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The Site Hideyoshi
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Yet Another Rouge Empty Yet Another Rouge

Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:43 pm
It was an average day for most. Most peoples work had gone normally, and nothing out of the ordinary. However, for one young Shinigami, he wasn't so lucky. Snopy Saika hadn't exactly had a horrible day, but to say it was good would be a blatant lie. He had to redo most of the work he did the day before because someone screwed up and lost the papers. He basically was forced to do two days worth of paperwork in the time it should only take to do one days. It was at times like this that he couldn't stand his Squad. For some reason it got so much paperwork recently that they had to ask some lower ranks to help out. Under normal circumstances, a 4th seat didn't have much to do in the way of paper work.

Snopy sighed as he exited the barracks and headed for the nearest gate out to Rukongai. By the look on his face, no one would even be able to tell his day had gone bad. In fact, he was little more than irritated at the whole thing. After everything he just felt like going through Rukongai and forgetting about it. He thanked the gate keeper as he opened the gate and Snopy simply began to wander aimlessly.

The Shinigami was 5'10, with blonde hair going down to his shoulders. An odd feature of this character was that his left eye was a bright pink while his right was a deep purple. He wore a standard Shihakusho, except his was missing it's left sleeve. At his hip was a Zanpakutō, which looked like a standard Katana.

He spent a good 30 minutes simply walking in the opposite direction away from Seireitei. Afterwards, he simply wandered in whatever direction he felt like. It went well for a few minutes, but as always, something interrupted it. He turned, fist out, having it smash into someone's face. The person fell to the ground as Snopy asked. You do realize I don't really have a pocket on this thing right? The guy jumped up and tried to run but Snopy moved and grabbed him by the shirt. Hold up there speedy, I haven't shown you your prize. Snopy put on an extremely friendly smile, and the pickpocket calmed down just a bit. That was before Snopy pulled out his Zanpakutō and rammed it into the guy's crotch. Congratulations, you may leave now. Snopy turned and he himself left, seeing as the man would be in too much pain to move. If you don't want it to happen again I'd suggest you stop trying to rob people He looked on the ground, seeing a knife had been knocked out of his hand. Snopy placed his foot on it, and crushed it. With all the rust it wasn't very hard to do.

That was all he did. He allowed the man to live, seeing as Snopy wasn't generally fond of taking a life. He figured the hilt to the crotch would be enough to stop him. Though Snopy wouldn't have been surprised or upset if someone ended up killing the thief. He quickly stopped and looked up. Here, he noticed someone with a high spiritual power was nearby. Snopy prayed he was better than the thief whom had tried to mug him.

Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:58 pm
Baz didn't seem to care about his walk being disturbed, the pickpocket made a mistake. This mistake came two seconds later, when he tried to pick the pocket of well Baz. A loud cracking noise could be heard, Baz had broken his neck with one hand and simply dropped him. The guy's little knife threat hadn't been worth it, his honor deemed the man worth killing. Those who picked pockets when better things stood ahead of them. His eyes of a hollow like yellow observed ahead, a Shinigami out here. Obviously not here to bring about the beginning of good will towards men, these people didn't care about the Rukongai. Only those who made it in got anywhere, he was rather sick of starving people being ignored. Honor had been served and justice dealt to the man who'd done it.

The mess was well now he'd done it what was the next course of action for him to do, Baz wasn't exactly sure why but he suspected that man may of had a purpose here. Baz turned around to the dead man who faded away. "Find Honor." It was simply his last words to the dead, before he began walking away once again. Would anything else happen, well time and the deities would be the deciding factor for it all. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on here, but this was odd to say the least. Baz wasn't about to lay a claim to ideals that he didn't understand. He continued his walk back home now, he wasn't really sure why but it led past the member of the Soul Society. But he kept an active and ready to fight mind just incase.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:27 pm
Snopy had been waiting to see what would happen. Every time he sensed another being's energy in Rukongai he was attacked. Be they rouge Shinigami or hollow. Though part of him just said to leave, he felt he had to see who had that energy. He navigated the streets a little until he ended up directly in front of the man he had sensed. It was a rather open area, which Snopy was thankful for in case he needed to fight. He preferred not to blow the place up if he had to throw out a spell. He had his right hand on the hilt of his Zanpakutō, ready in case he needed to defend himself. In truth he would have to draw with his left hand, since he was left handed and the sword was sheathed on his right. But it would certainly be easier to draw if he used his right hand to loosen it up a bit.

