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Hollow Snipin' Empty Hollow Snipin'

Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:52 pm
Hayden looked over to the new male who arrived next to him at the edge of the forest, he didn't know if he was the luckiest new guy in this world or the unluckiest to be frank. The reagent general. THE. REAGENT. GENERAL. The reagent general saw it fit to take him out into the woods to personally show him a thing or two. Perhaps he'd get lucky and the general would be willing to take the young man under his wing but he doubted that- just what was this man thinking? Yet he saw fit to bring Hayden out and it would be insanity to disagree with the man but hopefully this would turn out for the better. However, now he began to see the man he offered a bow to the reagent general.

"Sir- Thank you for your presence, I must say I'm surprised you'd accompany me."
The Hybrid King
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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:02 pm
It was just like any other day in Karakura Forest. The sun was hidden by a light grey sky and drizzle of light rain could be felt as you walked through the area. It was a day that Azure dreaded, helping the newbies of The Vanguard because he felt like it had been his job. Normally a leader would never leave their HQ inorder to teach the newly made members, but, to his defense, Azure felt like if he didn't train them they wouldn't understand why they were here. So, with that being said, Azure could be seen walking side by side with their newest of members, Hayden. Azure was bad with last names and could only remember people due to their features so it would be a pain to figure out his entire name.

Hayden wasn't the easiest of people to interact with, it seemed. He was hyper and energetic. The boy seemed to only focus on the fact that the Reagent General was currently with him in a secluded forest. Of course he never spoke a word of this to Azure himself but he was obvious. If only he was a female, then what would Hayden do towards Azure he thought... Shaking this thought off of his mind, Azure looked at the man that now bowed before him. Too polite, not Azure's style. Waving his hands outward Azure smiled and tried to act as nonchalant as possible. "Don't mention it, really. I try to help everyone when they first join the Vanguard. You won't be an exception where I dont help alright?" Letting a small smirk arise on his lips, Azure knew the reason they were here.

"I'll brief you shortly. You're under my training at the moment so what we plan on doing today is killing hollows. Now, it may not seem safe, but I've released Five hollows in the area, all of considerable strength. They're stronger than you, if not by leaps and bounds. What you need to figure out today is how to outsmart your opponent and think on your toes. I won't help you unless I fear for your safety. So, with that being said, let me introduce you to your first opponent!" Azure waved slightly as the presence of a hollow could be felt near them. Rampaging through a set of trees, the Hollow smashed his way through the fragile bark and landed nearly ten meters away from Hayden. It was up to Hayden now to defend himself against these powerful foes, would he be up to it?

Hollow Snipin' FXpoQxJ
Hollow Snipin' 2Y9rqGk

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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:07 pm
Hayden listened carefully to the general occasionally giving a small nod as he absorbed the knowledge the man was giving him. Once he finished he was given a task to accomplished while hunting hollows was what they came out to do he was surprised that the General would want to do such a dangerous training already. Truth be told it wasn't to absurd to accomplished he would just have to use his head, he simply offered a nod before he began to hear the tearing of bark and roar. Look like it was time to begin these trails by combat, once more into the fire.

When the hollow landed ten meters away from him, his hand had already shot to his back removing his clay more like sword in one quick motion. The blade he brandished in his hand looked similar to a Scottish or European not the typical Zanpakutō in size and shape. The blade it's self was rather long from the hilt to blade was forty five inches roughly with the hilt being a little thick and eight inches it's self. The V shaped guard pointed upwards as he readied his blade in front of himself, tilting the blade every so slightly before quickly slipping the blade down, this was all down relatively quickly just as the Hollow landed in front of him. The smoke had barely cleared from the tree's and dust trail that had risen where it landed. Due to this it's appearance was still hidden briefly, but he would use this to his advantage.

He initially felt the Reiatsu of the Hollow in front of him, from a base assumption this thing would either be on his level or higher then him. He would prefer to get the first strike in on the beast to end this one quickly and not dispel alot of energy this early on. He didn't want to reveal his ace card just yet, but he took a step forward his feet pressing into the ground as he sudden took off in a blurred motion- the general would easily recognize the Shunpo or flash step he believed. He hoped to get the element of surprise and use his speed to get a very quick kill on the Hollow. As he would arrive at the Hollow his hands would be holding his Zanpakutō with both his hands, dragging it up quickly to slice the hollow mask off, believing his speed and the fact the Hollow just landed would be able to get the drop.

