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That Morning Feel Empty That Morning Feel

Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:21 am

The Desolation, How Boring
The dark desolation felt like somthing new to the wolf it had encompassed him before, taken him under its wing but tonight the solitary lonlyness felt diffrent. Fenrir lied silently infront of him buried in the earth the only light in the courtyard the small embers of his smoke and the small patch of a comming sun set. He had tried giving up before but Wolf couldnt draw himself to do it. And on long nights like these it was just what he needed, the cold dark air corresed against his bare skin, it made him wonder why he avoided the regular shingami uniform it defined him but did little else. But it was truley him never caring one way or the other he had always been like this it wasnt to prove himself he cared so little for that but just to be.

Silence a friend to the dark, a key figure when things went wrong .... how he longed to be drifted away in it. Wolf extended his arm out the deep fog of smoke streching over it as he moved and his iron like clutch greasped Fenrirs hilt in his hands. with ease he romed the blade from the stone bellow and let it sit eye level with him staring at it the fire lighting them both.

"Dog...... who am I"

But the silence was still ever lingering the beast hadnt spoken to wolf since his mastery of shikai the blade was an empty carcus but was he any diffrent? An empty shell cascaded into the darkness a true place for him ... a home. no this wasnt how it was he refused to conced this was The wolf and he fought stood in the light, not crawled in the dark. He slung Fenrir behined his head lying slightly on the blade he chucled a little. he was alone but he was free, he was scared but strong.... he was a wolf.

He let the blade of his Zanpakutō fall beside him the cutting edge of the blade pointed out and with a fluid swish of his arm a massive wave of pure black reiatsu launched out, but this wasnt dark like the black he knew it shone illuminating the last of the night as the sun setted. the burning ball of fire brought forth the new day and a strength to wolfie he grinned as he looked off into the small courtyard the lights of the serietei turning on and last bits of his smoke falling to the ground he let out a massive howl to everyone in ear shot.


The noise drove all the locals to awake causing abit of an upstir in their homes but wolf cared less and sitting there he let a few words trickle from his mouth "let the day begin" and so he sat looking to the sun what came next? ... who knew?

Template By: [THEFROST]

That Morning Feel M9rTQZk

The Living Microwave
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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Fri Jan 18, 2013 7:11 am

Yoma had been walking around the Seireitei when was supposed to be heading back to get some sleep under one of the sakura trees he loved so much.Yoma knew the answer as to why he wasn't sleeping. He had gotten lost once more looking for his way back to where he had planned to sleep . This was quite common for yoma as for hours on end yoma’s mind would wander around bringing him to a new location instead of bringing him where he wanted to go. The current result of this was ending up in a random location in the Seireitei.

Before returning to the Seireitei earlier in the day, Yoma had been in a convosation with a fortune teller who also convinced yoma that if he bought a barrel of alcohol from her for all the money he had on him the alcohol would be better then it would be if he had bought it from anywhere else. She told yoma he didn't need to drink it to become a better shinigami and that he had to carry it in the barrel for the entire day. When yoma had to walk into the seireitei with it he had some issues which ended up being resolved.

After walking around in the seireitei that evening he began to hear yelling and screaming coming from some where in the seireitei. It seemed to be yelling for booze. Yoma had no idea what booze was but began to head towards where the sound was comming from. he kept following that path of screaming and yelling as he walked with the heavy barrel tied to his back. it caused him pain as it had a great weight to it. he felt as he was walking for hours. He saw people walk out of the nearby houses and begin to yell as they were angry at the fact they were woken up.
Yoma continued as he enventually made it to the place where he saw a person yelling and screaming he headed toward then and tossed himself on the ground with the container on him.

"You have no idea how hard it was to bring that thing up here. Its really really heavy to bring all the way here. My name is Yoma Yazaki. Whats your name beastie?"

Yoma was having difficulty breathing as he spoke. So after every two words yoma inhaled and exhaled while speaking.

Yoma spoke to the other man directly that he had heard and wanted to meet. It took him quite a while to find him but all of beastie's yelling helped yoma find his way.

" why have you been yelling and stuff? Your really loud and you have also been waking people. Have you gotten really really hurt? I know when i get really really big boo boo i wanna yell out too."

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Ludalfa on Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:54 am

Drunkard Wolf ... hes fun

The wolf didn't know this man but the scent of that barrel was obvious.... grog. Like a Dog hunting its prey wolf was on top of the barrel gnawing at its sealing to get the damn thing open. as his fang like teeth pried the hard wood he ripped back snapping the wood creating a .... opening of sorts for wolf to go mad. He lifted the barrel up sculling the contents of this marvelous prize careful not to spill a drop of his precious liquid. The kid Had been rattling on about the heaviness of the barrel but Wolfie didn't seem to care, as the last few drops fell into his mouth the wolf threw the barrel into the tree it shattering apart as it hit. With a smile and a bit of a chuckle he went over to the man, he towered over yoma by a good foot or so and he put this to use giving him a bit of a nookie as he spoke

me short stuff? Ya can call me Wolf, 4th seat of the 3rd company.

