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Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:20 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"I didn't really have much intention of touching her. Or any of you, for that matter. Was I not clear enough when I made that whole comment about sleepwalkers? Or did I come across too facetious? It's a bit of a bad habit of mine. I'll have to work on it."

The hollow inclined his head ever so slightly, staring at the portal formed in complete, immobile silence. His brain was already churning and boiling at rapid speeds, trying its very best to absorb the information in front of it, and make sense of what he was looking at; it seemed this shinigami had seamlessly patched 'there' to 'here', allowing someone to step from the middle of a murky, ruined forest to a domicile. Yaksha took a few steps forward, and then paused, one brow rising.

"This portal. It leads to Karakura Town, doesn't it? And the moment I step through it, you'll declare a state of emergency, lop my head off on the spot, and then go about your business. Everyone is the better off. Except for me, of course. Something tells me the somnambulist won't be particularly thrilled to see someone get slain before her very eyes, either. But...well, I'd have to put words in her mouth."

He leaned against the portal formed, clawed fingers clacking gently, rhythmically against his own hip, as he observed all the details. It took him about ten seconds to finally make up his mind, before he inhaled, speaking slowly, enunciating each word with great care.

"It looks to me like we have a missing persons report! Given you've been missing for some time too, if I'm any judge, time is vital. Why don't you tell me their names, and I'll see what I can do about finding them for you? I can't offer you much in the way of mortal comforts, but I can damn sure offer you results."

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Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:49 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

He wanted to help her.

Hayden despite all of his flaws at his core wanted to help people in the best way he could, he couldn’t claim to know if what he did was always right but he tried. It was the very reason he had enlisted in the Vanguard and focused so much time on changing the world for the better, the Miyake's were also a driven unit- a family which was something Hayden himself briefly only had. Between battling the world and doing all he could do for his people, he had neglected the Miyake situation and he felt utterly terrible now. But that was going to change, he was going to figure out how to fix this, he was going to do right by Naomi.

When she entered the portal Desmond had to stay around briefly letting out a sigh as he looked to the Hollow. The hollow would see the former annoyed look fade away as he let out a breath as he stood in front of the listening to the spel giving him the courtesy of his utmost attention for now. What he was offering to Hayden realistically was useless, if he wanted to he could call Vastime and use their alert system to find Kokoro or even just ring up someone from the Vanguard. But- this hollow was rather interesting in the way it acted, perhaps Hayden could aid it without having to draw his blade. Thus the beginnings of an idea formed in his head.

“Realistically, we don’t need your help finding the woman- I can locate her using my friends to be frank.” He explained softly to the Hollow his firm voice taking on a softer tone as if he was trying to allow the Hollow to understand he was trying to be fair with it. “But I must say you are an interesting fellow, one which my people might find a purpose for.” He would further explain reaching into his coat to remove a card with his contact details, but all that would prove useless to the Hollow till Hayden further elaborated on what it was for. “That is one of my personal contact cards, if you can make it to the address listed on the front I could offer you some interesting opportunities in the future but for now I must depart where you cannot come.” The man’s voice ended on a slightly saddened tone, almost as if he was seeing something that the Hollow might not understand.

In all truth he was seeing something, he was seeing potential. One of the most valuable commodities in this new era.

It would be time for Hayden to depart into the portal too as he said his final departure to the Hollow, if he did not attempt to physically stop him. Once inside he would seal the portal with the pressing of a single button on his communications pad located on his forearm as he began to take in the sites of the Miyake household which was now violated by their presence tracking gratuitous amounts of mud within it. Opps. A look of almost worry came on the man’s face before he took an audible breath to draw the attention of the two females in the room, with Naomi looking on the verge of tears and Kimitsuki trying to calm her down it was time to take some actions.

“Naomi, I need you to hear my voice and what I am saying.” He spoke very softly through the usually strained voice of a soldier, instead using the voice more akin to a guardian speaking to their charge with the utmost care. He would take a single step forward his hands open slightly as he stepped next to Kimitsuki to draw her attention as his body relaxed. “You are home, Kokoro is out probably running chores.” He claimed knowing that was most likely what was up and if it wasn’t he’d cross that bridge later. “You’ve been gone for a really really really long time but…” He paused letting her take the measured tone in. “...You are home now.” He stressed dropping his hands hoping that perhaps this had broken through to the girl in her scared almost defenseless nature.

The Miyake's where a special breed of women in general, he had only met three but they had certainly left an impression on him which had led to his growth as a leader and person. It was that very reason he was taking the extra steps to ensure Naomi was ok, she was the sweetest of the sisters- one of the nicest person he knew. So his eyes would take a look over the scene thinking about what to say next as he brought his brown irises up, he could concede he wasn’t that important when they first met and they didn’t speak much- instead he when they did meet it was when he was fighting with that beast Kimiyo. But he might as well start of with something, if he let her sit in her thoughts there was no telling what she may come to on her own.

