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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:53 pm
The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

The mountain he walked towards trembled, the sky rumbled as Tsubasa had arrived. Many beings existed in this world, but so few brought a reckoning with their presence alone. Tsubasa had earned the reputation for one of the best Head Captains of his time. Tsubasa had been promoted to the role of Zero Division Leader, but lately that had been questioned. Their was only one time where the questions and guilt of poor choices didn't haunt him. When he swung his sword, when he brought his fury upon those that dared face it. Tsubasa stood stone faced looking at the mirror reflection, thinking for a moment. When he handed the mantle over to Iriko had he predicted such an outcome. The Soul King sided with Iriko and so much was the truth, but their was a being who's resolve Tsubasa carried on. One the Soul King and many knew well, Yamamoto.

Tsubasa slowly pulled his Zanpakutō free as the air became thick and he pointed the tip of the blade at the Gotei 13 Mirror. Tsuabsa looked empty and calm, something about the man gave off a blood lust no demon could match. Some found his presence and way almost dangerous, but Tsubasa had been thinking about his choices for a while. The air began to brew with Tachyons, the things appearing around him. Tsubasa's attack was going to be one that would shake the very heavens themselves.

But thoughts had plagued him things that haunt so many who could only imagine his burden. Tsubasa carried the weight of the Unabara, he carried the weight of his choices like shackles. They felt like chains so heavy that the burden was weighing him down. Had he been mistaken with Iriko, was it a mistake making him Head Captain? Was it a mistake to draw his blade and fight with out convictions aside from murder? He could hear Nis lecturing him from beyond, it was almost like a chuckle couldn't help but leave him. Tsubasa stared on at the mirror image, how could he raise his blade so easily. This was the only thing he knew for sure, he could raise his sword and cut down his enemies.

Did he hate the demons, no that wasn't it but for a being like him. Their was no place anymore within the halls of the Gotei 13, they perhaps wouldn't understand it. But the Law needed to be upheld and his blade honored that law. His place was now as a guardian of the Soul King. Tsubasa turned his blade and brought it downwards, the size of the attack hit the center of this mirror image. Hitting it with a tachyon infused lightning bolt that struck and shook the entire structure. Tsubasa could of done something smaller, that's when a voice echoed he turned to see the face that was familiar. Tsubaki stood behind him, she gave him that sisterly look so often given. Her frame disappeared, she seemed disappointed in him. Was that look given because he was throwing in the towel? What reason did his sister feel disappointed in Tsubasa, was it simply because he knew not what to do now? The Gotei 13 had been his destination, the goal was to save that place from the stillness that had rocked it to it's core.

He'd done that and made some of the fiercest warriors anyone had ever seen. He trained every Captain and taught them something about themselves. He locked his demon up and tossed that key away, but after Khala something happened. Tsubasa found that key and opened the door again, allowed it to roam once more. He did something for the demons, though Mana's sister had failed the test entirely. Inami, so many sought the Pale Horse these days. He didn't much care for the reasons why, he didn't like Mana or the idea of the Gotei 13 with them.

But it was no longer any of his business, Tsubasa had to accept he had no control over what direction Iriko went. Tsubasa was a control freak to some levels, his eyes looked around upon feeling the radar go off. He could feel disturbances within the electromagnetic pulse he sent out, these seemed to be people coming forward. Kierudo had grown into a killing art that was quite effect these days. His student took it to a new level and would bring the hammer of the Gods upon the world.

Getting old was hell they all say, Tsubasa merely smiled and got ready to make his move. Tachyons were now under his control or close to it anyways. In this form he could summon roughly 50% of his power over them, they could be used to imbue his lightning and other moves with great strength. Tsubasa gazed off noticing that the thing he thought was the Gotei 13 vanished. He stood in a rather perplexed for a moment, his eyes finding the large dragon now. He pointed his sword at it, saying nothing. Tsubasa wouldn't close the distance yet, he wanted to get a feel for his enemies power.

The tachyon's infused were far stronger this time, his power grew over time. Tachyons would only grow more powerful as the fight went, the lightning bolt struck at the fire breathing beast. The drake would had the blow coming from the sky upon it. Tsubasa merely stood unmoved as he watched the creature. Using that attack to get a feel for it's moves and whatever it had. Perhaps what was broken could be reforged, perhaps Tsubasa's destiny wasn't so set in stone after all. The shackles felt like they were gonna disappear soon, the fight for his life was soon to begin. The distance Tsubasa could attack from was indeed insane, he would apply no small means of attack against this dragon. Iriko should of been doing this a voice told him, but it wasn't important who killed the dragon. Merely that it and this mirror were broken into a thousand pieces never to return.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:46 pm

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Artist: Magnum Opus - Song: Complete Darkness - Word Count: 1665

The ground trembled, the skies filled with a raging fire and the pressurized release of a damning beast's power smothered the lands of the Inversed Soul Society. This creature was angered and ready to do combat; for it was its duty to protect the reflective realm of the spiritual dimension. So, to sense a presence that had the capacity to otherwise destroy its home was more then enough to gets it gears moving, power surging and mind ready to annihilate any and everything that got in its task of defending this homeland of his.

Therefore, by the time that Tsubasa's Tachyon infused lightning bolt had reached the Inversed Realm, The Raging Beast was prepared to go on the defense. By tapping into the power of the Kora A'ina and infusing his own high levels of energy into the air, the creature was able to create a whirlpool of darkness that greeted the strike of electricity.

Once this encounter was made? The energized projectile would have more than likely continued into the dimensional vortex. And, should this action proceed, the intent was in to otherwise seal the destructive shell of electrons within a contained area and away from the Inversed Realm. It took a great toll of concentration, but the job was simple enough once the Yina Stone assisted the creature in sealing the blast shut. More then anything else, this mother of lightning strikes had to have been vaporized within a void-less dimension to ultimately never again see the light of day.

Thus, the veil of darkness would lift and the colossal sight of this enormous dragon would be unveiled to the Lone Unabara. Its wings covered the sky, claws covered entire city blocks and the bulk of its body extended all the way to the heavens themselves and blocked out the very sight of any sun or any other celestial object in the atmosphere. Its physical presence DEMANDED all attention be focused solely on it.

The terrain around them then started to erupt with pure fire as one hundred meter tall shots of flames roared out of the soil and into the skies. With another roar, the shockwaves being generated from this hulking Dragon's presence could repel the likes of Tsubasa away like a ragdoll with the force it produced. The reason for this is because The Kora A'ina of Yang was injecting the energy from itself into the monster in order to further its odd of victory. And, if this stone was capable of producing an ungodly effect on to multiple dimensions at once? It surely was capable of beefing up an already mighty dragon to new heights of power.

None the less, without much further adieu, the beast started his assault. In a swift motion? The creature raised his right claw down on the male in order to try and reduce the shinigami to a bloody pulp by unleashing the weight of its damning physical ability upon him. And given the sheer size of this mammoth demon? This simple attack would be difficult to avoid even with a pair of swift feet.

Therefore, some of the damage that could be inflicted upon the male could range from broken bones, crushed organs and an overall dip in his health from the sheer brute force of the assault. For, this blow could indeed make it difficult for even those with masterful hierros to endure without some form of injury.

And, provided if he could even escape the range, the ripple effects could produce projectile to be thrown for thousands of meters in every direction. Which means, from the physical energy being produced, these chunks of earth could fly at Tsubasa at speeds that would produce destructive effects upon his body that vary from inflicting bruises upon his skin, further the probability of crushed organs or bones with direct impact or just otherwise draining energy from him in order to try and counter the thousands of chunks of Earth heading towards him.

Then, no matter which direction he tried to move in, the dragon aimed to unleash a hellish wave of fire in his direction. It expanded for three hundred meters in every direction and sought to melt the matter of whatever it touched; even going down to dissolve spiritual particles in the hopes of corroding supernatural based attacks. So, this double whammy of attacks proved to be quite fiendish and yielded the potential for heavy amounts of carnage to be extracted upon whatever, or whomever, it hit.

However, it seemed that the dragon was beginning to feel somewhat strained by these constant heaven shattering attacks. Therefore, it stomped its feet on the ground, groaned and proceeded to recharge itself for the next wave of assaults. Large quantities of demonic energy were being produced within itself to make up for the physical and spiritual fatigue. They acted as a source of internal nourishment to feed the body the energy it needed in order to make each and every monstrous step and move it took.

Henceforth, in this lull that the dragon had to refuel itself -- an opening occurred. If someone was going to strike, they were going to need it now. Which is why, off in the distance, the entrance of a familiar energy to the Unabara would come into play.

