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Midsummer Nightmare Empty Midsummer Nightmare

Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:43 pm
A war had been brewing for months, hollows had been building up for days in the Zaraki District that the man known simply as the other guy had blown to hell, it appeared though that he hadn't finished what he'd been planning to do. His power had called forth Menos Grande of every shape and size, it appeared as though hundreds of hollows had arrived there. Perhaps more, the zone was a crater from the explosion no life signs where able to be located, the hollows were pushing forward towards another district of the Rukongai, Captains would be sent out that part was certain. Few knew what to expect of this next battle that was about to begin, war was an absolute. No ways out or means of escape were available to them. They would simply have to fight for whatever they could to stay alive, thing's weren't going to be simple this time. The hollows weren't organizaed by a mind thankfully, however the numbers were beyond one Captain or two Captain's alone to overcome solo. The call had gone out, the sound of an eremgency could be heard through out the Soul Society.

So far Jaeden's Squad was known to take part, however the Captain had left ahead of time to get there quickly His reasons behind it were rather simple. A while back, a mission had gone foul and he'd been the one in charge, he blamed himself for not telling them the truth. But he'd been told the deaths of hundreds would happen if Jaeden did tell them, the other guy would of blown up all those districts together. Was this a facade another lie? It wasn't the time to find out the answers, war was brewing and it was time to heed the call. This Midsummer's Nightmare wouldn't just vanish for wishful thinking. It would disappear only at the edge of a blade, those who came to fight would be friend or foe. It was an unknown surrounded by hundreds of unknowns. The Crow clan had mobilized for if one member had gone to war, all must attend. Jaeden was their Leader the clan though small was able to fight Zanjutsu with the best of them.

Ten Thousands fists would go into the air this day, war would begin anew without end. Perhaps they would all die trying to rectify a mistake he made, Jaeden wasn't ordinarily eager for battle. But this time as the exception he hungered for an end, redemption. He left a note, to be sent to Kaminari the friend whom he'd lost to that mission. Disclosing the full information his possible death to her. This was his only way of atonement for the sin of betraying a friend, perhaps losing his life would bring about a peaceful solution. Seiryu had fully shown his life would be the thing that brought about a truth. This wasn't a time for peace or serenity, he wasn't trying to gain closeness. Jaeden was attempting to bring up his inner hate and devil. Attempting to awaken the anger that brought those crimson eyes to life, said to send chills down the spine of even the bravest man. One Captain had arrived on the scene, who would be the next to come, who would be next to this hell on earth?

Jaeden's digits slowly pulled the sword free, their would be no peace, no words. They would die and that was the simple truth, Jaeden wasn't here for peace or hope. He brought death on the edge of a blade. That was his duty this time, his letter was sped off to Kaminari. This was it, he would fight here and fight till he lost all his energy on the task. Nothing else was important, his Squad and family would arrive soon to this wasteland of War. and the true depth would begin. He stood on a rock looking across the valley like crater, seeing the thousands of hollows gathering. Simply fighting them wouldn't bring about an end to the numbers, more were still coming. So another way to die had come to life, this was his ending, well perhaps he should bring some closer. Jaeden cleared his throat as he began to speak, letting his words form. Jaeden would say only these words to those who were coming here. It was important he get it off his chest, now under this blazing red sky. Truth would set him free.

"I have been a fool most of my life, I have rushed into war time and time again with a chance to even speak my final thoughts, this time I shall say them and than..I'll butcher these creatures...I've found love many times in this world, a love of friends, my Division, family, and hope. I found hope and a reason worth living, someone I have to express my feelings too, we each have someone back waiting for us and don't even realize it. Be it a best friend, someone we care deeply for. Something worth dying to protect, after the past couple days I found my reason. I would tell her now, but I don't wish to cloud my judgment here on this battlefield, love is an emotion best served away from the fields of war.I may be new to the warmth of it, but we will win this battle and the time will come with an end. My final words to those that can hear them, can reach them. Are simply, I am going to put everything on the line to protect the people. The Zanjutsu Division has come for blood."

