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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Mon May 18, 2015 1:06 pm

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsuabsa remained alert and prepare for the slightest ill intent towards Ibiki or her men. He smiled faintly when Ibiki kissed his cheek, the feeling sent emotions running through him. He was fond of Ibiki after all and both of them put trust in the other. How many centuries had it been since a display of affection like that was given to Tsubasa. "Failure isn't an option for us Ibiki." Tsubasa responded to her, smiling as he ran a hand along his cheek. Remembering the feeling of the female's kiss to his cheek. Ibiki had never been the most affectionate, but their was no doubt in mind they shared a special bond. Tsubasa exhaled a breath and waiting for now, waiting for them to leave. Once no pressure was detected no signal on his radar. He would release his bankai and sheath his Zanpakutō, he walked forward and softly smiled. This place was home like to the Pale Rider, Tsubasa wasn't like other Shinigami. Ibiki seemed distressed and even after the beast she seemed like something was on her mind. He would help her afterwards perhaps, he he walked towards the Core. Tsubasa sat down and sat as a samurai now, his sword easy to access and he was quite alert for any means of attack. His body produced tachyons and electric for detection, if anything disturbed them he would know. A thin layer of metal was formed around Tsubasa's outer area, he could react instantly upon detection of a foe. He looked at the core and gave a bow, Tsubasa was a killer but one with great honor. "Your defender was magnificent and was a powerful warrior. I want to believe you took him to rest in peace, we fight for survival. Some believe you are but a core of things, some even go as far to say you don't speak or breath. You may wonder why I sit here, well I have something to ask you. Before a battle begins, I wish to ask a question of you Core of this world. What is your story, where did you begin your journey? " He asked calmly, Tsubasa didn't know if the object could answer. He wouldn't know for sure but his gut and instincts told him this was right.

Tsubasa didn't know when the enemy would arrive, but his reiatsu and body began to heal up as he used the tachyon energy to heal his wounds. It was interesting to what extent this new power worked, his reishi was being charged up quicker then normal. Tsubasa would wait for ten minutes and simply listen for anything, meditating on the Core and it's defender. He wasn't one to not pay compliment to a worthy foe, the dragon had angered him and forced him to bring out his full strength. Or rather the dragon made him bring out Seventy-Five percent of his strength. Tsubasa could of gone further, but he wasn't interested in such things. He sensed that battle to be merely a prelude and tried to hold back, how much energy was regained currently. What was the status of his injuries, he pulled some medicine from his pocket. Developed for this situation, he chewed on the tablet. Developed during his time within the Gotei 13, he took Mayuri's healing method and recovered from the damage done to him thus far. But now a few things needed to mentally be settled, Tsubasa's enemy hadn't changed at all. Kin Iramasha, Mana now seemed a friend with Iriko's movements. But the Law's set down by Yamamoto were being broken left and right. The Gotei 13 was a kitten compared to the lion it was once when he lead and that troubled him. Could that place defend itself from attack without further input, so far he was the only member of Zero Division active. It meant situations were left to his choice, the Central Position was meant to be the closest thing to a leader that was possible. He made the call to aid the Gotei 13 on his own, Zero Division would most likely not get involved themselves. Nothing prevented him from doing so as an Unabara and a simple person. Tsubasa's eyes remained closed as he stayed patient and calm. Many things were troubling him but he couldn't let them bother him, survival was the goal.

The world would pause for now as he listened for the Core's story, Tsubasa could arrive at any conclusion in the world. A tiger bumped against his arm, it's body sheathed in lightning as it rubbed it's head against his back. The image was battles in his mind, fights he'd been through where hell and back seemed like a cherry thought. Hell's Gate made him think about something for a change he'd not often thought on. What happened when he destroyed this Core, what was it's story. They had almost nothing known on these objects, so something told him restraint would be a key element. Ibiki wasn't there for the blunder Tsubasa made as a Head Captain, he wasn't wise enough to show restraint. This time however he had some inkling to hold back for a moment. Some call this hesitation, but Tsubasa saw it more as an instinct used to warn a person. That what they thought was a good idea wasn't really a good thought. Hell's Gate left some marks on Tsubasa, every step he thought he'd gotten closer to reality. He was only two steps back, Khala had only served to make his resolve stronger. Tsubasa didn't know purpose aside from killing people. His emptiness was something that he could only do once and a while. He meditated to find his mindset for battle, to prepare and unleash the rider without mercy. Everything was about coming forward to the truth of everything. Nothing could be left without a thought, it was about growing and changing. Tsubasa could only wait for the resume, enemies would come soon perhaps. He suspected the Core had more to offer then it's defender, though that one was such a fine warrior. Tsubasa respected the strong and those who followed the seventh law of his creed. Survive, that was the law Tsubasa's people held dear and kept within mind. Tsubasa remembered scrapping by and trying his best to make ends meet. But for what was the question, was every step leading to this moment. His body was growing more used to tachyons, soon they'd be about as common as breathing.

