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Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:57 pm

With war broken out in the human world the Gotei 13 was in a state of absolute chaos. With some of the leadership taking a stand in the war many were left to govern themselves until they returned. Especially in it's current state this was dangerous for the Soul Society. With all of the chaos plaguing the Soul Society of course the effects would be drastic. Those who already govern crime in the Rukongai decided to make moves for the rest of it. They sent powerful and destructive beings, those under them, to take what was left of the Rukongai for themselves. In the Rukongai blood was being shed of the innocents that stood in their way. Wave after wave of bandits, thieves and all sorts of creatures. Demons, hollows and evil souls included. Lives were being stolen by those who think that they can take advantage of this chaotic state, and those who were left were not going to allow it to progress.

As Calech was once an orphan he felt for those in the Rukongai. He would not allow any more to die. His brothers and himself had the strength to oppose this hell in the soul society. Meeting his brothers and in the center of the Rukongai they all decided to do what they could to push back or even eliminate the evil that plagued the Soul Society. Calech's character is a righteous one that wished to protect all those who had harm being done to them. With his Zanpakutō in hand he would not stop until either he was dead or until the Rukongai was safe.

Calech was not naive by any means, so he sent a general alert to all that he could so that he and his brothers could get back up. As he began his expedition he was nervous, but ready for what came ahead

His first stop was through the first 10 districts in North Rukongai. This area was still relatively untouched. While observing the area he found nothing that was cause for concern so as he traveled through the "better" part of town while making sure he keep it at a pace where others could catch up to him if they made it.

The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open) Empty Re: Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open)

Mon Dec 09, 2013 4:06 am
-ワット 迅速-

Well, well, well... it had seemed as though the more recent break outs within the living realm the past few months Shinigami within the Gotei 13 failed to oblige to their main duties of protecting Rukongai and being the police of Soul Society that they were supposed to be. Never fear, as Jinsoku Watto was on his way to electrify those that opposed the law's that Soul Society had set many year ago. Jinsoku had decided to take a break from hiding away off in Karakura Town as his attempts to get some nice relaxation were continuously cut short due to unusual happenings around his area. While there he had made some helpful allies that were outside of the Gotei 13 and even put his future into question somewhat. However, he would keep his mind clear of what had happened during those days for the time being and focus on the problems ahead: cleaning the streets. Something that was what he would typically do in the streets of Karakura Town, being as that was his district until they stated otherwise. Although at times it did seem as though it would get rather mundane for him being there, he did take great pride in having the same job that his Captain, Rukia Kuchiki, did prior to her becoming a vice captain.

However, he too was at fault for not keeping up with the crime within Rukongai for the past few months because he had been to Soul Society time and time again throughout his tour in Karakura Town. Truth be told, however the blame could only truly go to those that were assigned to delegate the work while the Captains and Vice Captains were away fighting the war in Australia. It rarely even crossed his mind how chaotic things would be here at Soul Society without the proper enforcement. Which is why Jinn couldn't grasp the concept of just handing out Konsos to souls when nobody even knew anything of their past life. Bringing the troublesome from Earth to here on a daily basis wasn't exactly a good idea in Jinn's opinion.

He was told by word of mouth that a platoon would be sent out to patrol Rukongai sections at a time and they would be starting with the first districts which, according to residents of Rukongai, were considered to be the wealthy class. Though he didn't quite understand how people could become wealthy in Rukongai, the shops that were scattered throughout the town were usually small and not worth the hassle of running. However, he would make his way to meet the squadron in record time falling in right behind them as they reached their first destination. He shunpoed toward the front where a red-headed shinigami could be found. He had never seen this kid before and by the looks of his determination it was evident that he was fresh meat within the Gotei 13. He glanced to the redhead and sent him a nod in greeting and continued to rush forward with the rest of the troop.