Snopy looked straight at the man and spoke in his usual relaxed tone. Excuse me, but if it isn't too much trouble might I ask what you're doing out here? It probably isn't my business I know, but seeing as you could probably slaughter just about every man, woman, and child in the area I feel I'd better check. I'll get straight to the point, you aren't planning on doing that are you? If you do plan on going on a killing spree, then I suppose my conscious will not allow me to simply walk away, no matter the difference in power. I've seen enough slaughter in my lifetime, and I'd prefer to prevent more. Snopy was being perfectly blunt. He was almost never quite this blunt. He wondered if maybe he had been spending too much time around Kanna. He thought it was kind of funny, but kept a straight face. Snopy needed to know the man's intentions. He had already seen enough slaughtered in his life, so he would not leave if it would happen again. He was aware of the difference in power between the two of them, yet he found himself not caring. He wasn't being cocky or arrogant, he just knew he wouldn't forgive himself if he ran and it ended up getting people killed. To top it off, he had a feeling this guy wasn't bad, he just had to check.

Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:13 am
Baz wasn't really sure why this one felt he'd done anything, this man could if he wanted to kill them all. But it wasn't in his code. Baz shook his head left to right, to say no he wasn't planning to, he didn't like talking to strangers as childish as it sounded. He didn't really grasp why people cared when ones like him made a choice to stay away from the other places, Baz didn't agree with the Soul Society. those who went to that place often forget those outside of it, he didn't truly grasp what those within did anyways. A war and many other things had broken out among the people, his yellow eyes glanced around. Perhaps this would become an incident of some sort, he didn't really know. Yes Shinigami who got Zanpakutos and learned their name were able to master the powers that came with. The true strength of someone only came out when they had something worth protecting.

The man was blunt but he had a right to be, he hoped perhaps he'd understand that Baz wasn't a man of chatty nature. He reached down, on his belt thinking about a couple inventions that hadn't been up to the par he wanted them to be. His Honor hadn't been insulted and well this one was simply a concerned man, why that wouldn't mother anyone with half a brain.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:56 am
As the man shook his head, Snopy eased off of his Zanpakutō. He could still draw it in a moments notice if necessary, so there was little harm in easing up. The man had basically said no, which Snopy was glad for. Snopy would have fought if he had to, but if this man had intent to kill, Snopy would be in a pretty sticky situation. The vibe the man had given off though, was enough to trust the simple gesture. That's a relief. For a second there I thought I was in trouble. Snopy noticed how utterly quiet the man was being, though Snopy had seen a lot in his life.

I'm going to guess you're the strong silent type. Well, whatever suits you it doesn't really matter to me. Snopy was acting as he usually did. Friendly and laid-back. Though he had a feeling the man wouldn't really care if he was friendly or not, not that Snopy cared. The name is Snopy Saika. Might I inquire as to what yours is? Snopy once again started using unnecessarily complex words, though as usual he didn't notice. Most normal people didn't use inquire so casually. Either way, Snopy attempted to be pleasant and friendly, which for him wasn't difficult. The reason may have been that he wanted to get more of a bearing on what this guy was doing. Though if the man chose not to give out any information, Snopy wouldn't hold it against him.

Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:19 pm
Baz gave a nod, his attention seemed to be drawn away. He was watching the distance, because normally out here hollows came rather frequently. Baz wasn't sure why, but this placed seemed to warrant a certain guard that most people kept up, he listened and thought before he gave his name. Baz had not given out his real identity in what felt like ages, the time for his moving forward was beginning to feel a bit more lost. He'd ended up here after a rather long journey, it had been a while. But before he got absorbed with his sob story of a sorry life. He brought his attention back to the man. It was time he gave him the name everyone called him, though it was a slight disrespect to not give your true name. Everyone here had reasons for the choices they'd made, women who sat on the corner were just people of the community that would never make it was past those white walls. They were what people called the 50% of the Soul Society that never did make it beyond the wall. Truth be told he could, but he didn't know the story of what was coming or how far it was gonna come.