“Naomi, maybe we should clean up a bit- so Kokoro or Kimiyo don’t come back to this mess all over? I’m sure they would be pretty annoyed.” He sniggered out slightly through a tired but thoughtful voice, his tone to outsiders may have been one of extreme tiredness himself or one of fatigue but from his slumped shoulders and slightly raised hands he was trying to keep the room as relaxed as possible. His eyes would look to Kimitsuki noticing that she was just as dirty, if not more, than Naomi so he would motion to her slightly while looking at Naomi. “Maybe you could show Kimitsuki where they could clean up…?”

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Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:03 am

Source: Epic Mountain Music — Song: Time

A hiss of pain, as the blue-haired woman brought her hands to her head and curved her body inward. It was a flare of agony born from bad thoughts inside of her head—things that did not belong with her ignorant, oblivious view of the world as it was. The Miyake was desperately trying to bury something deep inside of her head without even knowing about it; an unconscious act. It threatened to burst out and shatter Naomi's optimistic viewpoint, chafing along the edges of her brain in the process. To the woman who was indestructible, unbeatable, irrepressible... genuine emotion was the crick in her metaphorical Achilles' heel. Underneath that sleepy exterior of hers was a roiling pool of emotion, in their most extreme of forms. She'd always been known to act impulsively on them, in an animalistic fashion. It was why she was called the "Sleeping Beast"... for those times she snapped, and turned into an unstoppable hurricane of destruction.

There was so much confusion straining the mind of the beryl Miyake, clouding her thoughts and blurring reality and crafted fiction. There was a huge piece missing, in between the present and the last thing Naomi could remember. There was something that occurred in that period of time that she was struggling to recall, while inadvertently repressing. She dug her fingers into her hair, scratching the sides of her face although her powers refused to allow any injuries. If only she could find the right puzzle piece inside her memories, to fill that agonizing void... the reason why so much time had passed without her knowledge, why she'd awakened in an unfamiliar area, and why it happened in the first place. What was there to explain the trail of destruction she discovered? Why was nobody home when they were supposed to be? Who were all of these people?! Why were they talking so much when she was trying to figure out what was going on?!

All she was doing was asking herself questions, which would have taken any normal person only a few moments... but Naomi wrestled painstakingly with the confusion for much longer, with thoughts much slower than the average person. Her mind was having difficulty keeping up with everything that was going on at the same time. In her desperation she latched onto the only word spoken that even mattered to her out of everything that had been said so far: 'Kokoro'. Naomi turned on the source who spoke her sister's name like he was an enemy. She lunged for him and grabbed the scruff of his clothing as she lifted him high up in the air. Her childish voice lashed out at him in a scream, suddenly dispersing of the sluggish atmosphere that was normally present around her. ''Koko! Where is sheeeeeee?! Where is my sister?!''

Darkened by the shadows of the unlit room and the blackened splotches of mud on her... it made the unique glow of her eyes contrast even more effectively as she opened them, glaring at the man without actually seeing him. She was only looking up in the direction of his face, but her gaze carried far, far past him, as if he wasn't really there. Who knew what Naomi was really looking at? Her vision still only granted her vague blurs. The first signs of Naomi's temper were showing themselves, creating cracks in the usually dense walls of the fortress. The dense pressure welled up inside of her was trying to find a way to escape out of frustration, leaking outside of her and filling the room with a palpable tension. It was subtle, but it could be felt—the paintings on the wall and the windows in the room all began to vibrate gently, as anything not bolted down shifted slightly from their original positions. It came as a low rumbling in the bones of everyone else's bodies. Naomi's disquiet took physical form.

And all the while she was having a head-splitting pain, like a nail driving through the back of her skull. She couldn't even control her strength properly; the material of the shirt she was gripping dissolved in her intense grip, turning into a fine dust as the man fell back down to the floor free of her hold. There was now a sizable patch ripped out of the front of his shirt, while Naomi opened her hand to let the particles cascade soundlessly to the ground. ''Where is Koko...? Where is Kimi...? Where is A—''

An image of the man with the nice smile flashed in her head, for only her to see. She... choked on the last name, almost speaking it before it completely escaped her mind. Afterwards, she simply stood still, thought process frozen on that one missing piece of the puzzle. That was it, the name of that person. It was the catalyst to everything, she believed, and if she could just remember his name she knew everything would become clear. Like a statue she stood in the middle of the room, staring at the ground and getting lost in her thoughts.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Wed Dec 14, 2016 7:39 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover) - Word Count: 908