However he was already beginning to prepare himself to step backwards if he needed to clear the space between them, he may not be the strongest beginner but his speed was his best asset next to his Zanpakutō.

The Hybrid King
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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:10 pm
Azure was watching the male rather closely. He had given him a task any newbie would be rather... reluctant on doing. Five Hollows, all of varying sizes would be the opponent for the newly found recruit. Azure was used to training his new recruits, but as of late this was something entirely. Both dangerous and deadly, this training would be something that could push the man to death and back. With that being said, Azure would never truly allow that to happen. Shifting his way slightly to allow himself to sit against his back left heel, Azure focused on what was to come.The current hollow that was in contact with the two was the weakest of the five. They were far from a push over, but the newbie would be on an entirely equal level with him. That was Azure's plan, obviously. Push the male to his brink by increasing what was to come one by one. For now, it was an equal playing field. But, what was to happen once Azure allowed the others to follow suit? Each hollow would become stronger and stronger, while Hayden would be growing wary with each strike and blow that was released during his fights. Nevertheless, Azure would do nothing but watch until he was needed.

The Hollow was quick on his feet, which seemed to be his main use of skill. He released a large scream, sending gale winds all around the three. This was a warning of some type, if you were the hollows that laid in wait you would understand. The male was large, burly and was made of thick skin. He was distorted, the face of hollow seemed to be nearly void entirely. It was a scary sight, thought Azure. The creature was nothing but a heartless monster, trying its best to kill anything in its path. As the thought passed Azure's mind, Hayden had launched into an offensive strike. Flash stepping his away across the path that was laid between the two, Hayden had swung abruptly to land a decisive and quick blow to begin the fight. The strike was direct towards his mask, the one thing that kept any hollow truly in the state of creation. Moving quickly, the hollow brought his body forward slightly to bend its back into an arch. As he did this, The hollow scoffed as the blade would connect with his large upper back, the skin of the creature causing the blade to bounce backward. It sustained a slight injury but didn't seem to be phased whatsoever. After the blade had bounced off of the skin of the creature, it turned to Hayden and released another gale-force roar. It was ready to pounce on its target, Hayden was the one who would need to react.

With near blinding speeds for someone of their level, the Hollow shifted into a stance to propel itself forward at Hayden, who had already taken it upon himself to move away from the target. Smart boy, Azure seemed to have picked a recruit that wasn't entirely dumb. Anyone with a bout of common sense would understand that you wouldn't be the smartest if you were to give your opponent the upper hand by staying within range. Despite the common sense that Hayden had presented, the hollow was now propelling through the space between them in order to land a blow directly to his stomach. If the blow were to land, Hayden would be sent flying into the trees that were behind the two, the physical strength packed into the punch being immense.

Azure shifted his weight once more, watching as the wind between the two had sent his hair flying in each direction. The recruit would need to be better than that in order to take the hollow out so quickly. Azure wasn't going to choose some mindless creature to train his students. Azure would treat them the way he was treated during his training with both his Father and Brother. You aren't treated as weaker, you push yourself and come out on top with sheer force. Nodding, Azure smiled and yelled out an encouraging statement to the boy. "Good luck, Hayden. Keep on your toes. Who knows what could happen." He waved quietly from the side as yet again, the Hollow released a scream throughout the forest. Only time could tell whether Hayden would survive this day.

Hollow Snipin' FXpoQxJ
Hollow Snipin' 2Y9rqGk

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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:24 pm
The clash of his blade unto the skin of the hollow was something he had to plan for to say the least. This hollow was fast, he dare say almost faster then him. Almost. Desmond in his time at the academy always had a natural speed to so he took tell to Hoho. He knew that if his opponent couldn't catch him then he could maneuver them into submission. This hollow would be one of those people who he had to use his cunning and speed to gain the upper hand, this thing was already to dangerous since it was this fast and strong. He already tried to end this battle quickly and decisively but from the looks of this he would have to keep pushing till he could get this bastard where he wanted. However, he couldn't help but let a smile form on his lips before his eyes seemed to glint for a second- now he could test out just how good he truly was. As the beast finally roared rearing it's head to let out those gale force winds that added to the momentum of him moving backwards. The reagent general would surely have a showing today if nothing else.

