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The Dark Enforcer
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Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:01 pm
Cascading Serenity (Open) Kirito10
Ketai Tsukuyomi
The Black Lunar Swordsman
Tier: 3-1+

It's been an extremely long day, trying to find his way back from a destitute place on the outskirts of district 80: Zaraki. This young shinigami wasn't ill-equipped for the type of environment he was in, Although, From first glance, His personality would make it seem as if he was a novice in fighting alone. However, This young man is in district 80 for his own personal reasons- Some would call it nostalgia, some would call it hanging on to the past, And some would call it a foolish mistake. Alas, It was none of the above, Ketai Tsukuyomi was here for the simple fact of one singular thing; It was comfortable. Once again, Some people would call it an absolute foolish move to stay in Rukongai- Zaraki especially, But, Not Ketai, His lineage was been known in Rukongai ever since Yuri used to live here. It wasn't hard to figure out that Ketai was Yuri's son; He almost wears the same color scheme of what his father usually wears, his hair is the exact shade that Yuri has, which is Charcoal black. Even his oculars are slightly the same color, Being a slightly grey-ish purple instead of the brimming on his father has. But, Aside from that, Ketai was his own person, Through and through. However, Digressing on, Ketai got to what seemed to be the end of his journey- His house. His pace was sluggish at best, It had to be somewhere between 10pm and 11pm as the Sky covered by nightfall, The moon being shrouded by what seems to be a blanket of clouds. Eventually getting to the doorsteps, Ketai removed his Zanpakutō; Eludicator, and his treasured Dark Repulser off of his person, Tossing on the porch before him. Slumping up on the second step out of the three, Ketai outstretches his body and exasperates a bellowing Yawn from his small framed structure. Placing his hands behind his head in a nonchalant matter, The Shinigami reclined back on the porch itself, taking a soft sigh that was then replaced by a smile. Ketai was copacetic, He was merely content with the notion that he was alive, and taking in some fleeting memories that faintly appeared in his mind frame. With the night only getting darker, Ketai swung himself up, Sitting upright with his hands on his lap; looking at the ground with an aimless gaze.

"Well, What to do now ? I'm not even close to falling asleep."

Scratching his head slightly, Ketai shrugs his shoulders as he kicks up from his position. Taking both weapons back into his possession, The Black Lunar Swordsman walks inside of his house nonchalantly. However, He wasn't alone. As he closed the door, several shadowy figures emerge from the cascading darkness, being as covert as possible. Ketai wasn't aware of this at the time, so, He went on with his usual business when he comes home; Getting a quick bite, An even quicker drink, and above all else- A hefty game of Darts. Pulling up his chair to the table to sit down, Ketai suddenly heard the quietest creak from his ceiling. Looking up at it with a perplexed notion, He paid no mind, sitting down and about to bite into his sandwich- Wrong. Another creak occurred, But, WAY louder before the top caved in. With almost no time to react- Or save his sandwich, Ketai slid back as quickly as possible on the chair, Placing his feet on the lip of the table before kicking off of it. Pushing himself in a back-flipping manner, Ketai lands in the living room with his right hand on the handle of Eludicator, and his left on the ground for the initial moment of the landing. Standing up straight, The dust cleared to reveal three men- All with moderate levels of reiatsu, and all armed with different types of weapons; One had a long sword not much longer than Ketai's, The other with what seems to be a chain and sickle, and the last man had a Book. A book ? His eyebrow rose slightly, But, Focused on the moment at hand. It was then the man with the book stepped forward and pointed at the other sword that was on his back- Dark Repulser. Holding out his hand, The Mysterious man opened his book, Beginning to speak in a low, Ominous tone of voice.

"That sword- No, The ore it's made of, Belongs to me young man. Hand it over, and your death with be painless. Twenty Years ago, It should have been mine, But, That stupid bitch had to get in the way."