With a bit of a stagger Wolf tripped over himself falling to the ground he began chuckling hysterically, obviously the man was drunk but it did not bother him in the least. As he stood he leaned against the tree looking at the sunset he brushed his hair up looking into the horizon as Yoma spoke he stood there with a snort he turned to yoma arms flailing about as he talked

You think i give a fark for those idiots? ya don't get anywhere without ruffling a few feathers kiddo.

as he stood his expression faded as he looked to the ground a bit of sadness was hidden behind this drunken demeanor with a sigh his eyes closed he let himself fall into a seated position, the thoughts all but running through his head. across his chest was a small scar through the silence he placed his finger upon it feeling that which could never be healed

I've been really hurt Yoma, but this ain't just a boo boo.... its never just a boo boo

With a smile he leaned back breaking into laughter again he couldn't help himself from rolling around.

its a wonderful day isn't it Yoma

Template By: [THEFROST]

That Morning Feel M9rTQZk

The Living Microwave
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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:36 am

Yoma wondered what was wrong with the other man he was laughing hysterically as he fell on the ground then seated himself on it. He was informing Yoma that his name was wolf and that he was part of the 3rd squad. He seemed to love drinking what was in that barrel as he couldn't stop drinking the strange horrid smelling liquid. Wolf in between finishing his cup fulls of the drink would speak to yoma. wolf then informed yoma that He didn't care about the people who were trying to sleep. He also told Yoma that he cant move forward with just worrying about others. Wolf continued to take another drink and once he finished that he pointed to his scar that had on his chest. He informed yoma that he been hurt beyond normal pain. After drinking some more Wolf asked Yoma about the day being a wonderful day as they saw the sunrise. Yoma loved the beauty of the sunrise but also wondered about the drunken wolf would he be okay he was drinking a lot from the barrel he had gone crazy and drank it as quickly as he could and left none left in the barrel.

"Yes. Seeing this sunrise helps encourage me to have a wonderful day. May i ask you a question you seem to be a quite experienced person and was wondering if you could help me with something. I been working to become stronger yet i have no idea who i am, where i come from, or what i should be doing. I heard that people have learned the name of their Zanpakutō but i still don't know the name of mine. What is important its still confusing to me.

Yoma asked these questions to Wolf hoping he could learn something from him. As he seemed to more then what yoma knew. yoma spent more time trying to learn more about what he was and things relating to the world of the living and the soul society. He was hoping to gain something new to take with him from this encounter.

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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:34 am

Lets Get hammered

As wolf lye there he tried to listen to the mans words his voice was sort of drifting within wolfs head. The taste of liquor still stained his lips, he sat up licking his lips quite often as yoma continued to talk ........... it was kinda odd. As the other man finished talking wolf looked up to him, with a bit of confusion at several word within that sentence .... wondering? ....working? ..... Zanpakutō ? But realising he was the "supperior"in this conversation, he decided to wing it.

Welp, the first thingey ya godda know yoma is a zanpakutos name ish like a partnership...... a partnershep involving beating the other one into submeshon. Ya's need to make shore ya the top dog in thes partnershep. If ya dont beat da other guy ...... not gonna lie hells probally rape ya .... its a very kinky relationshep

As he sat there looking at yoma the true serious look in his face. The words he had just spoken were slurred but to wolf ........... they were pure gold, he hit the hammer right on the head with the nail. As wolf tried to stand he tripped over again hitting his head against a small rock, leaning up a little he tapped his hand to it and sure enough ...............Blood?

Without another moment wolf was lying on the ground laughing again holding his sides in hysteria. Wolf was well beyond drunk at this moment, but he was still willing to get something going. As he stood up he stumbled a bit then leaning on Yoma the massive grin on his face he started to pull the men forward walking towards the small part of the soul society he knew best. specifically taking Yoma to his favourite spot ... a 24 hour bar.

GAH where the fuck did all the booze go

Template By: [THEFROST]

That Morning Feel M9rTQZk

The Living Microwave
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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:37 pm

Yoma listened to wolf's words but they made no sense at all. They were spurred and mispronounced it sort of confused yoma. All he had understood from it was that he will have to fight his Zanpakutō to show it who is in charge or something like that but that seemed strange to him. How does one fight their Zanpakutō? Why does a Zanpakutō rape someone and how? wouldn't that hurt a weapon doing things to you? what is this kinky thing? all of these thoughts went through yoma's mind he wasn't sure what was going on. All he knew was that wolf was acting funny and quite strange. Wolf struggled to get up and walk around he had injured himself and started bleeding but the man treated it as nothing. He just laughed and continued doing what he was doing. He was being forced to go to the direction that wolf wanted to go as wolf forced him to move where he wanted as he had help walking using yoma. they arrived at some bar which had a sign that said 24/7.

Why are we here? Don't tell m your gonna get more of that drink? isn't it bad for you to drink that stuff?

Yoma was trying to reason with the man but he seemed to not have much reason with in him at the moment.

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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:50 am

A night full of fun

the words seemed to hit him like a cold knife. bad to drink alcohol, that was just plain old crazy. As he stumbled using yoma as his support he placed his own Zanpakutō upon his shoulder resting as the seemingly drunk man managed to force out a solid balanced walk. As if he had sobered up without hesitation he peered his eyes at the bar with a senseless motion swooping up almost hitting yoma in the face he spoke his words, incredibly slurred.