Kimitsuki decided it would likely be best to give Naomi a little distance, so, she decided to simply move away from the girl and move towards a corner of the room and sit down. Kimitsuki sighed softly as she huddled a little, near the corner of the room, trying to not feel scared in someone else's house. She rubbed her bare arms as she sat down on the floor, the mud that was on her body had nearly all fallen off or had hardened from the heat of her body until it was all simply just latched onto her being. That was most certainly annoying as hell, yes annoying as hell. So, the Danava simply just waited as she watched Hayden enter through the portal, emerging as the portal likely closed behind him after he was completely inside. Kimitsuki sighed softly and looked at Naomi, who seemed so utterly confused at something. Though, it was hard for the Danava to completely understand what. Kimitsuki waved her hand at Hayden and spoke rather softly.

"A-As much as I would like to bathe and get all of this mud off me, can you direct me to the nearest pool of Lava, Hayden? Much more suitable place to bathe; at least for me..."

Afterwards, the Danava's gaze kept sharp focus upon Naomi; watching her as she seemed to be searching for something or someone. Kimitsuki tilted her head to the side a little as she watched Naomi stand there and search for what was not there. She was searching for some beings that appeared to be related to her in some way; as Hayden knew their names and even said them to the girl. Kimitsuki watched as Naomi only seemed to occasionally move her eyes, but, the most surprising part was when she whipped around and attempted to pull Hayden up into the air by his shirt. This action made the shy Danava scooch backwards a bit from where she was sitting; trying to find a hard surface, likely a wall, with her back.

Kimitsuki sighed softly and placed a hand on her chest, feeling that her heart was beating a little irregularly, but, she looked at Naomi and was a little confused; attempting to ignore the shrieking she was delivering. She seemed to be yelling about someone she called 'Koko'. Was this someone she cared for? If so, why was she acting like so? Did care really go that far for an individual that they would protect another, or even react like so because of another? The Danava of Fire had to know, she just had to know what it was like to love and care for another. She had to know if such feelings could even cause a berserk fit... She just had to know.

Kimitsuki shook her head softly and cleared the thoughts that were in her head, ones that would cloud her judgement in the moment. However, these thoughts would help more than one would think. When it comes to people falling in love, they normally have someone they love, obviously. Naomi also likely had that someone she loved. Kimitsuki listened to her closely as she asked where Koko and a Kimi was, likely referring to Kimiyo and not Kimitsuki. However, there was a name she froze upon; only freezing on the first letter of the name. A. A-who? Kimitsuki stared at Hayden, and then at Naomi.

From what Kimitsuki had loosely heard in the past that Hayden was the current leader of Vastime. Which was probably a good reason why they knew each other, but, who was the leader before Hayden? It was some man that she did not know very well, or even his name. But was he relevant? Kimitsuki looked at Naomi as she seemed to be focused on that last name. Kimitsuki racked her mind as she continued to think.

From the very short time she had been a part of shadowfall, Kimitsuki had always heard whisperings and cheers over a name named Azure; one who was dead. Someone who was an enemy of Shadowfall. Obviously, Kimitsuki would not be an enemy to this man; if he was alive. Of course, she had no idea what the man was, race-wise, but was he somehow important to Naomi and likely to Hayden. Kimitsuki placed her her right hand on her face, the heat radiating from the claws on the glove not affecting her in anyways. The Danava thought long and hard until she raised her head slowly and tentatively spoke the name she believed was the one she heard while she was in Shadowfall, a place that no longer held any allegiance from the Danava.

"N-Naomi... w-were you possibly trying to say A-Azure...?"

After saying the name, Kimitsuki prepared herself to possibly be mauled by Naomi if she catches on, but, the young girl did hope she didn't accidentally lose control and force her to burn everything or go into a form she was sure would cause mass destruction if she wasn't careful. However, things would definitely turn interesting after Kimitsuki said the name that would possibly send Naomi over the tipping point. Of course, she didn't know that this would happen from simply a name, but, hopefully nothing bad would occur in the end. Hopefully. Part of Karakura town exploding would not be good.

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Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Mon Jan 02, 2017 12:41 am


Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

So things where not going good.

When she took the initial step to Hayden his eyes and brain were able to process it the movement with little to no trouble at all, after all with all the events that had transpired to this point Hayden raw reflexes and abilities had improved. Thus, as her fist came to grasp his shirt his left hand would come up to stop the hand. Firmly. In fact Hayden was finding out he was having to put a large portion of his strength in it to prevent her from gripping his shirt completely- the raw strength of her grip was enough to visibly look painful.

The room was beginning to feel with tension, something that was unnerving for Hayden. It wasn’t like he was losing his cool but within his head he was definitely wondering if this was going to turn violent, something he truly didn’t want. The frustration leaking from Naomi was very palpable within the air, even as Hayden stared at her about to speak maintaining his grip above her balled fist to stop her from grabbing his shirt or lifting him up. The quiet Kimitsuki had spoken up mentioning his former boss: Azure Iramasha.

