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Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread

Horus Sariel
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Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:01 pm

You should also probably lay out the mechanics for this release form. I'm inclined to allow something similar to Shikai at that skill level, but you'll have to actually write it out here. So, like JWC, I'll lean towards potentially allowing you to unlock it once the next few rounds of posting are done.

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Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:55 am
Name: Chikara Seigyoki.
App Link: Here you go.
Thread Link: Here you go.
Prizes: His next release form, going from Joushou (Shikai) to Zenou (Bankai). In Sugiuran terms, at least. It's called Tentai no Keishō, or the Celestial Inheritance. 10/10 weboo naiman.
Upgrade: Activating his Zenou grants Chikara a plethora of benefits.

First off, this is the power level I designed the character to operate at. I've been waiting for him to get a chance to use it, but that time hasn't come yet. Well... Now it has. As such, and this isn't really an IC benefit, there will be much more effort put into brainstorming things that Chikara could reliably perform. Not to say that there wasn't effort put into him before... heh.

Second. This is where the IC benefits come into play. Chikara sheds his old skin, so to speak, completely shattering his old armor (from Joushou) into pieces. He then uses the spiritual pressure (the same material as all of his equipment's composed of) from that armor to fund his next release: Tentai no Keishō. This has a few benefits, which are about to be listed. First off, he gets passive enhancements: upgrades from him releasing more and more of his soul (working eventually towards Kyuu Kyou, but that's a ways off yet). These are manifested in upgrades to his Strength, Durability, and one more. This last upgrade is... Speed. He's finally addressed one of his shortcomings, I know.

As for the new suit of armor: it's bigger, better, and badass. The Keishō armoring retains the durability levels from his Genkakuna armoring (whatever that level may be at) as well as giving a flat increase that also scales with how much of his energy reserves are available, as well as what he pours into it.

He could full well pour the remainder of his spiritual energy into this armor and become a legitimate tank, which of course comes at the cost of probably not being able to move!

Not sure if Neoveta's resistant to holy energy. If she's not, then she better learn fast: since this is the next point we're discussing. Chikara's blade likewise changes: it's no longer so thin, since that's not the right form for the Fallen Knight. As stated in the character sheet, Chikara's release forms are unique in the fact that they break the norm. Genkakuna Maito (Joushou) isn't the form that Chikara dreams of--that would be Tentai no Keishō. There's no reason for it at this time out-of-character, since I haven't thought that up yet, but I'm assuming that there's going to be a flashback of some sort to explain it--or an IC thread. Haven't decided yet.

Anyways. The Tentai no Keishō sword, also known as the Keishō Weapon, has two main forms of damage. One: The typical form of damage you could expect from a sword. Slashing and stabbing, and if you're strong enough/in a pinch, you can also smash a fool with it. Assuming that there's an applicable side of the weapon, of course. The second, however, isn't typical at all. This is radiant energy. Divine. He's borrowing it from the celestial body that he takes this form from (not really, but it's a cool idea, yeah?) The damage, however, is real. He's not quite sure why he's going all angelic when his Guardian Beast is the embodiment of death and destruction, but... hey. He's not complaining in the fight against a literal demoness of Hell.

So, I was thinking that there would be certain elements that people are resistant to. This is also true for elements that they are vulnerable to, such as a demon being resistant to dark energy while being vulnerable to light energy. I'd also like to take this time to say that this is completely up to you, since you know Neoveta best. Would a holy sword pierce through her defenses at all? She's a Replica shell so things may be different, but I'm thinking that a demon wouldn't be all to keen to fight against a guy holding a sword that burns with heaven's fire, y'know?

Uh, stating this again here. In Genkakuna Maito, Chikara's got a special ability called the Impossible Techniques. They aren't listed in any way, just my way of saying that he's a lot smarter than any of us, and would probably know of ways to maneuver himself and his sword to get out of a lot of those clutch situations, if you agree.

So, this is carried over to Tentai no Keisho. Also, they're not magical or have any enhancements.