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
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Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open) Sbb1I7e
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Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:26 pm
While Calech was charging he was ready for anything. At least that is what he thought. As he was charging the other shinigami came up and joined him. He didn't know who it was, but he didn't care. It was the help he needed. So he picked up his pace to match that of the man whom had joined him. With those behind them they took care of smaller instances in the first 10. With wind rushing through his hair as charged in with his fellow shinigami something of surprise happened. The crime like an infection had already spread to the 10-20 districts. They were charging fast, but a small group of bandits numbering at 9 was off to the left going building to building ransacking them. Calech was sick to his stomach that people would do this and he would not allow it to continue. Calech then quickly unsheathed his Zanpakutō and flash stepped to the building in front of the group. He then followed by jumping into the air above the group and dove down upon them. With both of his hands on his Zanpakutō's hilt had the back of the blade resting upon his left arm and mid torso. He then spun in mid-air and cut into most of the bandit's head and upper body coming down to the ground he flipped and landed in a crouched position. With one left halfway in the door and another behind him he rose his Zanpakutō up in a traditional style and quickly stepped towards them starting with a downwards vertical strike down the middle of the bandit and following with a upwards diagonal strike through the second man's torso into the door.

Calech slashed his sword in air taking off most of the blood and sheathed it following by catching up to the other shinigami

"My name is Calech Alexander member of the 1st division. It is nice to meet you. Let us eliminate this threat."
The KFC of PH
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Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:41 am
-ワット 迅速-

(Sorry I had to change this up, too much murder for my character to let this go unnoticed. :/)

The two had found themselves their first troublemakers as the new hire took it upon himself to take force toward the group of thugs simply slicing through the majority with his first strike. Jinn rose a brow wonder what exactly the kid was doing. As far as he knew they were not their to come to Rukongai in order to slay never-do-wells they were to bring enforcement and murder was not considered enforcing the law. As spirits with high spiritual energies crept the streets of Rukongai everyday, one of them possessing the power to harm or even kill them didn't not give them the right as shinigami to kill them. Though killing the spirits would only reset their cycle it was still unjust and Jinn wasn't going to stand for it.

The newbie sliced through yet another man as Jinn sighed and shunpoed to the scene blocking his last attack to the last thug he rotated his blade in order to send the young shinigami to the opposite direction. His dreads slapped the man in the face, as he arrived, the man blew his tongue out in disgust, and then was relieved when he noticed he wasn't facing the same demise as the others just yet. He brought his line of sight away from the newcomer who had stated his name to him as Jinn brought on finger up in order to tell him to wait and then grinned. "You will learn." He stated and then finished turning toward the thug. He brought the finger from his side and released his middle finger from his palm and pointed them at the thug. "Bakudō #4. Hainawa." He stated softly as the man was captivated by the low power Kido. The man fell to the ground unable to move as Jinn looked back over to the kid and smirked and swung his head to single for them to go back to the group. As they would do so he would hang back with the kid to explain why he did what he did. "Alright, so we are Soul Reapers... Doesn't mean we go slaying every soul that has a bad nature. Those men are entitled a fair trial even in a time of war. And see as we didn't know the whole situation we should have just detained them as I did then..." As he caught up to the rest of the group he interupted himself, "You! There is a man detained near a bunch of dead men..." He looked to Calech and then back to the other, "in district 14! See to it that he is brought back to the Seireitei where he will be tried. As for the rest of the men gather more members from the Fourth Division and have them tend to their funeral arrangements!" The man replied with a "Hai!" as he sped off in the opposite direction. "As I was saying, don't just slay them... you were taught in the academy simple Bakudo techniques as I just executed. Use them." He insisted as the two continued on their way he remembered one last point. "Although, some of them mayyyy be able to break free from said Bakudo. Those are the ones we should be unsheathing our Zanpakutous for." He stated as a smirk spread across his face and he winced his eyes in joy, once again remembering something else. "Oh and of course, though your actions were rash...good job!" Smiling as he spoke and then shifting his attention the terrain ahead, he could feel a spiritual energy that was similar to Calech's, but was not that of a shinigami. "Ahh..." He hummed as he shunpoed ahead.

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
Male -Gender
Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open) Sbb1I7e
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Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:31 pm
As his blade was caught he didn't feel anger. He understood he acted rashly, but he grew up in some of the worst parts of the Rukongai, and lived his life against those who abused their powers in order to oppress others. He knew though it wasn't the way of the Gotei 13 to kill those who did such as this. He needed to act less rashly and needed to better control his emotions in a situation like this. He had a huge passion and needed to make sure he kept it under control.

"I apologize for my rashness. Forgive me.. I grew up against those who did such as these and used their strength in order to kill and oppress. I will restrain myself more in the future of this."

