Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Mon Oct 29, 2012 4:47 pm
"...Plant2 don't feel paiin."

He said simply, looing up at her with an uncertain look on his face. His eyes narrowed; he realized he would not be able to argue with her. She clearly had a misconception of hollows somehow; either she had met an unusual one unlike most of its monstrous kind… or else it wasn't really a hollow at alll, and was a higher form of being with the intelligence to stop itself from consuming souls.

He couldn't even hear her as he became lost inside the cloud of his own mind, the hands on his head attempting to hold the power back. He realized that he was going to lose control of the power, and his body began glowing red and blue as he suddenly stopped, something making contact with his body. Tears began flowing from his eyes as one of his hands balled up into a fist. Why am I so weak…? That I need to be calmed down by this girl who's never had a human family, even… He thought as she spoke. "Ii know a2 a freak my2elf Ii have no room to talk.. But Ii gue22 Ii really don't have a lot of choiice. After all, iif Ii'm there they won't try to eat you, and since it doesn't look like you'll be leaving…" He sad, feeling a strange sense of warmth as she wrapped her arms around him. He returned the gesture, hesitant at first but at last puttin his arms around her back, being held up by her at same time as pushing her lsightly down, leaving him how he had plnned to sit. "2o fiine. Ju2t don't expect me to get u2ed to iit riight away… Thii2 ii2 2omethiing wiill take tiime to get u2ed 2" He explained, accepting the fate and possibly family that he had been offered, but going through with this would mean he would have to permanently be on his guard.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:20 pm
Ivy found her self feeling joy in Sollux agreeing to stay with them. After all he was an outsider and must know many things of the world that she had only read about in books. Ivy was thinking to her self.-There are many things that I could learn from him. No maybe learn is not the right word... Confirm fits better. He has not had human contact in 400 years but he should steel behave like a normal human right?... yes I am sure of it.- "I know it will take some getting use to after all its a big change. But in time I know you will come to see things as I do and you’re going to love mother." Ivy would be speaking in a sincere voice and smiling happily at him.

Cupping one of his hands in-between both of hers "Would you like to go see your new home? Though it’s nothing like the buildings in the cities I do find it to be lovely and when you’re this far out no one really bothers us so its really peaceful. Hmmm I know." Ivy took hold of Eien's hilt and tossed the sword far into the bushes. "You go start a pot of tea K sis." looking back at Sollux she would make a slight giggling noise. “We can take our time walking back home if you like. That way you can see the woods."
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:37 pm
"Just can we plea2e get moviing?"

Sollux asked, sighing as she helped lift him up. He looked at their entwined hands, his gaze softening slightly. "Ya-yeah... Ii'd liike that iif you could." He said, beginning to get up again. He wasn't sure about tea; but he really had had enough time being out in the middle of nowhere. That was what he normally lived, anyway. However, he figured that even if it was just one other person there, it would be interesting. Plus he was curious now; just what was it about this arrancar that made Ivy trust her so much? He realized, however, there was a more important concern. "Um... Just out of curiousity, How old are you?" He asked her simply, looking right at her.

After all, he was very old himself but he didn't look it. He wondered if it was like that for all people with powers; or if it was just himself. Either way, he was curious to know; he knew from how she looked that she was probably in her late teens. However, he wanted to know for certain as he got up, and held onto the hand she had cupped in his, beginning to move inside of the forest...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:29 pm

small pathways

With both of them up on their feet Ivy lightly pulled Sollux's hand as she started walking deeper into the woods. "Will that is hard to say really... I myself am technically only 6 years old. But My body on the other hand I'm not sure. At my request I had mother to speedup my growth. I'd say My body is 20 something." With a slight laugh under her breath. " I'd like to know about you as well. how old are you? and do human cities really have buildings that touch the sky? Ooo and flying machines?"

Walking past a large bush a clear cut trail can be seen. "Here we are. These pathways are cut all around the woods close to the house. So if you're ever lost all you need to do is find one of these and follow it." with a slumped almost zombified look on her face she would say. "These are really helpful.. I was lost for over a week once. Its easy to get lost here especially at night. But you don't gotta worry about any animals attacking you. They never come this close to the house." Ivy than let out a smile as she look up at Sollux.

