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Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread

Horus Sariel
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Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:02 am



What is this thread for? Well, if you haven't already read, there are rewards for different sets of people in the Iceland Conflict Event taking place. Those prizes are listed below, but we are also allowing EXP boost to be had during the event. And this thread can be used if you are attempting to unlock a new powr or some sort of upgrade for your character through intense conflict.

FOR PROTAGS: For each major city that is saved in Iceland, a group of protags within the thread will be awarded roughly 20,000,000 yen. Along with that, each thread that a character is in and has combat with will generally see an EXP boost strong enough to go to the next tier and possibly advance a skill. They may also be eligible for a special prize not listed here.

FOR ANTAGS: For each major city that is protected against the forces, a group of antags will be awarded the same 20 million yen to protect it. Along with that, each thread that has a character in it and has combat will generally see an EXP boost big enough to go to the next tier and possibly advance a skill. They may also be eligible for a prize not listed here; such as terrority control, weapons and so forth.

EVERYONE ELSE: Just for taking part in this event, rather it be antag/neutral/protag, you'll be given five million yen and the satisfaction of being apart of a Platinum Hearts Event.

That's fairly simple. All you have to do is fill out the template that is associated with this post, add your reasonings in it and a staff member will overview them.

If you do not post in this thread, you will not receive the prizes associated with the event. As this is the only place that upgrades from the event are allowed. Such as if your character were on the brink of death and suddenly unlocked a hidden power/shikai/whatever? Something like that would go here.


Name: (character name)
App Link: (Link to app)
Thread Link: (Link with character)
Prizes: (What Prizes are you after?)
Upgrade: (Any sort of upgrade for a character?)
Reason: (State your reasons for this claim. Such as if you won a city, you just joined a thread in the event or whatever.)
Character Notes: (Anything you want to add about any of your characters in this event?)

[b]Name:[/b] (character name)
[b]App Link:[/b] (Link to app)
[b]Thread Link:[/b] (Link with character)
[b]Prizes:[/b] (What Prizes are you after?)
[b]Upgrade:[/b] (Any sort of upgrade for a character?)
[b]Reason:[/b] (State your reasons for this claim. Such as if you won a city, you just joined a thread in the event or whatever.)
[b]Character Notes:[/b] (Anything you want to add about any of your characters in this event?)

Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread  WVMWLOu
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Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:49 pm
Name: Azure Iramasha
App Link:
Thread Link:
Prizes: -
Upgrade: An Ability to be released during said thread
Reason: Well, given the fact that Azure is a GM in Willpower and is physically able to push through anything thrown at him until he's taken down entirely, I had a plan for him to eventually gain an ability to where he can project his life force as a shield. I'm requesting it to be released during this thread in order for him to take a step further down his path.
Character Notes: I'll create an upgrade if this can get approved.

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Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:12 pm
[adm]I'll allow it in the post you are working on. The reason being is I feel he has worked for it and this event fight will be a good way to trigger it. So I'll clear it through means of EXP boost.[/adm]

Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread  WVMWLOu
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Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:48 am
Mountain View


Name: Cirno Iramasha
App Link: Her App
Thread Link: Thread Link Hurr
Prizes: EXP Boost for ability


Love Aura: This is a special an emotion based ability that has developed within Cirno following her relationship with Kazumi. As a result of her high state of willpower that has manifested itself time and again in battle for Cirno, this Love Aura seems to be a branch off of that capacity. It feeds off the intense affection that she has for Kazumi and empowers her. Once she is able to manifest it and imagine that intense passion within her mind, body, heart and soul; this fondness for her partner resonates into an actual body shift and her embodiment responds mentally and physically to this extreme state of love.

This results in Cirno having a pink aura intermix around her usual crystal blue glow whenever she exudes spiritual or chaos based energies from her body. Other bodily changes can also include having heart shaped pupils, flares of rose hued shades illuminating in her eyes and some of her attacks either being coated in a blush colored glow. Energy blast can resemble the pigments of bubblegum colors, weapons can glitter with a pink shine and even her wings can a core of deep pink light sealed within them.

