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Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:42 am

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

| Artist: Katawa Shoujo | Song: Innocence | Word Count: 585 |

What's going on with me...?

Henrex hadn't expected for Mirja to find him again. In fact, he had expected that the girl would keep her distance, only finding him to vent out her hatred for him. With her forgetting entirely who he was, and what he had done, Henrex had found it...hard to believe. It was hard for someone to forget something like that. Then again, it was Mirja. She was...not exactly a person who remembered everything. His mind wondered if this was all just a trick to get him to trust her again. Fear gripped his heart again, and his eye widened, before he heard a noise.

A weird noise that came from Mirja, and, upon looking at the tall wolf girl's face, he could tell that, for some reason, she was staring at him. Two blinks came from him, and he looked from the left, to the right. Then, a poke to the chest, before she spoke. Most of it was just little prods to his lack of speaking, and that she could hear something coming from him, and couldn't understand it, but then came the kicker. Those ears and the tail that she had were very, very real. That was something that Henrex had always wondered about. Did she read his mind or something?

Then, she went on about asking if she should speak Norwegian, French, or German, all languages that Henrex could understand, mainly because of his Cyberbrain's addition, which allowed him to not only understand all languages, but also speak them if he wished to. Not stopping for a moment, Mirja continued moving, before stopping abruptly, holding out her arm to signal him to stop as well, before Henrex leaned over to see what she was staring at. Mushrooms. However, Mirja must have seen something wrong with them, as she quickly started yelling.

Defacing the forest? Her forest? Henrex tilted his head in confusion, before he just let the girl go on her rant, before sitting down next to her, staring at the mushrooms, using some of the skills he learned as a ninja to see if these were poisonous or not. He didn't want to take any chances. He had poison running through him once, and he didn't want it again. So, through his mental reprocessing of what was poisonous and what wasn't, he quickly found that they....were not dangerous. However, he still had something else on his mind.

Those ears. Were they...really real? If so, did she magically sprout them out of her head? How would that even happen? Sure, there was a variety of magic in the world, but none that he knew of did something like this. He wanted to find out, but his natural awkwardness and shyness kicked in. Determination to find out soon trumped it, and he decided to act.

So, his right hand slowly rose from his side, his fingers curling back to point at the ears. Underneath the scarf around his mouth, nose, and eye, his teeth gently gouged into his lip. He was most likely going to regret asking this, but he really wanted to find out. How were they real? The first time they had met, she had nothing of the sort. How could someone construct something like that? That would bring up more questions if it was connected to her nervous system, which would mean that she had feeling in them. So, Henrex pulled his scarf down from his mouth, and spoke himself. A quiet, deep, but yet soft voice.

"C...Can ears? How...are they real?"

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:05 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

The Mushroom seeds would pay, ohhhh they would pay. How dare they come here, to her forest, of all things.
"Be gone Mushrooms! I am a generous Wolfess, so I shall give you to the count of ten to leave this place in peace. I shall not tolerate your kind here" She warned, hands on her hips and tail swishing, staring down at the mushrooms and waiting for them to move. Softly, she counted to make sure she did not lose any count, and when she hit ten and they were still there, her irritation spiked. "Very well, then you have chosen death!" she cried, but was distracted by Henrex asking if she could pet her ears.

"Ohh, they are real because I got someone to make them real. But you ask to pet them, do you?! Such courage, it is laudable. Or, is it foolery rather than bravery that bids you act? Either way, you have not yet the victories under your belt to touch the ears. You must spar with The Wolf for nineteen hours and then win, before you can touch these ears. Unless you are Ceal. She was just so cute I couldn't say no to her when she asked" Mirja drifted off with a smile, before shaking her head and coming back to reality.

Reality, was her ripping a tree out of the ground, roots and all, and crushing the crop of mushrooms to a pulp with it, before burying the tree in the ground again by slamming it down hard enough that the ground gave way to the tree.
"There, those Mushrooms will never sow anyone's clothes a little tighter at night. Evil Mushrooms, destroyed!" Mirja pulled what looked to be a cool post, to her, but outside viewers would probably see it as just a crazed wolf in an equally crazed pose.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Tue Nov 15, 2016 5:33 pm

Henrex Astillon

The Broken Raven
Descend Into Darkness

Float Down The Stream of Harmony [OPEN] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Katawa Shoujo | Song: Raindrops and Puddles | Word Count: N/A

The wolf girl went on a large rant about the mushroom seeds currently at her feet, and it only served to cause more confusion within the mind of the Raven, and his fingers gently traced over his shakuhachi for a moment, before a hand would slowly move to the scarf on his face, before soft giggling would come from him, before it escalated to full laughter, which wasn't much different from his normal giggling. Soft and gentle laughter came from Henrex's lips, before he eventually calmed himself, and he slowly pulled his scarf down below his mouth, giving Mirja access to hearing his voice.

"....You are...interesting, Mirja. Maybe that's why..." The male stated, before his voice trailed off. He had almost said something he shouldn't have. His eye closed slowly, and a small bit of sadness occupied his heart. He knew that he had to be careful with what he said. So, he slowly took a breath, before reconsidering what he should say multiple times. However, then came the strangeness. The sound of roots and wood being ripped from the ground caused his eye to open again, and soon go as wide as a pizza.

Mirja had ripped a single tree out of the ground, roots and all, and began slamming it against the ground, causing the entire forest to shake and quake from the sudden impacts with the ground. Henrex's body locked up in the mere moments that it took place, unsure of what to do, or even how to respond to that. It was just....random. Two blinks came from the working eye of the male, and his hand soon went to his forehead, sighing gently as he slowly approached Mirja, seeing her strike her crazy pose, before kneeling down to examine whatever was left of the mushroom seeds.

