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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Lost Girl [Open]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:41 pm

Source: Epic Mountain Music — Song: Time


Where am I? What happened last? What's going on? All of these questions are normal curiosities for the average person upon waking up in an unfamiliar place, none of which possessed the mind of Naomi Miyake. She was not the brightest bulb in the pack; she was a girl with a lot of air in her head, and so the things she thought were not always the most sensible in any given circumstance. Thus, when she cracked her eyes open and her teal hues peered through her eyelashes to discover a place she could not immediately recall... her thoughts went to one man—a man with a good smile. A man who was rarely seen in a good mood, bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders, and forced through an unimaginable pain; yet Naomi liked how he smiled.

What was his name again?

Suddenly, the Miyake's train of thought abruptly ended and she couldn't for the life of herself remember what it was she had been thinking about. Her mind was wiped blank as a clean slate, and all the tragedy and unhappiness that came with those memories had vanished. There she was, just lying on the ground in the middle of a strange place without any recollection of the past few months, although she did not know how long it had been truly since she blacked out. It could have been a few minutes ago, or maybe years. All that noise just seemed unimportant to her now. What mattered was the present and the future... it seemed late, probably dinner time, so she had to go back home before her sisters got angry at her. Yes, that was important.

Naomi pulled herself to her feet, dragging herself out of the puddle of mud she'd found herself in when she awoke. Driblets of brown sludge fell from her body as she straightened up, raining back down into the quagmire with a choir of dull plops. Whining slightly at the uncomfortable feeling of caked dirt and uncomely stains, she tried to brush off what she could, but this job was just too much for the likes of her. She gave up, having too much difficulty seeing the darkness and truly just wishing for a shower to handle everything. If she tarried too long, her sisters would get mad, remember? So the next step was finding the way back home... but where was she? She looked around and saw trees, some bushes, some grass... more trees. The canopy was rather thick in this area, so she could barely catch a glimpse of the starry sky above. That did explain why it was so dark, however.

She had no idea which direction to go... no idea how she even got here in the first place. Yet there was one peculiarity that just now caught the blue-haired woman's attention—a trail of unbridled destruction leading in a straight direction away from her. It seemed to have stopped exactly where she was... or maybe it started here. Either way, she couldn't put two and two together to realize the circumstances surrounding her for now. She simply wanted to get home before dinner, and so started slowly treading down the desecrated path. At her pace, it would be hours before she got anywhere by herself, but for some reason she just didn't have the energy to move any faster than a dead man's walk.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Dexterity on Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:31 pm; edited 4 times in total

Lost Girl [Open] Qx494h
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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:48 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Lost Girl [Open] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Animal In Me - Song: Burn - Word Count: 720

With a soft sigh, the Danava of fire had wandered just a little bit. She had wandered far enough to arrive at the Karakura forest. Frankly, Kimitsuki wandered a lot; enough to the point where she has seen most of the world. But, today, today was a strange day. Some part of her had noticed that the forest around Karakura had been a little, very, destroyed. With a soft sigh, Kimitsuki had ventured into the forest with sure footed steps that seemed to echo with the might that Kimitsuki possessed due to years of honing her skills. However, it was nothing that was meant to be evil, intimidating, or even destructive. Well, sort of, Fire is kinda destructive on it's own. However, she was clearly not meaning to be destructive at the moment; only to help the being she sensed down this destroyed path that Kimitsuki had just set her red eyes upon.

With a soft sigh, Kimitsuki held up a hand and lit the tiniest of flames in her hand, taming the heat so that it would not burn anything around her. She walked slowly towards the destruction and made sure to keep a sharp eye out for anything that may be around. She had all her senses open so she could make sure nothing would try to ambush or kill her in the process. As the Danava slowly stepped towards the center of this area that had created the destruction before her. Luckily for her, it led in a straight line, so all she had to do was walk forwards and make sure not to light everything on fire. That last part was important as her flames could literally rip apart anything around her if she wasn't careful, so, better safe than sorry in the end.