The other two men stepped forward once before readying themselves if Ketai was going to use counter-measures- Oh, Counter-measures don't even begin to describe whats fluttering around in His mind. The note, The Inhibitor Orb, Sachi. It's been 20 years, 20 long and painful years among the smiles and the laughter for Ketai ever since finding Sachi's house engulfed in flames. Ketai was suddenly filled with vengeance, The men that killed Sachi stood in front of him, looking to finish what they started twenty years prior. Grinding his teeth slowly, Ketai places his left hand on the handle of Dark Repulsar, Unsheathing both of his Weapons in an offensive brandishing standpoint; This was the long sword that his beloved Sachi made before she died. It was rumored that she was one of the best Blacksmiths within Seireitei at the time. While Elucidator is meant for Swift slashing type attacks, Dark Repulser is used for piercing like attacks. The weapon itself feels like the soul of Sachi is in it, Giving him that feel as if she was still with him. Once again, This is a double-edged sword, Allowing a full strike with either side of the blade. However, the handle of this weapon is about twenty-eight centimeters; With the blade itself being about one hundred centimeters even. Even though this weapon is longer, Ketai only uses this sword when dual wielding- You'll never see him only using this sword. Plus, He never, EVER. Uses Dual-wielding unless being out classed, or outright pissed off- Which one do you think it is ? Pointing Dark Repulsar at the shaman-type man, Ketai's reiastu begins to climb steadily before muttering in an infuriated tone.

"Belongs... to you Huh ? Yeah, IT BELONGS IN YOUR FUCKING CHEST!! IF YOU WANT THIS SWORD, Take it from my cold stiff hand."

Without a moments notice, The man said softly, looking at the tome in his hand as he did so.

"Done- With Pleasure, Tsukuyomi-Chan"

His eyes widened as He never told him that he was from the Tsukuyomi clan, which made him rage seethe even more. However as the man uttered "Done." The one man with the Long sword Lunged in with a sweeping arc slash towards Ketai's Head from the right- Too Preemptive! Lifting his right weapon to parry the strike, Ketai pivots on his left foot at the same time, Allowing him to now reside on the mans now exposed right flank. Wasting no time, The Black Swordsman thrusts his left arm forward, Driving the tip of Dark Repulser into the assailants latimuss dorsi. Removing it quickly, the other man attempts a strike at the currently preoccupied Shinigami to no avail as Ketai jumps upward through the now massive hole in his roof, Landing outside the front with a surprise that startled him- Men as far as the eyes could see within the Darkness, As Ketai stood in the middle, Swallowing down the little modicum of fear that manifested in his throat. Surveying the area, At all of the men, There had to be at least Fifty men surrounding this young shinigami, And things to not bode well for him at this point. A suddenly explosion erupted from the house behind him- His home. Stumbling forward slightly from the concussive wave of the blast, Ketai's eyes widened as an instant flash back entered his head; Sachi, The day he didn't come home soon enough. Tears slowly formed on the edge of Ketai's eyes as the shaman rose from the flames, Holding the tome high above his head in what he seemed was a for sure victory. Shifting his head at the shaman, The Shaman's Malice-filled eyes stare directly at Ketai before saying softly.

"These flames look exactly like the ones from twenty years ago. Time to close the Curtain on the Tsukuyomi Blood line here, as well as the apprehension of that sword- This is it, Tsukuyomi-chan."

Ketai gritted his teeth before gaining some lost resolve.

"Bring it on! This weapon will be the death of you! I swear it."

Cascading Serenity (Open) Cfxvcxvgcx_zpsfisagwqu
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Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:57 am
Cascading Serenity (Open) Tumblr_me96t2IqZF1qlcmswo1_1280

He pushed through the madness separating these fools ranks as they stared the fear had overcome them the trail of blood he carried through dripped a true trail of breadcrumbs for the wolf, the head in his hand still had that look, blatant fear.

It was a cold night within the reaches of Rukongai 80, recently nicknamed by the locals as rukongai zaraki. Central 46's orders had been clear the disbanding of a movement lead by an enemy of the state the orders had been given directly to the soul society and the 3rd company. Wolf had grown to miss his old home, the bloodshed and violence how could he not long for that so he had immediately taken on the task.

He walked through the streets darkened by the night in his hand he held a bottle of grog Fenrir sat laden on his shoulder, so far his search was inconclusive. although his lack of care towards this matter wasn't that great anyway so it didn't disturb him in the slightest. There was a ruckuss starting within the town as a large group of men ran past the wolf each bumping the man as they went past it was kinda getting on his last nerves so as one of the stragglers ran past the wolfs hand had reached out clasping onto his head. The Wolfs fingers dug into his skull the man screaming out in pain he looked to the now grinning face of Wolf.