Jaeden's words echoed out loud across the valley and back, all who were in a 100 mile radius could hear him clearly. His voice near the end began to darken, you could detect an almost blood lust about him. His spiritual pressure began to rise as Jaeden prepared to fight, the hollows seemed to read the emotion this was a signal flare almost. They began their march, it appeared the war of the Midsummer Nightmare had begun, it's march would only be met with swords and power. He hoped perhaps another Captain arrived, this place wouldn't be of much use any further, perhaps just a memory. This was the place where he would utter those words, no mercy and no joking. He wouldn't play around with these hollows, it was time for war. Storms boomed in the skies, lighting flashed and thunder roared. It was time for the eternal dance of death to begin, Jaeden's Zanpakutō sparked to life sending small jolts of lighting across his body as the gauntlet began to form. War has begun.
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Midsummer Nightmare Empty Re: Midsummer Nightmare

Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:52 pm
[Kurosaki Ichigo]

War. War never changes.

Ichigo had slowly come to that realization as well. It had been over 400 years by now that he fought against Aizen at the side of the Shinigami of Soul Society, and almost just as long since their other wars against enemies like Ender. And each and every one of them had cost them many lives on their side as well - so when the alarm was sounded all over the Seireitei, Ichigo was one of the first to jump up in his office, grab Zangetsu and storm out into the open. The tragedy that had befallen an entire district had been bad enough - but if the reports were true, then something far worse was happening right now.
Without thinking much, Ichigo stormed through the barracks of his squad. Being a Captain... he was still not entirely used to it. This task involved a lot of responsibility, but most importantly... It also meant that in situations like this, he would go out first and crash into the danger. And if he did his job well, then nobody would be sacrificed in THIS particular war! But still, he had to give SOME instructions to his men, or otherwise the Vizard would not still be in Seireitei, but in the air and dashing towards the emerging threat. So it was nothing strange when suddenly, his fist banged hard against a door - it almost broke under his light taps.
"Oi! Coming in!" Without waiting another moment after his rash words, he bursted through the door - if it had been locked or not, he couldn't say later on and surely didn't care too much either. His eyes didn't even really see the person here, he was already halfway gone, so to speak. This was the room of his Vice-Captain, obviously.
"Tell everyone to gear up and move towards the Hollow signals in groups of around six, then follow me." Turning around, he had already almost left the room before turning his head around again. "Sorry to leave all the work to you again, but I want to stop this before it even begins. I have to hurry. ... And whatever you do out there, don't die, okay? I'll be there to protect you guys. Call for me." With his last, way friendlier words, Ichigo sent a small smile the way of his first seat - and then disappeared with a Shunpo faster than any normal Shinigami.

Later on, Ichigo didn't remember how he got into the air, but now he was almost at his target location - dashing through the empty airspace as fast as he could, jumping forward with Shunpo after Shunpo. He was barely more than a black shooting star - his robes fluttered in the wind, and his spiky orange hair was even pressed backwards a bit. The fast speed made him squint his eyes a little, but Ichigo never once slowed down. The 13th Captain of the Soul Society had no time to lose, and no mind for feeling exhaustion. His heart was beating slightly faster - the anticipation of a massive battle. Even though his senses were quite literally almost useless, he could still feel the sheer amount of Hollows right infront of him.
Clenching his teeth, Ichigo sped towards the ground, jumped off of it with another Shunpo and appeared to the right of the first Captain to arrive on the scene - just as he gave a final speech before the battle. Midsummer Nightmare - a truly fitting name for this spectacle. A sheer endless horde. But if his past fights had tought Ichigo anything, then it was that all fights and all wars had an end. He remembered clearly how even the incredibly long and torterous fight with Ulquiorra had come to an end, and finally, the war against Aizen and his evergrowing power. Now, the right hand of the former substitute Shinigami moved onto the hilt of Zangetsu - as the sword was drawn, the white cloth acting as the sheath retracted a bit, and the last piece fluttered about in the wind.
//There's always wind, isn't there.//