Coming forth from the gaping hole in the sky as a flash of purple shaded light, The Menacing Devil Girl saw fit to follow her cue and strike the beast while the iron was hot. Through her nimble speed, The Devil Shinigami could cover tens of miles of ground in a relatively short time. And when facing a monster this fierce? Speed was of the essence.

Dashing down from the atmosphere, Ibiki had the plan to otherwise bring a shock to the senses of this dragon by giving him a drop kick straight out of this world. As a result of this plan coming into fruition, The Kenpachi started focusing in her energy towards her right leg as it became devoured by a blinding white flare of energy that resembled the element of fire itself. Then, during her descent, The Captain directed the kinetic and potential energy downward in order to make the most impact of her strike.

Thus, with all these different attributes combined, The Oni Shinigami came down like a speeding bullet and struck the forehead of The Dragon with a incriminating explosion of strength. One potent enough to create an explosion that spread for one hundred meters in every direction and filled the skies with a purple light.

And indeed, it did prove to be quite damaging. The dragon let out a wicked roar, began bleeding from the forehead and some of its health could be sensed as dipping. However, this did not come without cost. Moving faster than The Devil Shinigami antipicated, The Dragon swatted Ibiki away like a human would a fly. However, she braced herself for the attack and guarded against it by placing each of her arms in front of her in an "x" pattern. Then, when it hit, Ibiki lowered the blow by producing a makeshift shield and halved forty five percent of the damage.

So as she skidded against the fiery Earth, The Menacing Devil Girl picked up a few scarpes, bruises and had some of her clothing tattered in the process. However, she was otherwise alright for the time being as she let out a hard sigh and thanked her blessings for having such quick reactionary skills. Spitting away a bit of blood from her mouth, Ibiki looked upwards at the dragon and could see its tail coming down to smash her to pieces.

Once again, shunpo activated and Ibiki found herself back in the heavens and she overlooked the scene of destruction where Tsubasa might've been. There were a few racing thoughts concerning him. Was he alright? How was he after Operation Rampage? And just what did this mean if he was here? If anything, it was somewhat perfect, as if they got through this, The Zaraki intended to speak with The Shinigami about a few urgent things spiraling down in her mind.

However, this wasn't the time nor place for that yet. They had a task to deal with and Ibiki needed to position herself closer to Tsubasa so they could combine their efforts in annihilating this overgrown dragon.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the beast called for back-up.

From the distance behind The Dragon, numerous hordes of hollows' started pulling themselves out of the dirt and they were soon backed up by members of the Inverse Gotei 13 to help put the coffin in both Ibiki and Tsubasa's plans. Therefore, The Menacing Devil punched the air and intended to deflect a few hundred of the division members away in a hard gust produced by the power of her fist.

Then, she dashed to the direction of Tsubasa and shouted out these words:

"Together, we need to strike this core together! I can s sense it behind the dragon! Let's go and focus our efforts on getting past it!"

And with that, a means of operation was had. Their objective was to kill the dragon, obliterate the military of the Inversed Gotei 13 and somehow get their hands on the Kora A'ina of Yina for the inversed version of the Soul Society. It was a difficult task, but these two Shinigami were certainly equipped for the job and had the potential to overcome it.

Furthermore, in the distance, reinforcement from the 11th Division came and they started assaulting the members of the reflective Gotei 13 with the utmost of hostility. Swords were flinging, energy blast were exploding in the distance and the war was beginning for the sanctity of each of their realms. Who would be left standing? Nobody was quite sure of that but the mistress of time and fate herself.

So, as one would say: let the battle begin!

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event WVMWLOu

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:28 pm
The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Tsubasa studied his prey almost looking at the target and examining the enemy, anxiety and fear. The Tachyon bolt showed his enemy a coward, his eyes watched the motion as it came using a shunpo to dodge the move effortlessly. His eyes looking on as he moved away. Tsubasa looked at the size and mass of the movement, he brought both hands to his Zanpakutō. Speaking calmly he calmly stood ready and got prepared to deal with the after shock, Tsubasa was a powerful warrior as seen by what came next. As the destruction neared he performed the perfect sword strike, combining power and speed to create a blast capable of destroying a city. "Kierudo no Kitanashi" The blast waves would hit one another and almost cancel one another out, as Tsubasa looked at the creature unmoved or harmed by it's attack. He'd reacted and counter attacked as he released a sword stroke of greater power to cancel it's out. His eyes stared empty at the beast, he'd destroyed the rocks and after shocks with a simple sword strike. The beast was readying it's next strike, but Tsubasa wasn't done either.

"Feast Byakko."

His shikai activated and the entire realm lit up with lightning. Storms brewed as he got ready for the creatures attack, he pointed his hand outwards. Tachyon's and a large amount of them came out as Tsubasa's frame turned white now. His hair turned white and his eyes a gold over that crimson red. He assumed his true form again ready to battle the beast now, he used a shunpo to avoid the massive attack. His speed was far greater then it had been, his eyes shifted to Ibiki as he sent a huge lightning bolt down to stop any further moves from touching him.

Tsubasa's sword and body were engulfed in shunko, tachyon's poured around his blade fueling it. as the sky and power grew larger, he saw an opening and intended fully to strike. The shunko blade, this would be the move and he'd use something more dangerous. He used an odd stepping method he developed and his presence vanished instantly.

He appeared above the beast, bringing down his shunko blade a city destroying blast of massive power as the huge blast hit the beast. The blade of the shunko acting like a Getsuga tensho from Ichigo, he attacked the beast with something extremely deadly. The blast would do severe damage, but this was far from over. Tsubasa looked at the beast as the blade would end up hitting with the opening. The shunko blade was covered in tachyon's and static from his Zanpakutō. But he wasn't done yet, the entire creature's body was ridden with tachyon energy and static. He turned his blade to the right and spoke once again, he'd turned the dragon into a bomb. Tsubasa made sure his attack didn't damage Ibiki by timing it correctly, he glanced to the female as he landed back near her. His body held up fine, as his spiritual pressure had ended up disappearing.

"Tachyon bomb.." Was all he said the energy left on the dragon exploded like a small super nova covering the beast in the blast. To ensure none of them were hit by the energy based attack, Tsubasa put a barrier up of massive size. The beast had taken a nova from it's body, the blast was equal to the one he took at one point. He felt a little drained from using it, but that was only one move. Tachyon Blade and Tachyon Railgun remained unused.

He had plenty of time not to mention the other thing, he was using the built up tachyon's within his body. It wasn't so bad here, since he could use the energy freely. Tachyon had become something of a power source that was highly unstable. Tsubasa stood next to Ibiki listening to her, his eyes piercing the smoke and dust left by his massive attack. Tsubasa's attack had been massive for two reasons, the amount of tachyon's mixed with the static bomb. Had created the tachyon bomb, which was well a fairly huge blast on normal circumstances. Combined that he covered the entire beast in them with the shunko blade's attack, he'd created a massive blast.

"First things first, the Core will come in time...the dragon will have to be killed first." Tsubasa's eyes stared towards it as he exhaled a light breath, the dragon could of most likely taken that blast. The moves left were three, one was more of a passive move he wouldn't get much use out of. Tachyon Armor, what this did was create an invisible field around his body of tachyons. And those that got close were engulfed and destroyed by them. Blade was a basic times one hundred version of Shunko Blade. Then Railgun was left, he glanced around and decided to begin forming metal. This metal was a special kind which would serve for a purpose.

"I'll create an opening try to finish it off..." Ibiki or Tsubasa were capable of delivering a killing blow as the spear of metal was done, Tsubasa put a hand in front of it slowly. This was only the surface, his body was unstable still. He couldn't control the tachyons, he was simply letting them out now. Which here was fine because this realm wasn't important, but had he done this elsewhere. The entire realm would of paid and could of been adversely effected.

"I can fight fine here, my body's not stable presently due to the tachyons..But here I can let them out freely..I've no say on the amount coming from my body.." Tsubasa could sense some concern from Ibiki, though he knew his friend well enough. Objective first then worry about the details, he released the metal spike towards the dragon. It flew faster then a railgun and with far more destructive potential as he vanished. The move was sent towards the dragon's chest, the metal spike was enduring the speed and power and would be a destructive spear. Tsubasa was a dangerous enemy to have, he prepared to go in now. Moving at extremely fast speeds, Tachyon Blade was the next move he could use. Bare with it Byakko, this is gonna hurt a bit.." His sheer pressure blasted away the smoke as his blade howled and the tachyons in the area grew far thicker then before.