Kimitsuki continued to take her steps towards the center of the area, making sure not to cause too much noise as she would like to avoid any possibility of a fight today; if at all possible. She looked around at the foliage around her; the trees not all that tightly packed. But, they were packed well enough that they could shut a little bit of light out; making Kimitsuki glad she was using her fire to create some light. However, she was sure it could go wrong and burn things so, shortly after making sure she could see well, she dispelled the fire and then continued walking until she got to the center of the destruction; seeing a blue haired girl standing up from a puddle of mud.

Kimitsuki cocked her head to the side and then made sure her aura was a none threatening one before she gestured towards the girl and spoke slowly; though the speech was a little stuttered at times and seemed to show that she was a bit of a nervous and shy soul.

"H-Hello... Are you alright? I noticed the destruction and decided to look into it, I didn't exactly expect a woman to be in the middle of all this. Are you alright? You look kinda, well, out of it I guess the term is. Is there anyway I may be able to help you?"

Kimitsuki made sure to have both of her hands shown so that she couldn't be thought to be hiding a weapon in the folds of her clothes or have a weapon in her hands in general. Though, she did hope the girl did not attack out of the reasoning that Kimitsuki was a Danava; a demon. Which could be given away by the energy she exuded, but, hopefully her more positive attitude towards the girl in front of her wouldn't cause a fight to break out and nearly destroy more things. Again, it would be nice if a fight did not break out; makes things a little less stressful.

"Ah... I'm Kimitsuki Yamamoto by the way... May I know your name?"

With that slightly awkward introduction Kimitsuki gave a soft sigh once more before she waited for the girl to speak to her and hopefully not attack her and create a couple of not so well placed explosions to occur. Kimitsuki was at least hopeful she was the kind enough not to attack a Danava at random.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:57 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Destruction and carnage marked the path to the young, rather dim-witted girl. And where there was destruction and carnage, there were hollows. The two went hand in hand, almost inevitably; there simply couldn't be a desolate pile of ruins and corpses without at least one of the angry dead in the near vicinity. But correlation is not causation Dear Reader, and today it was that most delightfully of absurd hollows that had first noticed the path of devastation that had been wrought. Yaksha Dokuja leaned against a tree, torn in half at an area that was approximately waist height for him, and chest height for most mortals.

"My god. If you didn't tell me otherwise, I'd think this place had seen a hurricane recently. But I'd have to be blind deaf and dumb to have missed a hurricane running through my hunting grounds like this. And all that leaves is a very interesting notion."

He began to tap at his chin slowly, curiously, disappearing from sight, only to be seen clamoring up the boughs of another nearby tree. If there was one thing Yaksha knew, it was that the evolutionary habit of refusing to look up was still alive and well in mortals; he wouldn't have to do much more than sit perfectly still and let them come to him at this point.

And in the worst case? He could have a nice, relaxing day. One where no one at all tried to kill or maim or physically accost him for no real reason.

He should be so lucky.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 10:17 pm

The Iron King

Desmond Hayden

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Karakura Forest, the place that held some many encounters to Hayden that it held a sort of personal attachment to the man by now. It was why he had set time out of his ever busy schedule to once again go on a small 'patrol' through the area, afterall he had learned the place like the back of his hand since his days of wandering around it training and doing his job at the time as a Vastimian Soldier. So when something caught his eyes that shouldn't have been there such as a long path of carnage he tended to get curious about it.

'Perhaps tonight will yield something of interest, least I've came across something that'll require me to draw my blade,' Hayden mused within his head as his hand rested on his Zanpakutō. His foot steps where light figuring that he didn't need to enter into shunpo, walking around would suffice for now. Each step took careful precedence as his thumb rested on the hilt of his long sword esque Zanpakutō.