But, aesthetics aside, the more important matter here is that Cirno attains is an augmentation boost of 1.5 to 3.5 times her original capacity. Health, stamina, energy, speed, offense, defense, mental functions; these areas and more are often highlighted upon the awaking of this Love Aura coming into play. In fact, she is capable of going beyond her limits for the duration that Love Aura is activated. For example, if one of her chaos had a blast range of one hundred meters, she could extend it upwards from one hundred fifty meters to three hundred thirty five meters. If a special form (not including Love Aura) lasted three post? She could extend upwards from four to six post.

More than that, if applicable, Cirno could also achieve a 0-2 while in her child form to 0-2++ in her adult state with the peaks of Love Aura is in effect. Since it suppose to break the boundaries of her limitations through the power of love, it would make sense that her tier could temporarily become enhanced; if only for a few post. It would obviously leave her more exhausted after that period is nulled and eat up her natural resources once her body depowered back to it's non-augmented state.

Additionally, if Cirno has suffered injury, this Love Aura is able of recovering her injuries and health upwards of thirty percent at max potency. Imagine if it were an RPG game and her health was at 50%. Through the power of Love Aura, it would restore it back to 80% in order to better help sustain Cirno's resilience in the fight and trudge on with the sensation of passion and love literally allowing her to move forward.

At any rate, there a few limitations to this ability. The first is that it will often an active period six post in correlation with the art of numerology. This is because six is often associated with with Venus; love; harmony; sincerity. And there is nothing but pure and unassuming affection to be had within the being of Cirno when reflecting upon the love Kazumi instills within her. After that period, there will be a time of three to six post where the augmentation effects of Love Aura shall become inactive for three to six post depending on the extent in which it was used. Additionally, it is only capable of being utilized six times per thread to go back with the theme of sixes.


Love Aura: Unity Bond Boost: On the flip side, Love Aura is also capable of being reflected upon Kazumi herself. If Cirno is willing to burn through her own energy supplies, she does have the capacity to augment and bolster Kazumi's strength, energy, health and so on to nearly match her own. Essentially, she is reflecting her own soul's strength on to Kazumi. The only requirements on her end is that she must have a similar type of affection and love for Cirno in order for Unity Bond to work. And, in terms of distance, she needs to be within one hundred meters of Cirno. If she goes outside that range, then the ability will deactivate.

Now, as to how this works? Unity Bond is primarily achieved through the will based functions of Love Aura's functions and the burden is placed on Cirno's mind, body and soul. As, normally, a sudden boost of power of that strong would utterly rip apart of soul. However, due to her strong amount of passion for Kazumi, Cirno tanks it and mask the pain it takes with her heightened state of willpower and determination while Love Aura is active. She is capable of sustaining it for twelve post as it is in association with Devotion Overdrive (See the technique below). After that period, it will deactivate for a time, but Cirno's influence will continue to protect her through other means after that point.

Additional Notes: this can also be considered a form of energy fusion. It is said that Iramasha are capable of fusing with other beings in order to bolster their power. In this case, Cirno was able to bridge the racial gap through her willpower and formulate this technique to help further protect Kazumi.


Devotion Overdrive: This is ONLY active if Kazumi is within a sixty meter radius of Cirno. Devotion Overdrive is simply Love Aura, but brought to a much higher level. The augmentation boost she receives on her stats is multiplied by six times; instead of the usual 1.5 to 3.5 boost she receives by itself. Additionally, the length in which Love Aura is sustained through Devotion Overdrive is extended to twelve post; doubling the amount of time it is active. This is because Cirno's actual soul resonates highly with Kazumi's and her will is brought to its apex point with the love of another in her range of sight. Cirno would almost compare it to feeling as if she had another half of herself doubling her power.

