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Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:52 am
Leadership had always come natural to Calech most likely because of him being the eldest of his brothers. Him and his brothers were orphans so it was his job to lead them because all they had was each other. These decisions right or not weren't something he had time to think over though so whatever decision he would make would be 1st instinct.

Calech did not hesitate any longer to advance upon the first group of hollows. His injuries from his previous fight had noticeably hindered his speed and balance as his shunpo was 70% it's original speed at best. Even though these injuries made this situation much more dangerous he could not hesitate. If he hesitated to deal with the situation to the best of his abilities many other people would die. He did his best to advance upon the position at the greatest speed he could, and as he got closer the hollows in from his point of view they got a lot bigger and more intimidating. He witnessed them literally eating spirits tearing them limb from limb with their blood dripping from their lips. It absolutely disgusted Calech, and lit a fire of anger inside.

Reaching a 10 meter radius of the first humanoid hollow with two pincer like arms. He didn't have their attention as of yet, so he was able to get close unnoticed. He unsheathed his Zanpakutō with his right hand horizontally to the right side of his body. He quickly rose it up diagonally above his right shoulder height and gripped the hilt with both hands. He charged to the left hand side of the hollow and chopped into it's leg. He had tried to cut all the way through, but it seems his injury from earlier was ailing more than he thought. Ether that or his rage made his attack less strong.

Pulling his blade from the blade the hollow stabbed it's left pincer down at Calech. Calech rolled forward diagonally forward to his left, but in the end made a terrible decision, because he was met with a giant blow from the 4 armed humanoid Hollow sending him flying backwards rolling on the ground

OOC:11:52 Pm My time 1/9/2014 Post #1 for 30 day
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:02 pm
-ワット 迅速-

As Jinn waited for his group to catch up he began throwing several hand signals delivering the lower ranked Shinigami to fight off the hollow that had six legs with a beast-like visual, that used its two tails as though they were blunt weapons. However, the hollow was slow, but if he did manage to land an attack on of the Shinigami it would for sure deal a substantial amount of damage to them. Calech rushed in after the two sprung toward their own hollow and he began to fight the humanoid hollow that had the arms of a prey mantis.

Jinn jumped up to the air in attempt to perform an aerial attack, surprising the dim-witted hollow that stood tall having four arms. However, as he began his descend he watched as Calech rolled away from his opponent and straight into another attack from the other hollows. Being that Calech was already partially wounded from his other fight he knew that this attack would just set down his abilities even longer. Jinn was unsure of how much the kid could handle, not being able to scale the kid's power to a battle against these hollows.

However, Jinn did not let the attack to his comrade slow him down with his own. The hollows chuckled toward one another as they began creeping to Calech's location, as he came within feet of the four-armed hollow he let out a loud battlecry and causing the hollow to look up at him and return the call with one of his own. However, as the hollow did so Jinn could feel himself becoming lighter causing his decent to become slower. With a face painted with awe Jinn slowly floated his way down to the ground, but before doing so he was met with a devastating blow from the prey mantis hollow. As the hollow made impact to Jinn's stomach he bent over and began to slowly float toward the direction of the impact, once again making Jinn wonder what that hollow's ability was. Yet another screech came from the hollow this time at a much lower pitch which caused him to return to his normal weight as the prey mantis swung at him once more, landing another shot into his back and sending him flying into the building closest.