As he stepped carefully his senses began to flare as the two familiar reiatsus began to flutter along his senses. The first one was much stronger, the steady strong aura of a Danava; particularly that of one he knew. However, the other which peaked his interest was the faint soft Reiatsu that he couldn't quite place his hand on. It was definitely familiar but it eluded his grasp.


His voice would remain firm and steady like that of a tested soldier coming to the aid of a civilian, but as he turned his site was cast upon something he had never expected to see again. Naomi Miyake. How bloody long had it been since he had seen the sleepy oaf!?!

"Naomi!?" Hayde would comment just above room volume, his surprise evident as his eyes went to Kimitsuki who looked to be trying to talk to Naomi which to her credit she hadn't turtled up yet. Kimitsuki and Hayden held some interaction as she was joining the Vastime and was a frequent of a tea shop within the capital of his nation.

He would take note that Naomi did indeed seem a bit weaker than before, he recalled her being the titan out of the three sisters if not the strongest in her own right. It was troubling to see her in such a state something evident on his face before he looked behind them seeing that the trial of destruction was behind them that Naomi must have somehow been the catalyst for this.

"Are you two ok, Naomi perhaps you should sit you look very tired- more than usual." He teased lightly as his brow furrowed but a measured smile came on his face, one that showed something easing up within him as he approachd cautiously. "You've been gone for months.."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Lost Girl [Open] JfH75kA
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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:02 pm

Source: Epic Mountain Music — Song: Time

Time was passing at a rate the Miyake couldn't keep track of—not in her state of mind. Moments after she began her venture through the Karakura woods, her consciousness began to fade far away. She entered into dreamless sleep which passed in an instant, waking again after an indeterminate amount of time. She'll have slept, but her body would continue on nonetheless in the act of sleepwalking. The scenery will have changed, but not by much. Or at least, she could not remember exactly how her surroundings looked from before. It was completely possible that Naomi was wandering around in circles and she just couldn't tell.

She could barely open her eyes. In fact, it was much too difficult to keep them open for some reason, so she didn't bother. Normally, this wouldn't be so much of a problem because the woman was so adept at 'seeing' with her ears. Every footfall she made mapped out the area she was in like sonar; the subtle sound alone radiated out and bounced back to tell her where she was going... and yet at this moment this augmented awareness of her surroundings barely extended more than a few dozen meters, in addition to being hazy and imprecise. Her senses were far more dulled than usual, and she didn't know why, but neither did she wonder why. After all, the thing that mattered most was just getting home where her sisters were waiting for her.

It felts like only mere seconds (or perhaps hours), as Naomi constantly faded in and out of awareness... her dull, clouded eyes opened and looked upward from the ground as an obstacle presented itself. She expressed confusion in her body language, faltering slightly in her forward march to regard this person. Neither her vision nor hearing served her well, as the being in front of her just appeared to her as a luminous blur. It spoke to her, but Naomi's weary mind barely kept track of what was being said past the first few words. The sounds of syllables muddled together into an unintelligible nonsense that disturbed the woman; she cringed backwards like a scared child, contrast to the maturity her form possessed.

Another voice, another blur. Events were progressing in liquid time, moving slow, then fast. None of it made sense but Naomi could at least acknowledge that her name had been spoken before her. She tried... truly tried to extend her senses toward the person and figure out who it was that knew her name, but her memory refused to cooperate with reality. None of these people were the man with the good smile.

"I don't..." she began, in her usual dreary voice. Naomi was a caricature of the sleepy personality, always possessing a drawl in her voice that made her speak slowly and softly. It made her seem so weak, so fragile. "Who... are...?" And try as she might, she could not even maintain consciousness long enough to finish her question. Her eyes closed in slumber, as she released a long sigh, before evening her breathing. Disconnected from the real world, she once again began moving forward.

She seemed like she was just going to walk up to them, but no... the woman would continue by passing between them, unabashed. Even in the darkness, it was easy to see her current state once she walked up closely enough. She may have been asleep, but that wasn't something that would stop her from getting home on time for dinner. Her sisters were waiting—the man with the nice smile was waiting—they were all waiting for her at home, all this time...