Tsubasa brought his blade upwards sending a tachyon energy blast into the dragon's midsection, the huge attack was enough to create an opening of some sort. He had sweat dripping down his face, tachyons weren't stable and nor was his body. This was a toll on him but he could handle it, the Gotei 13 needed him and he would rescue them. From all evil that existed, Yamamoto's will demanded he be strong. The Zero Division leader stood tall, his eyes piercing towards the Dragon. The opening was presented to Ibiki, this attack would of wounded or at the very least given the Dragon something to think about. Tsubasa's mastery of swordplay was legendary and making a move out of his new power. Was just insane, though he even knew it wasn't at it's best. This wasn't full power and he could sense it, these unstable elements how did one control them? Or perhaps at the very least direct them the way they wanted. So far he could point and destroy, that was all Tsubasa could manage and it was a tiring thing.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]
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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:28 am

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Artist: Kenji Yamamoto - Song: パワーアップのテーマ - Word Count: 2338

Things were beginning to become highly volatile and dangerous on the battlefield of The Yang Inverse. On the one hand, you had numerous representatives of the division eleven squad doing battle against the negative counter part of the Thirteen Courtsquads. They were putting up quite the valiant fight, and were winning, but that did not come at the lost of a few of their men. Numerous bodies started to gather and pile on the field as the earth shook, the heavens roared with thunder and the skies filled with lightning and pure fire.

In addition, while this scene was playing out, the David and Goliath like clash between The Menacing Devil and The Lone Unabara continued to drag on with their beastly foe. There was but a single swing of the sword that The Pale Rider unleashed -- and that was enough to level an entire city. It rocked the soil of the planet around them, obliterated everything within it path and screamed raw and unforgiving strength. Truly, this was the power of doing battle with someone of Tsubasa's caliber. And, for this reason, the mighty dragon from above knew what he was dealing with from the get-go.

Therefore, the creature hardened the defenses of its body through the reserves of energy stored within it and managed to otherwise endure the blow made to him from the demon shinigami. However, of course, there was still damage to bare from that heavy impacting hit. A burning sensation surged all throughout the creatures body, while smoke started to ooze and radiate from its skin as if it had just stepped straight out of the sun. In this way, the dip in health was being shown to both fighters and the demonic beast could feel the slightest bits of durability slowly started to erode from him; but not quite enough to get him to cease in his efforts.

For these reasons, when The Pale Rider transformed into his released state, as to did The Dragon dramatically bolster his production of energy in order to better match the output given to him by his hellish foe. With one robust outcry to the atmosphere, a reddened glow coated the realm around them and a substantial weight of power crushed down on the dimension around where this war was taking place. Numerous rows of the Shinigami whom were none too far from this incident almost fell to their knees -- if it wasn't for the fact that The Menacing Devil Girl's own energy wasn't keeping them together to stand in their fight.

This was her Resolve Force once again coming into play. Given that Ibiki's source of inspiration, power and will drives from others, it wasn't a wonder that her reishi would want to protect those who had invested so much faith in the words, actions and beliefs that The Kenpachi had. So, consequently, this energy sought to take care of those vessels of life which gave it power. Understand that knowledge, the effects of The Division Eleven Captains spiritual pressure served to act as a blanket to otherwise resist the effects of Tsubasa and The Dragon's damaging pull on their bodies and keep their bodies in tact.

Albeit, at the same time, the crumbling blows between these two larger than life entities once again shook the realm around them with a shuddering crash. This exchange took place around the moment where both the claw of the imposing dragon beast and The Pale Rider's blade clashed. It was an overwhelming display of power from the two combatants; with just simple swings of their limbs they were capable of vaporizing an entire landscape if need be. Showcasing the stature of power in which they were fighting at. And, ultimately, making it clear this was an extreme danger zone to do battle in.

Despite this grand-scale thrashing, however, the arm of the dragon started to generate a dull pain down its limb. This must've meant that the creature had taken some form of damage from the single sword strike. And, due to that compounding fact that he was becoming harmed at such a steady rate, this was becoming rather irritating for the dragon to cope with. It was if he was dealing with some form of a super ant and the pesky thing wouldn't let go at biting, gnawing and clawing at its appendages. To that end, he'd need to ensure that the next round was going to result in lowered casulaities for himself.

With these cautious thoughts in mind, The Lone Dragon summoned his element of fire to engulf his wings outright. These flames were potent enough to melt through even some of the highest levels of kido that go up into the lower 90's, so it was no question that this inferno of power yielded the capability to otherwise withstand the Getsuga Tenshō type attack unleashed against it by The Pale Rider. Sure, twenty percent of the effectiveness seeped in past the flames and irritated the dragon, but the overwhelming majority of it was silenced by the demonic creatures tremendous level of durability.

And, to The Beast's character, it managed to even melt away the traces of Tsubasa's static tachyons from its body. Seeing how this vile Dragon possessed defensive capacities on par with a Grand Masters Hierro, it was not a far-fetch feat for it to perform so dynamically when enchanted by the demon's augmented state of being. Granted, this didn't come a price to be paid. A noticeable dip in the creature's energized reserves could be felt and it was apparent that this ascended state of energy production had its limits because this could not last forever.

In spite of this urgency from the dragon, the equal instinct insistence to get the best strike in sprung up within The Oni Shinigami's blood as well. Therefore, while The Dragon was weakened from The Pale Rider's assaults, Ibiki kicked in her speed into overdrive and shifted a ton of her spiritual energy to her legs and arms to produce a hyper-state of speed that carried her at near teleporation-like speeds across the dragons body.

Then, in swift burst of purple light, The Berserk Kenpachi started delivering a series of fierce strikes across the beasts embodiment. Punches to his chin, eyes, nose, neck, stomach, back, tail, wings, feet, ankles and knees were all primary target points as she struck them with unforgiving force to capitalize on the opening The Unabara left for her. Thus, in the wake of such a savage attack, it sounded as if a barrage of nuclear bombs were being dropped with the intensity behind the striking power associated together with The Devil Girl's hits. One punch was potent enough to layer mountains, so it was not doubt, that with the increased volume of energy, speed and adrenaline coursing through Ibiki's body, when combined on top of the fact that The Dragon's stamina was lacking, could result in heavy and damning injuries to the creatures body.

And, for the reason that this compilation of attacks were beginning to take its toll on the dragons shell, cracks began emerging across its ugly body and a groans of pain started erupting from out of its mouth as its grunts made the earth around them quiver in fear. Though, as much as this barehanded charge was impressive, it didn't come off without the expense of Ibiki feeling somewhat winded from her mad dash. After all, her speed was nearly comparable to teleporation, so to not feel drain from that was unreasonable. Thus, the lass started sweating, panting and feeling a heaviness in her limbs; but she was otherwise still ready and willing to keep up the fight against this accursed beast.



Therefore, albeit at a slower speed, The Menacing Devil Girl transported herself via shunpo to the air above Tsubasa. It is there that she prepped herself for another attack as The Kenapchi started gathering more spiritual energy. This summoning of power then resulted in a radiating burst of purple light to expand around the woman's body. It was one that resembled indigo flames and white bio-electricity scattering across her body. Veins started to bulge, eyes were filled with rage and The Oni Shinigami was ready to ravage this overgrown prey with the utmost of intent to take him down.

"We'll both finish this thing off and have drinks later."

Despite her enraged face, for a few moments, it softened and her usual jovial self slipped through. In that instant, there was a goal to at least get them past this ominous objective to see the light of a carefree day. Therefore, with that ambition surging within her heart, The Kenpachi prepared herself for the next wave of danger and dared to face it head-on as her resolve hardened. With but a simple nod of the head, Ibki affirmed that she understood Tsubasa's pains.

"Then consider this training to put it under control, comrade. Here, take a drink and relax."

The purple gourd of Sake Sutorīm soon tore open and, from its context, came a stream of alcoholic goodness that sought to ease the strain on The Pale Rider's mind, body and soul by ingesting its liquid relaxant. After all, booze always made for a good sedative, and it sure as hell seemed as if The Unabara could use one right about now.

Digressing, regardless of whether he accepted the booze or not, the primary motive was to get this dragon beaten and done with. Therefore, around the instances of time where Tsubasa unleashed his static rail-gun, Ibiki moved at roughly the same moment when it was launched. In this moment, The Devil Shinigami positioned herself to ride this projectile as if it were a surfboard and The Pale Rider's released energy was a colossal tsunami wave.

Feeling the erratic and unstable energy beneath her feet, Ibiki decided to take advantage of this strong unveiling of power and went ahead with the idea to infuse her own reishi into the metallic spike in order to boost its attack strength by three times. With all of this kinetic energy from dramatic speed in which this object was moving, combined with both Ibiki and Tsubasa's power, the only thing that was missing was the raw strength of the Kenpachi. Therefore, the embodiment of a colossal oni-figure with massive horns and fangs emerged in the form of a white flame that devoured the projectile entirely.