He didn’t know of Naomi and Azure relationship, lack of or otherwise. But considering he didn’t know and all his options where expanded at his point a shot in the dark wouldn’t hurt. His eyes focusing between the two behemoth women in terms of power before speaking to Naomi, his voice slow and focused grounding itself in reality to hopefully break her out of this trace.

“Are you looking for Azure, the man with the nice smile?” He asked softly not quite knowing how to break the news of what happened to their former leader to her. God it would destroy her but at the same time, she needed to know if it would break this delusional fit she was in. It was time to throw caution to the wind, it was time let the truth run free.

He would let his strength go temporarily, his body flexing tightly as he jerked his hand to the left extending the arm he had stopped from grabbing his shirt. The intense hazel eyes of the new leader of the Vanguard focused entirely on the woman as his right hand griped her other arm tightly, but not overly tight to be hurting. Instead he would focus on matching her resistance to not allow her to freak out once she heard the news, if she did.

“Azure… passed away months ago Naomi. He died defending the moon from Shadowfall during an intense conflict- a conflict which claimed the lives of many.” He explained softly bracing his body for whatever result unfolded, so long as it was focused on him he could take the damage but he couldn’t let someone of Naomi caliber begin to destroy the surrounding area. Thus the truth was known.

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Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:19 am

Source: Root Double — Song: Pose The Question to The World

She couldn't hear them.

There was a ringing in her ears as if an explosion had gone off right next to her, deafening her to everything else. She stared at the man in front of her who was moving his lips, saying something, definitely making a sound yet one that would never reach her. What was he even trying to do? Trying to move her arm? It wouldn't move, not for him, not even for herself—she was like a statue despite how smooth and soft her skin seemed. He could struggle but he'd never manage to get anywhere. Her emerald hues glowed in the dark like phosphorescent lights, as the eyes of the Miyake all tended to. Even in the dim room he could tell how they quivered, threatening to release moisture. For as still as she was on the outside, the inside was a maelstrom of emotion and thought. Everything around her was complicated and upsetting her, no matter what it was they did. Was the man trying to calm her? Or maybe he was... scared of her?

The most important question was why could she not hear him? The ringing had begun of its own accord, shutting down her strongest sense just as it seemed like the man was about to tell her something important. This was the answer she was seeking! He knew! He knew! He knew!!! And yet it was precisely because of that that this was happening. Her body was using instinct to go ahead of her mind, trying its best to protect the girl on the inside. Call it intuition: it knew that the moment her mind discovered the truth, something terrible would happen and there would no longer be any stopping it. So in its best attempt it tried to cut off her hearing before the revelation could reach her...

But Naomi already knew.

Just before she had been deafened, she had heard the name spoken aloud from behind her. The red-haired female who had followed her had known, knocking down the first domino in a long line of dominoes. At the moment that happened, the blue-haired woman gasped aloud, as the gates were finally opened. An onslaught of images flew by in her head like a slideshow, with every single memory Naomi has ever had with the man with the nice smile; every detail was clear as crystal as if she herself was reliving the past in reality, from his looks to his scent to his mere presence. She saw him as she first remembered him, registering that transformative moment when she determined how great of a person he was just from the feeling he gave off, like a premonition. It was just everything about him that felt right, causing her feelings to grow for him each moment she spent with him, from the very first. He didn't have to do anything special—because just being him was why she liked him so...

But Naomi didn't recall these memories with a golden yellow happiness... no, all of these recollections were tinged with a bitter blue shade, of sadness. As every second of the time they'd spent together passed by at the speed of lightning, Naomi could only tremble in hopelessness because of what she'd find at the end of this journey of remembrance. Dread encapsulated her as she took a few trepidatious steps backwards, bringing her hands to her face to hold it in her shaking fingers. She couldn't hear what Hayden was saying to her but she already knew what it was that he was saying, because it was right there; there, in the forefront of her mind, the revelation of Azure Iramasha's fate. The reason she couldn't find the man with the nice smile was because he was dead, having died during a crisis between world powers. The day he was declared dead, Naomi had broken, abandoning everything that she had keeping her together, and having gone on a rampage where she thought nobody would get hurt. She lost herself there, becoming a beast far and apart from her human self... she could not recount her actions during that time. This was the aftermath of all of that.


