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The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Lost Encounter  Empty Lost Encounter

Wed Oct 31, 2012 8:09 pm
Yoma Wondered around the Seireitei, He remained quiet today as he passed other people. He wasn't up to his usual cheery self, but he was still randomly hugging passing shinigami and still patting them on the head. Most of the shinigami just ignored him or gave him some sort of complaint. He really paid not much mind to what they told him. Yoma's training had similar results to what usually happened, his hands were singed, he was sweating and exhausted, his hair was a mess and sweat dripped off of it, he had the smell of burning coal, his body had a warmth similar to stuffed teddy bear that a child holds dear.

The day was a usual day for yoma he had spent most of his day training but grew tried of it after he had no results from it, he spent his day wondering the seireitei and getting lost having no idea where he is. The area around him contained a few buildings, a path way to lead to the other area's and a nice little bench which yoma liked to lay on from time to time when he came into this area. the area where yoma happened to be at seems to be an area where people came and go without any thoughts at all about what could be here.

Yoma kept repeating the habit of going up to people and hugging, patting, or doing both acts to them as new people came by. He felt down from his training but he wanted to do more. He also wanted to find a better understand of himself and who he is. He began to wonder if what he is working for is, and what is correct. He just wanted a distraction from his own mind. He hadn't had any conversation with his other personality, to be honest this was something he at least wanted, in order to distract him from himself but anyone would do really. Yoma compared himself to others and grew upset with the gap between him and them. If he worked hard he would reach a level to theirs some day, but for now he wanted to find a distraction in a person who would be fun to hang around with and not ignore him and his antics.
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Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:36 am
Lost Encounter  Fate_c11

It had been a long day so far for Fate...and today wasn't any different well.....maybe slightly different. Being chased down in Rukongai this morining for apparently stealing wasn't what Fate had in mind for a peaceful day even if she had gotten away fairly quickly. Now walking around the Seireitei Fate pondered if her application would be accepted or not...she had applyed for both the 3rd and 10th Squads...but she still had a little while to wait before she was informed of anything which...well Fate didn't really mind...but she was anxious at the same time what if neither said yes to her....then what? Best not to think about that for now....

As Fate continued walking down the many different paths that were within the Seireitei, the wind blew quite fiercly suddenly around Fate sending her long golden hair behind her, whiping around back and forth as she walked forward. Moving forward Fate came across a rather fair sized area, although hardly anyone was here which was quite good for Fate actually she didn't want anymore shouting or being chased it was quite annoying....even if she would never speak up about it, why should she? After all she was born into Rukongai so she was used to this much at least.

Fate stretched as she walked, seeing a Jigokuchō heading towards her Fate stopped to lean against a nearby wall, letting the small black butterfly land on her hand informing her of something. The Jigokuchō soon flying away after about a minute...Fate could be seen with a happy smile on her of now Fate was the new fourth seat of squad ten, very nice indeed. Fate knew that just made her whole day much better and worth getting chased around Rukongai for about an hour.

Moving up and away from the wall, Fate's steps quicker than before...well who could blame her? She was happy to finally get into a squad after all that hard work even if more was due to come Fate didn't mind. Strolling forward Fate noticed a young man near one of the benches in the area, people seemed to avoid him...and yet she could not understand why....shaking her head inwardly Fate headed towards the young man.

Lost Encounter  1t1lqq
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Lost Encounter  Empty Re: Lost Encounter

Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:13 pm
Yoma has spotted someone heading towards him, some one who he hadn't seen before so treated her no differently as he had done to other passing by shinigami. He walked up to them started hugging them and patting them on the head whiles squeezing and shaking the stranger. Yoma didn't notice if the stranger was angry, happy, or whatever but he wanted someone to spend sometime with to distract him.

" So hey there, My name is yoma Yazaki. Its a pleasure to meet you. Whats your name?"

Yoma stops hugging and shaking her and just stays close by her and pats her on her head while he waits for a response from her. Yoma is a little worried that she might also yell at complain at him but excited to meet someone new who might be willing to talk to him. He been yelled and complained at all day and he been having trouble with his own training so he was pretty happy just at least saying something to this person.

He looked at her and like her blond hair, so while patting her on the head he also messed with her hair but trying to avoid being a creep he tried to just play around with her. He noticed how childish he had been acting but it really didn't matter to him.

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Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:20 pm
Lost Encounter  Fate_c11

Fate wasn't used to this sort of greeting as this young man hugged her, shook her and seemingly patted her on the head, much like you would a child who has done well with something. It was strange, but Fate had seen stranger happen before to her so she just waited for him to stop. Hearing the young man introduce himself as Yoma Yazaki, Fate nodded and stretched slightly before introducing herself to the young man.

"Likewise. I'm Fate, Fate Testarossa Harlaown."

Fate gave a small smile towards him even if she disliked her head being patted she'd put up with it for now.....hopefully it stopped Fate wasn't one to nag but would not hurt to speak about it later on right? Just looking at the boy Fate could tell....for a shinigami he was young....much younger than herself in she spoke up

"I don't mean to sound rude...but you look very young, what squad are you apart of?"

Fate knew he may not like the question, but not everyone like everything so certain things had to be asked. Glancing down for what could only be less than a second Fate looked to the necklace, firmly around her neck...and yet not many or very few knew...that this was her Zanpakutō. Looking back up Fate looked over at the young boy, hearing her Zanpakutō speak within her mind. "And you say I'm young, shesh." Fate sighed mentally speaking back. "Shh not now." Fate spoke to her Zanpakutō spirit in an almost childish tone, she didn't need Bardiche messing around right now, it was hard enough to control him when speaking in his world as it is, she didn't want another distraction.