And, in essence, one could almost consider it that. The world they live in is a very spiritual and metaphysical one. So it isn't entirely out of question for two souls whom are in sync with one another to achieve a technique like this. Specifically when the Iramasha are already able to bolster their power by uniting the energies of their own kind with one another in order to improve their power as a unit. This shatters that boundary and applies it soley upon her lover to bring Cirno's power far beyond any limit she had ever known until this point in any of her forms.

Thus, the cooldowns for this technique are also non-existent and are more regulated through physical strain when Kazumi is in the same thread as Cirno. So, instead, Cirno will often have to lower and then rise her Devotion Overdrive in order to prevent from straining herself due to the high level of boost that can occur while Devotion Overdrive is in effect. For example, with her limits dramatically broken, it is fairly easy for her to break bones, rupture organs and burn up energy wildly if she is not careful in the way she utilizes this boost. Therefore, she mediates it and it is balanced by her only using so much of the boost per post to avoid burning out. This is to prevent spamming and overkill.


Love Line: This is is a form of danger sense for Cirno. Most Iramasha are capable of producing some form of telepathic link with each other through Iramasha Sync. Well, with Love Line, Cirno again bypassed the rules of her racial traits and applied it to Kazumi. This occurred when Cirno was busy sealing her energy into Kazumi during their initial training. By remotely accessing the spiritual particles that are dormant within her partner, Cirno is able to communicate with her, send her thoughts and become aware if her body is in some sort of mortal danger. This remains constant even when they are between different worlds. Such as if Cirno ventures into the Soul Society and Kazumi is stuck on Earth during one of Cirno's missions for the Iramasha Guard. This ability was crafted so that Cirno could always keep a watch on Kazumi and ensure she is never in harms way.

Love Touch : The beginnings of Love Aura began to emerge the moment that Cirno and Kazumi started to embrace each other. This is because Cirno's body reacted in a way to induce passion and affection within the human's heart. While it can be assumed that Kazumi had some tender feelings for Cirno, these were highlighted and amplified by Cirno's energy. Therefore, it can be assumed that The Iramasha is unwittingly able to inject feelings of adoration, lust and fondness within other creatures through her will subconsciously acting on its own. Of course, it's up to the user to accept these feelings or not as well; as Cirno asked Kazumi if she would accept them as well. If not, then this ability will simply fizzle out within the user.

Though, it's also worth noting that it also seemed to worked in reverse of Cirno as well. As once her subconscious desires for a companion started coming up within her mind, this ability worked further to increase Cirno's own emotions, affection and infatuation for Kazumi. After having been nearly left alone following the MIA status of of her adoptive mother, and enduring many harsh trails during her adventures on Earth, this ability seems to mostly stem from a need of a partner within her heart. Something to protect and cherish is what Cirno greatly wants -- and she hopes Kazumi can accept and reflect those feelings of love as well.


Reason: One of the primary reasons why I want Cirno to have this upgrade is because it is suppose to be a reflection of the love she has for Kazumi. This is her first crush and she is pretty head over heels at the moment. She's never really liked anyone before, so this is an entirely new experience and the puppy love is pushing Cirno's admiration for her partner over the top. So, since Cirno is a willbound-type character, it wouldn't be out of the question that the effects of Love Aura could have been born due to the high amount of emotion and care Cirno has for Kazumi.

Additionally, IC wise, she also kind of stopped a hydrogen bomb from exploding across Iramasha Island that was fired from a 0-2 demon. This moment was impactful to Cirno because it was the first time Love Aura activated when she felt a great need to protect Kazumi. It was meant to be a fun way to show how far Cirno would be willing to go for her crush. So this could definitely be used as an EXP boost.

Furthermore, I don't often put in too many requests for Cirno and I figured I would start getting my fair share of dues for Cirno since she is turning into a four year old character soon. So I figure this will be a nice way to begin starting the expansion of 2015/2016 upgrades into her application.

Also, on a final note, this is all being made in the assumption that the relationship between Cirno and Kazumi would have become further bonded following the period of time from March 2415 to October 2415 in the IC timeline.

Related threads:

Character Notes: The power of pure yuri love is something not to be underestimated!