His eyes slowly opened as he stood up slowly, it was almost time for it to begin in earnest. The Pale Rider would invoke the Pale here and today, the Pale was not a thing of hate or anger but simple survival.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Fri May 22, 2015 2:20 pm

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist:Velvet Acid Christ - Song: Blood - Word Count: 1063

The last of the invaders had fallen back and the Kora A'ina proved itself to be open to Tsubasa's advances. Due to the fact that there were no aggressive moves made on it, the core started illuminating a crimson glow and made its path towards The Pale Rider. In a manner of moments after that point, the gem sought to infuse with him and these intentions could be felt in the air around them.

There was a pulsation of emotion emitting from this sacred crystal hat required no words to understand. This feeling could be sensed and detected with his insight into the supernatural based on the fact that this gem did indeed hold a telepathic grasp upon his mind.

Ergo, it was unlikely that the gem's progression movement toward The Shinigami would prove to be rejected. So, it aimed to otherwise merge itself in the center of Tsubasa's chest and submerge itself within his body. Following that point? The details of what the Reflective Eclipse desired transferred themselves into the mind of The Unabara.

As the recollections of this creature's memory played like a hazy red vision within the mind of The Pale Rider, This incident all began during the catastrophic events of Demonic Incursion. It is there when the suppression of The Demon God's Heart satanic rage occurred and it had otherworldly consequences. Something that wicked, that powerful and so vile could not fade away so easily. That reflection of Khala Asthavon separated from her, but it did not die.

These feelings lived on within a separate dimension following Iriko's confrontation of both Deveta and his heart. It mutated and grew stronger like a virus overtime as this darkness and negativity thrived within a realm of shadows. Despite the efforts of Khala, however, this pressure continued to build on upon itself and it could not longer be contained. So, like a dam breaking, the waters of the Reflective Eclipse consumed her whole and used its prowess to otherwise proceed with the assimilation of this dimension as the once demented Khala had intended.

Thus, from this knowledge, it could be inferred that The Kora A'ina desired to bring forth a sense of unity by forcing the shadows of a person to merge with the light. Much in the way Tsubasa and Khala have come to bare their demons, the world needed to face the reflection in the mirror and stop hiding behind such grand delusions. It wanted to awaken them to this reality and blend all into a world that held no lies, no secrets and brought forth the utmost of sincere intentions within a persons heart. That was the true purpose of the Reflective Eclipse.

And, for this reason, is where the secret to ending this incident comes in:acceptance and acknowledge of those wicked ends. Much like the way The Pale Rider recognized the will of the Kora A'ina, the world was going to have to do the same if they wanted to bring a shift end to this vile event. Once the shades of light and darkness are whole, a new being can be born and the delusion can be broken as the veil of shadows and deception can be lifted from a persons eye and the Kora A'ina can be at peace.

Henceforth, it sought fit to allot its power into Tsubasa and allow him to otherwise recover within its glow. However, this was not going to come before another entity had been expelled from its core. Once the flow of energy had been drained from this sphere, the seals containing the essence of its negativity would be broken and a plum of red and black smoke bled out of The Pale Rider. This mist started to spiral around and contort itself until a physical being materialized itself from the fog.

It held a humanoid a shape, but it was far from human. The face of this creature was darker than any night, but it was quite in contrast to the shades of white that faded and transitioned into shadows and crimson hues to the lower portions of its body. While, in the center of its chest, a separate version of the Kora A'ina embed itself into the beast and gave it new life.

With this demonic entity now summoned, the ends of the demon's body seemed to flow like wisps in the wind as it stared down the golden eyes of The Pale Rider. In that gaze? The impulse of an eternities worth of negativity roared and surged around the space they occupied like a hellish hurricane. The dread of war, the sorrow of death, the sting of betrayal, the hostility of man and the darkness of the soul could be felt. Sounds of creatures in all different tongues could be heard yelling in the distance, while the sensation of life fading played out further and the frequency of Demonic, Hollow and other satanic energy blasted and smothered the environment akin to a monsoon of negative rains.

However -- that was just the effect that this beings life force had. It was the embodiment of negativism and it was only natural that such vicious fallout would occur with its birth. So, it could be inferred that while the mind of this creature was swirling in a hellstorm of negative thoughts, it yielded no desire to raise its fang against The Pale Rider unless he rose his sword first.

Therefore, the sounds of grunting and shackles could be heard in the distance as this creature started to take its first few steps of life. If no other action were taken against the entity? It would eventually keep walking and walking until it exploded in a burst of darkness and descend into the oblivion of the Inverse Realm while it lasted. Leaving behind a trail of crimson blood in its wake and a sense that something was off in the universe still. But, what was most peculiar about this foe would not be any of those odd events.


The most off-putting thing that would from this demon was that, past the initial release of its power, a wavelength similar to Khala during her rampage in the Soul Society could be felt within. The same power Tsubasa felt that day, deep within this creature, still lived on within this being.