As he crashed through the wall Jinn let out a grunt before becoming part of the rubble himself. He felt pain, but it wasn't enough to keep him from continuing the battle against the hollow. He was intrigued by the hollow's ability to change the density of his opponents with the pitch of his voice. Jinn would have to find a way around this. In the meantime however, he'd need Calech's help keeping the other hollow preoccupied. He was able to glance out of a window as he regained his footing from the debris and could see that the two other Shinigami were able to hold their own while working in tandem against the beast. So he knew that they would be able to hold them off as Calech and himself continued to fight the other two off themselves. "Calech," he called for his comrade not knowing where he was exactly. "I need you to gain some distance and bring the other hollow with you, it seems as though our friends have some rather unique abilities." He stated, letting a small smirk encase his visage as he began to accept the challenge of defeating this hollow himself. "Gain some ground between the two of us and it will make the battle easier for the both of us. If you can manage to hold this guy off until I am able to defeat the screaming bitch, then I can assist you. As for now, lure him away." Jinn hoped that the kid would listen to his advice, as if they were both to be caught in the howls of their opponent they would both be subject to their weight being changed causing them to have slower reactions no matter if they were to gain in density or lose density. Jinn knew that the hollow had been alive for some time, but he knew that physically there was no way that this hollow would be able to out do him. All he would need is for Calech to keep the other away and he'd be able to make the proper moves to defeat this opponent.

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
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Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

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Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:22 pm
Being in pain Calech slowly rose to his feet. His injuries were definitely taking their tole. He had blood dripping from his mouth from small internal injuries which he wiped away with his right hand. He felt something had been broken in his lower torso from that hit which wasn't hurting his breathing yet, but was a constant sharp pain was definitely there. Watching his new ally get hurt was possibly one of the toughest things he had to endure during this fight. Never mind the pain, but the decision he made put his ally and himself in this situation. His Zanpakutō was stabbed into the ground so that he could lean on it as he stood.

He did not know what to do. He wasn't wired to leave an ally behind. He would rather die then do so. Even if he might be able to take the hollow on he could not leave the opportunity that he would be killed. He knew his strength along wasn't enough to immediately destroy them, but Jinn was a different situation. If Calech could distract both of the hollows long enough Jinn may be able to strike them down.

As the hollows began to approach Jinn it was time for Calech to step up. It was his decision to act upon this in this way so he would take responsibility for the lives he put in danger. He stood up straight and pointed his pointer and middle finger of each hand at each hollow. He didn't have much as much skill as his little brother with kido, but he knew enough to use it. He concentrated on the central mass of each hollow and shot a lightning bolt into each of them. It didn't damage them very much, but it attracted their attention.


He reached down to his Zanpakutō with his right hand slowly gripping the hilt as the Hollows began to charge at him in anger, and probably in hunger. He didn't have much of a plan unfortunately, but all he could do was stay alive. He could not leave his brother behind. It wasn't his time. The day he was allowed to die was when they were strong enough without him, and when his allies were out of harms way. He turned his head over to Jinn and said lowly but clearly enough for him to read his lips saying

"Do your best."

He then looked at the hollows with an intense fire in his soul. His spiritual energy began to rise, as he tore his Zanpakutō from the ground and pointed it out horizontally to his right side. The hollows slowed down to a stop as the watched Calech grow in strength. To Calech's lack of luck though the preying mantis hollow's arms seperated into three arms mantis arms horizontally on each arm. Even worse he had his own ability. He raised both arms into the air and slashed downwards diagonally towards Calech shooting of a large air blade from each mantis blade slicing the ground and buildings around them. Calech didn't have a good enough knowledge in Bakudo to protect himself from the blades so all he had was his Zanpakutō. It was extremely dangerous and to make it worse the larger one screamed a low pitch scream increasing his density and slowing his body.

By now he was pushing his limits, but he knew that death wasn't going to overcome him. He slowlly lifted his Zanapkuto Diagonally trying his chest to get it there before the blade reached his body. Forcing his muscles with his spike in power to move was tough especially on his shoulder which had previously been injured and his torso which was not getting worse as his density increased. The blades clashed against him and his Zanpakutō just as his Zanpakutō touched his chest. He was fighting these blades with all of his strength and as he did he began to lower down to a knee while being overwhelmed by these blades. Closing his eyes almost defeated a memory popped up in his head. It was a memory of his brothers and him together as orphans around a fire. It was the memory of a pact they made to become strong. It was what he had lived sense that day, and it wouldn't end on this day. He opened his eyes as his iris's began to glow. He began to stand and with a roar he slashed down slicing through the blades, but cutting through the outsides of his body. Hitting non vital spots along the outside of his body all up and down it he was bleeding everywhere. He dropped to his knees and stabbed his Zanpakutō into the ground barely standing as the hollows began to slowly approach him. He was in intense pain, but he had a smile on his face, because he did not give up.