The scoff the hollow made after the blade has carved only a mere scratch into it's skin. The initial roar it let out had added to the speed of the shinigami as he shunpo'ed backwards his eyes briefly darting to see a tree behind him. Perfect. Once his eyes quickly went back to the raging killing machine in front of him he saw it beginning to charge towards him with the intent to send him flying away, thankfully due to his quick reaction time earlier and movement he had the upper hand at least. This thing was not only fast but extremely powerful in that regard but it's strength would be his undoing if Hayden could pull this off correctly- not that he doubted his ability to but far to many things to take into effect to make a accurate judgement. He would have to catch this monster off guard or make a ballsy move to get rid of it quickly and he had the perfect plan to do so- but he had to have a way out. As it charged towards him with the killer intent the young Shinigami slowed down just by a mere instant to allow it to gain some speed and get closer as they neared his mark.

The Shinigami and the Hollow where playing a quick by deadly game of cat and mouse with Hayden being the mouse for now. However, this would soon change. The young shinigami heard the reagent general just as they passed the mark of where he once stood. Truer words never said to him as he eye'd the hollow who was just mere feet in front of him and gaining due to a conscious decision on Hayden part. He wondered what the general would think of this, allowing the enemy to gain closer to set them into a well placed trap. Maybe he looked insane to him or simply foolish but it was all part of the plan to get the upper hand. They where so close to the mark only mere feet away of where his destination was now. He couldn't- wouldn't afford to mess this up not now, his control over his shunpo and speed where being tested right now.

As the Hollow roared and charged the shinigami he finally had time to take in it's sight, it was truly a ugly and scary bastard. He had seen some pretty nasty things within his mortal and shinigami life and this was by far the worst. It's body and void of a head just gave him this strange feeling, as if it was death incarnated coming from him. To be honest the very thought of dying pissed him off, he wouldn't let this monster this Abomination best him in combat. Not today.

Finally it was time to make his move against the beast, as they neared a tree that was barely a foot away from them he launched himself up it- backwards. He intended to let the beast crash in, perhaps through, the tree. As the shinigami shot up the tree he couldn't help but grunt almost from the force which the two might collide at, if he wasn't able to get up in time he would have to try to move as much out the way so he wouldn't take the full brunt of the force. Most likely using his sword to lessen the impact. However, if he was able to pull off this tactic he would be slightly tired from all the stamina he used skirting around along with controlling his speed. This would at the very least stun the hollow for enough time for Hayden to thrust his blade directly down upon it's ugly face and end it's creation. Every move he made had to lead up to this moment- he would not let this beast shrug him off again- the very though this beast could beat him pissed him off yet the battle it's self enthralled him secretly. "Argah!"He yelled as he brought the blade down with all the might he could muster onto the hollow intending for this to finish it but not before he activated his sealed abilities. A magnificent streak of lighting erupted from the Zapakuto- if he couldn't kill it this would stun the bastard. Benefits of having a built in taser to your weapon.

The Hybrid King
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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:04 pm
Azure's eyes lit up with excitement as he saw the new recruit move his way throughout the battlefield. Despite his obvious difference in strength, Azure believed that in quite some time that Hayden would be quite the foe for others to deal with. He knew how to strategize, and along with that he didn't seem to have to worry about his surroundings, not when he could take them in and remember then easily and without care. It was a trait that Azure had built into his very soul, so with that being the case he could entirely understand why Hayden had gone and trained it so exquisitely. Shifting from right to left, Azure's body shifted to watch Hayden move throughout the battlefield with ease. The male was interested, and with what the future hollows had in store, what would Hayden be doing with their power levels compared to his own?

Roaring in a bout of Anger, the Hollow seemed to alter its aggression only slightly as he watched Hayden move throughout the area. It angered the beast, and with that anger came even more aggression. Once Hayden had reached the tree nearby, the hollow seems to have kicked it into over drive. This state allowed him to bolster his speed and strength forward as the male rocketed his way across the area between him and Hayden. As he did so, his arms flew out to his sides, readying to strike once he reached the tree behind Hayden.