Finally, the capstone. The ability this was based around. Chikara gains the ability to FLY, in Zenou. There's no pushy "hold yourself up with spiritual energy" cheese here: the Angel Knight gets around that entirely via fiat of the massive pair of wings he has on his back. (Note: not actually massive). They're meant to be used over extreme periods of times (and he can move a little under his maximum speed for as long as would be appropriate for his energy levels, of course) so... yeah. Fucker's got wings, yo, they're white and shit.

Also. One last ability being obtained from Zenou. Technically two, but we're not getting into that right now. It's called "One of Mind." Basically, as Chikara is injected with spiritual pressure from Kyoryu, their minds are going to start to come together. Chikara starts getting glimpses of his GB's memories, and, as we all know, this is a disconcerting experience. After all, I'd imagine that Kyoryu is at least a couple centuries older than the Angel Knight. #soproud

But when this ability finally releases? Chikara gains use of the powerful ability called Metamagic. He may not have a lot of spells prepared in this fight against Neoveta, and she might be damned better at using them, but Chikara... Hahah. He knows how to manipulate the energy, where to bolster it and where to trim. He can optimize his spell's effects to have widely different effects: a fire spell might suddenly become a freezing mist, that covers an entire city, for example. (Although that would take an immense amount of energy, that I'm not sure the fucker actually has)

Also: One of Mind grants another tier increase to his Sugiuran Magic capabilities while in Zenou form. This is gonna bring it to Advanced, from his base of Adept. So the few spells he does know? He casts them damned well, if I do say so.
Reason: He's fighting against NEOVETA. At least, one of her shells. This fight's not a cakewalk in the slightest, and even with ASRA's Valkyrie mode, I'm not sure if the both of them can defeat her. Chikara's being forced into a position where he has to really give this girl the whole of what and who he is--that, of course, involves him showing her the apex of his power. The Zenou, Bankai, whatever you want to call it. This form is being released for the express purpose of beating some unholy ass.

Also, the dude's fucking terrified.
Character Notes: This technically qualifies as a tier upgrade as well. Not sure how you wanna handle that, buuut. The Iceland Conflict thread he's currently taking place in happens after the training thread with Sai Asra's clones, as well as the other solo thread that you wanted me to do. With your approval, I'd like to start roleplaying with him assuming that he's currently at 2-3 tier, and to get in touch with Jay and notify him of this too.

I leave it in your hands. I wasn't kidding when I said this form was already written out, he was supposed to be approved with it in my headcanon.

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The Hybrid King
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Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:24 pm
Alright Astro. For you, I'll be deciding on whether or not to approve this in the coming hours or days, so please be patient.

As for you, Kade. I'm going to have to deny the EXP boost to perma 0-1 and Im also going to have to state that you don't have Van's blood. After reading the thread, the way it went down would dictate he wouldn't be able to get the blood in the needed amount of time. I also want to go ahead and state that the shadowfall forces were registered as wiped out and their leader in battered condition. So, there won't be two 0 tiers healing you. I apologize. Please request something else other than the blood to activate this "ritual" and the Perma 0-1.

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Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:38 am
Alright, so this is for Astro, I've been tasked with reviewing your upgrade and I read through it and sat on it for a long while. First off, something that would be extremely helpful would be to post the links to threads that you think count very well to preparing him fro this moment and great test. Along with that, a link to the solo and training thread would be absolutely awesome just for anyone else who needs to check.

Secondly, the general improvements you listed at the start of the post.
Astranauta wrote: First off, he gets passive enhancements: upgrades from him releasing more and more of his soul (working eventually towards Kyuu Kyou, but that's a ways off yet). These are manifested in upgrades to his Strength, Durability, and one more. This last upgrade is... Speed. He's finally addressed one of his shortcomings, I know.
Are these entire level increases, or are they minor increases? Examples of how it increased or descriptions would be absolutely lovely. Void this section of what you were referring too were the rest of the powers within the post.

Next, the ability to infuse light energy that's divine into his weapon for striking, just how powerful is it? If it were to slash at a normal person, would it burn at them, or make the blade sharper and easier to tear through a person? Just questions like that as to know just what this energy -really- does. As to answering the question about it's ability to tear through Neovata's shell, I can't answer that and I don't think Frost can either without really knowing the extent of how powerful this energy is.