The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:19 am
-ワット 迅速-

Jinn's eyes grew large as he witnessed the kid grab the attention of both of the hollows instead of just one. What was he doing!? Jinn had only told him to take the Prey Mantis looking hollow away from the fight, but he decided to take them both!? The fool! He was trying to be a hero when he didn't need to be, they still had a complete other group of hollows to tend to. Jinn clinched his hand around his Zanpakutō in anger and agony for his own comrade as he was able to tell the considerable amount of the damage the kid had endured. Though his actions were rash they may have been the only way that the two would be able to win the battle.

As Calech pulled them away Jinn witnessed the hollow display it's own ability to manipulate and generate blasts of wind from his arms. Jinn let out a quite grunt out of shock. He didn't understand why such powerful hollows were invading Rukongai, especially at a time like this. It made him wonder what kind of powerful entities were keeping them from patrolling the human realm, they had to be strong to make them want to come to Soul Society. Perhaps it was just an opportunity to the Hollows. Either way he would put an end to them and when he was finished with them he'd destroy the others with ease.

Letting out a battle cry as he came closer to the weight distributing hollow leaping into the air. Even if his ally was being attacked he wouldn't bring his standards of battle down to a cheap shot to the back. As he reached the hollows mask it produced a deep howl making Jinn feel a tremendous weight added to him. A smirk crept onto his face, the hollow was indeed a fool. "Mistake!" Jinn struggled to keep his arms out in order to slice down into the hollow's mask, but with the added weight he began to descend faster giving the hollow little to know time to react to his attack. Blood sprayed into the air as the blade of his Zanpakutō sank into the Hollow and cut him down completely into two pieces. Jinn smirked, but it didn't last long as he witnessed the prey mantis's attack had penetrated Calech who was down to his knees relying on the support of his Zanpakutō.

The hollow began to creep its way toward Calech without even looking back to mourn for his fallen comrade. The hollow began to produce air blade after air blade toward Calech as he came in to devour him whole. Shunpoing in front of Calech Jinn looked back at Calech and rose his blade in defense. "You're too good, kid!" He shouted impressed with the shinigami's ability to pull through to the end. He then shifted his gaze to the oncoming attacks and brushed off each one with heavy hits sending them into the structures that surrounded them. As the last one approached Jinn pushed forward toward it as did the hollow. Jinn shunpoed in front of the hollow avoiding the blast knowing he would catch it in enough time for it not to effect Calech. The hollow froze in surprise as his blade became one with the hollow's mask causing it to scream in agony.

He once again shunpoed to the side of the blast swinging his blade toward it knocking it away just in the nick of time. He looked over to Calech and then to his comrades that had just put an end to the other hollow. "You gonna make it, kid? There's still more work to do." His tone became intense as he came to the realization that these hollows were nothing like what he expected. He knew Calech's injuries were major, but he wanted to see if the kid was still willing to push on. Jinn knew that if he was in his position he would have died at that kid's level. He had an immense amount of respect for Calech, but thought he was a fool. He shifted his attention back to Calech and awaited his answer...

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
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Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

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Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:27 pm
After watching Jinn dispatch the two Hollows he glanced over to the other group of hollows and then looked over at Jinn. In his current state he would be nothing but a hindrance to Jinn, but he would not allow himself to pass out until the current threat of the Hollows was finished. He may have been thick headed in this aspect, but he wasn't going to let anything stop him from this goal. If they couldn't proceed any further at least they succeeded at pushing back the threat for the time being.