Everyone in the room could tell the moment that Naomi's mood changed, as the entire atmosphere changed. When the woman brought her hands away from her face so Hayden could see, he would see the expression that she took when she devolved into that bestial form. Her eyes disappeared behind the veil of her eyelids but her lips parted as the woman began to cry, yell, scream. From the barest of whispers her wailing quickly grew louder, well enough hurt the ears of the others present... but it didn't stop there. The sound only continued to increase and increase, beyond the point when it was considered safe for human ears. The windows cracked, and anything not died down started to shake ever more violently. It was going beyond any normal person's capability to scream and into the realm of supernatural—Naomi's power was leaking out, alerting others to the danger that way yet to come!

After that point, it accelerated very suddenly as Naomi released all of the anger and sadness she had within her in one calamitous moment. There was a split second of time before it happened that both Hayden and Kimitsuki would be able to react to the sudden surge of energy... and then the pulse was released, violently. The sound of her scream projected a kinetic force outward in every direction capable of obliterating everything in its path. It possessed the strength of a nuclear warhead going off—billions of TNT detonating in a single instant. Not only was the house that they were standing in instantly turned to dust, but several of the neighboring homes as well. The pulse continued to flatten structure after structure in its path as it carried out through the entire district, opening a hole in Karakura Central the likes of which is hasn't seen in centuries. In a matter of seconds, a significant portion of the city was destroyed, for Naomi had been a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, brought into Karakura by Hayden.

But the scream would eventually stop, collapsing in on itself as Naomi forced her mouth close with a pathetic wimper—paling in proportion to the sonic nuke that had just gone off. She collapsed to her knees in the middle of a newborn crater, her vibrant blue hair falling lazily around her shoulders. She could have kept going; could have taken out the whole of Karakura if she just let herself rampage like she wanted to... but she managed to reign in control of herself, at least as much as that. She had already gone through this once, after discovering the truth for the first time, and she had already caused more destruction than anybody really knew. Naomi had already lamented Azure's passing in anger, so she could stop herself this time. The lives of the innocents in this city weighed against her, which she managed to remember in a brief period of rational thought, and that's why she ceased her senseless attack... but the damage had already been done.

She broke into tears, sobbing on the ground... now having to live with the truth of Azure's fate instead of rejecting it with her violence. "Azuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!" she wailed, smashing her fist into the ground to pulverize the grated valley of the crater and turn it into a cracked pit, further digging her own hole. She couldn't even control her strength right to utilize normal movements. The slightest twitch of her muscles now could send a bone-shattering shockwave out. She was dangerous to be around; unstable, uncertain, and unhappy. She didn't even know what had happened to the others, or if they were still alive. Guilt and regret piled onto her along with the other emotions she was feeling, only worsening her condition. She didn't mean it... she couldn't stop herself... Why?

All she could do was whine Azure's name in a pained, desperate voice, and hope that everything would fix itself in a miracle.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Lost Girl [Open] - Page 2 Qx494h
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Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:18 am


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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

Why in the bloody hell wasn’t he able to move her?

Hayden was sure that his strength should have at least be able to budge her in some regard, he was putting some real effort in it! But instead he could only keep her in place, while he stopped any movement she could make it was clear he could not break her position. Almost like some unmoveable object, yet her own outward force didn’t match this unstoppable force. It was a strange combination which allowed him some insight into the woman powers and supposed strength, it was at this time he would start thinking of preparing to change the location of the area.

Even in the dim room Hayden could see the emotions building within her, the tears threatening to burst forward. It wasn’t a pleasant sight. But in that same moment Naomi seemed to be trying to move, at this point Hayden having stopped trying to push her arms but rather remained contact, however she stopped as the room took a large but very sudden shift. One that indicated that he had made a mistake bringing her to Karakura- one he intended to fix very quickly.

It was at this time as his Cyber Brain kicked into action, the super processor which rivaled that of Shadin Yuudeshi’s very own. While Hayden mind was able to slow the events of this area to a slug crawl even with the ridiculous speeds at everything usually operated, his brain was already calculating the worldly coordinates for an portal large portal to open under the entirety of the floor within the room. For Hayden despite putting in the information it would only begin the process of opening, mostly due to his brain still slowing the world. The span of ten seconds was increased for of an entire minute for himself allowing him to plan accordingly.

This was bad, a horrible situation that was degressing into a even more disgusting one. Of course she would snap at this moment, Naomi just didn’t have the mental fortitude to withstand an attack of this emotional caliber. In his own head it was almost tragically beautiful one could care for another this much, was this the way he would react if everything he built crashed down on him? Perhaps it was. It was that very reason he could not allow Naomi to reach the peak of her destructive nature which was overflowing, at least not within karakura.

They could not risk going to somewhere like Karakura forest as there was the risk of something major coming from the woman. Once they arrived on the otherside of the portal they would fall a brief foot arriving in ‘The Wastelands’. A place within the world which had be so damaged by battles that it was damn near inhospital, thus making it the perfect place for Naomi to release that rage and sadness from within.