The impossible techniques seem a little... Unorthodox to say the character has without listing. An easy way to fix this is just listing that he knows something called that and give a few examples of how this style helps him in combat, since what I'm essentially reading is that this is just a type of fighting style that allows someone to utilize their weapon further. It's really hard to allow someone to have the power of slipping through tight situations through techniques not even listed. A small description of how it works would help too.

For the wings, what are they made out of? Does he just grow them through his flesh, or are they made from an energy source? Other than that, I have no real issue with them.

As for the part with Metamagic.. That can't be approved by me, it's simply too powerful and has little reason for being able to do what it does. It essentially allows him to use magics that don't pertain to powers or make sense at all and understand them along with the energy used. It's too broad and wide for me to accept. What would help immensely would be a lot more explanation on how it works, a system for it, how the understanding came upon him, things that make sense and are logical for this character to obtain through a release. Having something this powerful along with the only downside being that it uses up energy seems a bit excessive. If there were limitations, cool-downs, things of a similar nature, it'd be a bit more fair along with a reason and system for how he would be able to understand and use magic not foreign to him.

Those are typically the main issues that I see with the entire upgrade. Most of it is just listing just how strong things are along with posting threads for easy access for validity, metamagic is the main issue. Along with that, One of Mind seems a little bit powerful with how it's stated to bump up that form's magic to advanced, but overall seems acceptable enough as long as the drawback of increased energy usage is stated.

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Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:42 am
Hey Game. Be patient for a moment, so we can get this taken care of as soon as possible.

First off, all of the basis for this is taking place in the Akranes event thread and this one. If you don't feel like that's enough experience, go ahead and deny this application right now.

Frost has cleared it with Jay and I. He said that if we played our cards right, then we'd both be able to get an EXP boost. I'm gonna be gunning for my second Release form as well, similar to what Jay is doing. Right now, Chikara's at a crossroads. If you wondered at all about it, I've been building up towards the release form for a couple of cycles now, and tbh it wouldn't feel right if it got cut off right at the climax. (It's actually quite a good read, albeit hella short) But it seems to me that the primary concerns you had for the Zenou form were balance issues?

I can work with that. First off, One of Mind is a very situational ability--this also holds true for the Metamagic feature. It only comes online if Chikara somehow manages to get Kyoryu (that's his Guardian Beast) to inject the Fallen Knight with a combined total of half his entire energy.

Giant dragon + 5000 years + stockpiling energy = holy shit batman, that's a lot of stamina.

So it rarely comes online. I agree with you about not having any sort of cooldown or casting time--that was an intentional blunder. First off, the energy costs for using Chikara's spells are *intense*. It's like an Adept caster trying to use Master magic without all of the necessities. So holds true for Chikara--it's enough of a strain on using this ability in the first place (again, 5000 years worth of memories, makes things disconcerting). As for Impossible Techniques, it's explained in the character application. I'm a bit busy right now and I'm typing this on the fly, but I'll be sure to list a few of the applications of it for you.

The passive upgrades are just that--passive. They increase strength, durability, and speed by whole tiers (Advanced>Master, etc.) This was approved by Lio, so if you want to go over him, that's fine by me. The light energy splits the damage his weapon deals. It seems to cut less efficiently, in exchange for leaving nasty burns and, especially in a demon's case, a weakening effect. The light energy is about as strong as he is.

The wings are made out of spiritual pressure. They form into existence along with the armor, and merge with his flesh, yes.

Metamagic will be nerfed. But I can't do it right now. Again, busy. Toodles!

The Hybrid King
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Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:59 am
Sorry to hop in, but I spoke with Game last night and we both believe that the thread you're requesting for the form to be used in, is not enough. Simply put, we take forms serious and expect training towards them. Whether an EXP Boost was given or not, this is a new form and would need, more than likely, two threads of training to grow accustomed to it. So, with that being said, I'm going to go ahead and make sure you understand that once Game finishes his check now that you've added more to the process, that it won't be approved for in-thread usage unless its unstable. This means it could/would harm both Chikara and his allies, more than likely.

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Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:33 pm
That's fine, Blade.