Putting both hands on his hilt he shakily stood to his feet as his body was weak, but still functioning on what could only be described as pure will. He was dripping blood from deep gashes towards the outside body and undoubtedly had broken bones. His breathing was hampered which meant the earlier strike had done it's damage possibly causing some internal bleeding. Calech spit blood to his left followed by taking adeep breath while still leaning on his Zanpakutō and said

"Give me a 4th unit and 5 minutes. If you can distract them or fight them for that long I will be there to finish it with you.

He knew what he asked was difficult especially considering his current state. But even if Jinn were to say he couldn't proceed or that he was not going to put him in danger Calech would overstep his order and finish the job. Even at the cost of his life. He asked this simple thing so that he may return to this fight and finish what he ventured out to accomplish.
The KFC of PH
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Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:26 am
-ワット 迅速-

Jinn looked at the kid, slightly enigmatic about his decision. He wondered if the kid knew his restraints or not, and it seemed to worry him. The fourth unit wouldn't arrive for some while and most definitely wouldn't take them five minutes to get Calech anywhere close to a stable enough state for him to continue fighting. He applauded him mentally for his yearn to keep fighting, but didn't want the kid to harm himself in order to rid Rukongai of a few hollows. It just wasn't worth the casualty of another Shinigami.

Looking away he placed his hand on his chin and rubbed pondering whether or not he should let the kid continue on with him or just have him sent back to receive better treatment at the fourth squad's medical bay. He knew that the kid had the balls to keep going, but the question of whether it would be worth it or not for the kid to push himself so far. Jinn wasn't one to push himself beyond his limits as he knew the consequences, but he had learned that the hard way. He was unsure if he wanted the kid to learn the hard way or to tell him himself. It was a tough decision, but Jinn knew he had to make the right one as the Calech's life could possibly on the line.

The other two Shinigami approached Jinn and simultaneously performed a salutary bow. Seeing the other two Shinigami in top shape with minimal injuries made the decision even easier for Jinn. Quickly he pointed at one of the two and began barking orders, "You, take this one back to squad four with you. You two are relieved of your duties out here for today. Take some time and rest up." Jinn pointed toward Calech as he spoke and the Shinigami proceeded toward the kid, Jinn stopping him giving Calech a choice in whether or not he would stay but would back his words up with some advice. "I'm aware of the feeling to be anxious to be a freshly sculpted Shinigami, we all do. Don't let that cloud the judgement of your own limits. You're a smart kid, show it. You shouldn't be pushing yourself to continue fighting when you're asking for the fourth squad to come and mend to your wounds. We aren't in Australia there's no need for you to waste yourself away for a few measly hollows. What would your captain say to me if I was to return you to him a dead corpse when you had the chance to return, such things are unforgivable. Sometimes it's best to put pride aside when it isn't needed. Heed these words." Jinn then turned away and let the other shinigami go past as he signaled the other to follow him to finish the rest of the hollows off.

[Exit- No stop.]

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
Male -Gender
Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

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Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:22 am
Calech listened to Jinn and after a moment complied. From what Jinn had said he had realized that he had been foolish when it came to his fighting. He knew he was taking risks, but the kind he was taking were much too dangerous and were putting his life on the line. Still he would much rather be taking risks like these than no risks at all. His injuries weren't the things that bothered him. It was the fact that he now had strength and he would much rather be the person who uses his strength for the benefit of others than himself.

This entire time he had been using the sheer force of his will and a little bit of stupidity in order to stay up, but now that he was relieved from the battlefield he dropped to his knees barely conscious.


He was slowly lifted up by the other shinigami as they went on to the 4th barracks for recovery.

Waking up a day later his body was covered in bandages along with enough sharpie marks all over his body to make him a work of art himself. Probably from his little brother he sighed and slowly lifted himself up from the bed. Looking across the room at his Zanpakutō he knew he wasn't anywhere close to where he wanted to be, but he would continue to work until he was. A day wouldn't be spent wasted until he reached his goal. No matter what he would achieve it. Laying back down he spent another 2 days in recovery then got up in the early morning and jumped out a window to get to training... Out of a second story window.... Which caused more injuries...

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Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:02 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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