At this point Hayden would have let go of her as his Cyber Brain allowed time to resume, his arms crossing as the last second past in which he was feeling an immense energy began to build up. It was that destructive power he had only briefly prevented from exploding within the center of Karakura- enough to force the man struggled to resist against the nuclear for which was on his body. The man crossed his arms in front of himself as his teeth gritted, he could feel the skin on his body burning a bit- on his forearms the skin was completely gone revealing the outline of red muscle by the end of her assault upon the world.

By the end of this as she dropped to a sobbing mess on the floor, her arms slamming into the ground repeatedly shaking the world while digging herself a greater crater than that which they were in. Hayden’s body had retroactively began to repair the minor damage she had done to him, his skin beginning to stitch itself and rebuild muscle that was torn away rather grotesquely which finished in but a few seconds. A blessing of death matter.

Hayden had to steady himself as the world shook around Naomi in her heaping mess, despite the anger and regret he was feeling at her and himself. This was the look of true sadness on her face, a look he understood. It had been centuries since he had last experience sadness on this level, the brief memory of a family playing out in his head which was pushed down. He was no Azure Iramasha. He wasn’t some hero, loveable man that people could connect to. It was that stark difference in Hayden which allowed him to avoid some mistakes Azure had made, it was that difference which allowed Hayden to govern both a nation and an org.

“Is this what you are going to do? Sitting in the past crying about something you can’t change? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. FIND THE BASTARD WHO DID THAT TO AZURE DAMMIT.”

It was sudden, it was harsh. But the words that left his mouth in a rage that came from his past would surface at the sobbing girl. It was the goddamn truth to Hayden, she denied what happened and because of that nearly took the lives of millions within the place she and Hayden both swore to protect. Let alone, the person they had sworn too, Azure Iramasha. If she wanted to cry and let those who did this go free, become another statistic and tragedy in the world so be it. Hayden had a war to fight, one which required strong woman and men that could come back from the brink. This might’ve been her first real taste of war, the type of destruction it brought and within the coming months or years… there was going to be more.

His hand was balled into a fist as his rage seethed out into the world, his mind trying to formulate some type of response to this pathetic sight. Before relaxing as she remained crying shaking the world with her fists. His eyes cast down at her as he said his final words.

“Azure Iramasha. He wouldn’t want this. So get to your feet and do something.”

It was her choice in his head if she heard him or not. Because at this point it seemed she was ready to accept the real world. Despite how painful it was.

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Mon Jan 02, 2017 2:41 pm
Kimitsuki Yamamoto

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Artist: Demon Hunter | Song: Collapsing | Word Count: 981

The second Naomi's demeanor changed was when Kimitsuki found herself in a bit of a panicked state. Sure, she didn't charge at Kimitsuki and pin her against something, but, the sudden change in the atmosphere of the room was enough to have Kimitsuki, who was already a little unstable from watching what had occurred earlier and from being far too socially awkward and shy to actually allow her mind to process things properly without some part of her caving in on herself. And frankly, that had been slowly happening this entire time. However, the sudden change in emotions had strangely affected the Danava. While it was very true that Kimitsuki has been very shy, and socially inept, nearly her entire life, but, something was sending her over the edge. And that something was the storm of emotions she was feeling from Naomi.

Kimitsuki backed up against a wall, breathing rather rapidly. It was in a situation like this that her empathetic-ness was rather disadvantageous since the storm of emotions from Naomi was forcing Kimitsuki to retreat inside herself. Her focus from before was lost, she was starting to lose control. Some part of her heard Kagutsuchi attempting to get her attention to call her back to reality, but, it was simply no use. Kimitsuki had become panicked enough that sparks were literally flying out from the glove on her right hand. Nothing was catching on fire, but, it was clear she was about to lose control and cause even more destruction. However, something snapped deep within Kimitsuki.

Kimitsuki losing control of her fire had always been a concern to the Danava; not wanting to accidentally kill people if she lost control due to entering a state of panic or legitimately losing control of her flames. Such a thing hadn't happened in a long time, but, such a large concentration of emotions had caused that something to snap. As soon as that portal appeared, thanks to Hayden, Kimitsuki didn't even process that they were in a different location since her mind was lost inside itself. Kimitsuki could feel the glove on her right hand disappear of it's own accord as fire matching the heat of the sun wrapped itself around Kimitsuki. Just as the fire was about to explode outwards, the fire was absorbed back into Kimitsuki as her form was shimmering and shaking. Just as the burst of energy hit, Kimitsuki was thrown back quite far away from Naomi; thanks to the state she was currently in. As soon as the explosion of energy ceased, Kimitsuki slowly rose to her feet; her body quite damaged from the explosion of energy. However, soon her body was being patched up by her Body Manipulation; destroyed parts being patched up and healed through rebuilding. However, Kimitsuki wasn't exactly looking normal; per se.