"Devil's Strike: Lightning Burst Of The Oni's Rage!"

This was the only incantation needed for this new combination technique that had emerged from the talents of The Pale Rider and The Menacing Devil Girl. In that instant, the energized construct grew to one hundred meters in height when Ibiki clenched her fist and activated the special move. In the roar of a demon's shout, the beastly figure soon mimic'd its master and creator by tightening his right hand into a ball and going straight for a direct punch to the Dragon's chest.

There was silence.


Crack, crack -- BOOOM!

There was detonation of power, energy and sound that was so staggering that the gods themselves may have fallen over on their divine chair. Purple, red and silver light filled the area and blinded all in sight as the cries of The Kenpachi and Dragon overpowered all other sound. In this eruption of destruction, The Oni Shinigami had torn through the layers of defense that coated the dragon's body -- and went straight through him like a bullet. Exiting out of his backside, there would be a gaping hole from the creature's chest and back.

It is at that moment of impaling that The Dragon collapsed down on its feet and gave a dreadful roar of pain. The volume of energy surging within the beast lowered heavily and its defenses were reaching a critically low point. This would be the time for Tsubasa to strike with his follow-up energy explosion and motion towards putting the final touches of killing blows on the repugnant beast.

As, when the blinding light of his lightning faded, the demonic juggernaut had sustained heavy blows to its durability and health. Black blood flooded the lands and the hellish effect was being felt. Yet, even with all of this, the foul monster still refused to give up. It seemed that its physiology allowed it to still function, breathe and live even with this gaping crater in its chest.

So, despite their massive gains, there was still work to be done as the dragon's hellish wings sent a tsunami wave of fire towards the path of Tsubasa. This blaze contained the raw emotion of the monstrosity's anguish and, thus, held the potential to burn through supernatural attacks as if they were butter and make even the most potent defense crumble in its wake.

While, for Ibiki, she spun herself on her heels as the last of their chaotic attack fizzled out. Gritting her teeth, she still couldn't believe the bastard was alive through all of this, but she wasn't going to let their efforts go to waste. Therefore, with one final descent back to the earth, The Menacing Devil Girl pushed a great deal of potential energy to her leg and sought to crack open the skull of dragon's head. Coming in like a flaming comet, The Kenpachi let out a wild scream -- but The Dragon wasn't going down without a fight. In a sudden burst of speed, the beast flung her away with its tail and sent The Captain flying into a half mile wide and one hundred foot deep crater. This caused The Oni Shinigami to cough up a fair amount of blood and feel her body quaking in stinging pain, but it was by no means going to stop her.

Therefore, jumping upwards out of the hole, The Menacing Devil bolted towards the direction where this tidal wave of fire was heading in order to regroup with her comrade and cease this dragon's efforts of destruction.

Thus, the battle waged on.

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event WVMWLOu

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:24 pm
The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Tsubasa stood still merely observing the dragon, his eyes watching Ibiki. he accepted her beverage before continuing into his thoughts. He recalled how the beast unleashed that blast previously, a thought came to him well two truthfully. How many men could be like him and think something up like this on the spot. He raised his left hand and the ball began to farm, tachyon energy formed into the center of his palm forming an unstable and yet somehow extremely dangerous cero like blast. He was generating Tachyons to it's center as he glanced at the creature with an empty gaze. This was just the beginning after all, it was preparing after those injuries came upon it. Oh ya it was a durable beast, Tsubasa and it were charging energy except one thing was different. Tsubasa's orb was compressing enough destructive power to blow up several cities into a single blast. He was going to direct every single inch of it at this creature in one massive blast.

Tachyon Blast, this was one skill he'd figured out. Why couldn't Tachyon's be bent to his well, why not treat them as though electricity energy. Using the particle and accelerator the destructive powers of lightning but go beyond that. Turn everything into a pure tachyon based energy. Creating an explosion of power unlike anything ever seen, this would all him to create blasts far greater. He could use it much like a boaster and stay stable, using the Tachyons to increase everything in small bursts. Only going higher when needed, this was how he could fight with them. Tsubasa had cracked part of the code, only one piece. His body would be unstable still, unless he could use the tachyons to make his body stable.

Tsubasa's eyes widened a bit as he calculated the process over. He saw the beast about to release it's blast as he prepared his own, Tsubasa had begun preparing this attack upon landing from his own. Following up, Ibiki emerged from the hole and got to safety. As the blast was released, Tsubasa spoke calmly as the orb turned into a beam like canon blast. The blast matched equally the creature's Tsubasa had created a move on the spot to fight the beast.

Tachyon Canon." The destructive powers wouldn't normally be so great, but Tsubasa took time and used his shikai to generate lightning into the Tachyons and speed their production. His left appendage held out with his digits spread like firing a cero. His blast would meet the creatures, Tsubasa exhaled a breath as he the huge attack was released to counter the creatures, Tsubasa held on trying to push the beast back with his massive power. This was not over by a long shot, Tsubasa waited and made sure to release this huge attack with his full intent to kill this dragon. The blast was large enough to cover the same amount as the Dragons. Tsubasa's kido skills paid off greatly allowing him to control the spread and direct of his Tachyon Canon effectively, though this was a singular usage of the mighty attack. Tsubasa could use it to boast he imagined the attacks of other things. But now it was time to see if he could it another way. Tsubasa got ready, first he was going to do something a tad dangerous. Using tachyon energy to supplement his shunpo and such.

To his shock it worked he vanished at speeds he never imagined possible, appearing above the creature's skull. He'd nearly over shot his distance just getting used to the Tachyon energy. Tsubasa raised a hand above the creature, creating a bomb of tachyon and lightning and dropping it on the beast's skull from above. This wasn't over by a long shot though, Tsubasa wanted to try one more thing. He'd never been able to completely control Shunko, he wondered what would happen if the theory was applied to Tachyon's now. He wasn't quite sure what would happen the bomb was more of a distraction for the beast, the true blast was quite impressive still. He was far faster now that he had an understanding of the tachyons in combat. This dragon had provided him a learning experience. "Tachyon War Cry." The moment he uttered the word he activated his tachyons the way one would activate shunko. His body was engulfed and the entire realm trembled and shook.

The fury of his new power shook this place, he wasn't going to let this creature win this battle. The lightning that struck around the beast and power coming off the body of Tsubasa was strong enough to destroy an entire city just by his presence. This was not something to use lightly, he would need to get a good handle on it. Right now it was acting at full power, the tachyon's were a boaster of sorts. A way for him to reach a new level and then sustain himself. The tachyons would boast his physical and spiritual powers while the Tachyon War Cry was active, how long could he keep it up. Given his body naturally produced lighting and tachyons, their was no time limit. This was his final version of shunko, he would be able to use it so long as he didn't mind destroying an entire city. Tsubasa slowly prepared his blade, it was time to hack this beast's skull off.

He prepared to move, all his moves and powers now empowered by tachyons. Tsubasa was a genius by the truest statement, all those in the Academy called him the brightest mind. Able to discover the true power of something within moments. Ideas struck him much like the world's true minds that weren't held back. Tsubasa had solved a puzzle that none before him had quite done, how to use this power called Tachyons. He knew Kakeru of the Suigura used them to an extent, but the extent which he discovered them. This was a ground breaking fighting form, the unstable matter now bowed to his will to a degree. Only because the principal was so simple, now to prepare the Kierudo Sokuza Aseru, the final Kierudo form he sheathed his sword and got ready. The movement was going to be extremely fast, the amount of force and power going into this. The power weaved itself around his blade as he prepared to make a move. He was moving far faster then normal showing that Tsubasa Unabara had reached a new height.

His Zanpakutō remained in it's hilt as he spoke calmly. He was going to combine several moves into one, Tachyon War Cry, Kierudo Sokuza Aseru, Byakko Tsubkai, Tachyon Blade...These moves would be formed into a singular deadly strike. His form vanished moving faster then before his fast move yet, as the sword was unsheathed at a speed only a God could truly appreciate. Ibiki herself would have some trouble keeping up with the movements, the tachyon increase put him at a far quicker speed. Though he suspected she would see what was coming, he drew the blade from his sheath as he arrived before the creature. Unsheathing the blade quickly as it extended with tachyon and lightning energy for miles making a fast stroke. The blade cut into the creature's neck as he took it through the beast's neck all the way. Cleaving through it with the tachyon blade and tsubaki for the extension.