Once reaching the tree and Hayden himself, the Hollow roared in great anger as he went head first into Hayden's body. That is, if he were to have attacked Hayden. As if it was never his true intention, the Hollow bolstered his body through the tree and began to take down multiple trees in the area. After reaching forward about ten to twenty meters, the Hollow skidded against the ground and turned to watch Hayden. The male had a response to the attack it seemed, and with that response it was a downward slamming of his blade, the blade itself emitting a large blast of lightning able to shred the area beneath the hollow's previous position. It was a quick strike, one that would have taken the hollow out completely. With that came a large growl from the monster, his muscles beginning to grow in size against his being. They twisted and cracked against the pressure the Hollow began to release. It seemed that play time had been concluded and the Hollow would be going out of his way to hurt Hayden. Badly.

The growl that had previously begun turned into a scream that would echo throughout Karakura Forest, anyone within its barriers being notified of the Hollow's attitude changing entirely. "Disgusting..... Shinigami!!!" His voice was deep, booming and terrifying to those that could not stand against him. It was the first words that the Hollow spoke, and hopefully the last that he would be encountering.

Upon speaking, the Hollow slammed his fists simultaneously into the ground, sending a shockwave around him in order to send the tree trunks flying into the air. By doing this, the Hollow was able to move at blinding speeds in order to send each of the trunks at Hayden at ridiculous levels of speed. It was a simple trick that anyone strong or speedy could do, and with that the Hollow moved forward to follow the set of ten trunks that he had sent forward. Running at the tail end of the line, the Hollow would throw a single punch downward at Hayden as he reached the ten meters that was between the two of them. Whether or not the hit landed was a mystery, that would be soon determined by Hayden's response to the barrage of projectiles.

Hollow Snipin' FXpoQxJ
Hollow Snipin' 2Y9rqGk

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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:12 am

Artist: Fort Minor Song: Remeber the Name Word Count: 1115

It seemed that that the hollow bastard decided to throw wrench in the shinigami plans. Truth be told he had to give it to the beast, it seemed he was not as mindless as he thought. As the hollow blasted through the trees the shinigami would land within the small crater he made his eyes would follow the path of destruction the hollow made. This monster seemed to have had a slight power boost to its self. Hayden felt a slight bit of pride seeing as the hollow thought he was worth a power boost, but none the less it would meet its end. As his eyes followed the path of destruction he was already preparing his next plan, his next action to lead the Hollow to its end. While most may think this would be a battle determined by strength it would be determined by willpower and intellect. He just feared not using to much energy least he become drained early.

As he felt the tremendous roar echo through the air, even feeling the slight tremors in the ground enough to cause Hayden to raise a eyebrow. He wasn't cocky actually he was pretty modest when it came to doing battle with a equally challenging opponent, yet he felt this hollow was testing his patience. His eyes quickly began to dart between the trees that lay scattered around the field, before hearing the declaring of the hollow. He considered himself to be quite clean actually but he digressed, their was no reasoning with these beasts sometimes.

His trained eyes was able to detect the movements of the Hollow, as it raised its arms up to smash the ground. However, as it was doing this Hayden didn't quite remain still in fact he was lifting his left arm up pointing his finger to the sky as he began to fill electric kido gathering. As he felt the ground begin to quiver and shake from the massive force that hit it, he kido had gathered into five balls above his head. As his eyes watched the hollow quickly begin to move at high speeds, similar to how they where moving earlier, sending those projectile logs at him he was preparing his own counter attack. The five balls of whistling kido above his head began to sizzle and crackle with energy as they finished forming, this was one of the abilities that came with something he dubbed 'Slayer Magic'.

"Hear the first roar of the dragon!"

These words where exclaimed as he moved at his own high speeds, his body blurring as he began to rapidly launch each of the balls down rage towards the Hollow. They where all spread out rather erratically due to the quick timing but enough to where the Hollow would either have to tank the blows or dodge hard away, even then it was a chance he might be caught but the unevenly spaced balls. Those balls acted like teasers meant to disorient someone while cause numbing to where they hit, in high number they could prove fatal but in this case not likely. As they sped at the same speed of the logs it would appear two of them was stopped by the logs, however the logs themselves exploding into splinters themselves. As this was taking place the Shinigami was beginning phase two of his plan to end the hollow.

The Shinigami knew that the area around them was mostly dense forested areas, it had cut a relative straight line leaving the forest still around them. In the clearing that Azure had brought them out in was just that; a clearing. While he may not be recommended there was still enough area to hide in, however that was not his intention. He didn't need to meet the hollow head on in a fight, not yet Atleast. With tenacity and the speed the hollow was first met with he dashed to his left shooting up a tree using his shunpo, shoot straight upwards effectively out of the way of the hollow and trees before they where anywhere near him. These tree he was half way up the line tree which was around ten meters before he kicked off above the hollow and the now reaching his previous locations trees. He was sure that this again was a unsuspected tactic as his tucked his elbow in giving a slight smirk downwards.

