory at best and he couldn't really tell why Grandpa wanted her to know. What did he knowing Shunko have to do with Hakuda anyways? Hakuda was an art of the fist above all else and nothing else mattered there.

So the weighted clothing to build speed and endurance held some alternate meaning? His white hair and yellow eyes were very eye catching as he smiled and waited for the lesson he guessed was commencing. He was sure she had a full day planned out for him here. Tsukiya didn't know what to expect but he planned to train till he couldn't breathe. He wouldn't be so weak he couldn't protect the precious things to him. His will was iron and it wouldn't bend so easily for anything. His grandpa taught him one thing only never stop thinking and push forward. Tsukiya wasn't naive to his limitations but when it was training time. He would go above and beyond to train away from the weakness that cost him everything. This was the mindset this boy had been given. "Oh, Grandpa also wanted to let you know I am fully bankai trained. Not sure why he has me telling you this stuff, though." He said looking at her confused being told to show her his shunko was strange enough.

What was that old man scheming now was the question?

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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White Past and Hidden Ambition Empty Re: White Past and Hidden Ambition

Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:24 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja looked and watched and did her eye things as he went bzzap and did a cool trick. It was really cool. The Wolf girl might get him to teach her how it worked in the future, and then see if she could do some sort of Mirja-special on it and make it work for her. Outward expression was never something that she was all that good with. Although it was a very neat trick, and she focused intently on exactly what it was doing, Reiatsu wise and physical-wise. It wouldn't help here though, so she put it out of her mind for now, as with the bankai trained. Well, she could focus exclusively on his Hakuda at that point then, if he didn't need any help with his Zanpaktou and he had his bzzap trick.

"That is indeed a neat trick. I might make something of it later, but for now we are doing training. Now, the thing with Hakuda is that it's boring to train. Usually you'd start young, grasp where you want to go in the academy and then train for it, but you seem to have been taken a different route,which has gone nowhere and left you with an unbalanced body and skill set. So now we are going to have to do the boring stuff until you are balanced properly from the training" She told him. "If you want to back out, you can. There will be no glorious epicness here, it will just be training for the most part. You've been told that 1+1 = Ostrich for too long. And now we need to go back over basic maths in a manner that might seem demeaning to you. So I hope you haven't had your Pride Flakes this morning"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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