His head turned towards the other figher - Jaeden. He gave a small nod of confirmation towards the other warrior, his ever-present frown growing deeper than before.
"These things want to destroy everything we protect. Compared to real threats, they are pathetic, with nothing but the desire to destroy." With Ichigo's words, the Hollows stormed towards him as well - without holding back, his Reiatsu peaked into heights, and crashed into the area. The aura caused by it was like a wave of raw force - the first Hollows got blown into complete pieces by that alone, the ones behind them were thrown backwards to be trampled by their own brethren. Or eaten. Or both. This was a true display of the raw power within Kurosaki Ichigo.
"I will not lose... And we will not lose anything on this day!"
With his last word, Zangetsu lashed out, like a living piece of metal. A screech, and the Hollow hit by the blade was blown away, cut in half by the force of it - and even the ones behind it stumbled in their path, some even getting cuts from the raw strength behind it. More Hollows started to swarm towards Ichigo - and behind his eyes, the blue swirl of energy could be seen within him. A glow that extended over onto his Zanpakutō and his entire body, blue in color, like his normal Reiatsu, and then...

"Getsuga Tenshou!"

If you wanted to call the speech of Jaeden loud, then this scream topped even that. A stream, a blade, of blue, pure energy released from Zangetsu - carving the way through both the crater and all Hollows in a direct line infront of Ichigo. This was not simply aimed at a single Hollow - this attack was more than strong enough to whipe a big group of them out instantly. And with that, the battle had truly begun - as the Vizard dashed forward, and Zangetsu glided through the air. The song of war could now be heard - screams, swords with their song as they glided through the air, and the sickening sound of weapons hitting flesh.

Midsummer Nightmare 1zz6irn
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Midsummer Nightmare Empty Re: Midsummer Nightmare

Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:52 am

Walking through the devestated sector of the Seireitei was a massive man, standing in at over six feet four inches tall and tipped the scale at over two hundred and fourty pounds, this behemoth was known lately as simply Kaito. His uniform was tattered and showed the symbol for the ninth division, when he had heard about the amassing hollows in this sector he had gone back to his barracks and changed into the most beat up uniform he could find. He didnt want to ruin a new and perfectly tailored uniform for this.

He hadn't even heard about the amassing hollows through the usual grapevine, it had been from an assistant who was sending a message to another officer, a message that he had just happened to see being written. Part of him had feelings hurt that they hadn't contacted him to join the fight, but oh well, he currently didn't have any orders that were pressing, so he decided that he would stick his nose in where it probably didn't belong.

He shook his head as he walked through the devestation, for the moment ignoring some plea's for help from the injured. He was not here to help them, he was here to help the Soul Society as a whole, his eyes narrowed as he spotted a couple of people in the distance, there was only two...they were either strong, or insane....more likely then not both, just like him. He smiled with a grin that would scare some people as he moved towards them just in time to watch both of them attack.

He reached down and drew out his Katana, and whispered "Tetsu no tamashī wa, chikyū no tsuyo-sa which translates loosely to 'Soul of Iron, strength of Earth' the sword in his hand didn't seem to change in size much, but in appearance it did, it changed from the metal of a normal katana, and changed to what appeared to be a heavy and dense stone.

He didn't make any fancy speaches nor did he scream out in anger he just moved forwards, like an unstoppable juggernaut as he waded into the largest swarm of weaker hollows, swinging his sword around and cutting them down as best as he could. His iron skin doing its best to fend off attacks from claws and bites of the weaker strengthed hollows, his return attacks would be of visous strength (master Level).

He'd whip around drawing his secondary katana from its sheath and flung the secondary katana through the air with incredible strength attempting to spear a hollow right between the eyes of its mask as it attempted to sneak up on Jaeden, The attack would be so close to Jaeden that he would actually feel the breeze from the passing weapon as it passed over his shoulder and at the hollow.


Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Midsummer Nightmare Empty Re: Midsummer Nightmare

Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:49 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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Midsummer Nightmare Empty Re: Midsummer Nightmare

Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:13 pm


The Creator has left the Site.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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