The second Kimitsuki rose to her feet, she was still in her normal attire, what was left of it at least, and seemed somewhat normal. However, Kimitsuki's form, and clothes, ultimately shifted. Nearly immediately, her form had shifted to one that looked much like how she normally does, at least in hair color. However, her eyes were far more demonic looking, her clothes had become far different, and possibly revealing; in certain ways. Quite an emotionless look came over Kimitsuki's face immediately as her form changed. A sigh escaped Kimitsuki as she slowly walked forwards until she was right next to Hayden; upon which the demon girl lost her footing and fell to her knees. Kimitsuki's legs spread out to her sides, her legs being parallel to the ground. Kimitsuki's attire in this form she was suddenly thrown into was definitely something one would call "skimpy". Of course, it was so for it's own reasons, but, it was nothing that Kimitsuki knew now. She simply looked up at Hayden with a look that was completely blank, but, may look confused or childish in some regards. However, the energy that was emerging from Kimitsuki would be rather strange. It was the same as before, to an extent, but, it contained far more deadliness in it than before; as well as something else that was a little hard to describe. Regardless, the energy emitting from Kimitsuki's being was clearly one that would be dangerous if someone was on the wrong end of it.

Kimitsuki continued to look at Hayden before she spoke in monotone. Her head tilted to the side as she spoke, looking Hayden in the eye.

"Sir... what happened? My memory of what happened after the portal was opened is fuzzy... Where are we?"

Kimitsuki continued to stare at Hayden, who would be met with a Kimitsuki who wasn't acting shy and was wearing attire that may be a little revealing and was definitely not her original attire. However her attention was soon drawn to Naomi and she tilted her head to the side as she listened to her cries and felt the tremors she was creating as she stared at Naomi. She tilted her head further to the side before she spoke, sounding like a little harsh despite her lack of emotion in her voice.

"You look pitiful, do you know that...? I think I understand how you feel, but, I am afraid whoever this Azure is, is gone. I see no use to you wallowing here in sorrow instead of doing something about it..."

Kimitsuki eyes, which were now demonic and were a more orange-red color, were seemingly boring into Naomi as she whined and cried about Azure. There was no point now... he was gone. All she could do was move forwards. After all, she has two good legs; she may as well use them and move forward. It was something we all could do.

Never give up.

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Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:16 pm

Source: Root Double — Song: Pose The Question to The World

If only she had such an ability, or form, something to just take away all of the painful emotions she had swirling around in her chest... with the flip of the switch she could suppress all this torment at once and fall into a peaceful sleep. If only it were that easy like it was for the other girl. Oh, what a joke.

It was good that they kept their distance, those two, as Naomi groveled on her knees in her self-made crater. Even should they have been her friends, the danger that she might just twitch and accidentally break their bodies was a real threat. Long ago, during the Miyake's childhood, she was labeled as a monster and a danger even among her own clansmen. Her strength was so much that accidental destruction and injury were a standard of simply being around the blue-haired girl. Her power was undeniable, but she had no training in being able to control it. It took years before her family was capable of reigning in her strength so that she could fit in with society outside of her village. She carried those old lessons to this day, but the danger was always there. If Naomi was in a state where she could not moderate herself... the scars of the past would come to bear themselves again. The cracked earth beneath her palms was being turned to fine dust from simple movements of her hands. Who knew what she'd do to them?

She didn't dare look at them. She just continued staring at the ground before her. At least they were okay, but she didn't want to know the state that she'd put them in with her loss of control; she remembered all the people she killed when she was a child, just by accident. Honestly... she just wanted to curl up here, and go to sleep. She wanted to sleep away all of the things tormenting her, but her now-restless mind would not let her. She still was angry, sad, depressed, scared, and many other emotions. She was still in a state where she wanted to rampage, to explode, to release it all; yet, she was holding herself back in consideration for others. She was stuck in the middle.

However, when Hayden spoke, Naomi's shaking stopped. She'd turned into a statue again, because he was not just talking to her... but yelling at her. He roared words that dug under her skin, causing her to turn one of her radiant green eyes at him. Yet, it was not the soft human-like hue he was met with, but a sharpened animal-like one. She honed in on the male unblinkingly, her expression unreadable at first. Then, the woman beside him compounded onto his words and declared more harsh, unforgiving things to her. It was akin to taking a dagger and shoving it straight through her heart. She'd lost the person she cared about most in this world and her friends didn't even seem to share her feelings! Did they not understand?