He was curious the man seemed to sense something. He hadn't had a great skill in spiritual energy, but he knew this man was stronger than he was. He respected that and his wishes to keep whatever they were going to face alive enough for a trial. It wasn't his specialty but he knew kido well enough to use in correctly. He also made the decision that keep his Zanpakutō sheathed but still use it while it's sheathe was still on it. He followed the man and asked

"What do you sense?"
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open) Empty Re: Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open)

Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:19 am
-ワット 迅速-

The group advanced as the young Shinigami announced his sorrows toward his previous actions. Jinn responding with a slight shrug as his attention honed down to the upcoming travesty. However, he wanted to see how his new comrade would face against the foe. He rose his hand up beside his head and closed it into a fist signalling for the rest of the group to halt. As he came to a stop he turned back to find the rest of the group behind him as he had commanded, a few of the newer personnel abruptly running into each other. He chuckled at the sight and went on with what he was going to say. "Alright." Jinn glanced to Calech, "You're going to stay with me as well as..." Shifting his line of sight back to the group as he continued pointing them out as he called them, " and you." Pointing at the two that crashed into one another. "As for the rest of you meet up with other squads patrolling the area, just the four of us shall be proceeding on with the rest of these districts." The group shouted with a loud 'hai', meaning they understood and would comply, as they bolted off to different directions.

"To cut all the bullshit of why I chose you, I just want you two to watch young Calech here as he demonstrates how to fight a weak-ass Vizard." Jinn smirked as he said this and then looked over to Calech to see his reaction. Jinn threw up a subtle thumbs-up with his right hand followed by a nod as he awaited his first actions. "In case you can't already hear him causing havoc, he is right over there." He stated, knowing it was a male character by his loud war cries as he sliced down his targets. "It's likely this guy is going through the process of hollowfication as we speak, meaning he has obtained his hollow abilities. However, he has no control of them... unlikely case, but eh good learning opportunity for you guys." Jinn was unsure if the kid would be able to handle the, what Jinn had first thought, low tiered Vizard. However, Jinn had come to the realization that the new opponent wouldn't be no easy kill for Calech, as he was ranked not too far below Jinsoku himself at a tier of 4-3.

He had faith in the kid, but wasn't too sure what the Vizard would throw his way...

((Enjoy. lol))
Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
Male -Gender
Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

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Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:18 pm
Calech looked towards Jinn with a semi-awkward look. Though he was a bit excited at the fact he got to go all out on an opponent, this certain opponent was one that he had never trained to fight. He knew the basics of Vizards, but besides that he lacked much knowledge about them. What he did know is Vizards cannot control themselves during their Hollowfication process, but this one was killing innocents seemingly against his will. Calech knew he didn't deserve death, but he had to put the Vizard down hard or he wouldn't stay down. In the end if he had kept his blade sheathed he would not have the full strength in order to defeat such an enemy.

Calech walked past Jinn and placed his right hand upon the hilt of his Zanpakutō. Holding the sheath with his left hand he unsheathed his blade and pointed it outwards towards his right. He could expect this Vizard to be strong and fast, but at the same time wild and unable to think straight. With that basis even though he did not match his enemy in strength he would defeat him with tactics.

The Vizard currently stood with mangled bodies at his feet, a maniacal smile on his face and a laugh that seemed mixed with a high pitched screech. This young and foolish Vizard was in pain. He stood with his left hand to the throat of a young lady with her lifted in the air and with his right hand rising up to strike. Calech twisted his blade to where with faced the ground and with a calm and constant rhythm to his voice chanted

" Engulf the target in red light, completely paralyzing them. - Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!

The Vizard's entire body became enveloped in a red light. Though Calech knew he would not be stunned for long he wouldn't need much time for what he needed to do. Without halt he flash stepped to the right of the Vizard's arm which was holding the young lady's throat. Calech was facing the arm with his Zanpakutos blade pointed to the left of him and being front of his body. With an upwards diagonal strike to the back of the Vizard's hand Calech cut deeply enough into the bone and muscle that he rendered the hand useless. With the kido wearing off Calech then shot to a knee under the girl with his left arm around her knees and his shoulder at her mid-section. He then released the Bakudo and flash stepped towards the group of Shinigami.

Looking at the two who had accompanied Jinn and himself he left her with them.