Using it in shikai wasn't as effective as in bankai. But the swipe and full cutting power that went through. He sliced through the creature's neck cleanly, moving his sword through the entire bone and everything with one extremely powerful strike. The speed of what he'd done had caused a shock wave to hit the beast entirely on it's body. Tsubasa exhaled a breath before vanishing and sheathing his Zanpakutō. He merely stared as no blood had been spilled, the speed and power of what he had done. Was far greater, he could feel a bit of damage to his own body just from using this. The stable outcome of it all still needed some work, as he prepared to fight some more. This version of the shunko he created, it was effective now he needed to tone it down. As he stood next to Ibiki the energy output slowly came down. He was taking the reigns and slowly bringing it from max to it's lower standing. The tachyon energy was low and almost invisible now, he exhaled a soft breath again. Trying to relax his body and get a better control over the new energy. It was easier and harder then imaginable.

But on this day a Dragon would suffer an injury of the likes you couldn't imagine. Tsubasa coughed slightly as he felt some damages on his frame he could only account for that move."That was bad, I have got to learn to control that burst a bit better.." Tsubasa commented to Ibiki, what he did wasn't exactly a science yet. It was more over the idea that he could boast his powers and go to a new level of power by doing this. Yamamoto was once a man who bathed in flame to find his power. Perhaps for Tsubasa Tachyons would be the answer that came. "Broke a rib doing that, can't quite control the speed and power output..still unstable and what not, it's not dead more then likely..though that attack hurts I imagine."

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:59 am

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Artist: The Third Eye - Song: Crow'sCLAW - Word Count: 2045

The entire planet was reddened with the glow of blood and death. Indeed, things were heating up on the battlefield and the clash between the two dimensions was at a high point in The Kora A'ina of Yang for the Soul Society. The sounds of swords clashing echoed in the distance, while the screams of men and women alike being impaled roared over great distances. Explosions became common place fire, gunfire grew rampant and the popping sounds of flames burning across the battlefield lit the realm ablaze. This entire brawl was turning into quite the proper war as thousands upon thousands of soldiers armed themselves for combat across the landscape for as far as the eye could see. While, in the middle point of this dynamic conflict, the commanders of the assault were front and center as they did their damnest to hamper the efforts of the foul beast which lay claim to this domains rule.

The Beast seemed to be on its last legs, but there was still much to be done in order to fully bring it down. The Menacing Devil herself could sense the reserves, so they had to strike while the iron was hot. And, in the reassuring sounds of Tsubasa's magnificent energy blast, this cosmic explosion of tachyons, lightning and thunder smashed against the chest of The Dragon. Unfortunately, The Beast was prepared to deal with such a strike; even in its crippled state. For, with a single swipe of an empowered strike, The Beast was able to use its strength to crush the blast and endure the burning pain that the bare burst of power had against its skin. After all, it was a dragon and it was meant to deal with the harshest of blows against its hellish armor of scales.

Additionally, the heaven shaking strike did not cease to be, either. In fact, it's path was diverted and killed off a wave of reinforcement that the Gotei 13 had sent. These candidates were emerging from the shadows, but had been butchered in one final eruption of golden light. When the flare dimmed, the remains of the soldiers were nothing more than charred carcasses ready to be eaten by whatever wildlife was in the area.

With a mighty laugh, the booming cackle of The Dragon's fiendish intentions bellowed across the area as he seemed quite pleased with himself to kill hundreds of those Shinigami by one of their owns technique. However, this would not come without consequence. In a flash, and in a hurry, the screaming banshee cry of The Mininature Kenpachi ripped through the soundscape and she was in full berserk mode. Thousands, if not, tens of thousands of hard punches with concreted spiritual energy injected into them had been placed across the entire body of the flying monster. The woman was like a non-stop striking machine with each of her strikes coming without much rest.

This overall assault resulted in The Dragon finding himself sustaining critical damage. Cracks were opening across various parts of his body, the flow of energy within his embodiment was lowering and numerous bones and organs alike were beginning to rupture and crumble under the weight of these blows. It wasn't long before the hulking creature released an earth-shattering roar that generated a dreadful shockwave. One that was potent enough to send dirt, chunks of ground and dead bodies alike flying away from it -- and Ibiki as well.

In this vortex of deceased enemies and friends alike, The Devil Girl snarled at the sight, but remained ever-focus on her goal of slaying this beast so that the sacrifices of her comrades were not made in vain. Henceforth, she decided to take control of her hurdling body and cease movement by forcing a dense gathering of spiritual energy to unleash itself around and within her body. Being too heavy to carry by these dragons fierce winds, The Oni Shinigami hovered a few hundred feet away from the beast and prepared for her second strike as an explosion of purple and white energy erupted from her body once more like an ominous inferno of will.

But alas, Tsubasa seemed to be booking it and arrived a bit before her second wave rampage could begin. And, to his dismay, this would not go as planned. There was yet another dazzling display of power coming in the form of an energy wave shot off by The Pale Rider. Yet, unfortunately, this beast was becoming rather adaptive to his style of fighting. Therefore, he'd open his massive jaws and consume the colossal blast whole. Once injected into his mouth? The Demonic Dragon's body then started to digest it and utilized it's highly destructive qualities to give The Monster a boost in energy. In this way, the hole in the demon's slowly started to regenerate and bits and pieces of his overall health found themselves coming back to him.

Which is why, from this additional reserve of energy pumping within the creature, did he manage to anticipate and match the likes of Tsubasa unleashing his next surge of bombs against him. Laughing the attempt to slay him so easily, The Dragon unleashed a damning ball of fire that could melt straight through diamonds directly at the static explosive that was hurled against him by The Pale Rider.

In that instant, Ibiki was seen creating a barrier that emerged at rapid speeds and spread itself to take a dome form across ten miles in every direction. It repelled a majority of enemies and allies alike away from the battlefield; ranging into the numbers of tens of thousands that littered the battlefield and found themselves looking from the outside in. However, when the light of the shields lavender flare settled in, there were still a few hundred left in the shield that were too strong to be so easily moved, and thus, in harms way.



Sucking her teeth out of a sense of distaste for this circumstance she was pleased under, she then positioned herself as a wall and spread more of spiritual energy to act as a divider between the overwhelming detonation of power between The Dragon and The Lone Unabara. Thus, in an outburst of golden fire, this spiritual blockade of Ibiki's strength manifested itself and managed to bare the weight of the calamitous load that these two heaven shaking explosions let loose on the realm around them.

The earth was incinerated, craters were left in the ground and debris spread for every which destruction was right. And, while they seemed to be protected by this catastrophic scene of devastation, there was still a small portion of the barricade that was cracked from the impact. This break then tore open a hole and incarnated a few dozen of enemies and allies alike that were affected by the flare of this calamitous showdown of ungodly powers.

There were many whom were shocked by this outrageous confrontation of superpowers, while others held strong and maintained their composure under the high-stakes situation they were under. A few other Shinigami whom were still in, and around the barrier, even started cheering for both Tsubasa and Ibiki to keep up the fight. This is because they were both shining examples of what the race of Death Reapers could do. And if they couldn't do it? Well, morale would surely fall.

So, to ensure that their comrades did not lose this faith, Ibiki gave the crowd that gathered around her a reassuring thumbs up. Then, in a firing clap of thunder, The Menacing Devil Girl was gone and took off like a 747 jet to get in closer to both Tsubasa and The Mighty Dragon ahead. With this action taken? She expected the other medics on the field to deal with the injured and the dead from this clash of demi-gods.

Fortunately enough, The Oni Shinigami made it just in time as Tsubasa was about to strike The Dragon's neck. While the male was extraordinarily fast, it wasn't something that Ibiki herself could not at least come close to arriving to in her own beefed up state. Regrettably, for them, The Dragon's own senses was beginning to keep up with them and this proved to allow him time to react to each of their assaults against him.

As Tsubasa aimed for the side of the creature's neck, Ibiki directed herself in order to unleash one hell of a punch to the base of the monsters head; a strike that could very well tear straight through multiple high powered kido spells. The Onyx Demon, however, anticipated their attacks and managed to produce a blazing inferno around himself. This would result in each of their charges having the potency of their offensive capacity negated by eighty percent. Yes, the beast found himself taxing his energy reserves and finding his durability tested, but in this round? He wasn't intending to go down without a fight! If they were going to try and kill him, this foul beast was going to make them work to the bitter end for it.

For this reason is why The Kenpachi had to pull herself into overdrive and really bring it on home in order to make it out of this brawl alive. Therefore, with her quick reaction skills, The Menacing Devil Girl herself managed to concrete increased supplies of her own spiritual energy in order to produce a flaming layer of energy around her body that engulfed The Shinigami. This served as armor and reduced the negative effects of the blaze by almost three quarters. Sure, there were some minor burns and scratches from the creatures decaying energy, but it wasn't anything that The Division Eleven Captain couldn't handle.