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Dexterity on Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

Lost Girl [Open] Qx494h
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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:43 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Lost Girl [Open] 6EdIfMt [/center]

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover) - Word Count: 665

Kimitsuki looked at the stronger woman in front of her, though she could tell her energy was waning like that of moon; so little was left. Kimitsuki peered at the glove on her right hand and used her body manipulation so cover the glove, basically transforming her arm to mirror her left arm, so that she could possibly touch or hold the woman with her right hand without causing any issues. She slowly walked towards the woman, who indeed did seem rather confused. Kimitsuki raised up her hands and tried her best to radiate a more calming aura. Emphasis on tried. A calming aura is something that fire can do, but, Kimitsuki hadn't exactly focused too much on all the aspects of fire. She really just knew it's main nature of destruction and creation, but, the more comforting side can sometimes escape her. So, Kimitsuki walked towards the woman very slowly until she felt a familiar presence, and felt a familiar voice.

Kimitsuki's head turned to look at Hayden, her red hair flicking to the opposite direction of the turn as she focused on Hayden and then heard her exclaim 'Naomi'. Kimitsuki looked at the girl that was somewhat cowering from her and lightly muttered her name before she looked back at Hayden.

"H-Hayden! Wh-What are you doing here? and who is this Naomi? I figure she's this girl here, but, who is she?"

Kimitsuki's attention was soon directed back to the girl as she spoke softly saying some phrases that Kimitsuki could barely make out. With a soft swallow, Kimitsuki shoved off any shyness that may still reside within in her being as she kept moving towards the woman; who seemed to have fallen into some state of unconsciousness or something of the like. Yet she was still moving, breathing; taking steps that showed some of the might that she normally held. She watched as Naomi kept moving despite any reason that she should not be moving. Kimitsuki slowly moved in the same path as her, in the opposite direction. Soon enough she stood in front of the strong maiden. From there, Kimitsuki, after making sure her right hand was completely safe to be touched, tried to put Naomi into a hug of some sorts; trying to halt her movement.

"P-Please, Naomi; stop moving... I don't know where your destination is, but, in your current condition you may not make it back... please, relax."

Kimitsuki's voice was surprisingly warm and kind for a Danava who had the social aptitude of a cactus. Another thing to note was that Kimitsuki's body heat was at just the right temperature to be comforting enough for many people. It may not halt Naomi's movement alone, but, hopefully Kimitsuki's sure footed position would help her enough to halt her movement and not get punched or something in the process. Kimitsuki knew what she was doing was rather dangerous, trying to halt the movement of someone she didn't know. But, if Hayden knew her and didn't try to attack her on sight; she must not be that bad.

With effort put into her actions, Kimitsuki pushed against Naomi lightly. So light in fact that the opposition of movement would be barely noticeable. However, it would be just enough to get Naomi to stop eventually if she didn't suddenly speed up her movement. Kimitsuki tried her best to also not panic from what she was doing; putting herself in a risky position. However, she was fire. She was wild, and could not be controlled. But she was also warming, kind, and a good enough being that it would be hard to not trust the female Danava. But, only time would tell if Kimitsuki's efforts would be in vain or not. And, hopefully, everything would work out and no one would get punched today. Hopefully.

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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:29 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

The only warning of his arrival was a faint rustling of leaves, and a faint chittering of the wildlife; it was all of two seconds' notice, before an enormous, white-clad monstrosity dropped down from the boughs, tail wrapped around a branch, and hands folded over its chest. The hollow stared at those present, tutting softly and shaking his head.

"Have you never heard the old wives' tale, either of you? You never touch a sleepwalker. It rips the souls from their bodies, I'm told. I've never personally seen it happen, but...stranger things, am I right?"