"You die before she does. Understood?"

With that done Calech turned to see the Vizard in time to see him release a wild screech followed by charging at the group. Calech was about to charge at the Vizard as well until the Vizard began to charge a Cero from his mouth. That blast could kill any number of people so his first move would have to be to counter. Calech flash stepped in front of the Vizard and just before he shot off the Cero, Calech hit the bottom of the of the it's mask with the back of his blade knocking his face up and shooting the Cero into the air. In the following moment though Calech was sent flying to his right by a wild right handed blow from the Vizard. He crashed into the wall of a building creating a small crater in the wall. Looking at the ground scattered around his body were pieces of building, glass and roof from the building he had flown into.

The entire right side of Calech's body seared in pain. He knew the Vizard was strong but he wasn't prepared for this strength. As he turned his head to look at the Vizard to his surprise he was already next to him with his right arm drawn back for another strike. Calech ducked as the Vizards fist that glided right above his head. Calech replied with a upwards diagonal strike to the mid section of the Vizard while standing up. With that the Vizard bent over forward in pain and Calech smashed the back of his head with the hilt of his Zanpakutō knocking him to the ground. To his surprise though the Vizard was still trying to get up so in order to take him down hard he did one final strike across the back of the Vizard knocking him back down and keeping him there.

Calech shook off the pain to his right side feeling at least one or two cracked ribs. His shoulder seemed to be out of place as well so he grabbed part of the wall and pulled putting it back into place. There was great pain in his shoulder for a moment, but compared to the constant pain earlier he was fine to deal with it. He looked at the Vizard and pointed his pointer and middle finger towards his mid-section shooting off an energy rope that entangled his arms. Looking back over to the Shinigami he walked over to the group and looked specifically at Jinn.

"I guess that's how you take care of a Vizard. Please call in a medical unit to heal him and a research unit to help him along in the hollowfication process. This wasn't his fault and I will appeal for him to the courts."
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:02 pm
-ワット 迅速-

Jinn watched the kid battle against the Vizard that would be up-to-par with himself, thinking that he would have to lend a hand eventually. However, it seemed as though the kid was completely in sync with what he needed to do. Jinn began to dig into his nose, searching for a winner, as the kid flash stepped in front of him and the two others telling the two that they were to put her life before their own. Which made Jinn smirk as he continued to dig. His tilted his head backs lightly, but tried to continue viewing the fight by opening his eyes more. He watched as the kid displayed perfect use of kido, superb deflection of a cero that would obliterate him, and great vital blows. Nonetheless, Jinn was impressed as he finally made way to the hard, crusty booger he was searching for he pulled his finger out of his nose, releasing his nostril from the aggravating irritation that he put onto it with his unclean hands and fingers. He wondered what was to do with it, however, as the lady had most likely already noticed him digging in his nose. He brought his attention toward her and then smiled raising his head as though he were trying to say "watch this".

Calech returned as the Vizard laid limp on the ground below, Jinn waited for the kid to finish talking and setting of his orders to the two that stood there. After he had told them what they had to do they turned their heads to Jinn in confusion most likely thinking, what the fuck? Why is this kid telling me what to do? Jinn went with the newcomer's initial instincts and laughed. "I don't see you guys coming up with any better ideas." He stated as he winked at the girl and brought his hand to the back of the nearest lackey, he smeared the booger onto the guy's gi and then patted his back to make sure there would be no evidence left on his finger. "Well then? Get to it!" He stated then pushed the one kid off, which caused him to sigh before running off with the other. Jinn looked back over to the girl, "You see that? Pretty messed up huh? Now come here!" He said excitedly as he jumped toward the woman she screamed, being disgusted and surprised by the man. He wrapped his left arm around her waist and put her back to the ground, "Sorry if we were lat--" His words were halted by more screaming as she began to smack the man's chest in disgust and then ran off. "What? It's just a booger! Everyone has them!" He shouted, increasing in volume the further away she ran. He shrugged and then flash stepped back up to where Calech was and chuckled. "Can't win them all. He stated and gave him a friendly tap on his right arm.