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread  WVMWLOu
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Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:48 pm
Name: Ruvik as far as most are concerned.
App Link:
Thread Link:
Prizes: Not claiming the yen or AP yet as the thread has yet to finish, but is close to completion. Exp boost and developments from the recent battle in Garabaer.

Upgrade: I would like to claim secondary prizes for events that will occur with the character after the war chronologically this Fall and taking their first steps toward their own large-scale personal antagonistic plots. From what I want most to least below;

Three new techniques that will be posted in an upgrade thread later. They all are centered around experiences and realizations during the battle with Nix in the war and progressing his current talents to deal with the issues faced for the duration of the conflict. Themes they will be centered on is protection from large-scale destructive forces as noted from excessively potent blasts of power being a constant thread to the main body of the parasite itself. Increasing its influence will be an especially important theme coming up and to increase his grasp on the flow of the plot and push it toward a more active and chaotic environment. Lastly, a new form of destructive attack to deal with more heavily defensive barriers or to combat other powerful forms of destructive force. Prior to now Ruvik had been confined to a fairly basic power set both due to the nature of his unique abilities being less effective early on and having a shorter life than most to develop more effective personal techniques. With cero-skill recently raised up to master, it will correlate with that as a custom varient to contend with other power-focused techniques.

Second is a skill increase in Durability. Being a mostly melee-oriented combatant at the moment and being exceptionally vulnerable to multiple things including most energy attacks and especially anything oriented around Photons or divinity, it is especially important fir the creature to develop a more potent defense for itself and any host it may inhabit. This is especially true from the nature of the former thread, one where attacks of immense destructive nature were tossed around continuously, each with a high chance of inducing high amounts of damage to the creature and it's host consistently. The peaks of this demand for a stronger resistance originate from the points where the two fighters enter their peak in power and clashed. The explosion of two point-blank large-scale cero clashing against one another created an immense reactive force that caused immense damage to the host's body directly and burned part of their internal mass. Though both survived without being fatally wounded, it attests to an ability to take large amounts of destructive force even after the outer shell has been broken down an d how important it is to have the durability for those situations. Though it hasn't occurred yet, I also believe there will be one or two more situations like that in the short time left in the thread before its conclusion.

Lastly a tier upgrade. Whether it be all around is up to discussion, but especially in the suppressed bracket,. Being in such a weak state early on made things troublesome and more complicated, especially against an arsenal like Nix's. The parasite ended up reaching into the peak of its power already, with likely the limit breaker being rather soon in upcoming posts with the climax. Over the course of an intense battle, the fiend pushed to increase its strength ever further, especially after its newest weapon had been so easily destroyed in a matter of moments. On top of that it has and always will take any opportunity to increase its might for the dark plans it has in the near future. This will especially apply to the upcoming event with an attempted event being pushed into motion. The power it holds is a direct contributor to its secondary power in pushing others into acts of evil and is essential to its own developments in evolution to finally break from the binds of controlled puppets and forge a body of its own.

Reason: Though the result isn't yet defined, the battle is and will continue to be an intense conflict that continues to build up intensity until its conclusion. Being the first major battle for Ruvik in awhile and perhaps one of the few he'll fight in directly, there was much learned from the conflict and limits that were pressed even early on and will continue to be exercised in the last few posts coming up. Personal motivation and expedited developments all come from Ruvik's nature as a power-hungry monstrosity that evolves constantly through each conflict and drains information, strength, and the very nature of everything it combats or inhabits. This is to signify the first large step in its evolution toward a more large-scale antagonist on its own accord and a set up for the plans and ambitions of time soon to come. In the coming month there will be efforts to extend the character's grasp from a soldier to a more individual threat to the world an those in it. This will be especially true in the background through a series of events to take place in the last quarter of the year. These developments stem both from the course of battle and its certain-to-be explosive conclusion with changes based both on what needed to be fixed along with what would be integral to its own nefarious intent shortly after. Along with the reasons listed alongside the upgrades that is why I believe in these first developments for Ruvik into becoming a more potent force in the PHverse.