Where do you think your going sunshine?

squirming the fingers now actually crushing into the mans skull cracking it at points he let out a shriek aiming his finger towards the large gathering in front of this odd house from the roof an explosion occurred and a figure launched out of it. this energy it was like nothing he felt before someone who had some skill to him perhaps it was wolfs lucky day. he dropped the man who was now foaming at the mouth and began walking towards this source of power but the endless rabble wouldn't stop there. A small group veered off about 4 of them stood in front of wolf their swords pointed at his face

Who the hell you think you are? get the fuck back before we kill you!

without a moments notice the blade of the shinigami had sliced through this mans throat as if it were butter lopping it from the seems but it wasn't fully off so Wolf proceed to latch onto the mans long hair and with a bit of a yank he ripped this memento from its owners body the other men backed away in fear as Wolf walked past his gaze never averted from this source of rising power whom now he could see was resonating from a young boy with a smile he walked through the crowd parting it like the red sea

Now isn't this an interesting little one?

as he approached the front of the crowd another set of goons had submerged onto him the whole mass of people now roaring prepared to fight the shinigami in front of them. the blades of the these riled up men come upon his position, as the shining metal fell down towards him Wolf let his blade fall from his shoulder he sung into a 80 degree arc cutting through the chests of about 6 of these men but it wasn't enough to stop the striking metal from cutting down into his back the wounds gaped open blood pouring out as wolf brought his sword over his head smashing it down onto the skull of the man directly behind him. but already more blades were coming stabbing at him Wolf however was persistent leaping out into the opening in front of him Fenrir began to slice the area in front of him the men kept coming and even wolf knew that one man against approximately 50 was crazy at this current level .... but crazy was just how wolf liked it. upon his blade a massive surge of black reiatsu began to cling as he swung the jagged sword he proclaimed to the world just what he was doing


his blade pointed directly at the center of the crowd a massive burst of reiatsu exploded out into this amassed rubble as it hit a target the unstable reiatsu expanded out in all directions creating an immense explosion encompassing the area of 20 m collecting about 20 out of the 50 in his blow with a grin he shouted out to the area letting all know he was here


turning towards what was about to become the true fight he let out a bit of a sigh, why was it always him that got the leftovers.

Cascading Serenity (Open) M9rTQZk


Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:02 pm


Even in the midist, as two males were facing a literal army, there was the light of hope. In the black night, there was a flicker, a twitch in the air ; there was literally light. Suddenly flowing from that cavity, was a sort of strange pressure ; it felt nothing like the people had ever felt, as a curled up form was in the middle of this bright light. The light flowed, and then, a delicate foot touched the ground, as the light constricted, and then vanished. Out of that light? Utter darkness, as the flames played the visibility in the background. Raven strands floating like a trail of vaporous night, pale ivory skin that was that of a doll's as the form's eyes opened. Crimson blood, like the flow of something great, as the curious gaze looked around. It seemed almost unusual, as the girl looked mechanically around her, as if the entirety of a massive army-like setting wasn't enough for her to be scared. In fact, her face was completely impassive, as if she was wondering where she was. Tilting her head to the sky, she seemed to hold a moment, and then her gaze fell onto the male before her, the Tsukiyomi. Not that she would know this, but observing the stance of many, and his own, the girl just walked towards him, her hair flicking. That's when the dark black of her school uniform was visible, the traits that made her female now obvious. This was a sudden appearance, as the girl moved towards the kneeling male.

Bending her knees, and patting her skirt, she was at an eye level with the male now, and without a word, extended her hand, and wiped away the tears that had formed on the male's face. Her very appearance and manner might be startling enough for him to drop his guard. But the girl wiped the tears away with a calmness that seemed almost inhuman ; and her touch was slightly cold. The forces around her? Were not happy with this interference, as the girl stood up, turning to face the shaman. Her eyes of blood were just calm, as she then noticed a particularly pro-active shinigami exploding something relatively near-by. ''Survive.'' she finally spoke, her voice like the the summer night bells ; clear and dark, but a sort of darkness that was comforting, as the first of the fifty men came towards them. The girl seemed to not think much of it, as this enraged the soldier ; they were more then likely all tense due to the explosions and possible murdering of their compatriots. The male moved in on the girl ; but then she just wasn't standing still. Her movements were fluid, smooth and ethereally elegant ; and with her two palms, she struck straight in the center of the man's chest, with a force that threw him back, forcing him to land a few feet away. The others had to scramble to avoid the male, as the girl straightened herself, the black hair falling back into place, as if she never moved.