Lost Encounter  1t1lqq
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Lost Encounter  Empty Re: Lost Encounter

Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:17 pm
Yoma looked at fate she appeared to be young as well and wondered about her question which squad was he part of. Yoma wasn't part of a squad yet he currently been looking around some squad barracks and training on his own but he still hadn't decided which squad to join yet. Which Squad should he join was the biggest question for him and had put that to the side for some training.

" Well Fate your question wasn't rude at all but i'm not part of any squad, i'm still having a tough time choosing which squad to join buts it a pleasure to meet you fate. So you part of any squads yet or anything?"

Yoma had stopped patting and messing with Fate and was very curious of her its been some time since he talk to someone and just felt relaxed with them as he felt with the strange girl in front of him. it seems strange to yoma that it would be rude to ask what squad a shinigami is part of since it should only be natural to wonder where other shinigami are stationed at.

"Hey if your not to busy wanna find something fun to do? i'm pretty bored and want something to do. i feel like going around and just pulling some pranks on other shinigami."
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Fri Nov 02, 2012 6:29 am
Lost Encounter  Fate_c11

Fate watched the young boy and waited for an answer she wondered if this boy considered how he was going to answer. After a few moment Fate heard the young boy speak saying that her question was not rude..which was quite nice from him. Hearing him Fate nodded she had been in a similar choice a few minutes ago...but it was a different story now and one she didn't seemt o mind sharing dispite being very very new into the Squad.

"I'am in fact yes, I recently gained the fourth seat of the tenth squad which is quite nice I must say."

Fate smiled indeed it was nice to gain such a higher rank so quickly...Fate didn't know how she got so far so quickly she knew it was true she got out of the academy early but still...did that mean this much of a promotion Fate didn't know, but she knew she was happy to be in the tenth squad now.

Fate strecthed sensing and hearing that her Zanpakutō Bardiche had stopped talking which was nice.....atleast he listened....sometimes....hopefully Fate could put up with it...for now anyhow. Turning she looked directly towards the young boy as he spoke, Fate half nodded in reply then speaking calmly.

"Well I'm not busy but...insted of pulling pranks why not spar with someone insted? It would be more interesting and besides if you get caught you won't get punished am I right?"

Fate knew she was she just hoped this boy would see sense, Fate wasn't the pranking type at all, she rather punch someone who tried anything like that on her...not that he needed to know that at the moment, right?

Lost Encounter  1t1lqq
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Lost Encounter  Empty Re: Lost Encounter

Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:30 pm
Yoma had recently been training and failed but this was all alone but maybe if he had someone to spar with him he could possibly have a higher chance of improving. It hadn't been too long since someone was willing to spar with him but he would take every possibly to get training done.He was a little upset that he couldn't go around pulling pranks on other shinigami but yoma thought about the possibly of her being one of those shinigami who are strict on the rules and wouldn't bend for anything.

" you want to spar i'm alright with that but lets move to an area with less people alright since quite a few people pass by here. im kinda sad no pranks today well their is always next time well follow me and lets move to a nice area where we don't disturb anyone "

Yoma only wanted to move to a closed area because he worried what might happen if his other took over. he didn't want to disturb or injure anyone who could possibly be coming by. He had fate follow him to an area quite far from where they were and this area seemed deserted it seemed no one came past her much and would be a perfect place for him to get some sparring in.

"sorry we had to come a long way but i don't want others getting hurt or anything. so what kind of sparing do you want to do?"

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Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:48 pm
Lost Encounter  Fate_c11

Fate had recently trained herself still hoping to obtain shikai at some point but no luck so far it seemed, either that or Bardiche was being stubborn which was normal for him at the moment, he seemed to be in a strange mood. Which of course never ment fun things for Fate....which is turn was annoying...anyhow. Hearing the young boy speak Fate nodded and followed soon speaking afterwards.

"If your going to do pranks, please try and do them without me around. As for people around I guess your right let's go then."

Heading down the road Fate knew the young boy was right, but even so she would have to pull her punches so to speak...she just hoped this young boy wasn't faster then her if he was...well let's say her chances were slim. But even with others around, without knowing her shikai and what it would be Fate had to revert to Haduka as her main form of attack, she was slightly surpised that the 2nd Division had not shown interest in her Haduka skills, but oh well. Going forward Fate listened then spoke again.

"It's fine we can't go hurting others. As for sparing I don't mind you choose if you want to spar against me that's fine, if not I don't mind."

Fate stretched upwards, as she felt Bardiche's pressance within the gem in her necklace she knew he wanted to change into his battle form, but not yet Fate waited to see what this young boy would do, before even thinking about changing over forms.

Lost Encounter  1t1lqq
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Lost Encounter  Empty Re: Lost Encounter

Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:29 pm
Yoma grabbed his Zanpakutō with his left hand and braced him self in in a defensive position. He Readied for any incoming actions from Fate as he keeps his eyes on her waiting to see what she would do. He hoped to counter Fate's attacks to gain the advantage in the fight. Yoma also gathered energy into feet to prepare his area of heat pressure. He wasn't going to use it right away but he wanted to have it prepared just in case he needed it. He could gather the energy to his feet to use at a different time. He was ready to move around and try to get the upper hand on his opponent.

" you know i'm ready to strike at anytime now so you better be too. I don't want to strike you while your not ready so keep yourself from getting distracted because it wouldn't be far for me to fight you while you aren't ready."

Yoma didn't want to fight someone unprepared and wanted to give her a fair chance. he didn't want to under estimate her either since it appeared she was too distracted with something. Yoma stands and waits for fate to prepare herself.
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