He rose one hand away from his chest, waggling his fingers in an almost lazy welcoming gesture; the claws waggled in a spastic motion that could almost be called a wave. His mouth opened, revealing a long, probing tongue that was covered in thick, purplish black splotches that almost resembled old bruises. It made no attempt to approach the three people assembled, simply waved through the air for a few moments, before retreating into his mouth.

"It seems, as best I can tell, this little one is quite destructive. And quite out of it, at the moment. It's a delicate process, drawing people out of their own heads, and back into the world around them. I understand you're leery about accepting help from a hollow, but...come on, guys. Let's be honest. Who am I really a threat to, right now? You can lop my head off at any moment. Worst I can do is make you think twice about doing it."

His tail lashed outwards, releasing him from the tree's bough and leaving him subject to gravity...until it shot down, pressing against the dirt forcefully and leaving him dangling in place, until he overbalanced, tumbling forward, landing on his hands, and springing into place, just in front of Naomi.

"Pleased to meet all three of you! Let's make this a day worth remembering."

Yaksha's hand slid to his mask, his expression warm, soft, composed...and absolutely devoid of any malice or madness to be found. He sounded, in fact, like any passing Good Samaritan. And as he pulled his hand away, he favored Naomi with such a nice, pleasant, friendly smile.

"You're a long way from home, aren't you."
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:56 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

This day was getting too strange.

Naomi seemed out of it after having been lost for months, literally months! Kimitsuki seemed to want to help bless her little demonic soul, but didn’t seem to know what to do besides touching her, and now a Hollow had appeared. However, Hayden would not get to think too much on this as he watched the scene unfold trying to decide what he should do before coming to the simple conclusion of this: Making sure Naomi made it safely home and got some rest. Everything else was to take secondary presence, as this trio was in for quite some surpises it seemed with the hollow.

“Gah…” Escaped the mouth of the man in an almost annoyed sigh a the Hollow speaking to them in the tree, meanwhile Kimitsuki was trying to wake Naomi out of the trance she was in. Hayden was usually a good thinker on his feet but his expertise did not rest upon this sort of thing, explosions and world shaking events was more his forte sadly. But he needed to act before this situation began to spiral out of control, so he intended to do so.

His first action would be to take a singular step forward before disappearing to the sight of most people arrive, what was happening was he had entered into Shunpo briefly before reappearing in front of the fallen Hollow before he could get in front of Naomi. His eyes cats down in an almost protective manner as if he didn’t want them to disturb the change walk Naomi was dedicated to making so he simply used his body as a presence to not allow the Hollow in front of them. After all, he said it himself it would take only a second for a careless Hollow to lose their head around them.

“Normally, I’d tell you to scram or purify your corrupted soul but more pressing matters are at hand.” He explained lifting a singular finger to draw the attention of both Kimitsuki and the Hollow, his forearm coming up to reveal what looked like a Holopad as he began to type now. Hayden was using the Vanguardian resources to set up a IRTS or basically the Vastimian portal network to set up a connection between this location and the last known address of Kokoro Miyake- the last Miyake sister who location is known. As he finished typing that took but two seconds the world in front of them would tear open revealing a blank blue portal directly in front of Naomi- should she go through she would arrive within the home of her sister living room.

It paid to be the boss.

“This will take her home for the time being, I suggest you-” He motioned to the hollow, “Left immediately unless you plan to join the vanguard or is seeking to become an arrancar and you-” He pointed to Kimitsuki before letting out a sigh dropping his hand. “Might be able to handle this better than me so I suggest you accompany her home so we can get this mess straightened out.”

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Lost Girl [Open] JfH75kA
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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:52 pm

Source: Epic Mountain Music — Song: Time

The bond between them could hardly be considered serious or full of depth—the one between her and the man with the nice smile—considering it was not even that long ago since the two met. The initial rendezvous they'd shared was short-lived and utterly lacking in terms of substance. They'd hardly spoken with each other, or spent much time on that bench she found him on, but they did share a moment. That was all it needed for them to click, and the chemistry to develop... No, it never quite turned into anything solid, like the thing called 'romance,' but the two became incredibly close.