"shall we play?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:26 pm
He blinked at her as she pulled them along. ...SHE'S ONLY SIX??????? He suddenly realized, before stopping his mental thoughts in their tracks as he processed all the information that she had on her and what she had said. That may be her physical... erm... true age, but it seems that in mental capacity and her normal body she is much older. He realized, slightly calming down as she laughed. ”Erm... Ii'm not entiirely certaiin... Ii thiink Ii 2topped countiing at liike... 2 Hundred 2omethiing?” He realized, thinking he really had no reason whatsoever to judge her on her age.

”Alright...” He said, listening intently and noting the pathways as he listened to her story, blinking in shock as she said that she had been lost for over a week before. ”Oh Ii know the feeliing... beliieve me... Ii got left iin a foreiign country thii2 one tiime...” He trailed off, shivering as he remembered when his “father”had died, leaving him there. ”Ii'm telliing you liiviing wiith tho2e kiind2 of beiing2 is dangerou2. That ju2t prove2 what Ii 2aiid before.”

He said, before blinking as they arrived at a small house. ”...Yeah... Ii 2en2e... 2omeone iin2iide... 2omeone dangerou2...” He muttered, blinking and waiting, reaching up to his glasses and rubbing them before putting them back on his face, waiting to see what would emerge...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:27 pm
"well back than it was just me and mother Sis is only a few month old. And it was my fault I got lost I was wondering. That is why mother cut all these pathways all by her self. So it would not happen agine." looking at the log cabin clear as day and large hand like metal-claw appears from the doorway bantering them to come in." I hope she got the tea done. I don't know about you but i could use some thing to drink."

Ivy continued to walk up to the house." See it’s not that bad out here. I even have a garden in the back." Some thing was off... A Wonderful smell was emanating from inside the home. "mmmm mother must be home." laughing a bit "cause Eien cant cook at all. But she is a sword so I'm not sure if she has taste buds." Ivy face twitched a little as she remembered the last time her sister cooked. The dish she made was unlike anything she had ever seen. “Its beast to keep away from any thing she makes."

After entering the home Ivy would turn right off the main hallway in to the dining room."anya!" A small child was sitting in a chair at the table. Ivy immediately ran over to this little girl hugging her.

The small girl than patted her of the head." szívesen vissza szerelmem ...egy ember ... Ki ő? Mik a szándékai vele?" Suzu would be speaking in hungarian. Suzu would have a devilish look on her face.

Ivy's would turn red in the face. "Találtam a fiú az erdőben. Tehát én thught jó lenne, hogy őt haza velem." She would paws for a monent "ez minden ígérem!" Ivy not knowing if he could speak hungarian was deeply embarrassed.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:09 pm
"Sounds like you were a big handful as a kid." Pollux remarked, his multi colored shades looking out impassively at the pathways before them as they walked forwards on. "Yeah... Ii'm a biit thiir2ty after lettiing 2o much power out. 2orry about that earliier." He apologized, blinking as he looked about, listening to what you said.

"Dully noted." He replied, noting not to eat anything that wasn't prepared within plain sight... or dual sight as this case was. "And you're mother? The Arrancar?" He asked curiously, his sensitive nose indeed picking up scents. As she took into the house he could detect other scents; scents that normal people wouldn't smell, smells of flesh and blood and all other humors emanating from all around him, clearly having been spilt. This place is evil... He thought to himself simply, folliowing right behind Ivy, still holding her hand as suddenly they were encountered with a small child.

The youth blinked, as the google translate that was a part of his mind started working as he processed the fact they were speaking hungarian. ...WHAT. His brain stopped working, as his right cheek turned bright red and his left cheek a cool blue from blushing, nowhere near as badly as Ivy was who was now hugging the child but still fairly intensely. "T-THATS...ARE YOU REALLY A HOLLOW?" He asked her, face flushed after Ivy finished speaking. Power was starting to leak from his sunglasses again as he tried to constrain hismelf, but it would be clear to anyoen who was sensitive to reiatsu that the density of the energy around him wasn't normal. It was insane. It was positively immense. It seemed...