However, the girl had her head almost cleaved off by the pro-active shinigami ; her body jumped backwards to avoid it, her hand smashing into the ground, and then jumping herself up, floating for a brief moment in the air. In fact, she was staying in the air ; and without warning, her body shot downwards like a rocket, her fist smashing into the ground. A small gravitational force pulsated, and sent anyone near her flying ; the girl then stood back up, and looked over to the two males. Her cheeks reddened for a moment, as she shuffled embarrassed, looking abashedly cute. ''V-v-v-voi.'' she muttered audibly, before her blush faded. This was only the start ; after all the, male that these men were looking to assault had yet to move into battle. Her word, the singular word she had truly spoken, might've spurred the male. His emotions played on her mind like a musical melody. She understood his emotions, and yet didn't ; the duality of that fact was unique, as the girl stepped back, ready to support the other as needed, using the wind to read her positions. After all, she wasn't sure how she ended up in the Rukongai ; or even why this place. But the girl had figured she had to do something here ; and thus she would.

Shisome was ready for whatever this was.

The Dark Enforcer
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Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:08 pm
Cascading Serenity (Open) Kirito10
Ketai Tsukuyomi
The Black Lunar Swordsman
Tier: 3-1+

There were so many feelings that we being melted together in his heart at the present moment; Anger, Sorrow, Hate, Blood-thirst. There hasn't been a moment in Ketai's life that hasn't been wrought with one of these emotions ever since that faithful night. However, Tonight. Tonight was the night everything of going to change- Even if that means the young man dies to reunite himself with her. It was there he heard the screams of several other men behind him- Someone else joined the fray ? It couldn't be anyone Ketai knows, He wasn't the most popular young shinigami around. The night cried out as the pitch darkness illuminated with a flash of light for a moment, Even the shaman was verklempt at the notion of a light being shined. Opening his eyes within the same instance, There was a young girl in front of him and his eyes widened to its utmost limits. This girl. Long black hair, Crimson eyes. Sachi. No, This was literally impossible. Was he dreaming ? Was he already dead, finally reuniting with her after so long ? No, It couldn't be- Could it ? It was then the striking similar girl rose her hand to the young Tsukuyomi's face, wiping away the tears that inhabited his eyes. Her touch was... cold. But, somehow soothing from the impact of calmness. Ketai rose his head, placing his grey-ish amethyst oculars onto hers before she stated. "Survive.". It was there, He snapped out of primal rage, focused at what had to be done, and that was the eradication of the assailants before them. The young shinigami stood tall as the men began to rush them with their first wave. Gripping his weapons tight, Ketai looked at Shisome, who was already in motion for combat; She looked adept at her fluid motion, so, He didn't pay much mind to her in terms of protection.


Reiterating what was said to him only a moment ago, He gripped his swords even tighter before steeling himself for the next couple for seconds to come. Within a moment, Ketai pivoted on his right foot, changing his direction towards the first man who charged, lunging at him with startling speed. The man was in mid-battle cry as Ketai appears directly in front of him, both of his swords being swung upwards in an "X" formation. The attack was clean and flawless, slicing off both of his arms before following through with his swung downward for another "X" like attack, cleaving the poor sap into pieces within moments. As he did that, another attempted to cleave his head off with an Axe. This wasn't training, this was real. One mistake could cost him his life, He couldn't do that. He was told to survive, and that's what he's going to do. With his arms down from the "X" slash, Ketai merely twisted his body to the right, Side stepping off to the man's left flank, Swinging his Eludicator across his side of his body, then spinning once more to slice downward into the man's shoulder to cut him down to his hip. It was then seven other men jumped in to attempt to bum rush him, creating a massive smoke cloud among the raging flames that are beginning to spread to other houses. Jumping out of the plum of dust, Ketai emerges unscathed as he noticed Shisome fire herself downward like a rocket towards the smoke, Decimating the enemies inside. It was there he was slightly surrounded once again, Ten men saying an incantation; Ketai didn't know much at all about Kidō, But, It was a red orb-like energy manifestation. Ten of them begin to start incantation of the Hadō spell while another five charge, all with long swords- Ready. Set. Burn. Ketai suddenly erupted with white flames with red hue tips that begun to ravage around him wildly. His heart rate was picking up hardcore, as his breathing was getting heavy at the present moment.

"Back off!"