"The dragons first slash!"

As he yelled those words Kido began to form and harden from his closed fist creating a point till the end of his elbow creating another point. It looked like it was forming some type of chode Javelin where his forearm was. As he managed to stay airborne lightning crackled from the lance before he punched his arm forward, the energy shooting faster at blinding speeds rivaling that of bullets. He was counting on for the two things to happen, either the hollow not being able to adjust to his new position fast enough or it being able to change fast enough to come at him. But he thought the former was more likely to happen.

As the lance would fly through the air, empowered by lighting and the users own kido it would whistle slightly. Once it made contact on a hard enough surface it would explode causing a small burst of electrical energy to again taze the opponent. However, despite the balls this has a much bigger kinetic force to it able to pierce the heirro of weaker hollows and simply fly right through them killing them. This technique was something he had just recently perfected but it still had room to improve. However, if it struck this hollow it would expose releasing its energy to subdue him hopefully.

This now brought us to the final phase of his plan to purify this hollow on the spot. His eyes would gaze at the hollow as he readied his still crackling Zanpakutō, feeling his body begin to move downward from gravity and his own shunpo pushing him towards the Hollow. He didn't doubt that Atleast one of his on slaught made it to the hollow, but now was where he placed faith into his abilities to end it. As he went downwards he read the blade to send a slash downwards, the Lightning crackling from the blade as it began to arc towards the Hollow and his very own blade following not to far from it. Now was the moment of truth, but from this risky head on action he may end up taking some form of damage as well. He did expand a moderate amount of kido and the effects where beginning to show.

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The Hybrid King
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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:20 pm



Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 816

This was just great. Azure had to deal with yet another head strong ally, one that thought as his student he could do anything and everything in order to defeat the hollow in a victorious move. It was kinda cocky, but Azure would need that in a student. When it came down to the initial fact, Azure needed someone that could truly withstand the vigorous training that he would inflict upon the said trainee. Psychological and mental stress was a staple that came as a Vanguard Member, protecting people wasn't easy and with that meant a terrible sight for most. In Azure's specific training, however, his trainee would need to be willing to risk their own life in times of need for others. Without being able to do that, especially as a member of the Vanguard, Azure could not truly teach the way he wished. That being said, Azure believed that the ability and potential that Hayden was showing was tremendous, something that he hadn't seen in many around. Not being strong now wasn't a problem whatsoever, Azure would make him stronger.

Shifting his weight forward, Azure leaned against the balls of his feet. The movements were nearly impossible to see between both the hollow and Hayden, Azure's entire body moving within the loud and treturous sounds coming from the both of them. Hayden had released what seemed to be a created Kido of his own volition while the hollow had followed up Hayden's dodge with something akin to torpedos in wood form. Trees were flying everywhere as the small orbs of Kido flew in every direction thought possible. It was interesting to see Hayden react on his toes, almost taking the situation with simple strides, something Azure did on the regular. It was good that there was a single trait that he wouldn't have to inplace on the boy during their training. As the kido and torpedos of dark oak wood flew throughout the air, Azure's body began to shift once more into existence, his being appearing between the two objects. As the kido began to shred through that of some of the logs, other logs flew forward past the kido itself, possibly reaching Hayden in this instance. That is, if Azure hadn't stepped in.

With a optimistic slam of his right foot, the sensation of vibration began to racket throughout the air and ground, a large shock wave causing the torpedos and Kido to entirely dissipate through the air, almost as if they never existed in the first place. Azure's eyes flashed a hint of dark red as the azure tint began to survey the damage his foot had caused. The torpedo shreds began to litter the air, Hayden's kido completely reformed into reiatsu. Azure had completely removed the two factors from the battle entirely. Turning his head to look Hayden up and down once more, Azure waved his left hand through the air as the splinters that were suspended completely fell, clanging against the grass beneath them.