"You'll have to do more THAN that to kill me, pest...."

Those heavy and brooding words came forth out of The Dragon's mouth and shook the realm like a hurricane. For the first time in the battle, the monster was beginning to speak. And, from the looks of things, he was none too happy with their display.

"Well, I can hardly say the feeling isn't mutual, chum."

Words coming off a playful and cheery, The Menacing Devil Girl had no time to indulge in wetting herself in fear like a few other Shinigami on the field started to fall under. No. This was the time for action and they needed to continue striking the monster. From her perception? Ibiki could outright sense that this monster was being pushed; as the regeneration seen could still not cap that gaping hole in the dragon's chest. Therefore, if they were going to make a damning strike -- they were going to have to it now.

"Heh, you better learn quick then, Tsu-Chan. I can feel the overgrown jerk weakening, but he still isn't down for the count. We've gotta put on a better show for them than this."

In one motion The Devil Girl then pointed at the crowd surrounding them and nodded her head in a forward moving direction.

"So, why don't we just gather our energy, charge this thing at the same time and put the creature out of its misery so we can be done with it, eh?"

With one switch gaze back to Tsubasa's Crimson eyes, there was a slight smirk across Ibiki's face as her reishi started to accelerate in its quality, quantity and production. She was planning something fierce and she wanted her comrade to go ahead and follow through with it.

"You can take the lead with the charge since you have more energy than myself to work with. If we do this together, in a frontal and direct assault, we can crush this thing with ease like we did earlier. But, we have to sync in order for it to work, are you in?"

With that question laid out in the air, Ibiki then spread her legs out, widened her stance and appeared as if she was ready to take off running at any moment. And, to be truthful -- she was. Rather Tsubasa was for or against it, she'd either charge in at The Dragon Alone -- or with her partner. The decision was up to him -- and that decision needed to come fast.

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event WVMWLOu

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:15 pm

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa's orbs widened as he watched the attacks coming, to disrupt it's little attempt. He made the energy explode within the beast. Stupid creature didn't realize it ate static energy which Tsubasa could cause to explode easily. Ibiki was a tad slower then him, he noticed it within his radar. Moving side to side and using shunpo fast enough to avoid her attacks, putting a wall of metal up that protected him. He sensed pain in Ibiki that was enough to make him angry. Tsubasa used a single sword stroke with massive force, knocking the attack back down the beast's throat. The amount of force and the shockwave of power was overwhelming . His eyes stared coldly at the creature, metal formed on every single angle of the creature. With a giant sword appearing above the beast, Tsubasa's metal formed a wall around the troops. Sword's began attacking the enemies only, Tsubasa's metal was controlled by his sword so it fought from here. His fury was ready, the Pale Rider had awoken on the battlefield. Blood lust and killer intent were poised at this dragon. The sword in the sky was large as the dragon, it's edge grew sharper and the attack was almost ready.

"Kill you? I will erase your existence from this world.." Tsubasa's coldness and the killer intent was so strong it poured over the area. Hollows and demons weren't able to match the killer intent Tsubasa was bringing out. His anger was rare, Ibiki was dear to him one of the few things left. Neviah was gone only Ibiki remained, this creature had crossed the line. Tsubasa's form stood still as he stared it down, his shikai active for only purposes that were free. The metal swords he formed around every inch attacking the creature and inflicting massive damage. But Tsubasa had spoken and this beast was going to pay for the pain, the wall was ready for them. "I will send you out with a whimper you ant.." Tsubasa didn't boast nor did he normally allow his desire to kill to be known. But this creature earned the brunt of his fury and would see every single inch of blood lust and animal like killing intent within him. Tsubasa's eyes glowed as he stared at the creature.

[color=red]" Expect no mercy, death has none for you insect...Bankai." The entire realm trembled as Tsubasa's bankai was activated a man as skilled as him just activated his massive power. Tsubasa also reached down undoing the seal on his tachyon's a little further. No he decided this creature earned his full fury, the tachyon boast was powerful. But rather then limit it to simple limits, he'd let it go now. Tsubasa appeared above the creature with a shunpo so fast even if it knew what came. No matter was their, Tsubasa pointed a hand down at the creature. Killer Cyclone activated from his palm and spun into existence on the creature's hide. He glared down as he stood next to the sword, he wasn't through yet. Tachyon's fed the spinning death machine and made it severely more powerful then normal. Metal and lightning, mixed in with full power tachyons. The attack ripped and tore the dragon apart, every single angle it's wings and body were damaged. Tsubasa directed tigers on the creature's wings and chewed them apart, this Dragon awoke a demon a man who wasn't known for his kindness. Now it would pay the price, their was no mercy to come from Tsubasa. The wings were targeted to prevent escape and if it thought simply blasting it away with the wings would work. It would simply make the Cyclone stronger, devouring it would destroy the beast from within.

It was going to pay for harming Ibiki even a little scratch was an offense to him. If she suffered sorrow because of this beast it would pay ten fold, Tsubasa stood by the sword and spoke. ""Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"

The kido formed around the creature the chant and Tsubasa's tachyon's making it stronger then it once was. His eyes stared at the creature, oh it brought his anger upon itself. He watched the box which altered space and time with the chant form around the beast. Cross shaped spears multiplied and impaled that dragon and closed it in with the Killer Cyclone. The amount of killer intent was sent towards this Dragon was going to be fatal at this rate. But this wasn't over a blade of massive size waited above the beast.

Tsubasa glanced towards Ibiki and boxed around her frame a metal case that would protect her from what was to come. Tsubasa touched the blade, the massive object was about to get a ride. Tsubasa looked as the box opened or the beast began it's move, no it mattered not. Tsubasa wasn't going to let anything more happen, the massive blade was shot down with amazing speed. He'd used the lightning and tachyon energy to rail gun the massive attack into the creature's body. Causing an explosion of size which would shake even those walls. The creature would find itself impaled on the massive sword, it's width and blade size were massive. Tsubasa shook the realm and intended to finish the beast off. His frame stood as he looked down, the people were protected. Tsubasa glanced at Ibiki, then towards the troops. Metal tigers lunged in and went to help the people, troops would find aid from Tsubasa's pets.

The Tiger and the Pale Rider intended to end this fight now. Tsubasa didn't care if the beast rose again, it would find four massive blades formed all around it's body. They were large enough to be a threat, he sent two medium one's down during the big blade. And impaled those wings down, this beast was going no where. Tsubasa Unabara would kill the beast and introduce it and the world to true death. This was the ending of it all, death came and it was merciless and ready to bare it's weight on the legendary beast. It met a legendary Shinigami and fell short.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Mon May 11, 2015 9:00 pm

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Artist: Jeremiah Castelo - Song: Driving In The Dark - Word Count: 1723

The battlefield was becoming intense and the climax of the bout between the brawl of beasts was surely coming to its fruition. The lands had been scarred, the skies were molted in a hazy shade of red and the spark of fiery wills boiled to its apex point in the center of this supernatural spat. As lightning scattered in every which direction but right, the sounds of electricity hissing pulsated in the distance and The Dragon was heard giving a stern growl in the attempt to made by Tsubasa to force this demon to explode from the inside out.

"I will not fail you, Kora A'ina! These menaces will not destroy our world that we call our home. I've worked too hard protecting you to fall here to such insignificant pest. THIS ENDS HERE!"

That phrase of rejection was all that was needed to be shouted from The Dragon as his body leaped into action to otherwise subdue the blast. From this yearning of desire and will, the monster's demonic body structure utilized his otherworldly energy to otherwise compress the explosion and transfer it into a random spot on the battlefield through Demon Magic. In this way he would harm more of The Shinigami's comrades in an explosion of shadow black and blood red sparks.

Hundreds of bodies blew into the air and The Dragon gave a massive scream as its rage surged as high as Tsubasa's own. What right did these people have to meddle with their dimension? What justice allowed them to escape with destroying the lives of those who lived within the Inverse to save their own miserable hides? No. He couldn't falter here. The lives of these reflections weren't worth the cost of losing his home. So -- he needed to fight!

Thus, as soon as The Pale Rider attempted to cut out its throat, The Dragon's reflexes shifted and he blocked it with his forehead; baring the brunt of the assault through its fierce durability. However, while he was busy with that, Ibiki saw this as her prime opportunity to rush him from behind and punch him dead in the neck with an explosive force of striking power capable of rendering an entire military crippled and out of commission.