They were speaking to her like an adult who could just push through the pain and act maturely... yet anyone who truly knew Naomi would realize that she was still very much like a child. And moreso, in this state of hers, was she an illogical beast. They tried to think logically about the matter while Naomi was thinking emotionally. They trampled over the thing that she cared most about in her weakened state... how dare they!

Naomi grit her teeth and peeled back her lips to bear them. A low growl escaped her throat as she began quivering again. They wanted her to do something? Fine! Like a coiled spring she released, blasting off like a rocket that sent a pile of stone ricocheting in the opposite direction. There was no subtlety in the woman's movements; just raw unadulterated power focused into a spear that was her body. She charged straight for them and sent her fist careening in an arc that would hopefully catch both of them in the process. Whether or not it hit them, the extraneous force from these movements alone would create a tidal wave of earth outward from where Naomi swung, as shockwaves pummeled everything in front of her. The land quaked and groaned in witness to the Sleeping Beast's strength. The landscape was reshaped in her rage, as the woman released a heartbreaking scream into the air filled with more pain than she could bear.

"You don't understaaaaaaaaaaand! You can't!" she declared through the tears. They didn't know him like she did. They didn't know how she felt. Their statements proved to her that they couldn't.

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Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:22 pm


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Artist: N/A - Song: N/A

If this is how this was going to go then it was better it went this way. Because at least here they didn’t need to hold back, here they could let their rage boil to the surface.

The moment Hayden’s own rage filled eye’s looked at Naomi his feet would widen briefly as he prepared himself for the onslaught that was about to be released. Perhaps somewhere in her head she was considered a child, but the sad reality of the situation was she was an adult- one who had to live their life within the rules of society. Was there some sort of pity for Hayden towards them? Of course. But she had too much power to be treated with delicate hands, perhaps if this was what it would take to reach them; to make them understand that they had to grow up. However, he just hoped Kimitsuki was ready to deal with the rage of a beast that at this very moment, seemed to be in a drunken rage.

Was he too harsh, did he allow his own emotions to overwhelm him? He did to some regard, but that was a choice he willingly made. The girl- woman Naomi was handled far too delicately as a child too long. To do and act as they bid allowed this type of beast to remain inside of her, instead of trying to tame that sleeping monster within her. She needed to grow up. A process which could be both spiritually and emotionally painful. Thank whatever god was watching over them they could do it here.

As the world around them exploded into chaos and energy, the pure kinetic force of Naomi launching from her position was enough to blow Hayden’s hair back instantly. His clothes were even beginning to rip from the raw force she was exhibiting as she charged towards them. Considering he would be the first Naomi would strike he was fully prepared, his eyes able to track the movements with ease as his left arm came up in preparation for kinetic force which would strike him. However, he intended to strike first.

Within the sport of boxing, a move was developed to eliminate an opponent momentum to use it against them but it all depended on one thing: Hitting them first. Better known as the cross counter, it was the act of throwing a punch along their opponent's arm to hit them with both the force of their own punch and their enemies. Naomi was an absolute monster of strength, that was true but so was Hayden. In a straight brawl it was a coin toss most likely so Hayden would use the one definite advantage he had: Skill.

His arm would explode outwards with his full unrestrained strength, his body bracing it’s self for the amount of force that was about to be generated by the punch. If Naomi alone was cause the world to shake and the sky to part, with the mixture of Hayden’s own strength they would see the crater they were standing in triple in size. Hayden wasn’t the type to back down in whatever situation so if she wanted an all out brawl then that was what she would get.

What would happen most likely if they made contact, would be the momentum of their bodies instantly stopped. Hayden’s strength and her own power would be transferred into the punch that would strike her, before her’s could make contact with his face or Kimitsuki. Normally, this would be a dangerous move to make but it was the predictability of Naomi in her rage which allowed for this to happen- but he knew she was an unstoppable machine as his body braced for the next punch.

However Hayden was not without damage, in order to execute this perfectly her arm needed to be stopped at some point. If it continued to swing it could cause surrounding damage which normally would be fine but with Kimitsuki around, he needed to negate that. Thus when his left arm came up it took the full sideways force of her hit, his muscle bruising upon contact leaving a small indenture. Thankfully no bone was broken but there was definitely a hair line fracture somewhere within it.

“Of course I understand, you don’t think I don’t know this pain? This empty void left by losing the only person that truly understands you?” His voice faltered only slightly as it quivered with rage, among that of pain as his fist remained in her face his own hazel eyes glowing with an assortment of energy and pain. “I CAN UNDERSTAND, what I can’t understand is why you want to sit in sorrow! To let this beast control you- You’re BETTER THAN THAT.” He would roar this as his fist dropped his free arm wrapping around her body holding her tightly as his teeth gritted as he had one last thing to say to the beast. “If you are going to have to take this out on someone, let it be me. If you have to hate someone to fix yourself. Let it be me.”

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