"That's enough, Hayden. I think you need to be put through the ringer. Something like this... I don't know. It's not what I think you need." As Azure spoke to Hayden, the hollow was not gone. It had sent itself flying forward into what would be Azure's entire being at this point now, Azure's right fist coming upward as it collided entirely with the hollow's skull. In almost an instant, the hollow burst into what could be considered a corpse, ridden of blood and terrifying shapes. The insides and outside of the hollow had become entirely mutilated due to the pressure and force impacted within the being's skull, Azure's head tilting at Hayden as he did so. The hollow was not dead, it was mutilated. Its insides entirely removed from its being, its body being bloody and torn. It was as if Azure purposely meant for the create to feel pain. It was a point, hopefully one that Hayden would understand.

"Sorry Hayden, change of plans. Since I've taken it upon myself to be your mentor, I think you need to take more of a beating. Here's the deal. I want you to come at me with everything you can, one strike, one move. It doesn't matter what you use, simply do your best to attack me in any way possible."

With that said, Azure lowered both of his arms into a crossed position against his chest, now turning to the young male. He stood, looking Hayden directly in the eyes. This was a do or die moment for Hayden, if he couldn't muster the strength in order to attack Azure, what would he do in the instance of War? Let alone war, what if he was simply helping a simple person? He had to be tested, and if it were Azure doing the testing even better.

"Go on." With a short, sly smirk, Azure nodded and waited for Hayden's attacks.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Hollow Snipin' FXpoQxJ
Hollow Snipin' 2Y9rqGk

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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:21 pm

Artist: Shizzy Six |Song: Mugetsu |Word Count:556

Hayden floated to the ground using his reiatsu as a softener as he watched the scene happen between the Hollow and Azure. He was surprised to say the least raising a eyebrow at the whole ordeal. That was certainly something he had not planned for yet he knew that the leader of his org would be capable quite a few things- but for that to happen was something entirely different, in fact he found it to be inspiring slightly- he wanted a punch like that. He would have to work on that himself in his own rite, yet that move itself was rather gorey. He sighed giving a nod to his commander as they began to speak about the hollows- perhaps he was right but this just intrigued him more into what he might expect out of the Shinigami. Now he was getting excited indicating but his slight shifting in his stance, his eyes focusing on the man before offering another nod.

His commander now ordered him to attack him with all his might and truth be told he felt like it wouldn’t do much against the man. Yet, he would give it all plus more if he had to improve himself. He had to make a point, it was almost like he had something to say to the commander through his actions. Perhaps he just felt some type of annoyance from the man or maybe it was admiration to a point but despite all that he knew no matter his actions if he didn’t give his all he might not be walking away from this intact.. or with his life for that matter. Finally, he offered a silent nod to the commander as he began to spread his feet out slowly focusing his reiatsu above his head. It was almost like the clouds began to swirl before the brief sound of thunder sounded around them, to give his all he would have to go into overdrive. The thunder began to become louder and gradually more frantic as it struck around the young soldier- it seemed a storm had come in at full blast around them.
Hayden gritted his teeth as he squared his shoulders as finally all the lightning convulsed on him in a bright light, consuming both him and his sword. He let out a yell as he felt his tired system begin to become briefly restarted and begin to soar past his limits, his grip on his weapon tighted as he shifted into his ‘near-ward’ stance with his sword placed rotated to his left slightly. His muscles began to pulse slightly as he locked eyes with his commander before pushing forward slowly at first before entering his Shunpo. He had to drive this attack with all his momentum if he wanted to do anything to the man.

Finally as he reached him he began to glide his blade upwards, his blade piercing the ground and ripping it apart as it flew upwards with the intent to bisect the man. He wanted his all so he would throw his most powerful attack towards him, with complete killing intent. He lived by the philosophy your ally could one day be your enemy and your enemy your friend- so at this moment he saw Azure as a threat. A threat he wanted to put down.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Hollow Snipin' JfH75kA
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The Hybrid King
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Hollow Snipin' Empty Re: Hollow Snipin'

Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:30 pm



Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 1108

Hayden did not speak, did not motion towards anything. He simply notified Azure with an eyebrow raise and a nod to initiate his attack upon the male. Azure knew for a fact that if he was an enemy, Hayden would never hold back. If Hayden believed that Azure was in-fact a bad cause for the Vanguard? Well, he would be attacked. Its good to know that through thick and thin this man knew what was at stake. Good, he would need to learn more frequently what he truly needed to learn. Dropping his arms against his sides, Azure smiled at the now spiritually enhanced Hayden. The boy wished to make a point to his commander it seemed, one that showed that he would not be backing down. Azure liked Hayden's mentality, this would surely help him within future training lessons. Nodding, Azure shifted his gait once more to allow Hayden to prepare himself.