Those words with the sudden entrance of the unknown flames made all of the front running men stop in their tracks; However, The Kidō Assailants were dead-focused on their spell's incantation as they finished it the moment Ketai spoke, Firing ten fully incantated Hadō 31 Shakkaho's onto his location. Swinging his swords in front of himself, They all made contact, creating a truly large explosions that ripped apart the surrounding earth that inhabited the area. The front running assailants narrow their eyes in attempt to see if Ketai was dead or not. The only thing seen was Ketai, In a defensive stance with his Hyougajin surrounding his person; The Shaman man suddenly started chuckling, then maniacal laughter started to erupt from the mans mouth. Shutting his tome, The Shaman rose both hands over his head, continuing the psychotic laughter before placing them on his face. Landing on the ground with a destructive embrace, He pointed at the Girl that was on the ground, directing the rest of the men to focus their attention on her; The tome in his hand was now emanating with an eerie yellow glow as he continued to never let go of the book- open or closed. The Shaman looked at the girl with the same malice filled eyes as he did with Ketai, Literally shooting a thought through his look as if saying "You can't stop this... Girl". As he reverted his attention to Ketai, The same ten Kidō users began the same incantation towards Shisome, With the same five front runners lunging towards her with their swords over their heads as if they're going to swing downward at her body. Alas, Ketai was now staring down the man that shattered half of his world, His Hyougajin flaring outward. Removing the swords from in front of him, He placing on at his side across his chest, with the right on being held behind his back, lowering his stance ever so slightly. The Shaman grimaced before saying maniacally.


Ketai simply retorted in a soft voice, considering his mood, it was incredibly weird- Especially for Ketai.

"Hyougajin ? I don't think you should be worried about a relic from the past. Be warned by the seed of Tsukuyomi in front of you- I, Ketai, Will kill you for Sachi."

He simply laughed even harder, opening his tome once more- This time, flipping to a certain page within it. He then began the incantation of a Kidō that made his book bleed with green ooze. With that utterance, Ketai lunged forward like a raging white fireball towards the Shaman as he literally past right behind him. Much to his surprise it caught him off guard for the modicum of a moment, shifting his attention to the still summoning shaman, Now airborne with his right hand out for further concentration. In a blinded passionate rage, Ketai raged on, Attempting all types of strikes and blows to land on the shaman; He was fair too fast, Or, So he thought. Catching up with him at least now seventy feet in the air, Ketai lunges forward with his right hand holding Eludicator, Creating a thrusting attack towards the shaman. Much to his surprise, The shaman with his free hand grips the blade effortlessly; His eyes met his, Showing the Psychotic and killing intent before whipping Ketai towards the ground at shattering speeds; The Black Swordsman didn't notice that the green ooze was reacting with his Hyougajin manifestation. Ketai was giving every thing he mostly had without going shikai, But, Things weren't looking good. Slamming against the ground, The Young shinigami's body rebounded on the earth before placing both swords into the ground in front of him attempting to stand up after a while- His body hurt, A lot. But, This wasn't going to stop him from getting the cascading vengeance that is his. Standing up straight, Ketai looked at him with the same determination as before. Bending his knees, He once again lunged into the battle with the shaman, but, Is everything Ketai doing working out to the shaman's benefit ?

Cascading Serenity (Open) Cfxvcxvgcx_zpsfisagwqu
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Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:56 am
Cascading Serenity (Open) Tumblr_me96t2IqZF1qlcmswo1_1280

A darkness of terrible extent wafted over the man from him only the succulent scent of death cam. He stood there covered in blood upon his face? a mile that would rip through a normal mans very soul ... this was the wolf.

The battle had seemed to ignight this girl jumped in to the frey smashing a few of the stragglers and now the Boy had risen, all the events seemed to be unfolding perfectly. But none of this mattered to the wolf as his sword ripped through the throat of one of these mercenaries the blood flying over his face. He let out a maniacle laugh each swin either placing a hit or drawing the men backwards .... but that was soon to change.

His sword came swing through digging into what seemed like a wall of flesh, in front of him stood a man over 7 foot tall within his hand was what looked like a large pole. As wolf went to pull his sword out and swing again he noticed something odd, he couldn't move his sword he yanked on it but it was to no avail it was buried in this monsters chest. As his pole came swinging down wolf pushed off the man using the inertia of the hit to launch him backwards looking upon this man.

Well fuck me your a big one!

As he stood there the mercs charged about 15 of them including this giant all swinging there weapons at his position, before he could react 2 blades ha simultaneously punctured through his lower abdomen but wolf would not let this stop him. Before the other blades arrived at their position wolf launched out grabbing the handle of his blade he let out a grin as the words echoed through the battlefield.