Henceforth, after being hit with such incredible striking power, The Colossal Beast hollered in anguish once more before attempting to swat Ibiki away. Unfortunately for him, however, The Oni Shinigami was accustomed to the way he fought and adapted by riding his arm and then severing it clean off. In a flash of blinding purple light, The Menacing Devil Girl managed to have her spiritual pressure reach a critical point and she cut straight the The Dragon's right appendage. This was made possible by Ibiki vibrating the very reishi around her fist and then gliding across the monsters limb until it was rendered a useless stump on the ground beneath them with a damning thud.

In essence, The Kenpachi was a chainsaw and the dragon was a doomed prey. So, it could only watch in dismay as a flood of black blood spewed out into the earth and coated the lands beneath them in a thick goo as he screamed out in pain. But, it wasn't over just yet. Timing was key and Tsubasa seemed to have a knack with The Menacing Devil Guy's style to put some crippling finishing touches on this move.

The dragon soon found himself in a daunting position as rows of metal started being produced at a rapid rate around him. Not only that, but there appeared to be a massive sword forming in the skies and he not confident he could otherwise defend himself from both. Therefore, he'd attempt to do what he could to remedy the situation for his allies:

"You have no idea what you are up against, fool. But you'll find out soon."

Those words, although gruff and strained, seemed -- odd. At that moment, for a brief few seconds, The Dragon's body seemed to ooze with an unfamiliar energy pattern. But, just like clockwork, it vanished and The Beast spread out numerous balls of fire to otherwise prevent the blades from killing off anymore Kora A'ina soldiers in the area.

Yet, it still seemed that the fight was strong within the male and he made more tricks up his sleeve. In one swift yell, The Pale Rider had transformed into his Bankai Form and seemed to be ready to drag things to its end. Around this time is when Ibiki also picked up on this change and charged her own released form up to a peak state to otherwise seal the deal. As a result -- both The Menacing Devil Girl and The Lone Unabara were going to put the hurt on this creature

The first path to his way of destruction would be the cyclone of lightning and metal heading his way. These numerous volts of electricity shocked him to extreme levels, lowered his health and otherwise started cracking through his already taxed armor. Then, from above, Ibiki materialized numerous energized constructs from her spiritual aura. They came in the form of one hundred fist; each the size of a city block. On The Devil's call -- they were unleashed with great speed and destruction upon every square inch of the dragon. Explosion after explosion after explosion rang out until The Beast could no longer stand and was seen falling square to his face following that point.

There was despair in his heart around that period because he realized that he may not be able to save the Inverse Realm in his form. It was a tragedy to him because they did not deserve this fate in his mind. He was suppose to save him -- but how could he in this form?

That thought was blurred in a sea of reddened pain as his wings were clamped down to the ground and the final bindings of a restraining kido clenched his heart and soul. This was it. The End was coming. As a massive black box filled around him, The Dragon closed his eye and felt a strange presence persuading him to otherwise not attack. It was odd -- he needed to fight -- but something out of this world was screaming at the create to stay put and lay down.

And so -- he did exactly as instructed and took the brunt of Tsubasa's attack that led to life-threatening injuries. As his vision darkened, there was no point in acknowledging the pain as things were going far soft. Yet -- even in this moment -- he could still feel himself being drifted off into somewhere. But -- where? Where was his spirit going? With one final sword to the skull -- that silent thought was slashed. As The Pale Rider gave the executing blow to its head, The Menacing Devil Girl followed with a final explosive blast that was meant to reduce the beast to a smoldering carcass.

With that energy attack being unleashed from The Kenpachi, the sight of a gigantic purple dome was seen and the very earth and heavens themselves shook in its wake. In their show of power and dominance, both Tsubasa and Ibiki managed to otherwise slay this beast and silence him -- permanently.



But -- that's when the atmosphere around them became silent. The realms skies turned pitch blood, a red miasma filled the lands and the sense of power soon faded from the area. Along with that, it seemed that most of the Kora A'ina defenders had faded from the area and that the Gotei Thirteen was successful in this operation to bring this Inverse Realm's protectors down.

In spite of this, though, as Ibiki levitated back to the Earth, there was unnerving look on her face. She should be happy, no, outright thrilled that they've defeated their enemy. Yet, an intuition in her heart knew that something was wrong. As she gazed up upon the skies, the location of the Kora A'ina became unveiled and the barrier cracked and shattered. In that moment, the body of The Dragon, and all those killed on the battlefield, turned into a shadow and crimson liquid and were soon seen flying at break neck speeds into the black and red cloud in the sky that contained the core of Yang.

Most of the operatives of the Thirteen Divisions, however, were too excited too care. In fact: no one saw reason to be on edge. There was no energy or presence to be felt from anything for miles on end. So, one of Ibiki's own comrades was seen running towards the location where each of these powerhouses of Shinigamihood stood with a celebratory bottle of sake in his hand.

"Woo, that was a wicked battle! You two have realized your full powers and now look at what it's done! We're only two steps away from getting things back to normal. All we have to do is the destroy core and we'll be on our way!"

The man's words were jovial in tone and he attempted to congratulate them -- but Ibiki was frozen stiff as her eyes stared intently at the clouds gathering in the sky from the Kora A'ina.

"No....we're not!"

Ibiki's eyes seemed to widen steadily at the moment as there was strong sense of urgency in her voice. Upon hearing and seeing that, The Operative then seemed utterly confused by her action. Why would his Captain look like this if they had already won the battle? It didn't make any sense to him.

"Our last attacks were strong enough to destroy that creature...but it wasn't powerful enough to stop that...feeling."

Then, Ibiki paused and she clenched her fist with the utmost of fervor; fingers piercing so deep into her skin that they began to bleed from how severe the grip was.

"...But, I don't sense anything, Ibiki! It can't be!"

The Eleventh Division comrade then seemed as panicked and worried as his Captain as he couldn't understand a single thing.

"All I know is that something DID come out of that dragon and it's up THERE now."

The indigo flare from Ibiki's body then exploded and she seemed prepared to attack at any moment as this apprehensive presence flooded the field.

Just what WAS Ibiki so worked up about?

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event WVMWLOu

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Tue May 12, 2015 12:12 am

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The battle reached it's conclusion, his eyes drifted upwards to look at the orb. He looked at the body and sighed softly, he could relate to the creature now that he was calm. His blood no longer burned and no flame of anger or hate was within him. It had been a long time since Tsubasa felt calm, his eyes stared at the creatures corpse. Everything seemed to slow, he waited for a moment before glancing upwards. The worlds worked in so many different ways to teach him lessons. He knew that simply talking may of worked and so many other options were their. But it was not the way he worked at his best and nor was it Ibikis. They were warriors after all, but he did pity the creature. If only this realm was not a threat, his eyes looked at that orb. Once before the Gate of Hell Spawned and he destroyed the gate. Giving Kisuke fragments of it, Tsubasa needed to remain calm and figure out the situation. Was it an attack, too soon to say but if he prepare his defense. He could take an attack equal to what Devata did or perhaps higher if he prepared. " Sorry that it turned out this way, we aren't that different Dragon..we both simply desire to survive..I can respect such resolve and the will to survive through the turmoil of it all.." Tsubasa said softly, before deciding it was time to ascertain the new problem. He didn't yet deactivate his bankai, instead it was time to wait. He was comfortable keeping his bankai active, all the metal he could generated around this area mostly. It did nothing and gave no intentions, he merely stared upwards after speaking to himself. What was it's intent, was it a bomb or perhaps something else? He sensed tension from Ibiki and saw her form, he moved to her with swiftness that was hard to match. Tsubasa gently touched the female's shoulder, they knew one another well enough. "Easy..wait till we know it's intentions...Getting tense won't help stay relaxed.." Tsubasa was a Captain as well as a former Head Captain. He knew people and could see the signs.

His eyes shifted to the man, the rest of their forces needed to exit. This was dangerous if the object was trouble he'd need to do something reckless. The tachyon could easily keep him alive from the impact but he needed to ascertain it's nature. " This may not be a battle anymore, may be a fall out..I'm not picking up any intentions yet hostile or otherwise..Less is more in this case, Squad 11 has done well. You should withdraw the wounded and those you can quickly, I'll try to make sure it's smooth out..But till I know what it's intentions our that will be hard.." It was a hollow victory in someways, Tsubasa fought a creature whom he could relate to almost like kin. Tsubasa was a killer and some people did deserve to die, they deserved no second chances or remorse. But animals, creatures like this beast did deserve respect and passing words. As for what was going on, his eyes looked upwards. What were the goals of this creature, Tsubasa wasn't one to jump into battle unless he sensed hostile intentions. And this thing for the moment lacked them, what was the game next would he need his sword? Or would something a bit more challenging be required of him, would Tsubasa need to use his intellect for the following thing object. Tsubasa wouldn't call it an enemy till it truly was one, the Dragon was hostile as though most their race were. In death it found tranquility, no that wasn't it. The best was in pain and still had many options open to it, Tsubasa felt something was off. But for now he was going to be leader here and make sure everyone felt calm. Tsubasa's expression remained relaxed as did his body. He widened the field of his radar, looking for anything at all coming into the area. He spread it far enough so he could sense towards the troops, anything moving around. Tsubasa would react instantly if something of that nature did come along. Though he wasn't sure what to expect so far, one lizard fell and next trial was on standby.