Kid, first of all .......... get me a drink. Ans secondsley wher here for a much more valuable recource thans booze, grantsed that comes with it but really where here for the women bigs jugs great service and they donts mind drunks.

As he spoke he looked to yoma over viewing the man his eyes drawn to the Zanpakutō sitting at the boys side. With a sigh he let fenrir drop, the spirit pressure exuding out of the man. Even within this drunken stupor something was odd about wolf ... different. As if he had sobered up within an instant the speech of the man returned to normal this dark aura pursing its target of yoma as wolf spoke.

there is one more thing i should see about. You asked me about your Zanpakutō ....i gave my answer but there is something that you must know and i must know too. But of course like all things it must be paved in blood.

As the words exited his mouth he sat fenrir in front of him, his hands sat upon the hilt of the blade burying it in the ground. he stood there the pressure around him rising his eyes penetrating the very soul of yoma, In his eyes lay only emptiness.

Someone who wields a Zanpakutō cant be weak, or it brings disgrace to the blade Yoma..... come test its metal on my skin, prove your worthy to wield that blade or it will never respect you.

Wolf stood there awaiting this mans reply, the test in full motion perhaps this would be a great night.

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That Morning Feel M9rTQZk

The Living Microwave
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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:38 pm

Yoma got the answer to the reason they were there the man named wolf only wanted to see the woman but he didn't understand what he meant by big jugs. Yoma wondered if they own big cups and would bring them to the bar to drink beer from. Yoma wasn't very excited to be at the bar and he was averting his gaze from the women then seemed to be passing by they all happened to be wearing revealing clothes and wolf seemed to love looking at them. Wolf then stared into yoma's eye's to look deep within his soul and wanted to know if he was worthy of handling his Zanpakutō. Wolf wanted to test Yoma he told yoma that one's path was paved in blood probably meaning that there will be many life and death battles. That these battles will determine Yoma's future so he must be ready to face these challenges but before then he must learn if he is even a person who can learn his true power and to learn a little bit of that he must face the man before him who is has guided him a little and shown him what path is possibly the path he should take in his own life.

"Wolf you want to fight to test me correct? If so i accept your challenge so why don't we move somewhere where we can cause little disturbance. That way no unnecessary injuries happen and we can minimize any damage we could possibly do to an area."

Yoma responded to wolf with doubt in his eyes and he was a little fearful but if this brought him closer to the point where he could learn more about himself and to the point where he reach the level of higher and well known shinigami. He looked at his Zanpakutō he knew he wouldn't get a response if he spoke to it but he knew that this was his this was something that no one could take from him. They were one being they just needed to learn and understand each other at one point. He needed to refine himself so he could reach the level where he could understand the heart and soul of his own Zanpakutō. The man before him it will be his power that will help him bring an evolution to himself.

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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:46 pm

Another day in paradise
Wolf let a small smile escape from his face, this kid was something else. He had not only accepted the mans challenge but was looking out for him as well. Sure it was an obvious move, i mean what kind of idiot would have a fight in the middle of the seriete, shit would go mad within an instant if ya did that. Wolf stretched out letting fenrir now flop to his shoulder as he walked. His destination was obvious, the good ol training grounds.

ya know something kid, i don't mind you.

As he stepped into the court of the training ground Wolf stood there swinging fenrir. This kid had stood before him accepting his challenge with open arms, something was different about this kid. Wolfs eyes scanned over this kid watching his every move. Within an instant Wolf ripped forward letting his blade drag along the ground behind him. It ripped up the rubble as he closed in on his target. With a massive upwards swing wolf looked to slice the boys chest from hip to shoulder, a little test before they got under way.

Come yoma, let us test your metal!

The Man was no longer the drunkard fool, he stood here wanting to prove something... prove the worth of this man who lay before him, but the worth of himself. And Wolf would make sure that by the end of this battle this man would never question the bond of a shinigami and his blade. This was a battle of the spirit, body and soul.

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That Morning Feel M9rTQZk

The Living Microwave
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That Morning Feel Empty Re: That Morning Feel

Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:40 pm
Yoma braced his blade and focused his being on it. He wanted to focus more on the spirit that the sword contained. He never really focused on it when he fought or when ever he did something with the blade. He was treating it as a weapon instead of something part of himself. He focused parts of himself into the sword while he kept his eye on wolf. He didn't know what to expect from wolf who stood before him. He had to fight with his sword instead of using it. he needed to find the purpose of his weapon while finding his own purpose. The blade before him was a key to the path forward. He knew he was going to burn his path going forward to create a renewed future.

Thinking to himself he felt that strange feeling from inside of him it wasn't trying to over power or to take control but it seemed as it was observing what was going on. He had had seemed to want no desire to come out but he knew he want to fight another time. He felt that this battle didn't belong to him it was too far past him to be his.

"Please give me your strength what ever you are or who ever you are."

Yoma asked for strength from his blade as he charged forward toward wolf to strike him. He was going to hold back nothing and believed that the head on approach was the best here.
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