Break the Gate of Hell, Howl Fenrir

a massive explosion leveled the small part of this war formation from the smoke Wolfie walked out a small wolf at his side it howled as it launched at the men in front of it, its teeth baring down on them around Wolfies wrist was wrapped a large chain and as a man came running towards him he let his fist fly into this mans chest the black reiatsu clinging to the chain forming into a type of blade at its top ripping through his chest as it hit its target, it then launched out flying towards the heavens. in Wolfs hands this men lay ... dead.

Now isn't this getting exciting?

with that the chain dropped to the ground, upon his face a massive grin the blood covering him ...this man was truly a "Shinigami".

Cascading Serenity (Open) M9rTQZk


Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:17 am


It seemed that the male was surprised. Shisome could feel the sudden swell of happiness, the disbelief and the longing hope. The girl was not quite sure why he held all those feelings when he looked at her, but the girl didn't mind. If he would use them to survive, then she had no complaints at all. The black haired human let her breath out softly ; the very fact that her being was here was strange. Then again, her adaptation ability allowed her to, like a Sugiura, be both spiritual and physical all at once. The girl was very much unique in every way possible, as her fingers danced in the air, slashing death with just a few adjustment to her body's parameters. It felt good ; these powers were sealed within her for far to long and sought an exit, to exist briefly like a butterfly. The girl's movements danced, mainly avoiding, as she would draw them into Ketai's range with but a few movements. More or less? She was feeding the enemies to the meat grinder that was Ketai and Wolf, using her footwork to distract, confuse and render them vulnerable. That was the beauty of the doll like girl, her movements flowing and fluid, her body like a small faerie if one were to believe such tales. She was truly something remarkable, as she moved out of the way.

And thus, Ketai's flames, beautifully mesmerizing, made her breath catch. But her attention moved to the Shaman ; the one that Ketai was feeling immensely towards. The girl did not know the Shinigami's names ; but she understood something. This man? Was someone that had to die. But Shisome had a light problem right now, as she felt the entirety of events slow, like a movie on x2 less speed. Her eyes caught everything ; her mind was moving so fast that it felt like it would break. Within seconds, she understood her strategy, as the human simply clicked her fingers, and Chaos Warped. Not that any Shinigami would expect that ; that was something an Iramasha could do, not a human like her. Grabbing the other shinigami, she then Chaos Warped back into where she was. And then with another tap, she was gone. That left Wolf facing five guys aiming to smack him with swords, and a hella Kidō coming his way. Normally it would bother Shisome, but she was sure he would survive ; her main concern was the Shaman, with a book that felt absolutely familiar. The Shaman's gaze that held defiance and arrogance as to what she could or could not do was going to be shattered. As Ketai fought the Shaman, Shisome gathered from his movements. And the second he stopped? Shisome would move into action.

Her hand reached out, and within mere second, the Shaman would no longer be able to move. Shisome had tightened the air space around his body, compressing it to the point it worked like shackles. Her other hand moved forward, as now Gravity was added into the mix, adding more pressure. ''Stopping was never the option.'' she said to the shaman, her voice cold and apathetic. Working with her anatomical knowledge, she hit a spot in his arm, as the book would fall from his hands, but float towards Shisome instead. The girl took a look at the book, opening it, holding the Shaman there. With an understanding written across her face, the girl then crushed both of her open palms into a fist. The Shaman would feel extreme pain and then nothing, as Shisome utterly crushed his entire body. The body would explode in it's own little ball like area, splattering like a ripe fruit. The girl moved the orb towards the remaining fighters, and opened it, dropping the crushed organs, innards, blood, bones and basically remnants of their once leader, in a blood bath shower upon them. The girl moved her hand, touching the book ; as she touched it, it burnt into flames. Why? Because the book was part of the book she had absorbed much earlier on, and thus, she simply drew the powers back to each other. In a way, the book was never lost, but now could never be found.

Shisome landed on the ground, and walked over to Ketai. Again patting her skirt, she crouched down, and softly ran a hand through his hair. ''You survived.'' she said softly, giving him a really gentle smile. The girl wasn't sure if her entirety was successful, but she just smiled at Ketai. It felt like she knew him ; like a part of her soul understood something lovely. Confused, but not refusing the sentiments, she was allowing him to see something special ; a rare, gentle smile. Probably something that Sachi would've done ; again, Shisome remember the name he had spoken. It was familiar.. but why? She would have to find out.


Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:59 am
Cascading Serenity (Open) Tumblr_mgvr43X47E1s18x40o1_500
Aivee Moving Services!
Tsukiyomi went innactive.. again.
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Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:03 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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Cascading Serenity (Open) Empty Re: Cascading Serenity (Open)

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