" Baz." Baz answered him, glancing towards the distances now again, he seemed to be ready for enemies to arrive. He'd lived here for long enough to break it into a time frame, he didn't know why but this guy seemed to be waiting just like him for something.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:51 pm
It was a rather short answer, but it was as much as Snopy had expected to get out of him. He thought about it for a moment. Baz didn't seem like a normal name. Of course, Snopy knew he had no right to judge, his name was even stranger. He had never gotten a straight answer on why he was given his name, and now he couldn't seeing as his family was gone and all. Snopy looked over to the side for a moment. He had a really bad feeling. Like, a REALLY bad feeling. These feelings of his were usually right too, which worried him. Though he was the suicide mission expert of the Gotei, seeing as they always seemed to send him to certain death, which he somehow always finds a way out of. With the crap they sent him on he should be dead. Yet he had pulled through and here he was.

He looked back toward Baz. Why do I have the feeling you feel it too. That something isn't quite right here. His voice was completely calm, with the crap he had been through, he was used to it. Snopy had a feeling the two would have to work together in a bit, if (by if Snopy means when) something were to show up. He let out a long sigh as he gazed into the distance. This was not his number one way to spend an evening, but he had possible threats to deal with. Running...never crossed his mind.

Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:50 pm
Baz wasn't seeming to show much expression, a fellow warriors tood next to him and for what was coming it would require perhaps some agreement. He closed those yellow orbs, giving his full thought on the coming fight. He'd be speaking more with Snopy than anyone had ever heard him do before. Baz pulled his sword out slowly, this would pry be the most he'd spoken since he was a child. it was time for them to begin in earnest, well he knew about the group coming. They were over a 100 strong, Baz didn't wish to release his Zanpakutō. But perhaps that's what it would take to make them see this was his town, not theirs.

"Perhaps I have found a common spirit among the tarnished spirits around here..A fellow warrior of the old code.. let us begin..this dance of the macabre. Snopy." That was the first time he broke his silence, truthfully it made him sick to his stomach. But what could one do with this world, he needed his words to show things. But from here on the silence he showed was the code of a samurai of the days forgotten. He brought both hands on his sword, letting a sigh fall from his lips. They were coming, he could see them now a couple Shinigami among them, the others appeared to be maybe low level of a meaningless nature.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:35 am
Snopy listened to the man's words and sighed, he was afraid of this. He was sick and tired of all the shit that happened in Rukongai. Yet, his personal beliefs refused to allow him to leave. Gripping his right hand on the sheathe, he flicked his thumb pushing the sword the first bit of the way out of its sheathe. He then lowered his left hand, gripped it, and drew it out. Snopy gazed into the distance as he tried to pick up what was coming. Hollow, no, definitely not. The signatures were nothing like Hollow. Bandits was the word that came to mind. They felt like Rukongai citizens, save a few. Yes, a few of them were different. Shinigami. His voiced echoed throughout the currently empty streets.

That word escaped his lips, it was a serious tone. He had no idealistic or optimistic views on Shinigami. He knew that some were just bad people. Some would love nothing more than to use any means to acquire what they want. That did not fly in Snopy's book. Though he did not have his Shikai, he was sure his arsenal of spells would suffice. He gripped his blade in his left hand, as he felt the vibrations of those who approached. The wind howled across the land. It was a strange silence, as some would put, the calm before the storm. Metaphorically speaking, this was a mere rain shower, and Snopy had many times survived Typhoons. To him, this would be nothing.

Yet Another Rouge Empty Re: Yet Another Rouge

Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:22 am
Baz himself had fought in wars, this place wasn't much different. His digits softly coiled around his sword, perhaps it was about time he did something about them. Would releasing his shikai cause problems here, that was the major issue that popped up almost soon as he considered it. People would die most likely if he did such a thing, what was the gain of such a meaningless goal. He tried to consider the possible outcomes, but he didn't really have time to care. Baz sighed and pointed his sword outwards, it was about time they got a taste of a Zanpakutō's shikai. He'd fought several of them and let them live. But now it was time for the War God to show himself and make himself known.

"Cry out for War Bishamonten." His sword soon began to shift, growing a bit into an heavier looking blade. He glanced at it, giving it a few experimental swings. He glanced towards the other, the warrior didn't seem to far ahead of this yet. He glanced towards the creatures that were coming, it seemed the time for talk was indeed over. Moving his form slowly, he pointed his sword towards them now that it had been changed into shikai. A small bracelet could be seen on his left appendage. It's meaning wasn't something most found out just yet.
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