Nothing. Disappointing. Then again, they WERE just crushed with hundreds of pounds of tree. Slowly moving over to the base of another tree, Henrex could quickly spot that these were fresh, and just recently grown. Slowly picking them from the ground, Henrex kept the items secure within his hands as he walked back over to Mirja, before gently tapping her on the shoulder. "Would these work?" The male asked, before raising the mushrooms that were ready for cooking up from his stomach to his chest. Hopefully Mirja wouldn't lose it and try to crush his hands, along with the mushrooms.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:02 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

The Pose was held until she was sure that everyone was aware of it's glory, and then she looked back to Henrex as he called her interesting. A deep and vibrant laugh came from the wolf as he said that, her head thrown backwards in unbridled mirth.
"Bwubwubwubwu! Interesting is a good word. It is, a Magnificent word. You have my leave to use it more often, Henrex man. Now, we most go onwards!" she exclaimed, humming to herself and then speaking softly. "The fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping" she wasn't even aware of her words, and they were soft, like the wind, so barely heard. But then, Henrex spoke and tapped her shoulder. She turned around, only to see him in the grips of such depravity.

Touching them, actually, touching them! And holding them so close to her as well, it was as if he agent of the mushroom! Send here to destroy her and in doing so gain the favour of the Doctor, to whom all mushrooms were servants! She was quiet then, taking a step back before looking up at Henrex with a sadness to her eyes that did not suit her eccentric, vibrant nature of before.

"You were a friend, and now you betray me like this? I already wish to kill him in the worst manner imaginable, can he not just leave it there? Does he need to keep prying like this? Fine. I shall obliterate your newest toy, Caanan" She muttered, quickly drawing her Zanpaktou and releasing the Bankai form, coating her in a white-gold exoskeleton and giving off an ominous feel of brute, primal power. There was a metaphysical bell tolling for Henrex at this moment. "You will regret the day you took employment with Doctor Caanan" she said, in a voice of icy rage. Not loud and obnoxious as she usually was, but a quiet tone with an edge to rival most swords.
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:33 am



Things were still getting more and more odd between the Wolf and the Raven. As he showed Mirja the items that could be used for the meal that could have come later than night, he was greeted with not a smile and a response, but a look that reminded him of himself, and a sword drawn. The moment that his eye set itself on the small short sword that had been drawn, his hand drifted towards his own Zanpakutō. Gloved fingers gently wrapped around the handle of the weapon, and his foot slid backwards, into a guarding stance.

The gentle sound of the scraping of steel against the wooden sheath sung out to the forest, with Henrex dropping what was in his other hand. And, with the other hand, he let drift into his shihakusho, wrapping his fingers around a pitch black gem that was concealed in his clothing. As Mirja's Zanpakutō instantly jumped not to its Shikai state, but its Bankai, Henrex's eye widened. She had to be insane to release her Bankai in somewhere like this. So, he responded accordingly. Holding his Zanpakutō forward, he too released his Zanpakutō. As the weapon that he held changed itself into a large scythe, black mist of energy coating the weapon.

Moving his arm to the left, he quickly created multiple orbs of black and purple energy that glowed and floated around his body. Then, she began speaking something about a person named Canaan, and this is what caused Henrex to be hit with a large wave of confusion. His head tilted to the side, and his arm lowered. He had no idea who this "Canaan" person was, but Mirja obviously didn't like him. So, he allowed his sword to return to it's sealed state, and he tucked the Nemesis Rune back into his shihakusho. Sheathing his sword and returning it to his sheath, his hands went into his shihakusho, his fingers gently wrapping around two specific items that he had concealed within.

" this Canaan person..? I don't work for him...or really "work" for anyone. What is...this all about, Mirja...?" He asked, his voice quiet and soft, but yet still tinged with a small bit of fear. After all, he was right in front of a girl who was in her Bankai state, with immense strength and durability, who would possibly knock him down to the ground in a single hit. So, he simply stood there, waiting.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:01 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja, or more precisely at this point Ikoja, stared at Henrex as he prepared himself. Of course Caanan would not chose a wimpy wimp to fight her. This raven was hiding his strength and his Zanpaktou abilities. So Caanan's claws had finally reached into the Shinigami kin themselves. She mourned their loss, but right now, she was just here to deal with this creature, to obliterate it in such a way that Caanan would think twice about sending anything towards her again. Clenching exo-skeleton encased fists, she scanned him over and picked out the holes in his guard and the least sturdy part of his body, neglecting to care about the orbs. They were of no consequence, after all.

But then, instead of just admitting the jig was up, he sealed her sword and dropped his form, trying to trick her. But she wasn't going to be tricked, so she used this time to subtly charge her Wolf God Fist technique, something that would be truly devastating while uterlizing the Wolfnaught - her name for the Bankai. He feigned confusion in order to get her to let her guard down, and so she made a show of it as she walked closer to him.
"Caanan is someone who grabbed me a while ago, and then started-" she would suddenly snap a punch forward, and release the built-up power of the Wolf God Fist as she did so, aiming to deliver the smiting blow to his gut. A connection would see this toy of his gone in a mess of bones, blood, and tree limbs. So she thrust it forward as fast as she could while still speaking to throw him off and distract him. "-to do things to me that were not exactly nice. Or that allowed me to remain myself"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Sun Feb 05, 2017 7:53 pm
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