"Well...where to now? You're the boss. However, I'd suggest we regroup with the others for the time being and make sure we haven't gained any casualties while we've been away." Jinn suggested folding his arms, but before doing so he'd lightly scratch his rear end. A normal gesture of Jinn's. He was willing, and ready to go along with whatever the kid wanted to do, as he had just gained a new found respect for the new Shinigami. He knew this kid would make a valuable asset to the ranks, but wasn't too sure if he was too serious about it or not. He did seem rather gun-ho about their jobs. Interested in what Calech's lighter side may be, away from work he'd make a mental note to see if the kid would like to grab a drink after their duties.

Jinn awaited for his new comrade's decision on what was to be done next, keeping he left hand upon the hilt of his Zanpakutō just in case anything else decided to come around the corner...

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
Male -Gender
Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open) Sbb1I7e
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Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:42 am
Calech pondered the situation for a moment looking back towards where they had sent the other two. His only thought were what would be most effective at this time. Clearly they both weren't of the ability to heal others, so regrouping wouldn't be as effective when it came to casualties and the injured for them. The time to mourn would be for after, and the ones who would heal people would be the specialists. With them being seemingly stronger than the others it was clear to him what they should do.

"It would be better if we were to be an advancing group to eliminate or capture any of the larger threats so that we could lessen the impact upon our comrades."

In that next moment even with Calech's lacking in ability to sense spiritual pressure he felt a familiar presence that all Shinigami knew. The Presence of a Hollow, and not just one, but many. He did not know why, but maybe because of the higher spiritual pressure they must have been accumulating where they sensed the greatest power.

"Hollows. Lets go"

Calech Shunpoed with his left hand gripped onto his sheath and his right arm lying to his side. He jumped up on top of a house and began to travel from roof to roof. He couldn't sense exactly how many there were, but from what he could see from the houses around 300 meters ahead of them there was at least 7 hollows in sight all of which were rampaging and killing innocents. They were in 2 groups one to the left hand side where Calech was traveling and one to the other side.

The group to the left consisted of 2 Humanoid hollows which stood on two legs and each were inbetween 15-20 feet tall and 7 feet wide. One of which had four arms and the other had two preying mantis type arms used for stabbing. The third hollow was more beast-like on 6 legs with two large tails. It was 12 feet tall and 6 feet wide

The group to the right consisted of 3 hollows which stood on two feet and a fourth which was on 4 legs. The first had spikes all over it's arms and legs and was easily 20 feet tall and 7 feet wide. The second was wider being 10 feet wide and 15 feet tall with massive arms. The third was thinner in every aspect being 18 feet tall with 6 arms that were each extremely long. Finally the beast like hollow at 12 feet tall and 5 feet wide was one 4 legs with white tentacles on it's back.

Calech had no idea if there was more or not, but stopping around 100 meters away from the group he awaited Jinn's decision on how they should handle this next. There wasn't much time so if Jinn didn't decide quickly Calech would act either way, but he needed to know if he had any plan or idea before they went into battle against the massive hollows.
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open) Empty Re: Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open)

Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:26 pm
-ワット 迅速-

As Jinn watched and listened to the kid's orders he nodded in approval. He was rather surprised in how steadfast and quick to make decisions Calech was. Being that when Jinn was in the same position, he was nervous and afraid of making the wrong choice. However, with time doing what it is very well at, passing, he came to learn that typically your first instinct to situations is the best. As it is better to at least try and fail than to sit and analyze every aspect of a situation letting it fail on it's own. So, he was starting to learn a greater type of respect for the kid being able to fit into the part perfectly, without any hesitation.

After stating his final decision on what it was they should do he announced the presence of hollows nearby, which was lucky for Jinsoku as he didn't exactly sense them himself. Which also kind of worried him about his own abilities, but he didn't think much of it. As Calech went dashing off toward them, Jinn followed a few feet behind before the young shinigami had came to a stop. Jinn second guessing his prior thoughts about the boy's decisions, zooming by him then turning to speak, "Come! There's no time to wait!" His face came from a state of contentment to concern for the people of the district as he could see large clouds of dust leaving the area, howls of the hollows filling the void spaces in the streets.

Jinn deciding to take the route that Calech was headed and take the one group on with him by his side then proceed over to the others. However, he'd stop and let Calech make the first moves to see if he was fit for the fight or not, however would stay close enough to react to any devastating attacks the hollows may unleash.

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
Male -Gender
Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

Nothern Rukongai Expedition(Open) Sbb1I7e
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