May I present a counterpoint? The only real drawback I see Chikara getting from this form is the metamagic. Again, and I'm restating this, it'll be nerfed. Also, again, it's an extremely situational ability. There's not going to be many times I'm going to be able to pull this off. I kind of want it to be strong, but that's just me, yo.

#1. The main benefit of the Zenou form is the increased abilities. Strength, and durability: these go up another tier to Master. General speed goes up to Adept IIRC, so he's working mainly on answering weaknesses he has to set up for Kyuu Kyou (Whenever that may be, and whenever it feels appropriate).

Let's review for a moment: you want the form to be unstable. Understandable, he's only just gotten it. I can see it being a type of deal like Ichigo, to pull canon into fanon. That being that he can only sustain it for a limited amount of time--et cetera, et cetera. Hoping for long enough to decisively end this fight, although I doubt it'll happen like that.

Moving on.. The form is unstable. He's unaccustomed to the newfound strength and speed he has. Durability is something that can't really be roleplayed except via surprise. The wings are another thing I'm going to have him be unused to. He's never flown before, just like a lot of people in the world.

Another note. This is the form he was based around. A lot of his abilities compliment it, and are made to work with it. Just keep this in mind as you crush my dreams and sprinkle them on your food work through this application. A lot of my ideas are going to be focused on this. I made this character to be strong. And I made him to grow, too. I don't expect to walk in here and be like "WHAT'S UP GUYS I GOT 0-2 IN A WEEK." All of the things I've been doing with him are just bringing him to where my head thinks he should be at. Which, imho, is 1-5. But we're working on that.

Oh, and thanks for your time.

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Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:36 pm
After a long time to think and a night to rest on it, the decision has been decided that this upgrade can not be approved at the current time. The reasoning for this is a lack of build-up via other threads where he has been pushed to the brink before to start tapping into this new power. Since there's no training threads or anything of the sort that can be used to prove that there has been build up, I can not allow this form to be unlocked in the middle of the current thread. If it is anything, with most of what you had stated, this form would be acceptable with the metamagic nerf at a later date with more training put into unlocking it for your character.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this form is approved with the fixes once there is more to back it up. Good luck in the thread and continue fighting valiantly!

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Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:03 am
Ah, sorry. Forgot to list some of the threads.

The Akranes event thread. Technically that would be two fights, since Jay's NPC ASRA decided to duel him. Nooot sure how you want to handle that.

And then another training thread within the Sugiura Dimension. There's also supposed to be another fight vs. a 0-5 (Dellaporo) thrown in there somewhere. I guess I just thought in my head that a lot of these things have already taken place (and then I tried to move forward with the character development).

Sorry for the melancholy tone. I just was looking forward to this release because of all hype I felt for it and the buildup I had been sprinkling in the Akranes thread.

Let me collect some links for you really quickly. This is the thread which has already had two fights in it. It's already on page two, and knocking on the door of page three. During the fight with ASRA, he was challenged by not having much time to react vs. her insane speed (come on, man, Mach 2 vs. Beginner speed)

He had to really get into tune with Kyoryu (who is the main being holding Chikara back from Zenou form. It's to help train and prepare him for the power release that comes with it. He's going to be doing the same thing with Kyuu Kyou if Chikara ever gets that far.) This one is the main thing. Along with the Dellaporo fight, which in my head takes place before the events of the Iceland War.

That's a total of four fights. Again, it's up to you to say whether or not they count, but I've been working towards the release form in the middle of this fight for a while now. About a week, I think; which I realize is a lot less than what I've seen other people pull off, but... It just seems like a poor conclusion to cut off something I've been building towards for at least half of a thread.

Anyways. You've already altered the deal. I pray you don't alter it further Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread  - Page 2 1f627

Either way, whatever you decide, this'll be the last post I make in here until something new comes up. Just wanted to explain to you a bit about how I feel about this and what I've been doing with it so far.

As it sits, the dynamic duo need everything they can get. Otherwise Neoveta's replica shell is just going to roflstomp them as soon as she feels challenged enough. I know already it's been hard enough for both of them to deal with a little of her power--and ASRA's about to get wrecked with some gravity shit that I don't even wholly understand.

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