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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 WVMWLOu

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Fri May 22, 2015 3:15 pm

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa closed his eyes, thinking and judging it's intent. So far he felt no evil intent, his eyes opened and kept a cool calm. Tsubasa was the best suited to settle this matter, he understood the Core's desire. "Thank you, for sharing your story of your journey with me..I welcome you upon my own." He said with a soft smile, this creature lived such an impressive life. The being sought a goal that was lofty, he calmly observed the creature. His eyes watching it and almost sensing a familiar feeling, though what was most haunting. Was that this creature didn't remind him of Khala not at first, something else came to mind. Him, it was almost like looking back in time at his reflection. Blood stained his past and demons were born because of choices he made. Tsubasa was an assassin, but above all else he was wise and very honorable. Their was a sense that came from him that made him this way, he remained calm as he observed. No action was needed this creature had no intent to raise aggression to him. Everything came with a desire and a price, he wished to know this core's. He would honor it as best he could, not all situations would allow him to. "I wish all matters could be settled this way, our world doesn't see trust or peace..Iriko is on a path that will implode. From one side or another, demons and shinigami operate differently. But I wonder if they could of lived peacefully if things turned differently. Shinigami you see are beings that are supposed to uphold the balance, though Hell is likely not a place of horror that it's depicted..Reality is often a greater hell then that place I imagine." He paused for a moment, as he spoke to the core. Simply wishing to explain himself and his stance on things, perhaps it heard maybe it was simply gone. He continued on now, this little discussion needed to continue. " You see, we aren't meant to involve ourselves with hell in any way, this includes to a degree those from the place. We also are to defend the soul on it's cycle of life..Iriko is on a dangerous road. "

Tsubasa paused to allow the core a bit as he waited till he felt it was alright to move. His instincts were sharp and often allowed him the clarity when he could move. He walked towards the exit, his sword sheathed now as he thought about it clearly in his mind. " Destruction or Salvation, that is what his road brings..I have often felt it's my burden to watch what my choice has wrought..But this option is no longer available, you've shown me what I need to do..I thank you for that..I must once again make an impact on the Gotei 13, I must restore balance between the Darkness and Light of the Gotei 13. The two are at odds and must be restored to balance, otherwise the outcome will be fatal..Kazuya Kiharu, the Core's and all this. Is a wake up call. The Soul King entrusts us to do this on our own, as the man he entrusted to Lead or direct the Zero Division. I must fix my error previous, but to do so without conflict. That will be hard, should be a fun trip.." Tsubasa said as he prepared for what needed to be done. The path was clear, Darkness and Light needed to be restored. Central 46 needed to be brought back to life. The Maggots Nest restored for those who broke the laws, he needed to repair the entire Gotei 13. Tsubasa Unabara the Pale Rider would make one more impact on the Gotei 13. This impact would be the greatest in the history of this Organization. He wasn't sure how it would go, but he knew it would be a journey he had to take. Tsubasa Unabara was repaired, he felt his body tense at the thought. Once before he made an impact going to the war and proving the Gotei 13 lived. Training the Captains, building defenses and delivering them into a future. Tsubasa carried a desire now that was needed. The Soul King relied on others to handle these matters, Zero Division were both his guards and something more. They were people with the mind to act and do as needed, Tsubasa was ready to act.

He stared at his Zanpakutō Byakko, he didn't think he would be needing this for the battle to come. Not all fights were decided by the sword, some were decided by actions of a different nature. Tsubasa understood this, it was close time for him to do something long since in the wait. Ibiki Sukia, the promise made would be kept. He would fulfill the promise they long kept soon, Tsubasa now knew how to do it. Before he had no indication of what to do but the Core brought with it great Wisdom. Tsubasa relied heavily upon his instincts previously. They were a way for him to figure things out spiritually and otherwise solve puzzles. But now this Core granted him wisdom and saved him from the problem haunting him. His unstable body, the Tachyon's were balanced now and able to be precisely controlled. He could feel them flowing normally from the Core infusing with his body. Tsubasa stopped by where the Dragon fell, he brought himself to his knee's. "Before we go, I thought I would let you say your goodbyes to him..He was such a great being, I am indebted to the growth he allowed me.." Tsubasa said calmly before he stood up. The realm wouldn't last much longer, he sighed softly. The journey was ready to begin, he used a shunpo and vanished. Tsubasa's frame disappearing with the great speed he was known for. The next destination was a place that had long since been quiet, a place that he never visited in his time. Tsubasa Unabara's destination was set and it was time for the Gotei 13 to get on track. Darkness and Light needed the balance, the Law's needed to be decided. All things would be decided in that place, he would play the part of the observer once it began. But he would spark the beginning of the resolution, the very first in a long time. The Broken Soul Resolution, it was time for the Laws to be looked at. For them to decide where they stood and what the future held for that place. Darkness and Light would be confronted and accepted in one way or another, Tsubasa's form vanished leaving the realm to do as it was intended now that the Core was settled.

Exit Thread

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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:16 am
The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 Image8719_zpsccjgtr7w


Well, seeing how we both finished up this thread, I'm going to go ahead and lock out this thread. This is being done so we can fast-forward with concluding this portion of the event and draw closer to a conclusion.

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event - Page 2 Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:21 pm


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