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The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event Empty Re: The Broken Blade - Black World Arc Event

Sun May 17, 2015 9:27 pm

The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event JCRrxmK

Artist: Royksopp - Song: Save Me (FT Susanne Sundfør) - Word Count: 1752

The skies were still dark, but it was obvious enough that things were perhaps beginning to die down a bit. Off in the distance, much further away from this place, The Menacing Devil Girl could also sense the likes of another significant power dropping at a steady rate of speed. In fact, it felt similar to the Kora A'ina of this place, so she could only assume that someone else managed to take out the other gem there. Therefore, with that much information known, she understood that it would only take one more deal for this to be over for the Soul Society.

Henceforth, with all of these factors weighing on her conscious, it may have been for the best that she indeed falls back and finds another core to otherwise destroy and accelerate the conclusion of this miserable event. If nothing else, she could spread her efforts elsewhere and let Tsubasa deal with whatever may or may not have been lurking in the shadows here. Thus, around the point where he tapped her shoulder, Ibiki gave a firm touch and nodded her head; otherwise shrugging off the sense of apprehension and dread that filled The Menacing Devil's body.

"Aye. I guess with what all has occurred in the past year, my nerves are finally starting to get to me a bit. I'll just have a sip of the cup and try to relax those tensions with a bit of liquid courage."

Sounding more assured, The Oni Shinigami gave a thumbs up to the Pale Rider to otherwise show her enthusiasm for things. Then, after that, she took a quick gulp from her purple gorge and tried to drown her sorrows in the warm flow of ecstasy and pleasure that her liquor always gave. It was nice to feel that comfort in the heat of war, battle and death. As it was surely going to be rough to cart those bodies of the dead to their weeping families. Families which were already struggling from the numerous other crisis that crippled the Soul Society over the past year of hardship and strife.

In a way, her thoughts were beginning to darken, even in this hazy sense of elation and relaxation. This was due to the fact that The Kenpachi's mind was starting to wonder if this accursed trial of adversity would ever end for them. They had been tested to the brink time and time again, yet it seemed there was no relief in sight. Their numbers were dwindling, fighters were losing their morale and it was getting more difficult by the day to otherwise help maintain the sanctity of the Soul Society. Just how much more could they take?

But, alas, mulling over somber reflections such as those wouldn't do anyone any good -- not even Ibiki herself. Instead, in spite of this cloud of negativity bringing forth such a rancid downpour upon her and her men, The Menacing Devil Girl needed to pull her head up, face the eye of the storm and continue marching forth until the end of her life came -- or victory was claimed within her grasp. Therefore, when The Kenpachi understood what was required of her, Ibiki gave a quick shift of her gaze to Tsubasa and smiled a bit; putting on a mask and suppressing the deep hurt for the time being.

"That'll be no problem. I'll withdraw those on my end to the Soul Society, while I'll see if there is anything I can do to otherwise help the situation in other places where this catastrophe is taking place."

The words were cheery, upbeat and otherwise anticipating the excitement of their victory. At the very least, if she indulged in these positive results, there could be more motivation to otherwise keep trying and fighting as hard as they have been. But, There was a pause for a moment. In that time, The Devil Girl but gazed at him for a few seconds, felt her heart rush and went in for a kiss on the cheeks.

"And...thanks for that. It was sweet what you did. It's tough to find the right people to stick by your side, but it seems you haven't failed me yet. So...thanks....again."

Those words were softer and more gentle than before, but she meant every bit of them. When she pulled back, The Devil Girl nodded her head to further affirm her actions and started walking off towards her men that were gathering around the sick and injured. With a final glance back at Tsubasa, The Oni Shinigami said these words to The Pale Rider:

"Just stay alive and don't let this worlds darkness consume you like it has others. You are a good friend and I would not want to see you hurt...or worse. So be careful."

In that fixed stare, the eyes of The Oni Shinigami never left those of The Unabara and she gave him one last -- genuine -- smile. Hesitations of her feelings aside, she felt within her heart that the was indeed someone worth trusting. And to find such comrades in a world as sick and twisted as this -- was a blessing. So, in this exchange, she just wanted to let him know what he meant to him before the gears of war would once again separate them and place them miles, if not, worlds away from each other once again.

Which meant, If nothing else, he'd have something to cherish for the time being until they could reunite under better circumstances. With what laid heavy on her conscious expressed, even if quickly and somewhat timidly, The Devil Girl otherwise felt fit enough to take care of the rest from here. For this reason is why she sent a request from the Research Department to summon a dimensional vortex that connected the Inverse Soul Society back to the Seireitei. Through means of Hell butterflies, those sent by the Captain were almost instantaneous in nature, and given how fast things could occur in a war like this? Its speed was much needed to otherwise prevent another tragedy from occurring on this dark day.

"ALRIGHT! Listen up, we're gonna go home, recover, have a hard drink and then prepare ourselves for another hard fight. There are still other Kora A'inas active and we need to make sure each and everyone one of them is destroy."

Those words were barked out against an endless succession of miles. With her shikai still very much active, it was hard not to notice the command authority that The Kenpachi's overwhelming presence had on the area. Yet, as she progressed through her words, they seemed to become firm, but more gentle and somber in their tone.

"And yes, I know we've lost a few brave men on this field, but that is why we cannot let their sacrifices go in vain...."

In that instant, the right fist of The Menacing Devil Girl started to tighten as the sensation of pressure weighing against her chest surged within. Imagery of the disasters from Demonic Incursion, numerous Captain's deaths and the thoughts of how the former Gotei Thirteen had failed in the past with her slaying of The World Breaker started to channel into her thoughts like a sorrow filled flood.

There had indeed been so many losses, and thinking back to the past year, Ibiki was tired of it. She was strong, yes, but even the strong had their limits. And in this sea of grief and disaster? The Menacing Devil Girl was fighting back her own tears from showing; restraining it and keeping it caged like a savage beast in a prison. Her men, nor Tsubasa, needed to see this side. And the warmth from her companionship with the Unabara meant anything? It would keep those sensations in chick as she went along with her words.

"...for their sake, we will not lose this fight. Remember what you are fighting for, why you are staking your lives and use it as fuel to keep your sight lit when your path is filled with nothing but darkness. Embrace one another in your company, use your togetherness to bare these torments and use the strength we have in our brotherhood to ease."

Closing her eyes at this point, The Solemn Kenpachi stood her ground as a clap of thunder roared in the distance. Taking in a deep breath, and exhaling a soft breath; The Lone Captain saw fit to take her own advice and hold her inner most self tightly the bonds she forged with all the men on this battlefield. Upon seeing this scene, most of the men then understood how grave things were, yes, but they sensed a greater calling and just how urgent, important and dire their positions were in keeping the peace of the world. Therefore, they all gave their salutes to their Captain and stood firm in their stances.

"We....will not let this order down."[/color] One man called out with the utmost of earnest behind his voice.

"We will stand up and rise to the matter what, Captain Ibiki." Another called out with a sense of duty and urgency overwhelming her tone.

"For we are the Division Eleven Squad."

"The most resilient squad in the entire Gotei Thriteen."

"And we won't let any force in this world, or the next, take that away. We give you our word!"

And with that, they all gave a hard shout and started otherwise bagging up the sick, taking away their bases and rushing into a white vortex that spread for miles on end. In that scene, The Menacing Devil Girl opened her eyes and awoke to a truly redefined Squad Eleven. Yes, they were still a gruff bunch, but this gruff brunch had meaning, commitment, devotion and a sense of direction to put their hard hands to use.

So, the tension on The Kenpachi's face eased, a soft smile washed her lips and she gave a firm nod to the reassuring words and pledges of her men. It seemed, above all else, at least she managed to lead a fine bunch of men and turn them into something -- more. At least -- that is what she believed -- anyway.

Ergo, with their sights, minds and hearts set -- there was n nothing left to do but pack-up and leave the rest to Tsubasa. With a thumbs up, The Menacing Girl wished him luck and vanished into the great white behind to carry on The Gotei Thirteen's will and fire.


The Broken Blade - Black World  Arc Event WVMWLOu
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