Hayden had brought forth strength that Azure thought would be gone by now, and with that came an alteration in the area around them. Lightning struck the ground left and right, the thunder booming throughout the area as the storm had finally arrived. A wondrous time for Azure it seemed. There was no rain accompanying the thunderstorm that had reached the two, but with that came Thunder. Loud, clanging sounds of thunder brought its way through the entire forest, Azure's body being shaken to its very core by the beautiful sound. Sound was the male's speciality, and with that speciality came the ability to enhance himself by using the sounds around him. Thunder was quite a helpful sound due to the tremors that it creates, the shockwaves reaching Azure no matter what would be in its way. It was a wonderful thing, with that wonder came a beautiful future for Azure's reaction it seemed.

With his shunpo guiding his every step, Hayden brought himself forward at rapid speeds for any normal human to reach, bringing what seemed to be masses of lighting alongside him. His blade was the simplest thing he could attack with, Azure had to give the young man props. If he were to attack Azure, why not go all out using what was connected to his very soul? Azure could understand that, his Seishin Buki served the same exact purpose when he used it. Despite that, Azure rarely used the connected weapon, relying on his fists and pure thinking to further himself. Nevertheless, Azure commended Hayden for being so bold with Azure. As a new trainee, normally the last thing you would be thinking of is attacking your teacher. They were better in every way no matter who you were, they wouldn't be training you if that wasn't the case. With that came a great feeling to Azure, knowing that Hayden would listen to his every command without denying him a single request. Hayden would be quite the fighter in the future it seemed, but for now, he needed to be knocked down a peg.

Actually, Azure knew that Hayden needed to be taken down quite a few pegs. Straight to the bottom.

With blinding speeds, Azure's body shifted in order to bring himself backwards with Hayden's attack. The blade that would normally have landed did not land, not even close it had seemed. The ground beneath the two had began to cripple quickly as the limiter that Azure had naturally imposed on him had released, his true base power coming into play. The male's hand had been brought upward to send a small flash of vibrations to parry the blade away. Moving leftward, the blade was completely shifted in Hayden's hands now, unable to be held properly for yet another blow. This was Azure's simple reaction to such an attack. The right hand of Azure Iramasha came forward as he gripped the back of the male's shirt, bringing his body downward as the blow had finally been dealt.

It was a simple blow, but one with quite a force behind it. Azure's knee had come upward into Hayden's chest, added force given by the immediate pull of his right hand downward. The ground that had began to cripple itself had now completely cracked under the pressure, Azure's body releasing an elongated amount of spiritual pressure, sending a line of destroyed Earth forward and behind the two. Azure did not attack the male at full strength, he'd be too afraid of killing Hayden. Instead, what came with this knee to the man's chest was that of a blow that would fracture nearly his entire rib cage, the long bones within the male's chest and mid chest area becoming cracked pincers. This would never occur if Azure was not capable of healing the male, but along with that it would not happen if Azure didn't believe he needed to make a point to the boy.

Hayden was the student, the trainee and the one that was beneath Azure in this position. Azure was the teacher, leader and his trainer. If anything, Hayden needed to be taught from the first point of their relationship that what he said and did was entirely law. Azure hated hurting those that he cares for, but Hayden needed to be placed through a grueling training, not a simple set of repetitions in order to 'Get Stronger'. Shifting his weight to the side, Azure dropped what would more than likely be a mutilated body to his side, staring upward to what would now be a grey sky.

"Oi, Hayden. Sorry for hurting you, you just needed to understand this relationship. I'm up here, while you're down there. This won't be changing until you undergo training and changes in order to govern more strength for you. This strength isn't elusive, hard work and determination will get you exactly where you wish to be." He smiled, the rain now following suit as Azure spoke to the boy.

"Always remember this. I wish for you to grow, I need quite an ally for what we have in store for the Vanguard. Remember that." He nodded and turned to look down upon Hayden, simply out of the corner of his eye. Hands hidden away in that of the cloth jacket he wore, Azure smiled once more, hoping he left quite the impression on the boy.

Now, if only there were others willing to learn what Hayden would be learning in the coming weeks...

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