Character Notes: Them new antags coming in with a vengeance. Will make an upgrade threat after this detailing everything if approved.
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Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:14 am

I'm going to go ahead and approve this. The reason being is because he has put in a fair amount of work into the character with the event and that thread has gone on for some time.

Together with the EXP boost from the event, I don't mind giving him a constant 0-4 tier, advanced durability and his new techniques. However, you'll have to make a power upgrade thread to make sure everything is documented.

I'll auto-approve that as long as you link it to this thread.

Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread  WVMWLOu
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Mon Nov 09, 2015 9:49 pm
Frost's stuff is careful with the number shit though. I'm giving you a lot of license here but if Cirno starts pretending that she's a 0-1 with these stat increases we're gonna have a problem.
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Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:02 pm
Name: SAI ASRA 1534-2
Thread Link: To Akranes on the backs of our fallen comrades!
Prizes: An upgrade
Upgrade: A release form.
Reason: Neoveta just plopped in, and I can see that ASRA's gonna need one pretty soon. Canonically speaking, she'd have worked on this form around the time she was upgrading her unit, with no such foresight as that she would need it, save battles of crazy scale. Given that she decided shortly after that to help out and do her part in this war, it is now clear that she needs it, so I'm gonna go and make it. Willing to even use my currently atrocious sum of upgrade points, should you find my reason lacking...
Character Notes: ASRA's been busting tail recently in a whole slew of combat threads! I'm both shocked, scared, and excited that Frosty threw in one of those Neoveta replicas! But I have no intention of backing down! GUUUUUUUTS!!!

Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread  Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
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Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:32 pm
JWC wrote:Name: SAI ASRA 1534-2
Thread Link: To Akranes on the backs of our fallen comrades!
Prizes: An upgrade
Upgrade: A release form.
Reason: Neoveta just plopped in, and I can see that ASRA's gonna need one pretty soon. Canonically speaking, she'd have worked on this form around the time she was upgrading her unit, with no such foresight as that she would need it, save battles of crazy scale. Given that she decided shortly after that to help out and do her part in this war, it is now clear that she needs it, so I'm gonna go and make it. Willing to even use my currently atrocious sum of upgrade points, should you find my reason lacking...
Character Notes: ASRA's been busting tail recently in a whole slew of combat threads! I'm both shocked, scared, and excited that Frosty threw in one of those Neoveta replicas! But I have no intention of backing down! GUUUUUUUTS!!!

You can start work on it now, but I won't be clearing it until after the first post is responding to Neoveta. So, I'd recommend writing out the details and getting that post up. =o=

Iceland Conflict Event Prize Thread  WVMWLOu
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Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:13 am
Name: Chikara Seigyoki
App Link:
Thread Link:
Prizes: A Release form. Tentai no Keishō, the Celestial Inheritance.
Upgrade: It seems rather fitting for a character to ascend to angelisism whilst fighting a demon. However, there are a couple more reasons for this. One: how fucking cool would the above be? I'm literally shaking thinking about how Chikara will react to Neoveta, and I'm actually kind-of-really glad that I waited for you. Holy shit. Neoveta. Fucking boss battle up in here and I feel like I didn't grind enough at all. Uh... In terms of canon, Chikara had ideally been toying with the idea of a Zenou already (he's already got it all filled out on his sheet, actually) and Kyoryu has enough knowledge of Sugiuran anatomy to help him achieve it if a sufficient threat presents itself--as it damn well did just now.

Can you feel it? I'm scared.
Reason: Fear. It's the perfect survival tool. It makes you stronger. Faster. You react more quickly. All of these are accurate assessments of the situation. Chikara's afraid. He feels the same as he did when he became Sugiura-- he's full of fear. Only time will tell how this will manifest.
Character Notes: SPOOK LEVEL: 110% MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. But I made a character who doesn't back down from any challenge. So he's raw GUTSing it. Let's do this. Let's make it good.

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