To be theoretically limitless.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:10 am
Suzu's left eye would shine red for a brief moment. Her eyes trying to use her Analyze ability on him to find where this power was coming from. Her eyes would start to brake down his biology. It would take time for her brain to process it all but some thing stood out to her that was immediately apparent. "How interesting. " Holding up her right hand it can be seen clear as day, Suzu's right hand not only bore a hollows hole but a metallic bone like ring on her middle finger. "I can assure you that I'm most definitely a hollow. What about you though. I've never seen a human who has no heart or brain. Those are Anima Stones am i right?" Ivy's head would pop up as she started to speak. "Anima Stones are one of the things humans can use right? Generated by their own soul."

Suzu patted ivy's head. "That is right and this boys stones have taken the place of vital organs in his body." Using a hand gesture to insinuate Ivy to sit in the chair beside her. "You should eat my loved one. Remember keeping your body healthy should always be one of your top priorities." As ivy sat down and started to eat Suzu looked at Pollux. "You should eat too. I made more than enough. we have Goulash, Zsemle,an assortment of vegetables and for dessert Törökméz . Eien even made green tea for you both."
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:33 am
The boy's body tensed up as she continued to speak, as she described what his body went through. It was nothing to do with me... It was that meteor... He thought to himself, narrowing his eyes slightly. Or that was what he always told himself, in any case. However, what stunned him even more so was the fact that he had no idea Ivy could know what it was he had. His mouth was a small line on his face as he continued to listen to their conversation, before looking over at the chair, uncertain if it was truly safe.

"Erm... ii don't really...Erm... Ii diidn't iintroduce myself... my name iis Sollux, or Pollux." He sat awkwardly across the table from the one Arrancar, who had verified themselves as such. "Ii'm just goiing to get riight to the poiint." He said, looking down at the food before him, before looking up and making eye contact with a person across the table from him whom from appearances had the same eye condition he did, only in reverse.

"Ii don't trust you. You've been performiing experiimentatiion on a human iin the miidle of the woods. That doesn't quiite riing riight wiith me." He explained, picking up a fork and stabbing it into the goo. "But Iivy seems to trust you. Whiich makes me wonder. What exactly are you, madame?" He asked her simply, explaining his position right off the bat.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Optiic La2or2. (Ivy)

Sun Dec 23, 2012 6:15 am
Suzu giggled a bit at Sollux's seriousness. Suzu was thinking to her self This boy was quite the find I'll have to commend Ivy for finding such a unique specimen. "Will first off you should have made that word a plural. Its not a human but countless Humans and for that matter it's not limited to one race. I perform My experimentation's on all races." Suzu leaned onto the table resting her head in the palm of her hand. "Now for what am I... That one is a bit tricky. I am a mother, I am a scientist, I am a arrancar, I am a Espada, I am a shop owner, I am an inventor, and I am even a high school student in Karakura. I am so many different things. One could say I am an omnipresent being." Suzu giggling a little bit. "And as for my little szeretett lánya its only normal she trust me. I am her mother and in the eyes of a child mother is god. If your for some reason worried for her safety... don't be this place is very safe with Eien guarding it. Speaking of which. Eien~ come sit down. You know this is meant to be family time."

AN extremely odd looking girl with purple tinted skin and big metal claws for hands would walk in the room. "お母さんはいはい~. and it's nice to see you again cutie." This girl would take a seat by Ivy and her spiritual energy would be the same as that sword Ivy was holding earlier.

Optiic La2or2. (Ivy) - Page 2 OomagatsuKami2< Eien

Suzu would start to speak again. "I am an extremely busy person. But I do try to make time for my family. I've sufficiently answered your inquiry so how about you do some of mine. Tit for tat. One thing I'd like to know is what you were doing in this part of the woods. I made sure its not on any map in order to detour guest. The other thing I'd like to know Is what are your intentions with my daughter? "

Eien would interrupt after the second question was asked." That is an easy one Mother. There both hormonal humans... They even was hugging in the woods earlier And she offered him to come live with her. it was So romantic." Ivy's face would turn beet red and she would seem to be paralyzed with embarrassment.

Suzu would simple look at Sollux and ask." Is that true?"
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