Something worth fighting for...


From any angle, the woman appeared as a ghost, drained of life. Even without her actions suggesting so, one close-up glance would reveal this. She looked like she would topple over at the slightest gust of air... but Naomi, even at her weakest, could easily defy that expectation. It would only be realized when she was touched—the fiery-spirited woman threw herself against the Miyake both in an attempt to console, and to stop her in her tracks. The slimy sounds of mud became apparent as Naomi was embraced, now tarnishing the both of them with unsightly browns; and the disparate difference between their body temperatures, too.

The realization? As Kimitsuki tried to resist Naomi's forward march, she would realize there was no stopping her on her own power. Her body pushed against the frail body, but the feeling she experienced was more akin to trying to rebel against the orbit of the Earth... and these were not the shoulders capable of bearing the weight of the world. The red-headed woman was pushed back with ease, as her feet dug troughs into the soft dirt she planted them in. Her effort would bear no fruits.

Yet it was the mere contact of another's that woke Naomi from her stupor... that unmistakable warmth being transferred through touch. Her eyes fluttered open weakly, revealing those gleaming green hues of hers again. She stopped moving, now just putting her weight against the smaller girl in front of her. But it was not the girl that captured her attention... but rather the impossible doorway in front of her. Contrast from the natural landscape surrounding her was the familiar layout of her own living room; she'd never forget it. It didn't make sense for her to be seeing this, but a lot of things weren't making sense to her now. Naomi was like a naive child, seeing what it was she desired before her and taking it. She was mere inches from home, sweet home!

As if Kimitsuki was but a figment of her imagination, Naomi forged straight through her, dragging her along behind her now if she was so stubborn to desperately cling onto her. The Miyake's exhausted expression slowly brightened and became slightly more animated as she moved forward, reaching wistfully for the portal. She would stumble through, dropping small packets of mud onto a formerly clean rug floor. She entered into the centermost point of a modest room, complete with a sofa, television set, coffee table, fireplace, and unlit lamp. There was no one in the immediate area, but surely they would be in the kitchen, eating food, with one seat left over for her...

She closed her eyes and reached out with her sense of hearing, acquiring a three-dimensional image of the entire house with her abnormal sense of hearing. She'd shaken off the exhaustion that ailed her just for this purpose, to find her loved ones... The kitchen, the lobby, the game room, upstairs in all the bedrooms... desperately she searched every single corner of the two-story home for any sign of them, becoming more and more confused the longer she stood there in that spot... the others likely couldn't even tell what was taking place. Naomi was just standing there with her back to the portal, a dire expression on her face.

"But... where aaaaaare theeeeeeeeey...?" she finally mumbled after a long, long time. She scavenged through her brain for an answer; a memory, or anything that could explain away why things were not what they normally were. Yet, there was no figuring it out on her own power. She turned around with closed eyes, listening to instead of seeing the presence of the two... or three others that seemed to be nearby. The portal was muddling her ability to sense them, but she knew at the least that the sounds were coming from behind her, and so she faced that direction. In a voice both unsure and scared, she asked:

"What is happeniiiiiing...?"

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Lost Girl [Open] Empty Re: Lost Girl [Open]

Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:32 pm

Kimitsuki Yamamoto

The Flaming Lotus
Burn to a Crisp

Lost Girl [Open] 6EdIfMt [/center]

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover) - Word Count: 1000

Despite Kimitsuki's efforts to stop the girl, she kept on moving and moving, soon getting mud plastered on the both of them. Which Kimituski didn't mind, but, it was still gross regardless. She continued to hold onto Naomi as she basically pushed her through the mud; easily making them both look like someone decided to dump mud over their heads. Kimitsuki even kept holding on when the hollow spoke, but, a line of fire was drawn around the hollow nearly the second it moved. With a strangely intimidating growl, Kimitsuki glared down the hollow and let the fire that was in her eyes burn with the fury of a sun.

"I care not to whom you align yourself, hollow, but, touch this girl and I will show you how hot it is to touch the surface of the sun..."

Afterwards, Kimitsuki continued to hold onto Naomi as she pushed her through the mud as if Kimitsuki was nothing more than a plow; which really made the girl grit her teeth. Of course, she was certain by now that this girl could not be stopped so, as soon as she thought that, Kimitsuki felt herself slipping from in front of Naomi to being behind her; with Kimitsuki hanging onto her back a little desperately. Despite being a girl who bathes in lava, falling into mud seemed like the worst thing to do ever. So, she hung onto Naomi's back with a little desperation as she watched Hayden get in front of the hollow that she had placed the circle of fire around, big enough to block the hollow from movement momentarily, but not to block vision. She listened as Hayden talked to the hollow, seemingly having a hand on his Zanpakutō. It was hard for her to tell while hanging onto Naomi's back like she was a baby animal.

Kimitsuki then perked up at Hayden giving orders, the first seemed to be towards the hollow while the second... why it was directed towards Kimitsuki. A single finger pointed to her before it dropped and he seemed to speak his order in exasperation. Kimitsuki nodded to Hayden and would have done a salute if she knew the salute of Vastime. So, she simply nodded and spoke to him.

"Y-Yes sir! I will try, I just hope she doesn't attack me or anything... whether or not she isn't the fighting type, well, you know what I mean..."

She sighed softly as the portal appeared in front of both her and Naomi. Kimitsuki swallowed when she saw the carpet and hoped that the mud wouldn't create too much of a mess. She could clean it, sure, but, she was sure that her normal method of fire would be too rough for these surfaces. She's just have to find some cleaning supplies after she got the mud off of her. And she probably couldn't do that with fire either considering the scent left would be so rancid and terrible that it would not be a good thing to wake to; at all. So, with a soft sigh, Kimitsuki waved at Hayden as she and Naomi went through the portal; not sure if the portal would close behind them. Kimitsuki soon slipped off of Naomi and nearly flopped onto the floor. She caught herself last minute, only to just lie down and make the softest 'ewwww' as she heard, and felt, the mud on her body squish and spread.

She sat up slowly and resisted the urge to shake off the mud as she looked around nervously; hoping no one had a blade pointed at her. Or something much worse, like a battleship.. something. How should she know though?? Her lack of nervousness had finally broke and she felt so nervous that she was half tempted to jump between the portal before it closed, but, she didn't. She was tasked to keep track of Naomi and she would do just that; even if she was scared of possibly getting attacked. She truly had no idea what to do at the moment, so, she really did just wait for a good long time until Naomi spoke; clearly wondering about the inhabitants of this house. The house that was likely her family's house. Kimitsuki peeled off her boots, placing them outside of the mud pools as the already had enough mud on them, and stood up, standing at only 5'4" currently due to the heels. She also took off her overcoat, leaving on only the tank top like attire and the strange leg wear she had on.

Kimitsuki put a warm hand on Naomi lightly, the hand shaking quite a bit from how nervous she was, as she spoke to the girl rather softly.

"N-N-Naomi... i-it's okay, you're home now... j-just lie down and re-relax... I'm sure e-everything will be fine."

Kimitsuki again gave the girl a hug, though she was shaking a little more than one should think possible. Afterwards, she slowly stepped back and looked at the mud that remain on her body; some left over and some that just came from Naomi. She groaned and felt some mud run down her back; the sludge feeling extremely cold to her. Now she was shivering from that sensation as she looked around the room they were in, no one was here, and there didn't seem to be anything very obvious about what to do. With a groan, a sigh, and another shiver from mud running down her back, Kimitsuki watched Naomi closely; hoping to get an answer from her. However, she was already thinking of ways to explain herself... and to get rid of this mud. Traditional cleaning methods it is... Kimitsuki shook her head and looked at Naomi and said one more thing before she fell silent.

"You're home now..."

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